Commit 33e2f4f6 authored by's avatar

Bug 412725: WebService functions to get information about a User

Patch by Noura Elhawary <> - r=mkanat, a=mkanat
parent 5aba1b12
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ use constant WS_ERROR_CODE => {
account_disabled => 301,
auth_invalid_email => 302,
extern_id_conflict => -303,
auth_failure => 304,
# User errors are 500-600.
account_exists => 500,
......@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ use constant WS_ERROR_CODE => {
# This is from strict_isolation, but it also basically means
# "invalid user."
invalid_user_group => 504,
user_access_by_id_denied => 505,
# These are the fallback defaults for errors not in ERROR_CODE.
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Marc Schumann <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Mads Bondo Dydensborg <>
# Noura Elhawary <>
package Bugzilla::WebService::User;
......@@ -119,6 +120,83 @@ sub create {
return { id => type('int')->value($user->id) };
# function to return user information by passing either user ids or
# login names or both together:
# $call = $rpc->call( 'User.get', { ids => [1,2,3],
# names => ['', ''] });
sub get {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my @user_objects;
@user_objects = map { Bugzilla::User->check($_) } @{ $params->{names} }
if $params->{names};
# start filtering to remove duplicate user ids
my %unique_users = map { $_->id => $_ } @user_objects;
@user_objects = values %unique_users;
my @users;
# If the user is not logged in: Return an error if they passed any user ids.
# Otherwise, return a limited amount of information based on login names.
if (!Bugzilla->user->id){
if ($params->{ids}){
@users = map {{
id => type('int')->value($_->id),
real_name => type('string')->value($_->name),
name => type('string')->value($_->login),
}} @user_objects;
return { users => \@users };
my $obj_by_ids;
$obj_by_ids = Bugzilla::User->new_from_list($params->{ids}) if $params->{ids};
# obj_by_ids are only visible to the user if he can see
# the otheruser, for non visible otheruser throw an error
foreach my $obj (@$obj_by_ids){
if (Bugzilla->user->can_see_user($obj)){
push (@user_objects, $obj) if !$unique_users{$obj->id};
else {
ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {reason => "not_visible",
action => "access",
object => "user",
userid => $obj->id});
if (Bugzilla->user->in_group('editusers')) {
@users =
map {{
id => type('int')->value($_->id),
real_name => type('string')->value($_->name),
name => type('string')->value($_->login),
email => type('string')->value($_->email),
can_login => type('boolean')->value(!($_->is_disabled)),
email_enabled => type('boolean')->value($_->email_enabled),
login_denied_text => type('string')->value($_->disabledtext),
}} @user_objects;
else {
@users =
map {{
id => type('int')->value($_->id),
real_name => type('string')->value($_->name),
name => type('string')->value($_->login),
email => type('string')->value($_->email),
can_login => type('boolean')->value(!($_->is_disabled)),
}} @user_objects;
return { users => \@users };
......@@ -310,3 +388,101 @@ password is over ten characters.)
=head2 User Info
=item C<get> B<UNSTABLE>
=item B<Description>
Gets information about user accounts in Bugzilla.
=item B<Params>
At least one of the following two parameters must be specified:
=item C<ids> (array) - An array of integers, representing user ids.
Logged-out users cannot pass this parameter to this function. If they try,
they will get an error. Logged-in users will get an error if they specify the
id of a user they cannot see.
=item C<names> (array) - An array of login names (strings).
=item B<Returns>
A hash containing one item, C<users>, that is an array of
hashes. Each hash describes a user, and has the following items:
=item id
C<int> The unique integer ID that Bugzilla uses to represent this user.
Even if the user's login name changes, this will not change.
=item real_name
C<string> The actual name of the user. May be blank.
=item email
C<string> The email address of the user.
=item name
C<string> The login name of the user. Note that in some situations this is
different than their email.
=item can_login
C<boolean> A boolean value to indicate if the user can login into bugzilla.
=item email_enabled
C<boolean> A boolean value to indicate if bug-related mail will be sent
to the user or not.
=item login_denied_text
C<string> A text field that holds the reason for disabling a user from logging
into bugzilla, if empty then the user account is enabled. Otherwise it is
B<Note>: If you are not logged in to Bugzilla when you call this function, you
will only be returned the C<id>, C<name>, and C<real_name> items. If you are
logged in and not in editusers group, you will only be returned the C<id>, C<name>,
C<real_name>, C<email>, and C<can_login> items.
=item B<Errors>
=item 51 (Bad Login Name)
You passed an invalid login name in the "names" array.
=item 304 (Authorization Required)
You are logged in, but you are not authorized to see one of the users you
wanted to get information about by user id.
=item 505 (User Access By Id Denied)
Logged-out users cannot use the "ids" argument to this function to access
any user information.
......@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@
[% ELSIF object == "timetracking_summaries" %]
time-tracking summary reports
[% ELSIF object == "user" %]
the user you specified
the user [% IF userid %] with ID '[% userid FILTER html %]'
[% ELSE %]you specified [% END %]
[% ELSIF object == "users" %]
[% ELSIF object == "versions" %]
......@@ -1590,6 +1591,11 @@
[% title = "Illegal User ID" %]
User ID '[% userid FILTER html %]' is not valid integer.
[% ELSIF error == "user_access_by_id_denied" %]
[% title = "User Access By Id Denied" %]
Logged-out users cannot use the "ids" argument to this function
to access any user information.
[% ELSE %]
[%# Try to find hooked error messages %]
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