Commit e92cc4c9 authored by's avatar

Bug 17453: Enumerators in Bugzilla are not cross-DB compatible. This removes all…

Bug 17453: Enumerators in Bugzilla are not cross-DB compatible. This removes all 'enum' types in the database from Bugzilla. Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=joel, a=justdave
parent 80c0cdba
......@@ -50,14 +50,26 @@ use Date::Parse;
# Each field points to an array that contains the fields mapped
# to, in order.
our %specialorder = (
'bugs.target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ]
'bugs.target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ],
'bugs.bug_status' => [ 'bug_status.sortkey','bug_status.value' ],
'bugs.rep_platform' => [ 'rep_platform.sortkey','rep_platform.value' ],
'bugs.priority' => [ 'priority.sortkey','priority.value' ],
'bugs.op_sys' => [ 'op_sys.sortkey','op_sys.value' ],
'bugs.resolution' => [ 'resolution.sortkey', 'resolution.value' ],
'bugs.bug_severity' => [ 'bug_severity.sortkey','bug_severity.value' ]
# When we add certain fields to the ORDER BY, we need to then add a
# table join to the FROM statement. This hash maps input fields to
# the join statements that ned to be added.
our %specialorderjoin = (
'bugs.target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id'
'bugs.target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id',
'bugs.bug_status' => 'LEFT JOIN bug_status ON bug_status.value = bugs.bug_status',
'bugs.rep_platform' => 'LEFT JOIN rep_platform ON rep_platform.value = bugs.rep_platform',
'bugs.priority' => 'LEFT JOIN priority ON priority.value = bugs.priority',
'bugs.op_sys' => 'LEFT JOIN op_sys ON op_sys.value = bugs.op_sys',
'bugs.resolution' => 'LEFT JOIN resolution ON resolution.value = bugs.resolution',
'bugs.bug_severity' => 'LEFT JOIN bug_severity ON bug_severity.value = bugs.bug_severity'
# Create a new Search
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
# Shane H. W. Travis <>
# Gervase Markham <>
# Erik Stambaugh <>
# Dave Lawrence <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Direct any questions on this source code to
......@@ -696,101 +698,19 @@ LocalVar('db_check', '
$db_check = 1;
LocalVar('severities', '
# Which bug and feature-request severities do you want?
@severities = (
LocalVar('priorities', '
# Which priorities do you want to assign to bugs and feature-request?
@priorities = (
LocalVar('opsys', '
# What operatings systems may your products run on?
@opsys = (
"Windows 3.1",
"Windows 95",
"Windows 98",
"Windows ME", # Millenium Edition (upgrade of 98)
"Windows 2000",
"Windows NT",
"Windows XP",
"Windows Server 2003",
"Mac System 7",
"Mac System 7.5",
"Mac System 7.6.1",
"Mac System 8.0",
"Mac System 8.5",
"Mac System 8.6",
"Mac System 9.x",
"Mac OS X 10.0",
"Mac OS X 10.1",
"Mac OS X 10.2",
"Mac OS X 10.3",
LocalVar('platforms', '
# What hardware platforms may your products run on?
@platforms = (
my @deprecatedvars;
push(@deprecatedvars, '@severities') if (LocalVarExists('severities'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@priorities') if (LocalVarExists('priorities'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@opsys') if (LocalVarExists('opsys'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@platforms') if (LocalVarExists('platforms'));
if (@deprecatedvars) {
print "\nThe following settings in your localconfig file",
" are no longer used:\n " . join(", ", @deprecatedvars) .
"\nThis data is now controlled through the Bugzilla",
" administrative interface.\nWe recommend you remove these",
" settings from localconfig after checksetup\nruns successfully.\n";
if (LocalVarExists('mysqlpath')) {
print "\nThe \$mysqlpath setting in your localconfig file ",
"is no longer required.\nWe recommend you remove it.\n";
......@@ -817,10 +737,22 @@ my $my_db_name = ${*{$main::{'db_name'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_index_html = ${*{$main::{'index_html'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_create_htaccess = ${*{$main::{'create_htaccess'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_webservergroup = ${*{$main::{'webservergroup'}}{SCALAR}};
my @my_severities = @{*{$main::{'severities'}}{ARRAY}};
my @my_priorities = @{*{$main::{'priorities'}}{ARRAY}};
my @my_platforms = @{*{$main::{'platforms'}}{ARRAY}};
my @my_opsys = @{*{$main::{'opsys'}}{ARRAY}};
# - bug 17453
# The following values have been removed from localconfig.
# However, if we are upgrading from a Bugzilla with enums to a
# Bugzilla without enums, we use these values one more time so
# that we correctly populate the tables.
my @my_severities;
@my_severities = @{*{$main::{'severities'}}{ARRAY}}
if exists($main::{'severities'});
my @my_priorities;
@my_priorities = @{*{$main::{'priorities'}}{ARRAY}}
if exists($main::{'priorities'});
my @my_platforms;
@my_platforms = @{*{$main::{'platforms'}}{ARRAY}}
if exists($main::{'platforms'});
my @my_opsys;
@my_opsys = @{*{$main::{'opsys'}}{ARRAY}} if exists($main::{'opsys'});
if ($my_webservergroup && !$silent) {
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
......@@ -1771,27 +1703,23 @@ $table{flagexclusions} =
INDEX(type_id, product_id, component_id)
# Apostrophe's are not supportied in the enum types.
# See
$table{bugs} =
'bug_id mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
assigned_to mediumint not null, # This is a comment.
bug_file_loc text,
bug_severity enum($my_severities) not null,
bug_status enum("UNCONFIRMED", "NEW", "ASSIGNED", "REOPENED", "RESOLVED", "VERIFIED", "CLOSED") not null,
bug_severity varchar(64) not null,
bug_status varchar(64) not null,
creation_ts datetime not null,
delta_ts datetime not null,
short_desc mediumtext not null,
op_sys enum($my_opsys) not null,
priority enum($my_priorities) not null,
op_sys varchar(64) not null,
priority varchar(64) not null,
product_id smallint not null,
rep_platform enum($my_platforms),
rep_platform varchar(64),
reporter mediumint not null,
version varchar(64) not null,
component_id smallint not null,
resolution enum("", "FIXED", "INVALID", "WONTFIX", "LATER", "REMIND", "DUPLICATE", "WORKSFORME", "MOVED") not null,
resolution varchar(64) not null,
target_milestone varchar(20) not null default "---",
qa_contact mediumint not null,
status_whiteboard mediumtext not null,
......@@ -2150,6 +2078,63 @@ $table{whine_events} =
subject varchar(128),
body mediumtext';
# - bug 17453
# Below are all the old enumerations converted to tables
$table{bug_status} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{rep_platform} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{resolution} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{op_sys} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{bug_severity} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{priority} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
# Create tables
......@@ -2183,26 +2168,11 @@ $sth = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE");
my @tables = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, { Columns => [3] })};
#print 'Tables: ', join " ", @tables, "\n";
# add lines here if you add more --LOCAL-- config vars that end up in the enums:
my $my_severities = '"' . join('", "', @my_severities) . '"';
my $my_priorities = '"' . join('", "', @my_priorities) . '"';
my $my_opsys = '"' . join('", "', @my_opsys) . '"';
my $my_platforms = '"' . join('", "', @my_platforms) . '"';
# go throught our %table hash and create missing tables
# go through our %table hash and create missing tables
while (my ($tabname, $fielddef) = each %table) {
next if grep /^$tabname$/, @tables;
print "Creating table $tabname ...\n";
# add lines here if you add more --LOCAL-- config vars that end up in
# the enums:
$fielddef =~ s/\$my_severities/$my_severities/;
$fielddef =~ s/\$my_priorities/$my_priorities/;
$fielddef =~ s/\$my_opsys/$my_opsys/;
$fielddef =~ s/\$my_platforms/$my_platforms/;
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $tabname (\n$fielddef\n) TYPE = MYISAM")
or die "Could not create table '$tabname'. Please check your '$my_db_driver' access.\n";
......@@ -2412,45 +2382,67 @@ sub DropIndexes ($)
# Check if the enums in the bugs table return the same values that are defined
# in the various locally changeable variables. If this is true, then alter the
# table definition.
sub CheckEnumField ($$@)
my ($table, $field, @against) = @_;
my $ref = GetFieldDef($table, $field);
#print "0: $$ref[0] 1: $$ref[1] 2: $$ref[2] 3: $$ref[3] 4: $$ref[4]\n";
$_ = "enum('" . join("','", @against) . "')";
if ($$ref[1] ne $_) {
print "Updating field $field in table $table ...\n";
$_ .= " NOT NULL" if $$ref[3];
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table
CHANGE $field
$field $_");
# - bug 17453
# Create the values for the tables that hold what used to be enum types.
# Don't populate the tables if the table isn't empty.
sub PopulateEnumTable ($@) {
my ($table, @valuelist) = @_;
# If we encounter any of the keys in this hash, they are
# automatically set to isactive=0
my %defaultinactive = ('---' => 1);
# Check if there are any table entries
my $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $table";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# This code changes the enum types of some SQL tables whenever you change
# some --LOCAL-- variables. Once you have a running system, to add new
# severities, priorities, operating systems and platforms, add them to
# the localconfig file and then re-run which will make the
# necessary changes to your database. Additions to these fields in
# after the initial installation of bugzilla on a system
# are ignored.
# If the table is empty...
if ( !$sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
my $insert = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table"
. " (value,sortkey,isactive) VALUES (?,?,?)");
my $sortorder = 0;
foreach my $value (@valuelist) {
$sortorder = $sortorder + 100;
my $isactive = !exists($defaultinactive{$value});
print "Inserting value '$value' in table $table"
. " with sortkey $sortorder...\n";
$insert->execute($value, $sortorder, $isactive);
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'bug_severity', @my_severities);
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'priority', @my_priorities);
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'op_sys', @my_opsys);
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'rep_platform', @my_platforms);
# - bug 17453
# Set default values for what used to be the enum types.
# These values are no longer stored in localconfig.
# However, if we are upgrading from a Bugzilla with enums to a
# Bugzilla without enums, we use the localconfig values one more time.
# The values that you see here are ONLY DEFAULTS. They are only used
# the FIRST time you run checksetup. After that, they are either
# controlled through the Bugzilla UI or through the DB.
@my_severities = ('blocker','critical','major','normal','minor',
'trivial','enhancement') if !@my_severities;
@my_priorities = ("P1","P2","P3","P4","P5") if !@my_priorities;
@my_opsys = ("---","All","Windows","Mac OS","Linux","Other") if !@my_opsys;
@my_platforms = ("---","All","PC","Macintosh","Other") if !@my_platforms;
PopulateEnumTable('bug_severity', @my_severities);
PopulateEnumTable('priority', @my_priorities);
PopulateEnumTable('op_sys', @my_opsys);
PopulateEnumTable('rep_platform', @my_platforms);
# The resolution and bug_status lists are absolute. On an upgrade from
# a Bugzilla with enums, whatever is in the enum will be replaced with
# this. This is because Bugzilla depends on the exact names of these
# resolutions in order to function properly.
my @resolutions = ("","FIXED","INVALID","WONTFIX","LATER","REMIND",
PopulateEnumTable('bug_status', @states);
PopulateEnumTable('resolution', @resolutions);
......@@ -2936,16 +2928,6 @@ AddField('profiles', 'mybugslink', 'tinyint not null default 1');
AddField('namedqueries', 'linkinfooter', 'tinyint not null');
# 2000-02-12 Added a new state to bugs, UNCONFIRMED. Added ability to confirm
# a vote via bugs. Added user bits to control which users can confirm bugs
# by themselves, and which users can edit bugs without their names on them.
# Added a user field which controls which groups a user can put other users
# into.
my @resolutions = ("", "FIXED", "INVALID", "WONTFIX", "LATER", "REMIND",
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'resolution', @resolutions);
if (($_ = GetFieldDef('components', 'initialowner')) and ($_->[1] eq 'tinytext')) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT program, value, initialowner, initialqacontact FROM components");
......@@ -3005,11 +2987,6 @@ if (($_ = GetFieldDef('components', 'initialqacontact')) and ($_->[1] eq 'tinyte
CheckEnumField('bugs', 'bug_status', @states);
if (!GetFieldDef('bugs', 'everconfirmed')) {
AddField('bugs', 'everconfirmed', 'tinyint not null');
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET everconfirmed = 1, delta_ts = delta_ts");
......@@ -4276,6 +4253,16 @@ if (!GetFieldDef('longdescs', 'already_wrapped')) {
AND SUBSTRING(thetext FROM 1 FOR 80) LIKE '% %'});
# 2001-09-03 bug 17453
# Moved enum types to separate tables so we need change the old enum types to
# standard varchars in the bugs table.
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'bug_status', 'varchar(64) not null');
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'resolution', 'varchar(64) not null');
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'priority', 'varchar(64) not null');
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'bug_severity', 'varchar(64) not null');
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'rep_platform', 'varchar(64) not null');
ChangeFieldType ('bugs', 'op_sys', 'varchar(64) not null');
# If you had to change the --TABLE-- definition in any way, then add your
# differential change code *** A B O V E *** this comment.
......@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
# Jacob Steenhagen <>
# Bradley Baetz <>
# Christopher Aillon <>
# Joel Peshkin <>
# Joel Peshkin <>
# Dave Lawrence <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Contains some global variables and routines used throughout bugzilla.
......@@ -225,12 +227,12 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
@::log_columns = (sort(@::log_columns));
@::legal_priority = SplitEnumType($cols->{"priority,type"});
@::legal_severity = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_severity,type"});
@::legal_platform = SplitEnumType($cols->{"rep_platform,type"});
@::legal_opsys = SplitEnumType($cols->{"op_sys,type"});
@::legal_bug_status = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_status,type"});
@::legal_resolution = SplitEnumType($cols->{"resolution,type"});
@::legal_priority = get_legal_field_values("priority");
@::legal_severity = get_legal_field_values("bug_severity");
@::legal_platform = get_legal_field_values("rep_platform");
@::legal_opsys = get_legal_field_values("op_sys");
@::legal_bug_status = get_legal_field_values("bug_status");
@::legal_resolution = get_legal_field_values("resolution");
# 'settable_resolution' is the list of resolutions that may be set
# directly by hand in the bug form. Start with the list of legal
......@@ -1026,22 +1028,13 @@ sub LearnAboutColumns {
return \%a;
# If the above returned a enum type, take that type and parse it into the
# list of values. Assumes that enums don't ever contain an apostrophe!
sub SplitEnumType {
my ($str) = (@_);
my @result = ();
if ($str =~ /^enum\((.*)\)$/) {
my $guts = $1 . ",";
while ($guts =~ /^\'([^\']*)\',(.*)$/) {
push @result, $1;
$guts = $2;
return @result;
# Returns a list of all the legal values for a field that has a
# list of legal values, like rep_platform or resolution.
sub get_legal_field_values {
my ($field) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $result_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT value FROM $field");
return @$result_ref;
sub UserInGroup {
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Matthew Tuck <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
use strict;
......@@ -200,29 +201,6 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('rescanallBugMail')) {
print "OK, now running sanity checks.<p>\n";
# Check enumeration values
# This one goes first, because if this is wrong, then the below tests
# will probably fail too
# This isn't extensible. Thats OK; we're not adding any more enum fields
Status("Checking for invalid enumeration values");
foreach my $field (("bug_severity", "bug_status", "op_sys",
"priority", "rep_platform", "resolution")) {
# undefined enum values in mysql are an empty string which equals 0
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE $field=0 ORDER BY bug_id");
my @invalid;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push (@invalid, FetchOneColumn());
if (@invalid) {
Alert("Bug(s) found with invalid $field value: ".
# Perform referential (cross) checks
......@@ -352,6 +330,25 @@ CrossCheck("products", "id",
["flaginclusions", "product_id", "type_id"],
["flagexclusions", "product_id", "type_id"]);
# Check the former enum types
CrossCheck("bug_status", "value",
["bugs", "bug_status"]);
CrossCheck("resolution", "value",
["bugs", "resolution"]);
CrossCheck("bug_severity", "value",
["bugs", "bug_severity"]);
CrossCheck("op_sys", "value",
["bugs", "op_sys"]);
CrossCheck("priority", "value",
["bugs", "priority"]);
CrossCheck("rep_platform", "value",
["bugs", "rep_platform"]);
CrossCheck('series', 'series_id',
['series_data', 'series_id']);
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