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Apr 04, 2008
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<!-- <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"> -->
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Administering Bugzilla
<!-- TOC
Chapter: Administration
Localconfig and customizations
Bugzilla Configuration
The Email Gateway
Editing parameters
Bugzilla is configured by changing various parameters, accessed
Deciding your site policies
from the "Edit parameters" link in the page footer. Here are
The Shadow Database
some of the key parameters on that page. You should run down this
Customizing password mail & layout
list and set them appropriately after installing Bugzilla.
The Whining Cron
Why you shouldn't allow deletion
User administration
Creating Users
Disabling Users
User Permissions
Product Administration
Creating products
Creating components
Assigning default owners and Q/A contacts to components
The maintainer parameter is the email address of the person
Product Milestones
responsible for maintaining this
Product Versions
Bugzilla installation. The address need not be that of a valid Bugzilla
Administering Bugzilla
Or, I just got this cool thing installed. Now what the heck do I do with it?
This parameter defines the fully qualified domain name and web
server path to your Bugzilla installation.
So you followed the README isntructions to the letter, and
just logged into bugzilla with your super-duper god account and you are sitting at the query
For example, if your Bugzilla query page is
screen. Yet, you have nothing to query. Your first act of business needs to be to setup the
operating parameters for bugzilla.
set your
Post-Installation Checklist
After installation, follow the checklist below to ensure that
you have a successful installation.
If you do not see a recommended setting for a parameter,
This dictates whether or not to automatically create groups
consider leaving it at the default
when new products are created.
while you perform your initial tests on your Bugzilla setup.
Bugzilla products can have a group associated with them, so that
certain users can only see bugs in certain products. When this
Bring up "editparams.cgi" in your web browser. For instance, to edit parameters
parameter is set to
, this
at, the URL would be
causes the initial group controls on newly created products
, also available under the "edit parameters"
to place all newly-created bugs in the group
link on your query page.
having the same name as the product immediately.
After a product is initially created, the group controls
can be further adjusted without interference by
this mechanism.
Set "maintainer" to
email address.
This allows Bugzilla's error messages
to display your email
address and allow people to contact you for help.
You run into an interesting problem when Bugzilla reaches a
high level of continuous activity. MySQL supports only table-level
write locking. What this means is that if someone needs to make a
change to a bug, they will lock the entire table until the operation
Set "urlbase" to the URL reference for your Bugzilla installation.
is complete. Locking for write also blocks reads until the write is
If your bugzilla query page is at,
complete. Note that more recent versions of mysql support row level
your url base is
locking using different table types. These types are slower than the
standard type, and Bugzilla does not yet take advantage of features
such as transactions which would justify this speed decrease. The
Bugzilla team are, however, happy to hear about any experiences with
row level locking and Bugzilla.
Set "usebuggroups" to "1"
if you need to restrict access to products.
I suggest leaving this parameter
parameter was designed to get around this limitation. While only a
while initially testing your Bugzilla.
single user is allowed to write to a table at a time, reads can
continue unimpeded on a read-only shadow copy of the database.
Although your database size will double, a shadow database can cause
an enormous performance improvement when implemented on extremely
high-traffic Bugzilla databases.
Set "usebuggroupsentry" to "1" if you want to restrict access to products.
Once again, if you are simply testing your installation, I suggest against
turning this parameter on; the strict security checking may stop you from
As a guide, on reasonably old hardware, began needing
being able to modify your new entries.
when they reached around 40,000 Bugzilla users with several hundred
Bugzilla bug changes and comments per day.
The value of the parameter defines the name of the
Set "shadowdb" to "bug_shadowdb" if you will be
shadow bug database. You will need to set the host and port settings
running a *very* large installation of Bugzilla.
from the params page, and set up replication in your database server
The shadow database enables many simultaneous users
so that updates reach this readonly mirror. Consult your database
to read and write to the database
documentation for more detail.
without interfering with one another.
Enabling "shadowdb" can adversely affect the stability
of your installation of Bugzilla.
You may frequently need to manually synchronize your databases,
or schedule nightly syncs
If you need to shut down Bugzilla to perform administration, enter
via "cron"
some descriptive HTML here and anyone who tries to use Bugzilla will
receive a page to that effect. Obviously, editparams.cgi will
still be accessible so you can remove the HTML and re-enable Bugzilla.
Once again, in testing you should
avoid this option -- use it if or when you
to use it, and have
repeatedly run into the problem it was designed to solve -- very long wait times while
attempting to commit a change to the database.
If you use the "shadowdb" option,
it is only natural that you should turn the "queryagainstshadowdb"
option "On" as well. Otherwise you are replicating data into a shadow database for no reason!
Every time a user creates an account, the text of
this parameter (with substitutions) is sent to the new user along with
their password message.
Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For
If you have custom logos or HTML you must put in place to fit within your site design guidelines,
instance, many people choose to use this box to give a quick training
place the code in the "headerhtml", "footerhtml", "errorhtml",
blurb about how to use Bugzilla at your site.
"bannerhtml", or "blurbhtml" text boxes.
The "headerhtml" text box is the HTML printed out
any other code on the page.
If you have a special banner, put the code for it in "bannerhtml".
You may want to leave these
settings at the defaults initially.
This option is an undocumented feature to allow moving bugs
between separate Bugzilla installations. You will need to understand
the source code in order to use this feature. Please consult
in your Bugzilla source tree for
further documentation, such as it is.
Add any text you wish to the "passwordmail" parameter box. For instance,
many people choose to use this box to give a quick training blurb about how to
use Bugzilla at your site.
This allows you to define an email address for each component, in
Ensure "newemailtech" is "on".
to that of the default owner, who will be sent carbon copies of
Your users will thank you. This is the default in the post-2.12 world, and is
incoming bugs.
only an issue if you are upgrading.
This defines whether you wish to have a free-form, overwritable field
Do you want to use the qa contact ("useqacontact")
associated with each bug. The advantage of the Status Whiteboard is
and status whiteboard ("usestatuswhiteboard") fields?
that it can be deleted or modified with ease, and provides an
These fields are useful because they allow for more flexibility,
easily-searchable field for indexing some bugs that have some trait
particularly when you have an existing
in common.
Quality Assurance and/or Release Engineering team,
but they may not be needed for smaller installations.
Set "whinedays" to the amount of days you want to let bugs go
Set this to the number of days you want to let bugs go
in the "New" or "Reopened" state before
in the NEW or REOPENED state before notifying people they have
notifying people they have untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply do
untouched new bugs. If you do not plan to use this feature, simply do
not set up the whining cron job described in the README, or set this value to "0".
not set up the whining cron job described in the installation
instructions, or set this value to "0" (never whine).
Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy.
It is a wise idea to require comments when users
resolve, reassign, or reopen bugs.
All these
fields allow you to dictate what changes can pass without comment,
and which must have a comment from the person who changed them.
It is generally far better to require a developer comment when resolving bugs than not.
Often, administrators will allow users to add themselves to the CC
Few things are more annoying to bug database users than having a developer
list, accept bugs, or change the Status Whiteboard without adding a
mark a bug "fixed" without any comment as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly fixed!)
comment as to their reasons for the change, yet require that most
other changes come with an explanation.
Set the "commenton" options according to your site policy. It
is a wise idea to require comments when users resolve, reassign, or
reopen bugs at the very least.
Set "supportwatchers" to "On". This feature is helpful for team leads to monitor progress in their
It is generally far better to require a developer comment
respective areas, and can offer many other benefits, such as allowing a developer to pick up a
when resolving bugs than not. Few things are more annoying to bug
former engineer's bugs without requiring her to change all the information in the bug.
database users than having a developer mark a bug "fixed" without
any comment as to what the fix was (or even that it was truly
User Administration
User administration is one of the easiest parts of Bugzilla.
Keeping it from getting out of hand, however, can become a challenge.
Turning on this option allows users to ask to receive copies of
all a particular other user's bug email. This is, of
course, subject to the groupset restrictions on the bug; if the
Creating the Default User
would not normally be allowed to view a bug, the watcher cannot get
around the system by setting herself up to watch the bugs of someone
When you first run after installing Bugzilla, it will prompt you
with bugs outside her privileges. They would still only receive email
for the administrative username (email address) and password for this "super user".
updates for those bugs she could normally view.
If for some reason you were to delete the "super user" account, re-running
</step> will again prompt you for this username and password.
If you wish to add more administrative users, you must use the MySQL interface.
User Administration
Run "mysql" from the command line, and use these commands ("mysql>" denotes the
mysql prompt, not something you should type in):
use bugs;
Creating the Default User
update profiles set groupset=0x7ffffffffffffff
where login_name = "(user's login name)";
When you first run after installing Bugzilla, it
will prompt you for the administrative username (email address) and
password for this "super user". If for some reason you delete
the "super user" account, re-running will again prompt
you for this username and password.
Managing Other Users
If you wish to add more administrative users, add them to
the "admin" group and, optionally, add edit the tweakparams, editusers,
Logging In
creategroups, editcomponents, and editkeywords groups to add the
entire admin group to those groups.
Open the index.html page for your Bugzilla installation in your browser window.
Managing Other Users
Click the "Query Existing Bug Reports" link.
Creating new users
Your users can create their own user accounts by clicking the
"New Account" link at the bottom of each page (assuming they
Click the "Log In" link at the foot of the page.
aren't logged in as someone else already.) However, should you
desire to create user accounts ahead of time, here is how you do
Type your email address, and the password which was emailed to you when you
created your Bugzilla account, into the spaces provided.
After logging in, click the "Users" link at the footer of
the query page, and then click "Add a new user".
Congratulations, you are logged in!
Fill out the form presented. This page is self-explanatory.
When done, click "Submit".
Creating new users
Adding a user this way will
Your users can create their own user accounts by clicking the "New Account"
link at the bottom of each page.
However, should you desire to create user accounts ahead of time, here is how you do it.
send an email informing them of their username and password.
While useful for creating dummy accounts (watchers which
shuttle mail to another system, for instance, or email
addresses which are a mailing list), in general it is
preferable to log out and use the
After logging in, click the "Users" link at the footer of the query page.
New Account
button to create users, as it will pre-populate all the
required fields and also notify the user of her account name
and password.
To see a specific user, type a portion of their login name
in the box provided and click "submit".
To see all users, simply click the "submit" button.
You must click "submit" here to be able to add a new user.
Modifying Users
More functionality is available via the list on the right-hand side
of the text entry box.
To see a specific user, search for their login name
You can match what you type as a case-insensitive substring (the default)
in the box provided on the "Edit Users" page. To see all users,
of all users on your system, a case-sensitive regular expression
leave the box blank.
(please see the "man regexp" manual page for details on regular expression syntax),
or a
regular expression match,
You can search in different ways the listbox to the right
where every user name which does NOT match the regular expression
of the text entry box. You can match by
is selected.
case-insensitive substring (the default),
regular expression, or a
regular expression match, which finds every user name which does NOT
match the regular expression. (Please see
man regexp
Click the "Add New User" link at the bottom of the user list
manual page for details on regular expression syntax.)
Once you have found your user, you can change the following
Fill out the form presented. This page is self-explanatory. When done, click "submit".
Adding a user this way will
send an email
Login Name
informing them of their username and password.
This is generally the user's full email address. However, if you
In general, it is preferable to log out and use the "New Account"
have are using the emailsuffix Param, this may just be the user's
button to create users, as it will pre-populate all the required fields and also notify
login name. Note that users can now change their login names
the user of her account name and password.
themselves (to any valid email address.)
Real Name
: The user's real name. Note that
Bugzilla does not require this to create an account.
Disabling Users
I bet you noticed that big "Disabled Text" entry box available from the "Add New User" screen,
when you edit an account?
By entering any text in this box and selecting "submit",
you have prevented the user from using Bugzilla via the web interface.
You can change the user's password here. Users can automatically
Your explanation, written in this text box, will be presented to the user
request a new password, so you shouldn't need to do this often.
the next time she attempts to use the system.
If you want to disable an account, see Disable Text below.
Don't disable your own administrative account, or you will hate life!
Disable Text
If you type anything in this box, including just a space, the
user is prevented from logging in, or making any changes to
bugs via the web interface.
Modifying Users
The HTML you type in this box is presented to the user when
they attempt to perform these actions, and should explain
Here I will attempt to describe the function of each option on the user edit screen.
why the account was disabled.
Don't disable all the administrator accounts!
Login Name
: This is generally the user's email address.
However, if you have edited your system parameters,
The user can still submit bugs via
this may just be the user's login name or some other identifier.
the e-mail gateway, if you set it up, even if the disabled text
field is filled in. The e-mail gateway should
For compatability reasons, you should probably
be enabled for secure installations of Bugzilla.
stick with email addresses as user login names. It will make your life easier.
Real Name
: Duh!
If you have created some groups, e.g. "securitysensitive", then
checkboxes will appear here to allow you to add users to, or
remove them from, these groups.
: You will only see asterisks in versions
of Bugzilla newer than 2.10 or early 2.11. You can change the user password here.
This field is only used if you have enabled the "unconfirmed"
status. If you enable this for a user,
Email Notification
: You may choose from one of three options:
that user can then move bugs from "Unconfirmed" to a "Confirmed"
status (e.g.: "New" status).
All qualifying bugs except those which I change:
The user will be notified of any change to any bug
for which she is the reporter, assignee, Q/A contact, CC recipient, or "watcher".
This option will allow a user to create and destroy groups in
Only those bugs which I am listed on the CC line:
The user will not be notified of changes to bugs where she is the assignee,
reporter, or Q/A contact, but will receive them if she is on the CC list.
Unless a user has this bit set, they can only edit those bugs
for which they are the assignee or the reporter. Even if this
She will still receive whining cron emails if you set up the "whinemail" feature.
option is unchecked, users can still add comments to bugs.
All Qualifying Bugs
: This user is a glutton for punishment.
This flag allows a user to create new products and components,
If her name is in the reporter, Q/A contact, CC, assignee, or is a "watcher",
as well as modify and destroy those that have no bugs associated
she will get email updates regarding the bug.
with them. If a product or component has bugs associated with it,
those bugs must be moved to a different product or component
before Bugzilla will allow them to be destroyed.
Disable Text
: If you type anything in this box,
including just a space, the user account is disabled from making any changes
to bugs via the web interface, and what you type in this box is presented as the reason.
If you use Bugzilla's keyword functionality, enabling this
Don't disable the administrator account!
feature allows a user to create and destroy keywords. As always,
the keywords for existing bugs containing the keyword the user
wishes to destroy must be changed before Bugzilla will allow it
to die.
As of this writing, the user can still submit bugs via the e-mail gateway,
if you set it up, despite the disabled text field. The e-mail gateway should
be enabled for secure installations of Bugzilla.
This flag allows a user to do what you're doing right now: edit
other users. This will allow those with the right to do so to
remove administrator privileges from other users or grant them to
themselves. Enable with care.
: This field is only used if you have enabled
"unconfirmed" status in your parameters screen. If you enable this for a user,
that user can then move bugs from "Unconfirmed" to "Confirmed" status (ergo: "New" status).
Be judicious about allowing users to turn this bit on for other users.
This flag allows a user to change Bugzilla's Params
: This option will allow a user to create and
destroy groups in Bugzilla. Unless you are using the Bugzilla GroupSentry security
option "usebuggroupsentry" in your parameters, this setting has no effect.
This allows an administrator to specify the products in which
a user can see bugs. The user must still have the
: Unless a user has this bit set, they can only edit
"editbugs" privilege to edit bugs in these products.
those bugs for which they are the assignee or the reporter.
Leaving this option unchecked does not prevent users from adding
comments to a bug! They simply cannot change a bug priority, severity,
etc. unless they are the assignee or reporter.
: This flag allows a user to create new
products and components, as well as modify and destroy those that have no bugs
are the broadest category in Bugzilla, and tend to represent real-world
associated with them. If a product or component has bugs associated with it,
shipping products. E.g. if your company makes computer games,
those bugs must be moved to a different product or component before Bugzilla
you should have one product per game, perhaps a "Common" product for
will allow them to be destroyed. The name of a product or component can be
units of technology used in multiple games, and maybe a few special
changed without affecting the associated bugs, but it tends to annoy
products (Website, Administration...)
the hell out of your users when these change a lot.
Many of Bugzilla's settings are configurable on a per-product
basis. The number of "votes" available to users is set per-product,
as is the number of votes
required to move a bug automatically from the UNCONFIRMED status to the
: If you use Bugzilla's keyword functionality,
NEW status.
enabling this feature allows a user can create and destroy keywords.
As always, the keywords for existing bugs containing the keyword
To create a new product:
the user wishes to destroy must be changed before Bugzilla will allow it to die.
You must be very careful about creating too many new keywords
if you run a very large Bugzilla installation; keywords are global variables
across products, and you can often run into a phenomenon called "keyword bloat".
Select "products" from the footer
This confuses users, and then the feature goes unused.
Select the "Add" link in the bottom right
: This flag allows a user do what you're doing
right now: edit other users.
This will allow those with the right to do so to remove administrator
priveleges from other users or grant them to themselves. Enable with care.
Enter the name of the product and a description. The
Description field may contain HTML.
: PRODUCT bugs access. This allows an administrator,
Don't worry about the "Closed for bug entry", "Maximum Votes
with product-level granularity, to specify in which products a user can edit bugs.
per person", "Maximum votes a person can put on a single bug",
The user must still have the "editbugs" privelege to edit bugs in this area;
"Number of votes a bug in this Product needs to automatically get out
this simply restricts them from even seeing bugs outside these boundaries if the administrator
of the UNCOMFIRMED state", and "Version" options yet. We'll cover
has enabled the group sentry parameter "usebuggroupsentry". Unless you are using bug groups,
those in a few moments.
this option has no effect.
Components are subsections of a Product. E.g. the computer game
you are designing may have a "UI"
component, an "API" component, a "Sound System" component, and a
Product, Component, Milestone, and Version Administration
"Plugins" component, each overseen by a different programmer. It
often makes sense to divide Components in Bugzilla according to the
natural divisions of responsibility within your Product or
Dear Lord, we have to get our users to do WHAT?
Each component has a owner and (if you turned it on in the parameters),
a QA Contact. The owner should be the primary person who fixes bugs in
that component. The QA Contact should be the person who will ensure
Formerly, and in some spots still, called "Programs"
these bugs are completely fixed. The Owner, QA Contact, and Reporter
will get email when new bugs are created in this Component and when
are the
these bugs change. Default Owner and Default QA Contact fields only
broadest category in Bugzilla, and you should have the least of these.
dictate the
If your company makes computer games, you should have one product per game,
default assignments
and possibly a few special products
these can be changed on bug submission, or at any later point in
(website, meetings...)
a bug's life.
To create a new Component:
A Product (formerly called "Program", and still referred to that way
in some portions of the source code) controls some very important functions.
The number of "votes" available for users to vote for the most important bugs
is set per-product, as is the number of votes required to move a bug automatically
Select the "Edit components" link from the "Edit product"
from the UNCONFIRMED status to the NEW status. One can close a Product for further
bug entry and define various Versions available from the Edit Product screen.
To create a new product:
Select the "Add" link in the bottom right.
Select "components" from the yellow footer
Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description",
the "Initial Owner" and "Initial QA Contact" (if enabled.)
The Component and Description fields may contain HTML;
It may seem counterintuitive to click "components" when you want
the "Initial Owner" field must be a login name
to edit the properties associated with Products. This is one of a long
already existing in the database.
list of things we want in Bugzilla 3.0...
Select the "Add" link to the right of "Add a new product".
Versions are the revisions of the product, such as "Flinders
3.1", "Flinders 95", and "Flinders 2000". Version is not a multi-select
field; the usual practice is to select the earliest version known to have
Enter the name of the product and a description.
the bug.
The Description field is free-form.
To create and edit Versions:
Don't worry about the "Closed for bug entry", "Maximum Votes per person",
From the "Edit product" screen, select "Edit Versions"
"Maximum votes a person can put on a single bug", "Number of votes a bug in
this Product needs to automatically get out of the UNCOMFIRMED state",
and "Version" options yet.
We'll cover those in a few moments.
You will notice that the product already has the default
version "undefined". Click the "Add" link in the bottom right.
Enter the name of the Version. This field takes text only.
Then click the "Add" button.
Components are subsections of a Product.
Creating some Components
The computer game you are designing may a "UI" component, an "API" component,
a "Sound System" component, and a "Plugins" component, each overseen by a different
Milestones are "targets" that you plan to get a bug fixed by. For
programmer. It often makes sense to divide Components in Bugzilla according to the
example, you have a bug that you plan to fix for your 3.0 release, it
natural divisions of responsibility within your Product or company.
would be assigned the milestone of 3.0.
Milestone options will only appear for a Product if you turned
on the "usetargetmilestone" Param in the "Edit Parameters" screen.
Each component has a owner and (if you turned it on in the parameters), a qa
contact. The owner should be the primary person who fixes bugs in that component. The QA
Contact should be the person who will ensure these bugs are completely fixed. The Owner,
QA Contact, and Reporter will get email when new bugs are created in this Component and
To create new Milestones, set Default Milestones, and set
when these bugs change. Default Owner and Default QA Contact fields only dictate the
Milestone URL:
default assignments
; the Owner and Q/A Contact fields in a bug
are otherwise unrelated to the Component.
Select "Edit milestones" from the "Edit product" page.
To create a new Component:
Select "Add" in the bottom right corner.
Select the "Edit components" link from the "Edit Product" page
Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field. You
can optionally set the "sortkey", which is a positive or negative
number (-255 to 255) that defines where in the list this particular
Select the "Add" link to the right of the "Add a new component" text
milestone appears. This is because milestones often do not
on the "Select Component" page.
occur in alphanumeric order For example, "Future" might be
after "Release 1.2". Select "Add".
Fill out the "Component" field, a short "Description", and the "Initial Owner".
From the Edit product screen, you can enter the URL of a
The "Component" field should not contain a space. The "Description" field is
page which gives information about your milestones and what
free-form. The "Initial Owner" field must be that of a valid user already
they mean.
existing in the database. If the initial owner does not exist, Bugzilla
will refuse to create the component.
Is your "Default Owner" a user who is not yet in the database?
No problem.
Voting allows users to be given a pot of votes which they can allocate
to bugs, to indicate that they'd like them fixed.
Select the "Log out" link on the footer of the page.
This allows developers to gauge
user need for a particular enhancement or bugfix. By allowing bugs with
a certain number of votes to automatically move from "UNCONFIRMED" to
"NEW", users of the bug system can help high-priority bugs garner
attention so they don't sit for a long time awaiting triage.
Select the "New Account" link on the footer of the "Relogin" page
To modify Voting settings:
Type in the email address of the default owner you want to create
Navigate to the "Edit product" screen for the Product you
in the "E-mail address" field, and her full name in the "Real name"
wish to modify
field, then select the "Submit Query" button.
Maximum Votes per person
Setting this field to "0" disables voting.
Now select "Log in" again, type in your login information, and you
can modify the product to use the Default Owner information
you require.
Maximum Votes a person can put on a single
It should probably be some number lower than the
"Maximum votes per person". Don't set this field to "0" if
"Maximum votes per person" is non-zero; that doesn't make
any sense.
Either "edit" more components or return to the "query" page on the ensuing
Number of votes a bug in this product needs to
"Addming new component" page. To return to the Product you were editing, you
automatically get out of the UNCONFIRMED state
must select the "components" link as before.
Setting this field to "0" disables the automatic move of
bugs from UNCONFIRMED to NEW.
Once you have adjusted the values to your preference, click
Versions are the revisions of the product, such as "Flinders 3.1", "Flinders 95",
and "Flinders 2000". Using Versions helps you isolate code changes and are an aid
in reporting.
Groups and Group Security
Common Use of Versions
Groups allow the administrator
to isolate bugs or products that should only be seen by certain people.
A user reports a bug
The association between products and groups is controlled from
against Version "Beta 2.0" of your product. The current Version of your software
the product edit page under
Edit Group Controls.
is "Release Candidate 1", and no longer has the bug. This will
help you triage and classify bugs according to their relevance. It is also
possible people may report bugs against bleeding-edge beta versions that are
not evident in older versions of the software. This can help isolate code
If the makeproductgroups param is on, a new group will be automatically
changes that caused the bug
created for every new product.
On the product edit page, there is a page to edit the
A Different Use of Versions
Group Controls
for a product and determine which groups are applicable, default,
and mandatory for each product as well as controlling entry
This field has been used to good effect by an online service provider in a slightly
for each product and being able to set bugs in a product to be
different way. They had three versions of the product: "Production", "QA",
totally read-only unless some group restrictions are met.
and "Dev". Although it may be the same product, a bug in the development
environment is not normally as critical as a Production bug, nor does it
need to be reported publicly. When used in conjunction with Target Milestones,
one can easily specify the environment where a bug can be reproduced, and
For each group, it is possible to specify if membership in that
the Milestone by which it will be fixed.
group is...
required for bug entry,
To create and edit Versions:
Not applicable to this product(NA),
From the "Edit Product" screen, select "Edit Versions"
a possible restriction for a member of the
group to place on a bug in this product(Shown),
a default restriction for a member of the
group to place on a bug in this product(Default),
or a mandatory restriction to be placed on bugs
You will notice that the product already has the default version "undefined".
in this product(Mandatory).
If your product doesn't use version numbers, you may want to leave this as it is
or edit it so that it is "---". You can then go back to the edit versions page
and add new versions to your product.
Not applicable by non-members to this product(NA),
Otherwise, click the "Add" button to the right of the "Add a new version" text.
a possible restriction for a non-member of the
group to place on a bug in this product(Shown),
a default restriction for a non-member of the
group to place on a bug in this product(Default),
or a mandatory restriction to be placed on bugs
Enter the name of the Version. This can be free-form characters up to the limit of the
in this product when entered by a non-member(Mandatory).
text box. Then select the "Add" button.
required in order to make
At this point you can select "Edit" to edit more Versions, or return to the "Query"
to bugs in this product
including comments.
page, from which you can navigate back to the product through the "components" link
at the foot of the Query page.
To create Groups:
Select the
link in the footer.
Milestones are "targets" that you plan to get a bug fixed by. For example, you have a bug that
you plan to fix for your 3.0 release, it would be assigned the milestone of 3.0. Or, you have a
bug that you plan to fix for 2.8, this would have a milestone of 2.8.
Take a moment to understand the instructions on the
screen, then select the
Add Group
Milestone options will only appear for a Product if you turned the "usetargetmilestone" field
in the "Edit Parameters" screen "On".
Fill out the
User RegExp
User RegExp
allows you to automatically
To create new Milestones, set Default Milestones, and set Milestone URL:
place all users who fulfill the Regular Expression into the new group.
When you have finished, click
If specifying a domain in the regexp, make sure you end
the regexp with a $. Otherwise, when granting access to
Select "edit milestones"
"@mycompany\.com", you will allow access to
''. You need to use
'@mycompany\.com$' as the regexp.
Select "Add" to the right of the "Add a new milestone" text
After you add your new group, edit the new group. On the
edit page, you can specify other groups that should be included
in this group and which groups should be permitted to add and delete
users from this group.
Enter the name of the Milestone in the "Milestone" field.
You can optionally set the "Sortkey", which is a positive or negative number (-255 to 255)
that defines where in the list this particular milestone appears.
Select "Add".
Note that group permissions are such that you need to be a member
the groups a bug is in, for whatever
Using SortKey with Target Milestone
reason, to see that bug. Similarly, you must be a member
of the entry groups for a product
to add bugs to a product and you must be a member
Let's say you create a target milestone called "Release 1.0", with Sortkey set to "0".
of the canedit groups for a product
Later, you realize that you will have a public beta, called "Beta1".
in order to make
change to bugs in that
You can create a Milestone called "Beta1", with a Sortkey of "-1" in order to ensure
people will see the Target Milestone of "Beta1" earlier on the list than "Release 1.0"
Upgrading to New Releases
If you want to add more milestones, select the "Edit" link.
Upgrading is a one-way process. You should backup your database
If you don't, well shoot, you have to go back to the "query" page and select "components"
and current Bugzilla directory before attempting the upgrade. If you wish
again, and make your way back to the Product you were editing.
to revert to the old Bugzilla version for any reason, you will have to
restore from these backups.
This is another in the list of unusual user interface decisions that
we'd like to get cleaned up. Shouldn't there be a link to the effect of
"edit the Product I was editing when I ended up here"? In any case,
Upgrading Bugzilla is something we all want to do from time to time,
clicking "components" in the footer takes you back to the "Select product"
be it to get new features or pick up the latest security fix. How easy
screen, from which you can begin editing your product again.
it is to update depends on a few factors.
If the new version is a revision or a new point release
From the Edit Product screen again (once you've made your way back), enter the URL
for a description of what your milestones are for this product in the "Milestone URL" field.
How many, if any, local changes have been made
It should be of the format ""
Some common uses of this field include product descriptions, product roadmaps,
There are also three different methods to upgrade your installation.
and of course a simple description of the meaning of each milestone.
Using CVS (
If you're using Target Milestones, the "Default Milestone" field must have some
kind of entry. If you really don't care if people set coherent Target Milestones,
simply leave this at the default, "---". However, controlling and regularly updating the Default
Downloading a new tarball (
Milestone field is a powerful tool when reporting the status of projects.
Select the "Update" button when you are done.
Applying the relevant patches (
Which options are available to you may depend on how large a jump
you are making and/or your network configuration.
Revisions are normally released to fix security vulnerabilities
and are distinguished by an increase in the third number. For example,
when 2.16.2 was released, it was a revision to 2.16.1.
The concept of "voting" is a poorly understood, yet powerful feature for the management
Point releases are normally released when the Bugzilla team feels
of open-source projects. Each user is assigned so many Votes per product, which they can
that there has been a significant amount of progress made between the
freely reassign (or assign multiple votes to a single bug).
last point release and the current time. These are often proceeded by a
This allows developers to gauge user need for a particular enhancement
stabilization period and release candidates, however the use of
or bugfix. By allowing bugs with a certain number of votes to automatically move from
development versions or release candidates is beyond the scope of this
"UNCONFIRMED" to "NEW", users of the bug system can help high-priority bugs garner
document. Point releases can be distinguished by an increase in the
attention so they don't sit for a long time awaiting triage.
second number, or minor version. For example, 2.16.2 is a newer point
release than 2.14.5.
The daunting challenge of Votes is deciding where you draw the line for a "vocal majority". If you
only have a user base of 100 users, setting a low threshold for bugs to move from UNCONFIRMED
The examples in this section are written as if you were updating
to NEW makes sense. As the Bugzilla user base expands, however, these thresholds must be
to version 2.16.2. The procedures are the same regardless if you are
re-evaluated. You should gauge whether this feature is worth the time and close monitoring involved,
updating to a new point release or a new revision. However, the chance
and perhaps forego implementation until you have a critical mass of users who demand it.
of running into trouble increases when upgrading to a new point release,
escpecially if you've made local changes.
To modify Voting settings:
These examples also assume that your Bugzilla installation is at
. If that is not the case,
Navigate to the "Edit Product" screen for the Product you wish to modify
simply substitute the proper paths where appropriate.
Upgrading using CVS
Set "Maximum Votes per person" to your calculated value. Setting this field
to "0" disables voting.
Every release of Bugzilla, whether it is a revision or a point
release, is tagged in CVS. Also, every tarball we have distributed
since version 2.12 has been primed for using CVS. This does, however,
require that you are able to access on port
Set "Maximum Votes a person can put on a single bug" to your calculated value. It
should probably be some number lower than the "Maximum votes per person".
Setting this field to "0" disables voting, but leaves the voting options open
If you can do this, updating using CVS is probably the most
to the user. This is confusing.
painless method, especially if you have a lot of local changes.
Set "Number of votes a bug in this product needs to automatically get out of the
UNCONFIRMED state" to your calculated number. Setting this field to "0"
cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
disables the automatic move of bugs from UNCONFIRMED to NEW. Some people
cvs login
advocate leaving this at "0", but of what use are Votes if your Bugzilla
Logging in to
user base is unable to affect which bugs appear on Development radar?
CVS password:
cvs -q update -r BUGZILLA-2_16_2 -dP
You should probably set this number to higher than a small coalition of
Bugzilla users can influence it. Most sites use this as a "referendum"
mechanism -- if users are able to vote a bug out of UNCONFIRMED, it
P docs/rel_notes.txt
is a
bad bug!
P template/en/default/list/quips.html.tmpl
If a line in the output from
cvs update
begins with a
that represents a
Once you have adjusted the values to your preference, select the "Update" button.
file with local changes that CVS was unable to properly merge. You
need to resolve these conflicts manually before Bugzilla (or at
least the portion using that file) will be usable.
Groups and Group Security
You also need to run
before your Bugzilla upgrade will be complete.
Groups can be very useful in bugzilla, because they allow users to isolate
bugs or products that should only be seen by certain people. Groups can also
be a complicated minefield of interdependencies and weirdness if mismanaged.
When to Use Group Security
Upgrading using the tarball
Many Bugzilla sites isolate "Security-related" bugs from all other bugs.
If you are unable or unwilling to use CVS, another option that's
This way, they can have a fix ready before the security vulnerability
always available is to download the latest tarball. This is the most
is announced to the world. You can create a "Security" product which, by
difficult option to use, especially if you have local changes.
default, has no members, and only add members to the group (in their individual
User page, as described under User Administration) who should have
priveleged access to "Security" bugs. Alternately, you may create a Group
independently of any Product, and change the Group mask on individual bugs
cd /var/www/html
to restrict access to members only of certain Groups.
Output omitted
tar xzvf bugzilla-2.16.2.tar.gz
Groups only work if you enable the "usebuggroups" paramater.
In addition, if the "usebuggroupsentry" parameter is "On", one can restrict access
Output truncated
to products by groups, so that only members of a product group are able to view
cd bugzilla-2.16.2
bugs within that product.
cp ../bugzilla/localconfig* .
Group security in Bugzilla can be divided into two categories:
cp -r ../bugzilla/data .
Generic and Product-Based.
cd ..
mv bugzilla bugzilla.old
mv bugzilla-2.16.2 bugzilla
cd bugzilla
Groups in Bugzilla are a complicated beast that evolved out of very simple user
permission bitmasks, apparently itself derived from common concepts in UNIX access
Output omitted
controls. A "bitmask" is a fixed-length number whose value can describe one, and
only one, set of states. For instance, UNIX file permissions are assigned bitmask
values: "execute" has a value of 1, "write" has a value of 2,
and "read" has a value of 4. Add them together,
and a file can be read, written to, and executed if it has a bitmask of "7". (This
commands both end with periods which
is a simplified example -- anybody who knows UNIX security knows there is much
is a very important detail, it tells the shell that the destination
more to it than this. Please bear with me for the purpose of this note.) The only
directory is the current working directory. Also, the period at the
way a bitmask scheme can work is by doubling the bit count for each value. Thus
beginning of the
is important and
if UNIX wanted to offer another file permission, the next would have to be a value of
can not be omitted.
8, then the next 16, the next 32, etc.
Similarly, Bugzilla offers a bitmask to define group permissions, with an internal
limit of 64. Several are already occupied
You will now have to reapply any changes you have made to your
by built-in permissions. The way around this limitation is
local installation manually.
to avoid assigning groups to products if you have many products, avoid bloating
of group lists, and religiously prune irrelevant groups. In reality, most installations
of Bugzilla support far fewer than 64 groups, so this limitation has not hit
for most sites, but it is on the table to be revised for Bugzilla 3.0
because it interferes with the security schemes of some administrators.
Upgrading using patches
To enable Generic Group Security ("usebuggroups"):
The Bugzilla team will normally make a patch file available for
revisions to go from the most recent revision to the new one. You could
also read the release notes and grab the patches attached to the
mentioned bug, but it is safer to use the released patch file as
sometimes patches get changed before they get checked in.
Turn "On" "usebuggroups" in the "Edit Parameters" screen.
It is also theoretically possible to
scour the fixed bug list and pick and choose which patches to apply
from a point release, but this is not recommended either as what you'll
end up with is a hodge podge Bugzilla that isn't really any version.
This would also make it more difficult to upgrade in the future.
You will generally have no groups set up. Select the "groups" link
in the footer.
cd /var/www/html/bugzilla
Output omitted
Take a moment to understand the instructions on the "Edit Groups" screen.
gunzip bugzilla-2.16.1-to-2.16.2.diff.gz
Once you feel confident you understand what is expected of you, select the
patch -p1
"Add Group" link.
patching file
patching file
patching file
Fill out the "New Name" (remember, no spaces!), "New Description", and "New
User RegExp" fields. "New User RegExp" allows you to automatically place
all users who fulfill the Regular Expression into the new group.
If you do this, beware that this doesn't change the entires in
directory so it may make
updates using CVS (
) more difficult in the
Creating a New Group
I created a group called "DefaultGroup" with a description of "This is simply
a group to play with", and a "New User RegExp" of "*". This
new group automatically includes all Bugzilla users with "" at the
end of their user id. When I finished, my new group was assigned bit #128.
When you have finished, select the "Add" button.
To enable Product-Based Group Security ("usebuggroupsentry"):
Don't forget that you only have 64 groups masks available, total, for
your installation of Bugzilla! If you plan on having more than 50
products in your individual Bugzilla installation, and require group
security for your products, you should
consider either running multiple Bugzillas or using Generic Group Security
instead of Product-Based ("usebuggroupsentry") Group Security.
Turn "On" "usebuggroups" and "usebuggroupsentry" in the "Edit Parameters" screen.
"usebuggroupsentry" has the capacity to prevent the administrative user
from directly altering bugs because of conflicting group permissions.
If you plan on using "usebuggroupsentry", you should plan on restricting administrative
account usage to administrative duties only.
In other words, manage bugs with an unpriveleged user account, and
manage users, groups, Products, etc. with the administrative account.
You will generally have no Groups set up, unless you enabled "usebuggroupsentry"
prior to creating any Products. To create "Generic Group Security" groups,
follow the instructions given above. To create Product-Based Group security,
simply follow the instructions for creating a new Product. If you need to
add users to these new groups as you create them, you will find the option
to add them to the group available under the "Edit User" screens.
Bugzilla Security
Putting your money in a wall safe is better protection than depending on the fact that
no one knows that you hide your money in a mayonnaise jar in your fridge.
Poorly-configured MySQL, Bugzilla, and FTP installations have given attackers full
access to systems in the past. Please take these guidelines seriously, even
for Bugzilla machines hidden away behind your firewall. 80% of all computer
trespassers are insiders, not anonymous crackers.
First thing's first: Secure your installation.
These instructions must, of necessity, be somewhat vague since Bugzilla runs on so many different
platforms. If you have refinements of these directions for specific platforms, please
submit them to
Ensure you are running at least MysQL version 3.22.32 or newer. Earlier versions had
notable security holes and poorly secured default configuration choices.
There is no substitute for understanding the tools on your system!
The MySQL Privelege System
until you can recite it from memory!
At the very least, ensure you password the "mysql -u root" account and the "bugs" account, establish grant
table rights (consult the Keystone guide in Appendix C: The Bugzilla Database for some easy-to-use details)
that do not allow CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, SHUTDOWN, and PROCESS for user "bugs". I wrote up the Keystone
advice back when I knew far less about security than I do now : )
Lock down /etc/inetd.conf. Heck, disable inet entirely on this box. It should only listen to
port 25 for Sendmail
and port 80 for Apache.
Do not run Apache as "nobody". This will require very lax permissions in your Bugzilla directories.
Run it, instead, as a user with a name, set via your httpd.conf file.
Ensure you have adequate access controls for the $BUGZILLA_HOME/data/ and
$BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow/ directories, as well as the $BUGZILLA_HOME/localconfig file.
The localconfig file stores your "bugs" user password,
which would be terrible to have in the hands
of a criminal. Also some files under $BUGZILLA_HOME/data/ store sensitive information, and
$BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow/ stores bug information for faster retrieval. If you fail to secure
these directories and this file, you will expose bug information to those who may not
be allowed to see it.
On Apache, you can use .htaccess files to protect access to these directories, as outlined
Bug 57161
for the
localconfig file, and
Bug 65572
for adequate protection in your data/ and shadow/ directories.
Note the instructions which follow are Apache-specific. If you use IIS, Netscape, or other
non-Apache web servers, please consult your system documentation for how to secure these
files from being transmitted to curious users.
Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable by your web server,
in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/data directory.
Files comments
allow from all
deny from all
Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable by your web server,
in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/ directory.
Files localconfig
deny from all
allow from all
Place the following text into a file named ".htaccess", readable by your web server,
in your $BUGZILLA_HOME/shadow directory.
deny from all
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
Local variables:
mode: sgml
mode: sgml
sgml-parent-document:("Bugzilla-Guide.xml" "book" "chapter")
is supported
Try again
attach a new file
Attach a file
You are about to add
to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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