Commit fc6da409 authored by's avatar

Oops. Accounts created via the "createaccount.cgi" page were not

getting their password emailed to them.
parent 08c985ad
......@@ -325,31 +325,8 @@ sub CheckEmailSyntax {
sub confirm_login {
my ($nexturl) = (@_);
# Uncommenting the next line can help debugging...
# print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
if (defined $::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"} &&
defined $::FORM{"Bugzilla_password"}) {
my $enteredlogin = $::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"};
my $enteredpwd = $::FORM{"Bugzilla_password"};
my $realcryptpwd = PasswordForLogin($::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"});
if (defined $::FORM{"PleaseMailAPassword"}) {
my $realpwd;
if ($realcryptpwd eq "") {
$realpwd = InsertNewUser($enteredlogin);
} else {
SendSQL("select password from profiles where login_name = " .
$realpwd = FetchOneColumn();
sub MailPassword {
my ($login, $password) = (@_);
my $urlbase = Param("urlbase");
my $template = "From: bugzilla-daemon
To: %s
......@@ -366,8 +343,7 @@ To use the wonders of bugzilla, you can use the following:
(Your bugzilla and CVS password, if any, are not currently synchronized.
Top hackers are working around the clock to fix this, as you read this.)
my $msg = sprintf($template, $enteredlogin, $enteredlogin,
my $msg = sprintf($template, $login, $login, $password);
open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
print SENDMAIL $msg;
......@@ -376,9 +352,38 @@ To use the wonders of bugzilla, you can use the following:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<H1>Password has been emailed.</H1>\n";
print "The password for the e-mail address\n";
print "$enteredlogin has been e-mailed to that address.\n";
print "$login has been e-mailed to that address.\n";
print "<p>When the e-mail arrives, you can click <b>Back</b>\n";
print "and enter your password in the form there.\n";
sub confirm_login {
my ($nexturl) = (@_);
# Uncommenting the next line can help debugging...
# print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
if (defined $::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"} &&
defined $::FORM{"Bugzilla_password"}) {
my $enteredlogin = $::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"};
my $enteredpwd = $::FORM{"Bugzilla_password"};
my $realcryptpwd = PasswordForLogin($::FORM{"Bugzilla_login"});
if (defined $::FORM{"PleaseMailAPassword"}) {
my $realpwd;
if ($realcryptpwd eq "") {
$realpwd = InsertNewUser($enteredlogin);
} else {
SendSQL("select password from profiles where login_name = " .
$realpwd = FetchOneColumn();
MailPassword($enteredlogin, $realpwd);
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ if (defined $login) {
print "the <b>E-mail me a password</b> button.\n";
DBNameToIdAndCheck($login, 1);
my $password = InsertNewUser($login);
MailPassword($login, $password);
print "A bugzilla account for <tt>$login</tt> has been created. The\n";
print "password has been e-mailed to that address. When it is\n";
print "received, you may <a href=query.cgi?GoAheadAndLogIn>click\n";
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