Commit c246445a authored by David Lawrence's avatar David Lawrence

Bug 663835 - Extensions templates are not tested by the normal sanity test scripts

parent 1b2a9741
......@@ -66,17 +66,14 @@ sub existOnce {
# Check to make sure all templates that are referenced in
# Bugzilla exist in the proper place.
foreach my $lang (@languages) {
foreach my $file (@referenced_files) {
my @path = map(File::Spec->catfile($_, $file),
split(':', $include_path{$lang} . ":" . $include_path{"en"}));
foreach my $file (@referenced_files) {
my @path = map(File::Spec->catfile($_, $file), @include_paths);
if (my $path = existOnce(@path)) {
ok(1, "$path exists");
} else {
ok(0, "$file cannot be located --ERROR");
print $fh "Looked in:\n " . join("\n ", @path) . "\n";
foreach my $include_path (@include_paths) {
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw(@languages @include_paths %include_path @referenced_files
%actual_files $num_actual_files);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(template_include_path);
use Support::Files;
use File::Find;
......@@ -57,30 +59,9 @@ use File::Spec;
# total number of actual_files
$num_actual_files = 0;
# Scan for the template available languages and include paths
opendir(DIR, "template") || die "Can't open 'template': $!";
my @files = grep { /^[a-z-]+$/i } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $langdir (@files) {
next if($langdir =~ /^CVS$/i);
my $path = File::Spec->catdir('template', $langdir, 'custom');
my @dirs = ();
push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
$path = File::Spec->catdir('template', $langdir, 'extension');
push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
$path = File::Spec->catdir('template', $langdir, 'default');
push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
next if(scalar(@dirs) == 0);
push(@languages, $langdir);
push(@include_paths, @dirs);
$include_path{$langdir} = join(":",@dirs);
# Set the template available languages and include paths
@languages = @{ Bugzilla->languages };
@include_paths = @{ template_include_path({ language => Bugzilla->languages }) };
my @files;
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