Commit cdc776b3 authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Another bustage fix for bug 616185: in some cases, the columnlist parameter was…

Another bustage fix for bug 616185: in some cases, the columnlist parameter was appended to the list of bugs
parent 604ed541
......@@ -3486,21 +3486,33 @@ sub _migrate_user_tags {
# Tags are all lowercase.
my $tag_name = lc($name);
$sth_tags->execute($user_id, $tag_name);
# Some queries were incorrectly parsed when _migrate_user_tags()
# was first implemented, and so some tags may have already been
# added to the DB. We don't want to crash in that case.
eval { $sth_tags->execute($user_id, $tag_name); };
my $tag_id = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT id FROM tags WHERE user_id = ? AND name = ?',
undef, ($user_id, $tag_name));
$query =~ s/^bug_id=//;
my $columnlist = "";
if ($query =~ /^bug_id=([^&;]+)(.*)$/) {
my $buglist = $1;
$columnlist = $2 if $2;
# Commas in Bugzilla 3.x are encoded as %2C, but not in 2.22.
$query =~ s/%2C/,/g;
my @bug_ids = split(/[\s,]+/, $query);
$sth_bug_tag->execute($_, $tag_id) foreach @bug_ids;
$buglist =~ s/%2C/,/g;
my @bug_ids = split(/[\s,]+/, $buglist);
foreach my $bug_id (@bug_ids) {
# Some sanity check. We never know.
next unless detaint_natural($bug_id);
# For the same reason as above, let's do it in an eval.
eval { $sth_bug_tag->execute($bug_id, $tag_id); };
# Existing tags may be used in whines, or shared with
# other users. So we convert them rather than delete them.
my $encoded_name = url_quote($tag_name);
$sth_nq->execute("tag=$encoded_name", $user_id, $name);
$sth_nq->execute("tag=$encoded_name$columnlist", $user_id, $name);
$dbh->bz_drop_column('namedqueries', 'query_type');
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