Commit ebe41c4b authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 578531: Move the chfield stuff out of init, and make

the changedbefore/after charts include the date specified (they previously did exclusive searches) r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent ccd7071e
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
# We check all attachment fields against this.
'attachments' => {
_default => \&_attachments,
_non_changed => \&_attachments,
blocked => {
_non_changed => \&_blocked_nonchanged,
......@@ -726,7 +726,8 @@ sub _parse_params {
my @charts = $self->_parse_basic_fields();
push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_email);
push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_email());
push(@charts, $self->_special_parse_chfield());
return @charts;
......@@ -798,6 +799,81 @@ sub _special_parse_bug_status {
sub _special_parse_chfield {
my ($self) = @_;
my $params = $self->_params;
my $date_from = trim(lc($params->param('chfieldfrom')));
$date_from = '' if !defined $date_from;
my $date_to = trim(lc($params->param('chfieldto')));
$date_to = '' if !defined $date_to;
$date_from = '' if $date_from eq 'now';
$date_to = '' if $date_to eq 'now';
my @fields = $params->param('chfield');
my $value_to = trim($params->param('chfieldvalue'));
$value_to = '' if !defined $value_to;
my @charts;
# It is always safe and useful to push delta_ts into the charts
# if there are any dates specified. It doesn't conflict with
# searching [Bug creation], because a bug's delta_ts is set to
# its creation_ts when it is created. So this just gives the
# database an additional index to possibly choose.
if ($date_from ne '') {
push(@charts, ['delta_ts', 'greaterthaneq', $date_from]);
if ($date_to ne '') {
push(@charts, ['delta_ts', 'lessthaneq', $date_to]);
if (grep { $_ eq '[Bug creation]' } @fields) {
if ($date_from ne '') {
push(@charts, ['creation_ts', 'greaterthaneq', $date_from]);
if ($date_to ne '') {
push(@charts, ['creation_ts', 'lessthaneq', $date_to]);
# Basically, we construct the chart like:
# (added_for_field1 = value OR added_for_field2 = value)
# AND (date_field1_changed >= date_from OR date_field2_changed >= date_from)
# AND (date_field1_changed <= date_to OR date_field2_changed <= date_to)
# Theoretically, all we *really* would need to do is look for the field id
# in the bugs_activity table, because we've already limited the search
# by delta_ts above, but there's no chart to do that, so we check the
# change date of the fields.
if ($value_to ne '') {
my @value_chart;
foreach my $field (@fields) {
next if $field eq '[Bug creation]';
push(@value_chart, $field, 'changedto', $value_to);
push(@charts, \@value_chart) if @value_chart;
if ($date_from ne '') {
my @date_from_chart;
foreach my $field (@fields) {
next if $field eq '[Bug creation]';
push(@date_from_chart, $field, 'changedafter', $date_from);
push(@charts, \@date_from_chart) if @date_from_chart;
if ($date_to ne '') {
my @date_to_chart;
foreach my $field (@fields) {
push(@date_to_chart, $field, 'changedbefore', $date_to);
push(@charts, \@date_to_chart) if @date_to_chart;
return @charts;
sub _special_parse_email {
my ($self) = @_;
my $params = $self->_params;
......@@ -946,116 +1022,6 @@ sub init {
my @specialchart = $self->_parse_params();
my $chfieldfrom = trim(lc($params->param('chfieldfrom') || ''));
my $chfieldto = trim(lc($params->param('chfieldto') || ''));
$chfieldfrom = '' if ($chfieldfrom eq 'now');
$chfieldto = '' if ($chfieldto eq 'now');
my @chfield = $params->param('chfield');
my $chvalue = trim($params->param('chfieldvalue')) || '';
if ($chfieldfrom ne '' || $chfieldto ne '') {
my $sql_chfrom = $chfieldfrom ? $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($chfieldfrom)):'';
my $sql_chto = $chfieldto ? $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($chfieldto)) :'';
my $sql_chvalue = $chvalue ne '' ? $dbh->quote($chvalue) : '';
if(!@chfield) {
if ($sql_chfrom) {
my $term = "bugs.delta_ts >= $sql_chfrom";
push(@wherepart, $term);
field => 'delta_ts', type => 'greaterthaneq',
value => $chfieldfrom, term => $term,
if ($sql_chto) {
my $term = "bugs.delta_ts <= $sql_chto";
push(@wherepart, $term);
field => 'delta_ts', type => 'lessthaneq',
value => $chfieldto, term => $term,
} else {
my $bug_creation_clause;
my @list;
my @actlist;
foreach my $f (@chfield) {
if ($f eq "[Bug creation]") {
# Treat [Bug creation] differently because we need to look
# at bugs.creation_ts rather than the bugs_activity table.
my @l;
if ($sql_chfrom) {
my $term = "bugs.creation_ts >= $sql_chfrom";
push(@l, $term);
field => 'creation_ts', type => 'greaterthaneq',
value => $chfieldfrom, term => $term,
if ($sql_chto) {
my $term = "bugs.creation_ts <= $sql_chto";
push(@l, $term);
field => 'creation_ts', type => 'lessthaneq',
value => $chfieldto, term => $term,
$bug_creation_clause = "(" . join(' AND ', @l) . ")";
} else {
push(@actlist, $self->_chart_fields->{$f}->id);
# @actlist won't have any elements if the only field being searched
# is [Bug creation] (in which case we don't need bugs_activity).
if(@actlist) {
my $extra = " actcheck.bug_id = bugs.bug_id";
push(@list, "(actcheck.bug_when IS NOT NULL)");
my $from_term = " AND actcheck.bug_when >= $sql_chfrom";
$extra .= $from_term if $sql_chfrom;
my $to_term = " AND actcheck.bug_when <= $sql_chto";
$extra .= $to_term if $sql_chto;
my $value_term = " AND actcheck.added = $sql_chvalue";
$extra .= $value_term if $sql_chvalue;
push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS actcheck " .
"ON $extra AND "
. $dbh->sql_in('actcheck.fieldid', \@actlist));
foreach my $field (@chfield) {
next if $field eq "[Bug creation]";
if ($sql_chvalue) {
field => $field, type => 'changedto',
value => $chvalue, term => $value_term,
if ($sql_chfrom) {
field => $field, type => 'changedafter',
value => $chfieldfrom, term => $from_term,
if ($sql_chvalue) {
field => $field, type => 'changedbefore',
value => $chfieldto, term => $to_term,
# Now that we're done using @list to determine if there are any
# regular fields to search (and thus we need bugs_activity),
# add the [Bug creation] criterion to the list so we can OR it
# together with the others.
push(@list, $bug_creation_clause) if $bug_creation_clause;
push(@wherepart, "(" . join(" OR ", @list) . ")");
my $sql_deadlinefrom;
my $sql_deadlineto;
if ($user->is_timetracker) {
......@@ -1783,7 +1749,7 @@ sub _long_desc_changedbefore_after {
@$args{qw(chart_id operator value joins)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>=';
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
......@@ -1934,7 +1900,7 @@ sub _work_time_changedbefore_after {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>=';
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table"
......@@ -2049,22 +2015,6 @@ sub _attachments {
$field =~ /^attachments\.(.+)$/;
my $attach_field = $1;
# XXX This is not actually the correct method of searching for
# changes in attachment values--this just tells you who posted an
# attachment.
if ($operator eq "changedby") {
$args->{value} = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{quoted} = $args->{value};
$attach_field = "submitter_id";
$args->{operator} = "equals";
elsif ($operator eq 'changedbefore' or $operator eq 'changedafter') {
$args->{value} = SqlifyDate($value);
$args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($args->{value});
$attach_field = "creation_ts";
$args->{operator} = $operator eq 'changedbefore' ? "lessthan"
: "greaterthan";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.$attach_field";
......@@ -2515,11 +2465,13 @@ sub _changedbefore_changedafter {
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<' : '>';
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>=';
my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field}
|| ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field });
my $field_id = $field_object->id;
# Charts on changed* fields need to be field-specific. Otherwise,
# OR chart rows make no sense if they contain multiple fields.
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
......@@ -2536,10 +2488,10 @@ sub _changedfrom_changedto {
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator quoted)};
my $column = ($operator =~ /from/) ? 'removed' : 'added';
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field}
|| ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field });
my $field_id = $field_object->id;
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
......@@ -2553,10 +2505,10 @@ sub _changedby {
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my $table = "act_$chart_id";
my $field_object = $self->_chart_fields->{$field}
|| ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field });
my $field_id = $field_object->id;
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
......@@ -426,14 +426,7 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
'changedbefore' => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
creation_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
# attachments.* finds values where the date matches exactly.
'attachments.description' => { contains => [2] },
'attachments.filename' => { contains => [2] },
'attachments.isobsolete' => { contains => [2] },
'attachments.ispatch' => { contains => [2] },
'attachments.isprivate' => { contains => [2] },
'attachments.mimetype' => { contains => [2] },
creation_ts => { contains => [1,2,5] },
'changedafter' => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [2,3,4] },
......@@ -854,18 +847,18 @@ use constant TESTS => {
changedbefore => [
{ contains => [1], value => '<2-delta>',
{ contains => [1], value => '<1-delta>',
override => {
creation_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
creation_ts => { contains => [1,2,5] },
blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
dependson => { contains => [1,3] },
longdesc => { contains => [1,2,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1,5] },
changedafter => [
{ contains => [2,3,4], value => '<1-delta>',
{ contains => [2,3,4], value => '<2-delta>',
override => {
creation_ts => { contains => [2,3,4] },
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