Commit f53d4eac authored by's avatar

Bug 284348: Move initial table creation into the Bugzilla::DB modules

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=glob, r=Tomas.Kopal, a=justdave
parent 64dcdcd3
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Exporter::export_ok_tags('deprecated');
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :db);
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::DB::Schema;
# All this code is backwards compat fu. As such, its a bit ugly. Note the
# circular dependencies on
......@@ -277,6 +278,31 @@ sub bz_get_field_defs {
# Database Setup
sub bz_setup_database {
my ($self) = @_;
# Get a list of the existing tables (if any) in the database
my $table_sth = $self->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE");
my @current_tables =
@{$self->selectcol_arrayref($table_sth, { Columns => [3] })};
my @desired_tables = $self->_bz_schema->get_table_list();
foreach my $table_name (@desired_tables) {
next if grep /^$table_name$/, @current_tables;
print "Creating table $table_name ...\n";
my @table_sql = $self->_bz_schema->get_table_ddl($table_name);
foreach my $sql_statement (@table_sql) {
# Schema Modification Methods
......@@ -383,6 +409,14 @@ sub bz_rename_field ($$$) {
# Schema Information Methods
sub _bz_schema {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{private_bz_schema} if exists $self->{private_bz_schema};
$self->{private_bz_schema} =
return $self->{private_bz_schema};
# XXX - Needs to be made cross-db compatible.
sub bz_get_field_def ($$) {
my ($self, $table, $field) = @_;
......@@ -417,7 +451,7 @@ sub bz_get_index_def ($$) {
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
next if $$ref[2] ne $field;
next if $$ref[4] ne $field;
return $ref;
......@@ -449,7 +483,6 @@ sub bz_start_transaction {
} else {
# Turn AutoCommit off and start a new transaction
$self->{privateprivate_bz_in_transaction} = 1;
......@@ -557,7 +590,7 @@ Bugzilla::DB - Database access routines, using L<DBI>
# Schema Information
my @fields = $dbh->bz_get_field_defs();
my @fieldinfo = $dbh->bz_get_field_def($table, $column);
my @indexinfo = $dbh->bz_get_index_def($table, $index);
my @indexinfo = $dbh->bz_get_index_def($table, $field);
my $exists = $dbh->bz_table_exists($table);
......@@ -595,6 +628,11 @@ would be 'MySQL.' You should not depend on this variable to know what
type of database you are running on; this is intended merely for displaying
to the admin to let them know what DB they're running.
The name of the Bugzilla::DB module that we are. For example, for the MySQL
Bugzilla::DB module, this would be "Mysql." For PostgreSQL it would be "Pg."
A new database handle to the required database can be created using this
......@@ -898,11 +936,11 @@ These methods return info about the current Bugzilla database schema.
Params: $table = the table that you want to count indexes on
Returns: The number of indexes on the table.
=item C<bz_get_index_def>
=item C<bz_get_index_def($table, $field)>
Description: Returns information about an index on a table in the database.
Params: $table = name of table containing the index (scalar)
$index = name of the index (scalar)
$field = name of a field that the index is on (scalar)
Returns: A reference to an array containing information about the
index, with the following information in each array place:
0 = name of the table that the index is on
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ use base qw(Bugzilla::DB);
use constant REQUIRED_VERSION => '3.23.41';
use constant PROGRAM_NAME => 'MySQL';
use constant MODULE_NAME => 'Mysql';
sub new {
my ($class, $user, $pass, $host, $dbname, $port, $sock) = @_;
......@@ -189,4 +190,39 @@ sub bz_rollback_transaction {
die("Attempt to rollback transaction on DB without transaction support");
# Database Setup
sub bz_setup_database {
my ($self) = @_;
# Figure out if any existing tables are of type ISAM and convert them
# to type MyISAM if so. ISAM tables are deprecated in MySQL 3.23,
# which Bugzilla now requires, and they don't support more than 16
# indexes per table, which Bugzilla needs.
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
my @isam_tables = ();
while (my ($name, $type) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
push(@isam_tables, $name) if $type eq "ISAM";
if(scalar(@isam_tables)) {
print "One or more of the tables in your existing MySQL database are\n"
. "of type ISAM. ISAM tables are deprecated in MySQL 3.23 and\n"
. "don't support more than 16 indexes per table, which \n"
. "Bugzilla needs.\n Converting your ISAM tables to type"
. " MyISAM:\n\n";
foreach my $table (@isam_tables) {
print "Converting table $table... ";
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table TYPE = MYISAM");
print "done.\n";
print "\nISAM->MyISAM table conversion done.\n\n";
......@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ use Carp;
# This module extends the DB interface via inheritance
use base qw(Bugzilla::DB);
use constant REQUIRED_VERSION => '7.02.0000';
use constant REQUIRED_VERSION => '7.03.0000';
use constant PROGRAM_NAME => 'PostgreSQL';
use constant MODULE_NAME => 'Pg';
sub new {
my ($class, $user, $pass, $host, $dbname, $port) = @_;
......@@ -1617,604 +1617,12 @@ if( Param('webdotbase') && Param('webdotbase') !~ /^https?:/ ) {
print "\n" unless $silent;
# Table definitions
# The following hash stores all --TABLE-- definitions. This will be used
# to automatically create those tables that don't exist. The code is
# safer than the make*.sh shell scripts used to be, because they won't
# delete existing tables.
# If you want to intentionally do this, you can always drop a table and re-run
# checksetup, e.g. like this:
# $ mysql bugs
# mysql> drop table votes;
# mysql> exit;
# $ ./
# If you change one of the field definitions, then you must also go to the
# next occurrence of the string --TABLE-- (near the end of this file) and
# add in some conditional code that will automatically update an older
# installation.
my %table;
$table{bugs_activity} =
'bug_id mediumint not null,
attach_id mediumint null,
who mediumint not null,
bug_when datetime not null,
fieldid mediumint not null,
added tinytext,
removed tinytext,
index (bug_id),
index (who),
index (bug_when),
index (fieldid)';
$table{attachments} =
'attach_id mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
bug_id mediumint not null,
creation_ts datetime not null,
description mediumtext not null,
mimetype mediumtext not null,
ispatch tinyint,
filename varchar(100) not null,
thedata longblob not null,
submitter_id mediumint not null,
isobsolete tinyint not null default 0,
isprivate tinyint not null default 0,
# September 2002 Tables to support status flags,
# which replace attachment statuses and allow users to flag bugs
# or attachments with statuses (review+, approval-, etc.).
# "flags" stores one record for each flag on each bug/attachment.
# "flagtypes" defines the types of flags that can be set.
# "flaginclusions" and "flagexclusions" specify the products/components
# a bug/attachment must belong to in order for flags of a given type
# to be set for them.
$table{flags} =
status CHAR(1) NOT NULL ,
attach_id MEDIUMINT NULL ,
creation_date DATETIME NOT NULL ,
modification_date DATETIME NULL ,
setter_id MEDIUMINT NULL ,
requestee_id MEDIUMINT NULL ,
INDEX(bug_id, attach_id) ,
INDEX(setter_id) ,
$table{flagtypes} =
description TEXT NULL ,
cc_list VARCHAR(200) NULL ,
target_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'b\' ,
is_requestable TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
is_requesteeble TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
is_multiplicable TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
grant_group_id MEDIUMINT NULL ,
request_group_id MEDIUMINT NULL
$table{flaginclusions} =
product_id SMALLINT NULL ,
component_id SMALLINT NULL ,
INDEX(type_id, product_id, component_id)
$table{flagexclusions} =
product_id SMALLINT NULL ,
component_id SMALLINT NULL ,
INDEX(type_id, product_id, component_id)
$table{bugs} =
'bug_id mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
assigned_to mediumint not null, # This is a comment.
bug_file_loc text,
bug_severity varchar(64) not null,
bug_status varchar(64) not null,
creation_ts datetime not null,
delta_ts datetime not null,
short_desc mediumtext not null,
op_sys varchar(64) not null,
priority varchar(64) not null,
product_id smallint not null,
rep_platform varchar(64),
reporter mediumint not null,
version varchar(64) not null,
component_id smallint not null,
resolution varchar(64) not null,
target_milestone varchar(20) not null default "---",
qa_contact mediumint not null,
status_whiteboard mediumtext not null,
votes mediumint not null,
keywords mediumtext not null, ' # Note: keywords field is only a cache;
# the real data comes from the keywords table.
. '
lastdiffed datetime not null,
everconfirmed tinyint not null,
reporter_accessible tinyint not null default 1,
cclist_accessible tinyint not null default 1,
estimated_time decimal(5,2) not null default 0,
remaining_time decimal(5,2) not null default 0,
deadline datetime,
alias varchar(20),
index (assigned_to),
index (creation_ts),
index (delta_ts),
index (bug_severity),
index (bug_status),
index (op_sys),
index (priority),
index (product_id),
index (reporter),
index (version),
index (component_id),
index (resolution),
index (target_milestone),
index (qa_contact),
index (votes),
fulltext (short_desc),
$table{cc} =
'bug_id mediumint not null,
who mediumint not null,
$table{watch} =
'watcher mediumint not null,
watched mediumint not null,
$table{longdescs} =
'bug_id mediumint not null,
who mediumint not null,
bug_when datetime not null,
work_time decimal(5,2) not null default 0,
thetext mediumtext,
isprivate tinyint not null default 0,
already_wrapped tinyint not null default 0,
fulltext (thetext)';
$table{components} =
'id smallint not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
product_id smallint not null,
initialowner mediumint not null,
initialqacontact mediumint not null,
description mediumtext not null,
$table{dependencies} =
'blocked mediumint not null,
dependson mediumint not null,
# User regexp is which email addresses are put into this group.
# 2001-04-10
# isactive determines whether or not a group is active. An inactive group
# cannot have bugs added to it. Deactivation is a much milder form of
# deleting a group that allows users to continue to work on bugs in the group
# without enabling them to extend the life of the group by adding bugs to it.
$table{groups} =
'id mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
description text not null,
isbuggroup tinyint not null,
last_changed datetime not null,
userregexp tinytext not null,
isactive tinyint not null default 1,
$table{logincookies} =
'cookie mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
userid mediumint not null,
ipaddr varchar(40) NOT NULL,
$table{classifications} =
'id smallint not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
description mediumtext,
$table{products} =
'id smallint not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
classification_id smallint not null default 1,
description mediumtext,
milestoneurl tinytext not null,
disallownew tinyint not null,
votesperuser smallint not null,
maxvotesperbug smallint not null default 10000,
votestoconfirm smallint not null,
defaultmilestone varchar(20) not null default "---",
$table{profiles} =
'userid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
login_name varchar(255) not null,
cryptpassword varchar(128),
realname varchar(255),
disabledtext mediumtext not null,
mybugslink tinyint not null default 1,
emailflags mediumtext,
refreshed_when datetime not null,
extern_id varchar(64) default null,
$table{profiles_activity} =
'userid mediumint not null,
who mediumint not null,
profiles_when datetime not null,
fieldid mediumint not null,
oldvalue tinytext,
newvalue tinytext,
index (userid),
index (profiles_when),
index (fieldid)';
$table{namedqueries} =
'userid mediumint not null,
name varchar(64) not null,
linkinfooter tinyint not null,
query mediumtext not null,
unique(userid, name)';
$table{fielddefs} =
'fieldid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
description mediumtext not null,
mailhead tinyint not null default 0,
sortkey smallint not null,
$table{versions} =
'value tinytext,
product_id smallint not null';
$table{votes} =
'who mediumint not null,
bug_id mediumint not null,
vote_count smallint not null,
$table{keywords} =
'bug_id mediumint not null,
keywordid smallint not null,
$table{keyworddefs} =
'id smallint not null primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
description mediumtext,
$table{milestones} =
'product_id smallint not null,
value varchar(20) not null,
sortkey smallint not null,
unique (product_id, value)';
$table{duplicates} =
'dupe_of mediumint(9) not null,
dupe mediumint(9) not null primary key';
# 2001-06-21,, bug 77473:
# Stores the tokens users receive when a password or email change is
# requested. Tokens provide an extra measure of security for these changes.
$table{tokens} =
'userid mediumint not null ,
issuedate datetime not null ,
token varchar(16) not null primary key ,
tokentype varchar(8) not null ,
eventdata tinytext null ,
# group membership tables for tracking group and privilege
# This table determines the groups that a user belongs to
# directly or due to regexp and which groups can be blessed
# by a user.
# grant_type:
# if GRANT_DIRECT - record was explicitly granted
# if GRANT_DERIVED - record was derived from expanding a group hierarchy
# if GRANT_REGEXP - record was created by evaluating a regexp
$table{user_group_map} =
'user_id mediumint not null,
group_id mediumint not null,
isbless tinyint not null default 0,
grant_type tinyint not null default 0,
unique(user_id, group_id, grant_type, isbless)';
# This table determines which groups are made a member of another
# group, given the ability to bless another group, or given
# visibility to another groups existence and membership
# grant_type:
# if GROUP_MEMBERSHIP - member groups are made members of grantor
# if GROUP_BLESS - member groups may grant membership in grantor
# if GROUP_VISIBLE - member groups may see grantor group
$table{group_group_map} =
'member_id mediumint not null,
grantor_id mediumint not null,
grant_type tinyint not null default 0,
unique(member_id, grantor_id, grant_type)';
# This table determines which groups a user must be a member of
# in order to see a bug.
$table{bug_group_map} =
'bug_id mediumint not null,
group_id mediumint not null,
unique(bug_id, group_id),
# Store quips in the db.
$table{quips} =
'quipid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
userid mediumint null,
quip text not null,
approved tinyint(1) not null default 1';
$table{group_control_map} =
'group_id mediumint not null,
product_id mediumint not null,
entry tinyint not null,
membercontrol tinyint not null,
othercontrol tinyint not null,
canedit tinyint not null,
unique(product_id, group_id),
# Generic charting over time of arbitrary queries.
# Queries are disabled when frequency == 0.
$table{series} =
'series_id mediumint auto_increment primary key,
creator mediumint not null,
category smallint not null,
subcategory smallint not null,
name varchar(64) not null,
frequency smallint not null,
last_viewed datetime default null,
query mediumtext not null,
public tinyint(1) not null default 0,
unique(creator, category, subcategory, name)';
$table{series_data} =
'series_id mediumint not null,
series_date datetime not null,
series_value mediumint not null,
unique(series_id, series_date)';
$table{category_group_map} =
'category_id smallint not null,
group_id mediumint not null,
unique(category_id, group_id)';
$table{series_categories} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
# whine system
$table{whine_queries} =
'id mediumint auto_increment primary key,
eventid mediumint not null,
query_name varchar(64) not null default \'\',
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
onemailperbug tinyint not null default 0,
title varchar(128) not null,
$table{whine_schedules} =
'id mediumint auto_increment primary key,
eventid mediumint not null,
run_day varchar(32),
run_time varchar(32),
run_next datetime,
mailto mediumint not null,
mailto_type smallint not null default 0,
$table{whine_events} =
'id mediumint auto_increment primary key,
owner_userid mediumint not null,
subject varchar(128),
body mediumtext';
# - bug 17453
# Below are all the old enumerations converted to tables
$table{bug_status} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{rep_platform} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{resolution} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{op_sys} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{bug_severity} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
$table{priority} =
'id smallint auto_increment primary key,
value varchar(64) not null,
sortkey smallint not null default 0,
isactive tinyint(1) not null default 1,
index(sortkey, value)';
# Create tables
# Figure out if any existing tables are of type ISAM and convert them
# to type MyISAM if so. ISAM tables are deprecated in MySQL 3.23,
# which Bugzilla now requires, and they don't support more than 16
# indexes per table, which Bugzilla needs.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$::db_name`");
my @isam_tables = ();
while (my ($name, $type) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
push(@isam_tables, $name) if $type eq "ISAM";
if(scalar(@isam_tables)) {
print "One or more of the tables in your existing MySQL database are of\n" .
"type ISAM. ISAM tables are deprecated in MySQL 3.23 and don't \n " .
"support more than 16 indexes per table, which Bugzilla needs. \n" .
"Converting your ISAM tables to type MyISAM:\n\n";
foreach my $table (@isam_tables) {
print "Converting table $table... ";
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table TYPE = MYISAM");
print "done.\n";
print "\nISAM->MyISAM table conversion done.\n\n";
# Get a list of the existing tables (if any) in the database
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, undef, "TABLE");
my @tables = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, { Columns => [3] })};
#print 'Tables: ', join " ", @tables, "\n";
# go through our %table hash and create missing tables
while (my ($tabname, $fielddef) = each %table) {
next if grep /^$tabname$/, @tables;
print "Creating table $tabname ...\n";
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $tabname (\n$fielddef\n) TYPE = MYISAM")
or die "Could not create table '$tabname'. " .
"Please check your '$my_db_driver' access.\n";
# Note: --TABLE-- definitions are now in Bugzilla::DB::Schema.
# Populate groups table
......@@ -2416,7 +1824,7 @@ PopulateEnumTable('resolution', @resolutions);
# Create initial test product if there are no products present.
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM products");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM products");
unless ($sth->rows) {
print "Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct' ...\n";
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