<li>Remove all explicit memberships that are included in the above
regular expression:
<input name="remove_explicit_members_regexp" type="submit" id="remove_explicit_members_regexp" value="Remove memberships included in regular expression">
<th class="one">
Groups That Can Grant Membership in This Group<br>
("Users in <var>X</var> can add other users to
[%+ group.name FILTER html %]")
<th>Groups That This Group Can Grant Membership In<br>
("Users in [% group.name FILTER html %] can add users to...")
<td class="one">
[% PROCESS select_pair name = "bless_from" size = 10
items_available = bless_from_available
items_current = bless_from_current %]
<td>[% PROCESS select_pair name = "bless_to" size = 10