Commit 4a8ab2af authored by Simon Green's avatar Simon Green

Bug 914986 - Create Bug.update_attachment to update attachments via RPC/REST

r=dkl, a=sgreen
parent 0ced6fe0
......@@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ sub update {
undef, ($timestamp, $self->id));
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $self->bug_id));
$self->{modification_time} = $timestamp;
return $changes;
......@@ -735,6 +735,87 @@ sub add_attachment {
return { ids => \@created_ids };
sub update_attachment {
my ($self, $params) = validate(@_, 'ids');
my $user = Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $ids = delete $params->{ids};
defined $ids || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'ids' });
# Some fields cannot be sent to set_all
foreach my $key (qw(login password token)) {
delete $params->{$key};
# We can't update flags, and summary is really description
delete $params->{flags};
if (exists $params->{summary}) {
$params->{description} = delete $params->{summary};
# Get all the attachments, after verifying that they exist and are editable
my @attachments = ();
my %bugs = ();
foreach my $id (@$ids) {
my $attachment = Bugzilla::Attachment->new($id)
|| ThrowUserError("invalid_attach_id", { attach_id => $id });
my $bug = $attachment->bug;
|| ThrowUserError("illegal_attachment_edit", { attach_id => $id });
push @attachments, $attachment;
$bugs{$bug->id} = $bug;
# Update the values
foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
# Do the actual update and get information to return to user
my @result;
foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
my $changes = $attachment->update();
my %hash = (
id => $self->type('int', $attachment->id),
last_change_time => $self->type('dateTime', $attachment->modification_time),
changes => {},
foreach my $field (keys %$changes) {
my $change = $changes->{$field};
# Description is shown as summary to the user
$field = 'summary' if $field eq 'description';
# We normalize undef to an empty string, so that the API
# stays consistent for things like Deadline that can become
# empty.
$hash{changes}->{$field} = {
removed => $self->type('string', $change->[0] // ''),
added => $self->type('string', $change->[1] // '')
push(@result, \%hash);
# Email users about the change
foreach my $bug (values %bugs) {
Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug->id, { 'changer' => $user });
# Return the information to the user
return { attachments => \@result };
sub add_comment {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
......@@ -2945,6 +3026,156 @@ You set the "data" field to an empty string.
=head2 update_attachment
=item B<Description>
This allows you to update attachment metadata in Bugzilla.
=item B<REST>
To update attachment metadata on a current attachment:
PUT /bug/attachment/<attach_id>
The params to include in the POST body, as well as the returned
data format are the same as below. The C<ids> param will be
overridden as it it pulled from the URL path.
=item B<Params>
=item C<ids>
B<Required> C<array> An array of integers -- the ids of the attachments you
want to update.
=item C<file_name>
C<string> The "file name" that will be displayed
in the UI for this attachment.
=item C<summary>
C<string> A short string describing the
=item C<content_type>
C<string> The MIME type of the attachment, like
C<text/plain> or C<image/png>.
=item C<is_patch>
C<boolean> True if Bugzilla should treat this attachment as a patch.
If you specify this, you do not need to specify a C<content_type>.
The C<content_type> of the attachment will be forced to C<text/plain>.
=item C<is_private>
C<boolean> True if the attachment should be private (restricted
to the "insidergroup"), False if the attachment should be public.
=item C<is_obsolete>
C<boolean> True if the attachment is obsolete, False otherwise.
=item B<Returns>
A C<hash> with a single field, "attachment". This points to an array of hashes
with the following fields:
=item C<id>
C<int> The id of the attachment that was updated.
=item C<last_change_time>
C<dateTime> The exact time that this update was done at, for this attachment.
If no update was done (that is, no fields had their values changed and
no comment was added) then this will instead be the last time the attachment
was updated.
=item C<changes>
C<hash> The changes that were actually done on this bug. The keys are
the names of the fields that were changed, and the values are a hash
with two keys:
=item C<added> (C<string>) The values that were added to this field.
possibly a comma-and-space-separated list if multiple values were added.
=item C<removed> (C<string>) The values that were removed from this
Here's an example of what a return value might look like:
attachments => [
id => 123,
last_change_time => '2010-01-01T12:34:56',
changes => {
summary => {
removed => 'Sample ptach',
added => 'Sample patch'
is_obsolete => {
removed => '0',
added => '1',
=item B<Errors>
This method can throw all the same errors as L</get>, plus:
=item 601 (Invalid MIME Type)
You specified a C<content_type> argument that was blank, not a valid
MIME type, or not a MIME type that Bugzilla accepts for attachments.
=item 603 (File Name Not Specified)
You did not specify a valid for the C<file_name> argument.
=item 604 (Summary Required)
You did not specify a value for the C<summary> argument.
=item B<History>
=item Added in Bugzilla B<5.0>.
=head2 add_comment
......@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ sub _rest_resources {
params => sub {
return { attachment_ids => [ $_[0] ] };
PUT => {
method => 'update_attachment',
params => sub {
return { ids => [ $_[0] ] };
qr{^/field/bug$}, {
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