Commit 6d3857e3 authored by Byron Jones's avatar Byron Jones

Bug 977969: concatenate and slightly minify css files

r=gerv, a=glob
parent fca0b6cb
......@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
......@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ sub FILESYSTEM {
"$datadir/db" => { files => CGI_WRITE,
dirs => DIR_CGI_WRITE },
"$skinsdir/assets" => { files => WS_SERVE,
# Readable directories
"$datadir/mining" => { files => CGI_READ,
......@@ -269,6 +271,7 @@ sub FILESYSTEM {
$attachdir => DIR_CGI_WRITE,
"$skinsdir/assets" => DIR_CGI_WRITE | DIR_ALSO_WS_SERVE,
# Directories that contain content served directly by the web server.
"$skinsdir/custom" => DIR_WS_SERVE,
"$skinsdir/contrib" => DIR_WS_SERVE,
......@@ -475,6 +478,7 @@ EOT
sub _remove_empty_css_files {
......@@ -519,6 +523,14 @@ sub _convert_single_file_skins {
# delete all automatically generated css files to force recreation at the next
# request.
sub _remove_dynamic_css_files {
foreach my $file (glob(bz_locations()->{skinsdir} . '/assets/*.css')) {
sub create_htaccess {
......@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ use Bugzilla::Token;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use MIME::Base64;
use Date::Format ();
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(rmtree mkpath);
use File::Slurp;
use File::Spec;
use IO::Dir;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx);
......@@ -422,10 +424,12 @@ sub mtime_filter {
# Set up the skin CSS cascade:
# 1. YUI CSS
# 2. Standard Bugzilla stylesheet set (persistent)
# 3. Third-party "skin" stylesheet set, per user prefs (persistent)
# 4. Custom Bugzilla stylesheet set (persistent)
# 1. standard/global.css
# 2. YUI CSS
# 3. Standard Bugzilla stylesheet set
# 4. Third-party "skin" stylesheet set, per user prefs
# 5. Inline css passed to global/header.html.tmpl
# 6. Custom Bugzilla stylesheet set
sub css_files {
my ($style_urls, $yui, $yui_css) = @_;
......@@ -449,6 +453,11 @@ sub css_files {
# build unified
$by_type{unified_standard_skin} = _concatenate_css($by_type{standard},
$by_type{unified_custom} = _concatenate_css($by_type{custom});
return \%by_type;
......@@ -457,22 +466,21 @@ sub _css_link_set {
my %set = (standard => mtime_filter($file_name));
# We use (^|/) to allow Extensions to use the skins system if they
# want.
if ($file_name !~ m{(^|/)skins/standard/}) {
# We use (?:^|/) to allow Extensions to use the skins system if they want.
if ($file_name !~ m{(?:^|/)skins/standard/}) {
return \%set;
my $skin = Bugzilla->user->settings->{skin}->{value};
my $cgi_path = bz_locations()->{'cgi_path'};
my $skin_file_name = $file_name;
$skin_file_name =~ s{(^|/)skins/standard/}{skins/contrib/$skin/};
$skin_file_name =~ s{(?:^|/)skins/standard/}{skins/contrib/$skin/};
if (my $mtime = _mtime("$cgi_path/$skin_file_name")) {
$set{skin} = mtime_filter($skin_file_name, $mtime);
my $custom_file_name = $file_name;
$custom_file_name =~ s{(^|/)skins/standard/}{skins/custom/};
$custom_file_name =~ s{(?:^|/)skins/standard/}{skins/custom/};
if (my $custom_mtime = _mtime("$cgi_path/$custom_file_name")) {
$set{custom} = mtime_filter($custom_file_name, $custom_mtime);
......@@ -480,6 +488,62 @@ sub _css_link_set {
return \%set;
sub _concatenate_css {
my @sources = map { @$_ } @_;
return unless @sources;
my %files =
map {
(my $file = $_) =~ s/(^[^\?]+).+/$1/;
$_ => $file;
} @sources;
my $cgi_path = bz_locations()->{cgi_path};
my $skins_path = bz_locations()->{skinsdir};
# build minified files
my @minified;
foreach my $source (@sources) {
next unless -e "$cgi_path/$files{$source}";
my $file = $skins_path . '/assets/' . md5_hex($source) . '.css';
if (!-e $file) {
my $content = read_file("$cgi_path/$files{$source}");
# minify
$content =~ s{/\*.*?\*/}{}sg; # comments
$content =~ s{(^\s+|\s+$)}{}mg; # leading/trailing whitespace
$content =~ s{\n}{}g; # single line
# rewrite urls
$content =~ s{url\(([^\)]+)\)}{_css_url_rewrite($source, $1)}eig;
write_file($file, "/* $files{$source} */\n" . $content . "\n");
push @minified, $file;
# concat files
my $file = $skins_path . '/assets/' . md5_hex(join(' ', @sources)) . '.css';
if (!-e $file) {
my $content = '';
foreach my $source (@minified) {
$content .= read_file($source);
write_file($file, $content);
return mtime_filter($file);
sub _css_url_rewrite {
my ($source, $url) = @_;
# rewrite relative urls as the unified stylesheet lives in a different
# directory from the source
$url =~ s/(^['"]|['"]$)//g;
return $url if substr($url, 0, 1) eq '/';
return 'url(../../' . dirname($source) . '/' . $url . ')';
# YUI dependency resolution
sub yui_resolve_deps {
my ($yui, $yui_deps) = @_;
There are three directories here, standard/, custom/, and contrib/.
There are four directories here, standard/, custom/, contrib/, and assets/.
standard/ holds the standard stylesheets. These are used no matter
what skin the user selects. If the user selects the "Classic" skin,
then *only* the standard/ stylesheets are used.
standard/ holds the standard stylesheets. These are used no matter what skin
the user selects. If the user selects the "Classic" skin, then *only* the
standard/ stylesheets are used.
contrib/ holds "skins" that the user can select in their preferences.
skins are in directories, and they contain files with the same names
as the files in skins/standard/. Simply putting a new directory
into the contrib/ directory adds a new skin as an option in users'
contrib/ holds "skins" that the user can select in their preferences. skins
are in directories, and they contain files with the same names as the files in
skins/standard/. Simply putting a new directory into the contrib/ directory
adds a new skin as an option in users' preferences.
custom/ allows you to locally override the standard/ and contrib/ CSS.
If you put files into the custom/ directory with the same names as the CSS
files in skins/standard/, you can override the standard/ and contrib/
CSS. For example, if you want to override some CSS in
skins/standard/global.css, then you should create a file called "global.css"
in custom/ and put some CSS in it. The CSS you put into files in custom/ will
be used *in addition* to the CSS in skins/standard/ or the CSS in
skins/contrib/. It will apply to every skin.
custom/ allows you to locally override the standard/ and contrib/ CSS. If you
put files into the custom/ directory with the same names as the CSS files in
skins/standard/, you can override the standard/ and contrib/ CSS. For example,
if you want to override some CSS in skins/standard/global.css, then you should
create a file called "global.css" in custom/ and put some CSS in it. The CSS
you put into files in custom/ will be used *in addition* to the CSS in
skins/standard/ or the CSS in skins/contrib/. It will apply to every skin.
assets/ holds the minified and concatenated files which are created by and Bugzilla::Template. Do not edit the files in this directory.
......@@ -90,35 +90,20 @@
[% PROCESS 'global/setting-descs.none.tmpl' %]
[% SET yui = yui_resolve_deps(yui, yui_deps) %]
[% SET css_sets = css_files(style_urls, yui, yui_css) %]
[%# CSS cascade, parts 1 & 2: YUI & Standard Bugzilla stylesheet set (persistent).
# Always present. %]
<link href="[% 'skins/standard/global.css' FILTER mtime FILTER html %]"
rel="alternate stylesheet"
title="[% setting_descs.standard FILTER html %]">
[% FOREACH style_url = css_sets.standard %]
[% PROCESS format_css_link css_set_name = 'standard' %]
[% END %]
[%# CSS cascade, part 3: Third-party stylesheet set, per user prefs. %]
[% FOREACH style_url = %]
[% PROCESS format_css_link css_set_name = %]
[% END %]
[% SET css_sets = css_files(style_urls, yui, yui_css) %]
<link href="[% css_sets.unified_standard_skin FILTER html %]"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
[%# CSS cascade, part 4: page-specific styles. %]
[% IF style %]
<style type="text/css">
[% style %]
[% END %]
[%# CSS cascade, part 5: Custom Bugzilla stylesheet set (persistent).
# Always present. Site administrators may override all other style
# definitions, including skins, using custom stylesheets.
[% FOREACH style_url = css_sets.custom %]
[% PROCESS format_css_link css_set_name = 'standard' %]
[% IF css_sets.unified_custom %]
<link href="[% css_sets.unified_custom FILTER html %]"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
[% END %]
[%# YUI Scripts %]
......@@ -265,19 +250,6 @@
<div id="message">[% message %]</div>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK format_css_link %]
[% IF css_set_name == 'standard' %]
[% SET css_title_link = '' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% css_title_link = BLOCK ~%]
title="[% setting_descs.${} || FILTER html %]"
[% END %]
[% END %]
<link href="[% style_url FILTER html %]" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" [% css_title_link FILTER none %]>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK format_js_link %]
<script type="text/javascript" src="[% javascript_url FILTER mtime FILTER html %]"></script>
[% END %]
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