Commit 983b3de9 authored by's avatar

Patch by Joe Robins <> -- allow automatic definition

of a group per project, and automatically put new bugs against that project into that group, thus allowing entire projects to be protected against viewing by unauthorized users. This is all optional, controlled by new parameters.
parent d601251a
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dawn Endico <>
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Joe Robins <>
# This file defines all the parameters that we have a GUI to edit within
# Bugzilla.
......@@ -158,6 +158,18 @@ DefParam("usequip",
# Added parameter - JMR, 2/16/00
"If this is on, Bugzilla will associate a bug group with each product in the database, and use it for querying bugs.",
# Added parameter - JMR, 2/16/00
"If this is on, Bugzilla will use product bug groups to restrict who can enter bugs. Requires usebuggroups to be on as well.",
"If non-empty, then this is the name of another database in which Bugzilla will keep a shadow read-only copy of everything. This is done so that long slow read-only operations can be used against this db, and not lock up things for everyone else. Turning on this parameter will create the given database; be careful not to use the name of an existing database with useful data in it!",
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Holger Schurig <>
# Terry Weissman <>
# Dawn Endico <>
# Joe Robins <>
# Direct any questions on this source code to
......@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ sub CheckProduct ($)
# Displays the form to edit a products parameters
sub EmitFormElements ($$$$$$$)
sub EmitFormElements ($$$$$$$$)
my ($product, $description, $milestoneurl, $disallownew,
my ($product, $description, $milestoneurl, $userregexp, $disallownew,
$votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug, $votestoconfirm) = @_;
$product = value_quote($product);
......@@ -100,6 +101,14 @@ sub EmitFormElements ($$$$$$$)
print " <TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=64 MAXLENGTH=255 NAME=\"milestoneurl\" VALUE=\"$milestoneurl\"></TD>\n";
# Added -JMR, 2/16/00
if (Param("usebuggroups")) {
$userregexp = value_quote($userregexp);
print "</TR><TR>\n";
print " <TH ALIGN=\"right\">User Regexp for Bug Group:</TH>\n";
print " <TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=64 MAXLENGTH=255 NAME=\"userregexp\" VALUE=\"$userregexp\"></TD>\n";
print "</TR><TR>\n";
print " <TH ALIGN=\"right\">Closed for bug entry:</TH>\n";
my $closed = $disallownew ? "CHECKED" : "";
......@@ -245,7 +254,7 @@ if ($action eq 'add') {
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=editproducts.cgi>\n";
EmitFormElements('', '', '', 0, 0, 10000, 0);
EmitFormElements('', '', '', '', 0, 0, 10000, 0);
print "</TR><TR>\n";
print " <TH ALIGN=\"right\">Version:</TH>\n";
......@@ -271,7 +280,7 @@ if ($action eq 'add') {
if ($action eq 'new') {
PutHeader("Adding new product");
# Cleanups and valididy checks
# Cleanups and validity checks
unless ($product) {
print "You must enter a name for the new product. Please press\n";
......@@ -297,6 +306,7 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
my $description = trim($::FORM{description} || '');
my $milestoneurl = trim($::FORM{milestoneurl} || '');
my $userregexp = trim($::FORM{userregexp} || '');
my $disallownew = 0;
$disallownew = 1 if $::FORM{disallownew};
my $votesperuser = $::FORM{votesperuser};
......@@ -322,6 +332,53 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
SqlQuote($version) . "," .
SqlQuote($product) . ")" );
# If we're using bug groups, then we need to create a group for this
# product as well. -JMR, 2/16/00
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
# First we need to figure out the bit for this group. We'll simply
# use the next highest bit available. We'll use a minimum bit of 256,
# to leave room for a few more Bugzilla operation groups at the bottom.
SendSQL("SELECT MAX(bit) FROM groups");
my $bit = FetchOneColumn();
if($bit < 256) {
$bit = 256;
} else {
$bit = $bit * 2;
# Next we insert into the groups table
SendSQL("INSERT INTO groups " .
"(bit, name, description, isbuggroup, userregexp) " .
"VALUES (" .
$bit . ", " .
SqlQuote($product) . ", " .
SqlQuote($product . " Bugs Access") . ", " .
"1, " .
SqlQuote($userregexp) . ")");
# And last, we need to add any existing users that match the regexp
# to the group.
# There may be a better way to do this in MySql, but I need to compare
# the login_names to this regexp, and the only way I can think of to
# do that is to get the list of login_names, and then update them
# one by one if they match. Furthermore, I need to do it with two
# separate loops, since opening a new SQL statement to do the update
# seems to clobber the previous one.
SendSQL("SELECT login_name FROM profiles");
my @login_list = ();
my $this_login;
while($this_login = FetchOneColumn()) {
push @login_list, $this_login;
foreach $this_login (@login_list) {
if($this_login =~ /$userregexp/) {
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles " .
"SET groupset = groupset | " . $bit . " " .
"WHERE login_name = " . SqlQuote($this_login));
# Make versioncache flush
unlink "data/versioncache";
......@@ -369,6 +426,23 @@ if ($action eq 'del') {
print " <TD VALIGN=\"top\"><A HREF=\"$milestoneurl\">$milestoneurl</A></TD>\n";
# Added -JMR, 2/16/00
if(Param('usebuggroups')) {
# Get the regexp for this product.
SendSQL("SELECT userregexp
FROM groups
WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($product));
my $userregexp = FetchOneColumn();
if(!defined $userregexp) {
$userregexp = "<FONT COLOR=\"red\">undefined</FONT>";
} elsif ($userregexp eq "") {
$userregexp = "<FONT COLOR=\"blue\">blank</FONT>";
print "</TR><TR>\n";
print " <TD VALIGN=\"top\">User Regexp for Bug Group:</TD>\n";
print " <TD VALIGN=\"top\">$userregexp</TD>\n";
print "</TR><TR>\n";
print " <TD VALIGN=\"top\">Closed for bugs:</TD>\n";
print " <TD VALIGN=\"top\">$disallownew</TD>\n";
......@@ -472,7 +546,9 @@ if ($action eq 'delete') {
components WRITE,
dependencies WRITE,
versions WRITE,
products WRITE");
products WRITE,
groups WRITE,
profiles WRITE");
# According to MySQL doc I cannot do a DELETE x.* FROM x JOIN Y,
# so I have to iterate over bugs and delete all the indivial entries
......@@ -516,6 +592,32 @@ if ($action eq 'delete') {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM products
WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($product));
print "Product '$product' deleted.<BR>\n";
# Added -JMR, 2/16/00
if (Param("usebuggroups")) {
# We need to get the bit of the group from the table, then update the
# groupsets of members of that group and remove the group.
SendSQL("SELECT bit, description FROM groups " .
"WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($product));
my ($bit, $group_desc) = FetchSQLData();
# Make sure there is a group before we try to do any deleting...
if($bit) {
# I'm kludging a bit so that I don't break superuser access;
# I'm merely checking to make sure that the groupset is not
# the superuser groupset in doing this update...
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles " .
"SET groupset = groupset - $bit " .
"WHERE (groupset & $bit) " .
"AND (groupset != 9223372036854710271)");
print "Users dropped from group '$group_desc'.<BR>\n";
SendSQL("DELETE FROM groups " .
"WHERE bit = $bit");
print "Group '$group_desc' deleted.<BR>\n";
unlink "data/versioncache";
......@@ -544,11 +646,20 @@ if ($action eq 'edit') {
$votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug, $votestoconfirm) =
my $userregexp = '';
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
SendSQL("SELECT userregexp
FROM groups
WHERE name=" . SqlQuote($product));
$userregexp = FetchOneColumn();
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=editproducts.cgi>\n";
EmitFormElements($product, $description, $milestoneurl, $disallownew,
$votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug, $votestoconfirm);
EmitFormElements($product, $description, $milestoneurl, $userregexp,
$disallownew, $votesperuser, $maxvotesperbug,
print "</TR><TR VALIGN=top>\n";
print " <TH ALIGN=\"right\"><A HREF=\"editcomponents.cgi?product=", url_quote($product), "\">Edit components:</A></TH>\n";
......@@ -609,6 +720,10 @@ if ($action eq 'edit') {
value_quote($description) . "\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"milestoneurlold\" VALUE=\"" .
value_quote($milestoneurl) . "\">\n";
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"userregexpold\" VALUE=\"" .
value_quote($userregexp) . "\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"disallownewold\" VALUE=\"$disallownew\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"votesperuserold\" VALUE=\"$votesperuser\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"maxvotesperbugold\" VALUE=\"$maxvotesperbug\">\n";
......@@ -642,6 +757,8 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
my $milestoneurlold = trim($::FORM{milestoneurlold} || '');
my $votesperuser = trim($::FORM{votesperuser} || 0);
my $votesperuserold = trim($::FORM{votesperuserold} || '');
my $userregexp = trim($::FORM{userregexp} || '');
my $userregexpold = trim($::FORM{userregexpold} || '');
my $maxvotesperbug = trim($::FORM{maxvotesperbug} || 0);
my $maxvotesperbugold = trim($::FORM{maxvotesperbugold} || '');
my $votestoconfirm = trim($::FORM{votestoconfirm} || 0);
......@@ -663,7 +780,9 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
components WRITE,
products WRITE,
versions WRITE");
versions WRITE,
groups WRITE,
profiles WRITE");
if ($disallownew ne $disallownewold) {
$disallownew ||= 0;
......@@ -693,11 +812,74 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
print "Updated mile stone URL.<BR>\n";
# Added -JMR, 2/16/00
if (Param("usebuggroups") && $userregexp ne $userregexpold) {
# This will take a little bit of work here, since there may not be
# an existing bug group for this product, and we will also have to
# update users groupsets.
# First we find out if there's an existing group for this product, and
# get its bit if there is.
SendSQL("SELECT bit " .
"FROM groups " .
"WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($productold));
my $bit = FetchOneColumn();
if($bit) {
# Group exists, so we do an update statement.
SendSQL("UPDATE groups " .
"SET userregexp = " . SqlQuote($userregexp) . " " .
"WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($productold));
print "Updated user regexp for bug group.<BR>\n";
} else {
# Group doesn't exist. Let's make it, the same way as we make a
# group for a new product above.
SendSQL("SELECT MAX(bit) FROM groups");
my $tmp_bit = FetchOneColumn();
if($tmp_bit < 256) {
$bit = 256;
} else {
$bit = $tmp_bit * 2;
SendSQL("INSERT INTO groups " .
"(bit, name, description, isbuggroup, userregexp) " .
"values (" . $bit . ", " .
SqlQuote($productold) . ", " .
SqlQuote($productold . " Bugs Access") . ", " .
"1, " .
SqlQuote($userregexp) . ")");
print "Created bug group.<BR>\n";
# And now we have to update the profiles again to add any users who
# match the new regexp to the group. I'll do this the same way as
# when I create a new group above. Note that I'm not taking out
# users who matched the old regexp and not the new one; that would
# be insanely messy. Use the group administration page for that
# instead.
SendSQL("SELECT login_name FROM profiles");
my @login_list = ();
my $this_login;
while($this_login = FetchOneColumn()) {
push @login_list, $this_login;
my $updated_profiles = 0;
foreach $this_login (@login_list) {
if($this_login =~ /$userregexp/) {
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles " .
"SET groupset = groupset | " . $bit . " " .
"WHERE login_name = " . SqlQuote($this_login));
$updated_profiles = 1;
if($updated_profiles) {
print "Added users matching regexp to group.<BR>\n";
if ($votesperuser ne $votesperuserold) {
SendSQL("UPDATE products
SET votesperuser=$votesperuser
WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($productold));
print "Update votes per user.<BR>\n";
print "Updated votes per user.<BR>\n";
$checkvotes = 1;
......@@ -706,7 +888,7 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
SendSQL("UPDATE products
SET maxvotesperbug=$maxvotesperbug
WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($productold));
print "Update max votes per bug.<BR>\n";
print "Updated max votes per bug.<BR>\n";
$checkvotes = 1;
......@@ -715,7 +897,7 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
SendSQL("UPDATE products
SET votestoconfirm=$votestoconfirm
WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($productold));
print "Update votes to confirm.<BR>\n";
print "Updated votes to confirm.<BR>\n";
$checkvotes = 1;
......@@ -741,7 +923,15 @@ if ($action eq 'update') {
SendSQL("UPDATE components SET program=$qp WHERE program=$qpold");
SendSQL("UPDATE products SET product=$qp WHERE product=$qpold");
SendSQL("UPDATE versions SET program=$qp WHERE program=$qpold");
# Need to do an update to groups as well. If there is a corresponding
# bug group, whether usebuggroups is currently set or not, we want to
# update it so it will match in the future. If there is no group, this
# update statement will do nothing, so no harm done. -JMR, 3/8/00
SendSQL("UPDATE groups " .
"SET name=$qp, " .
"description=".SqlQuote($product." Bugs Access")." ".
"WHERE name=$qpold");
print "Updated product name.<BR>\n";
unlink "data/versioncache";
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dave Miller <>
# Joe Robins <>
......@@ -48,6 +49,15 @@ sub sillyness {
$zz = @::legal_severity;
# I've moved the call to confirm_login up to here, since if we're using bug
# groups to restrict bug entry, we need to know who the user is right from
# the start. If that parameter is turned off, there's still no harm done in
# doing it now instead of a bit later. -JMR, 2/18/00
# Except that it will cause people without cookies enabled to have to log
# in an extra time. Only do it here if we really need to. -terry, 3/10/00
if (Param("usebuggroupsentry")) {
if (!defined $::FORM{'product'}) {
......@@ -59,6 +69,14 @@ if (!defined $::FORM{'product'}) {
# to allow people to specify that product here.
&& GroupExists($p)
&& !UserInGroup($p)) {
# If we're using bug groups to restrict entry on products, and
# this product has a bug group, and the user is not in that
# group, we don't want to include that product in this list.
push(@prodlist, $p);
if (1 != @prodlist) {
......@@ -75,6 +93,14 @@ if (!defined $::FORM{'product'}) {
# to allow people to specify that product here.
&& GroupExists($p)
&& !UserInGroup($p)) {
# If we're using bug groups to restrict entry on products, and
# this product has a bug group, and the user is not in that
# group, we don't want to include that product in this list.
print "<tr><th align=right valign=top><a href=\"enter_bug.cgi?product=" . url_quote($p) . "\">$p</a>:</th>\n";
if (defined $::proddesc{$p}) {
print "<td valign=top>$::proddesc{$p}</td>\n";
......@@ -221,6 +247,40 @@ my $component_popup = make_popup('component', $::components{$product},
PutHeader ("Enter Bug","Enter Bug","This page lets you enter a new bug into Bugzilla.");
# Modified, -JMR, 2/24,00
# If the usebuggroupsentry parameter is set, we need to check and make sure
# that the user has permission to enter a bug against this product.
if(Param("usebuggroupsentry")) {
if(!UserInGroup($product)) {
print "<H1>Permission denied.</H1>\n";
print "Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to enter\n";
print "a bug against this product.\n";
print "<P>\n";
# Modified, -JMR, 2/18/00
# I'm putting in a select box in order to select whether to restrict this bug to
# the product's bug group or not, if the usebuggroups parameter is set, and if
# this product has a bug group. This box will default to selected, but can be
# turned off if this bug should be world-viewable for some reason.
# To do this, I need to (1) get the bit and description for the bug group from
# the database, (2) insert the select box in the giant print statements below,
# and (3) update post_bug.cgi to process the additional input field.
# First we get the bit and description for the group.
my $group_bit=0;
my $group_desc;
if(Param("usebuggroups") && GroupExists($product)) {
SendSQL("select bit, description from groups ".
"where name = ".SqlQuote($product)." ".
"and isbuggroup != 0");
($group_bit, $group_desc) = FetchSQLData();
print "
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"post_bug.cgi\">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=reporter VALUE=\"$::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}\">
......@@ -327,7 +387,36 @@ print "
<td colspan=5><TEXTAREA WRAP=HARD NAME=comment ROWS=10 COLS=80>" .
value_quote(formvalue('comment')) .
# In between the Description field and the Submit buttons, we'll put in the
# select box for the bug group, if necessary.
# Rather than waste time with another Param check and another database access,
# $group_bit will only have a non-zero value if we're using bug groups and have
# one for this product, so I'll check on that instead here. -JMR, 2/18/00
if($group_bit) {
# In addition, we need to handle the possibility that we're coming from
# a bookmark template. We'll simply check if we've got a parameter called
# groupset passed with a value other than the current bit. If so, then we're
# coming from a template, and we don't have group_bit set, so turn it off.
my $check0 = (formvalue("groupset",$group_bit) == $group_bit) ? "" : " SELECTED";
my $check1 = ($check0 eq "") ? " SELECTED" : "";
print "
<td align=right><B>Access:</td>
<td colspan=5>
<select name=\"groupset\">
<option value=0$check0>
People not in the \"$group_desc\" group can see this bug
<option value=$group_bit$check1>
Only people in the \"$group_desc\" group can see this bug
print "
<td></td><td colspan=5>
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ use strict;
sub globals_pl_sillyness {
my $zz;
$zz = @main::chooseone;
$zz = @main::db_errstr;
$zz = @main::default_column_list;
$zz = $main::defaultqueryname;
$zz = @main::dontchange;
......@@ -498,7 +497,10 @@ sub InsertNewUser {
my $groupset = "0";
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my @row = FetchSQLData();
if ($username =~ m/$row[1]/) {
# Modified -Joe Robins, 2/17/00
# Making this case insensitive, since usernames are email addresses,
# and could be any case.
if ($username =~ m/$row[1]/i) {
$groupset .= "+ $row[0]"; # Silly hack to let MySQL do the math,
# not Perl, since we're dealing with 64
# bit ints here, and I don't *think* Perl
......@@ -681,6 +683,13 @@ sub UserInGroup {
return 0;
sub GroupExists {
my ($groupname) = (@_);
SendSQL("select count(*) from groups where name=" . SqlQuote($groupname));
my $count = FetchOneColumn();
return $count;
# Determines if the given bug_status string represents an "Opened" bug. This
# routine ought to be paramaterizable somehow, as people tend to introduce
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Joe Robins <>
use diagnostics;
use strict;
......@@ -67,6 +68,19 @@ PutHeader("Posting Bug -- Please wait", "Posting Bug", "One moment please...");
umask 0;
my $product = $::FORM{'product'};
if(Param("usebuggroupsentry") && GroupExists($product)) {
if(!UserInGroup($product)) {
print "<H1>Permission denied.</H1>\n";
print "Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to enter\n";
print "a bug against this product.\n";
print "<P>\n";
if (!defined $::FORM{'component'} || $::FORM{'component'} eq "") {
PuntTryAgain("You must choose a component that corresponds to this bug. " .
"If necessary, just guess.");
......@@ -104,7 +118,11 @@ if (Param("useqacontact")) {
# If we're using bug groups, we need to include the groupset in the list of
# fields. -JMR, 2/18/00
if(Param("usebuggroups")) {
push(@bug_fields, "groupset");
if (exists $::FORM{'bug_status'}) {
if (!UserInGroup("canedit") && !UserInGroup("canconfirm")) {
......@@ -121,7 +139,6 @@ if (!exists $::FORM{'bug_status'}) {
if ( Param("strictvaluechecks") ) {
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'reporter');
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