Commit 64dcdcd3 authored by's avatar

Bug 285380: Bugzilla::DB::Schema uses ThrowCodeError incorrectly (Second Patch)

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=joel, a=justdave
parent bc4e5744
......@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ sub get_table_columns {
my @ddl = ();
my $thash = $self->{schema}{$table};
ThrowCodeError("Table $table does not exist in the database schema.")
die "Table $table does not exist in the database schema."
unless (ref($thash));
my @columns = ();
......@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ sub get_table_ddl {
my($self, $table) = @_;
my @ddl = ();
ThrowCodeError("Table $table does not exist in the database schema.")
die "Table $table does not exist in the database schema."
unless (ref($self->{schema}{$table}));
my $create_table = $self->_get_create_table_ddl($table);
......@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ sub _get_create_table_ddl {
my($self, $table) = @_;
my $thash = $self->{schema}{$table};
ThrowCodeError("Table $table does not exist in the database schema.")
die "Table $table does not exist in the database schema."
unless (ref($thash));
my $create_table = "CREATE TABLE $table \(\n";
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