Commit e9876098 authored by's avatar

Refix for bug 25693: more accurate regexp to find duplicates when generating…

Refix for bug 25693: more accurate regexp to find duplicates when generating initial duplicates table.
parent 59742102
......@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ if (!($sth->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0])) {
print("Populating duplicates table...\n");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT longdescs.bug_id, thetext FROM longdescs left JOIN bugs using(bug_id) WHERE (thetext " .
"regexp 'This bug has been marked as a duplicate of') AND (resolution = 'DUPLICATE') ORDER" .
"regexp '[.*.]{3,3} This bug has been marked as a duplicate of [[:digit:]]{1,5} [.*.]{3,3}') AND (resolution = 'DUPLICATE') ORDER" .
" BY longdescs.bug_when");
......@@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ if (!($sth->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0])) {
foreach $key (keys(%dupes))
$dupes{$key} =~ s/.*This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d{1,5}).*/$1/sm;
$dupes{$key} =~ s/.*\*\*\* This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d{1,5}) \*\*\*.*?/$1/sm;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES('$dupes{$key}', '$key')");
# BugItsADupeOf Dupe
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