Commit 7f16a906 authored by's avatar

Bug 413772: Eliminate sqlify_criteria() in Bugzilla::Flag and replace match()…

Bug 413772: Eliminate sqlify_criteria() in Bugzilla::Flag and replace match() there with Bugzilla::Object::match() - Patch by Max Kanat-Alexander <> r/a=LpSolit
parent 3648734c
......@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ sub flags {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{flags} if exists $self->{flags};
$self->{flags} = Bugzilla::Flag::match({ 'attach_id' => $self->id });
$self->{flags} = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ 'attach_id' => $self->id });
return $self->{flags};
......@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ sub insert_attachment_for_bug {
eval {
Bugzilla::Flag::validate($cgi, $bug->bug_id, -1, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
Bugzilla::Flag::process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $hr_vars);
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $hr_vars);
if ($@) {
......@@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@ sub flag_types {
'component_id' => $self->{'component_id'} });
foreach my $flag_type (@$flag_types) {
$flag_type->{'flags'} = Bugzilla::Flag::match(
$flag_type->{'flags'} = Bugzilla::Flag->match(
{ 'bug_id' => $self->bug_id,
'type_id' => $flag_type->{'id'},
'target_type' => 'bug' });
......@@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@ sub show_attachment_flags {
{ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'product_id' => $self->{'product_id'},
'component_id' => $self->{'component_id'} });
my $num_attachment_flags = Bugzilla::Flag::count(
my $num_attachment_flags = Bugzilla::Flag->count(
{ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'bug_id' => $self->bug_id });
......@@ -202,16 +202,21 @@ and returns an array of matching records.
sub match {
my $class = shift;
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria);
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT id FROM flags
WHERE $criteria");
# If the caller specified only bug or attachment flags,
# limit the query to those kinds of flags.
if (my $type = delete $criteria->{'target_type'}) {
if ($type eq 'attachment') {
$criteria->{'attach_id'} = NOT_NULL;
else {
$criteria->{'attach_id'} = IS_NULL;
return Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($flag_ids);
return $class->SUPER::match(@_);
......@@ -229,15 +234,8 @@ and returns an array of matching records.
sub count {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria);
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags WHERE $criteria");
return $count;
my $class = shift;
return scalar @{$class->match(@_)};
......@@ -485,9 +483,9 @@ sub _validate {
sub snapshot {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id) = @_;
my ($class, $bug_id, $attach_id) = @_;
my $flags = match({ 'bug_id' => $bug_id,
my $flags = $class->match({ 'bug_id' => $bug_id,
'attach_id' => $attach_id });
my @summaries;
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
......@@ -517,7 +515,7 @@ object used to obtain the flag fields that the user submitted.
sub process {
my ($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $hr_vars) = @_;
my ($class, $bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $hr_vars) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Make sure the bug (and attachment, if given) exists and is accessible
......@@ -533,7 +531,7 @@ sub process {
$timestamp ||= $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
# Take a snapshot of flags before any changes.
my @old_summaries = snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
my @old_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# Cancel pending requests if we are obsoleting an attachment.
if ($attachment && $cgi->param('isobsolete')) {
......@@ -586,7 +584,7 @@ sub process {
# Take a snapshot of flags after changes.
my @new_summaries = snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
my @new_summaries = $class->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp, \@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
......@@ -865,7 +863,7 @@ sub retarget {
foreach my $flagtype (@$flagtypes) {
# Get the number of flags of this type already set for this target.
my $has_flags = count(
my $has_flags = __PACKAGE__->count(
{ 'type_id' => $flagtype->id,
'bug_id' => $bug->bug_id,
'attach_id' => $flag->attach_id });
......@@ -989,7 +987,7 @@ sub FormToNewFlags {
next unless scalar(grep { $_ == $type_id } @type_ids);
# Get the number of flags of this type already set for this target.
my $has_flags = count(
my $has_flags = __PACKAGE__->count(
{ 'type_id' => $type_id,
'target_type' => $attachment ? 'attachment' : 'bug',
'bug_id' => $bug->bug_id,
......@@ -1111,7 +1109,8 @@ sub CancelRequests {
return if (!scalar(@$request_ids));
# Take a snapshot of flags before any changes.
my @old_summaries = snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id) if ($timestamp);
my @old_summaries = __PACKAGE__->snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id)
if ($timestamp);
my $flags = Bugzilla::Flag->new_from_list($request_ids);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) { clear($flag, $bug, $attachment) }
......@@ -1119,60 +1118,11 @@ sub CancelRequests {
return unless ($timestamp);
# Take a snapshot of flags after any changes.
my @new_summaries = snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id);
my @new_summaries = __PACKAGE__->snapshot($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id);
update_activity($bug->bug_id, $attachment->id, $timestamp,
\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
# Private Functions
=begin private
=item C<sqlify_criteria($criteria)>
Converts a hash of criteria into a list of SQL criteria.
sub sqlify_criteria {
# a reference to a hash containing the criteria (field => value)
my ($criteria) = @_;
# the generated list of SQL criteria; "1=1" is a clever way of making sure
# there's something in the list so calling code doesn't have to check list
# size before building a WHERE clause out of it
my @criteria = ("1=1");
# If the caller specified only bug or attachment flags,
# limit the query to those kinds of flags.
if (defined($criteria->{'target_type'})) {
if ($criteria->{'target_type'} eq 'bug') { push(@criteria, "attach_id IS NULL") }
elsif ($criteria->{'target_type'} eq 'attachment') { push(@criteria, "attach_id IS NOT NULL") }
# Go through each criterion from the calling code and add it to the query.
foreach my $field (keys %$criteria) {
my $value = $criteria->{$field};
next unless defined($value);
if ($field eq 'type_id') { push(@criteria, "type_id = $value") }
elsif ($field eq 'bug_id') { push(@criteria, "bug_id = $value") }
elsif ($field eq 'attach_id') { push(@criteria, "attach_id = $value") }
elsif ($field eq 'requestee_id') { push(@criteria, "requestee_id = $value") }
elsif ($field eq 'setter_id') { push(@criteria, "setter_id = $value") }
elsif ($field eq 'status') { push(@criteria, "status = '$value'") }
return @criteria;
=head1 SEE ALSO
......@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ sub edit {
'product_id' => $product_id ,
'component_id' => $component_id });
foreach my $flag_type (@$flag_types) {
$flag_type->{'flags'} = Bugzilla::Flag::match({ 'type_id' => $flag_type->id,
$flag_type->{'flags'} = Bugzilla::Flag->match({ 'type_id' => $flag_type->id,
'attach_id' => $attachment->id });
$vars->{'flag_types'} = $flag_types;
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ sub update {
# to attachments so that we can delete pending requests if the user
# is obsoleting this attachment without deleting any requests
# the user submits at the same time.
Bugzilla::Flag::process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, $attachment, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
# Update the attachment record in the database.
$dbh->do("UPDATE attachments
......@@ -484,14 +484,14 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
foreach (@$buglist) {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id) = @$_;
my @old_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag::snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
my @old_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
if ($attach_id) {
$sth_flagupdate_attachment->execute($bug_id, $attach_id, $otherUserID);
else {
$sth_flagupdate_bug->execute($bug_id, $otherUserID);
my @new_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag::snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
my @new_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag->snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# Let update_activity do all the dirty work, including setting
# the bug timestamp.
Bugzilla::Flag::update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp,
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ my $error_mode_cache = Bugzilla->error_mode;
eval {
Bugzilla::Flag::validate($cgi, $id, undef, SKIP_REQUESTEE_ON_ERROR);
Bugzilla::Flag::process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
if ($@) {
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ foreach my $bug (@bug_objects) {
# Set and update flags.
Bugzilla::Flag::process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
Bugzilla::Flag->process($bug, undef, $timestamp, $cgi, $vars);
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