#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

# Script Initialization

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw(. lib);

use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Search;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Mailer;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Group;

# create some handles that we'll need
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
my $dbh      = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sth;

# @seen_schedules is a list of all of the schedules that have already been
# touched by reset_timer.  If reset_timer sees a schedule more than once, it
# sets it to NULL so it won't come up again until the next execution of
# whine.pl
my @seen_schedules = ();

# These statement handles should live outside of their functions in order to
# allow the database to keep their SQL compiled.
my $sth_run_queries
  = $dbh->prepare("SELECT "
    . "query_name, title, onemailperbug "
    . "FROM whine_queries "
    . "WHERE eventid=? "
    . "ORDER BY sortkey");
my $sth_get_query = $dbh->prepare(
  "SELECT query FROM namedqueries " . "WHERE userid = ? AND name = ?");

# get the event that's scheduled with the lowest run_next value
my $sth_next_scheduled_event
  = $dbh->prepare("SELECT "
    . " whine_schedules.eventid, "
    . " whine_events.owner_userid, "
    . " whine_events.subject, "
    . " whine_events.body, "
    . " whine_events.mailifnobugs "
    . "FROM whine_schedules "
    . "LEFT JOIN whine_events "
    . " ON whine_events.id = whine_schedules.eventid "
    . "WHERE run_next <= NOW() "
    . "ORDER BY run_next "
    . $dbh->sql_limit(1));

# get all pending schedules matching an eventid
my $sth_schedules_by_event
  = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, mailto_type, mailto "
    . "FROM whine_schedules "
    . "WHERE eventid=? AND run_next <= NOW()");

# Main Body Execution

# This script needs to check through the database for schedules that have
# run_next set to NULL, which means that schedule is new or has been altered.
# It then sets it to run immediately if the schedule entry has it running at
# an interval like every hour, otherwise to the appropriate day and time.

# After that, it looks over each user to see if they have schedules that need
# running, then runs those and generates the email messages.

# Send whines from the address in the 'mailfrom' Parameter so that all
# Bugzilla-originated mail appears to come from a single address.
my $fromaddress = Bugzilla->params->{'mailfrom'};

# get the current date and time
my (
  $now_sec,   $now_minute, $now_hour, $now_day,
  $now_month, $now_year,   $now_weekday
) = localtime;

# Convert year to two digits
$now_year = sprintf("%02d", $now_year % 100);

# Convert the month to January being "1" instead of January being "0".

my @daysinmonth = qw(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31);

# Alter February in case of a leap year.  This simple way to do it only
# applies if you won't be looking at February of next year, which whining
# doesn't need to do.
if (($now_year % 4 == 0) && (($now_year % 100 != 0) || ($now_year % 400 == 0)))
  $daysinmonth[2] = 29;

# run_day can contain either a calendar day (1, 2, 3...), a day of the week
# (Mon, Tue, Wed...), a range of days (All, MF), or 'last' for the last day of
# the month.
# run_time can contain either an hour (0, 1, 2...) or an interval
# (60min, 30min, 15min).
# We go over each uninitialized schedule record and use its settings to
# determine what the next time it runs should be
my $sched_h
  = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, run_day, run_time "
    . "FROM whine_schedules "
    . "WHERE run_next IS NULL");
while (my ($schedule_id, $day, $time) = $sched_h->fetchrow_array) {

  # fill in some defaults in case they're blank
  $day  ||= '0';
  $time ||= '0';

  # If this schedule is supposed to run today, we see if it's supposed to be
  # run at a particular hour.  If so, we set it for that hour, and if not,
  # it runs at an interval over the course of a day, which means we should
  # set it to run immediately.
  if (&check_today($day)) {

    # Values that are not entirely numeric are intervals, like "30min"
    if ($time !~ /^\d+$/) {

      # set it to now
      $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next=NOW() " . "WHERE id=?");

    # A time greater than now means it still has to run today
    elsif ($time >= $now_hour) {

      # set it to today + number of hours
        = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE whine_schedules "
          . "SET run_next = "
          . $dbh->sql_date_math('CURRENT_DATE', '+', '?', 'HOUR')
          . " WHERE id = ?");
      $sth->execute($time, $schedule_id);

    # the target time is less than the current time
    else {    # set it for the next applicable day
      $day = &get_next_date($day);
      my $run_next
        = $dbh->sql_date_math(
        '(' . $dbh->sql_date_math('CURRENT_DATE', '+', '?', 'DAY') . ')',
        '+', '?', 'HOUR');
      $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next = $run_next
                                   WHERE id = ?"
      $sth->execute($day, $time, $schedule_id);


  # If the schedule is not supposed to run today, we set it to run on the
  # appropriate date and time
  else {
    my $target_date = &get_next_date($day);

    # If configured for a particular time, set it to that, otherwise
    # midnight
    my $target_time = ($time =~ /^\d+$/) ? $time : 0;

    my $run_next
      = $dbh->sql_date_math(
      '(' . $dbh->sql_date_math('CURRENT_DATE', '+', '?', 'DAY') . ')',
      '+', '?', 'HOUR');
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
      "UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next = $run_next
                               WHERE id = ?"
    $sth->execute($target_date, $target_time, $schedule_id);

# get_next_event
# This function will:
#   1. Lock whine_schedules
#   2. Grab the most overdue pending schedules on the same event that must run
#   3. Update those schedules' run_next value
#   4. Unlock the table
#   5. Return an event hashref
# The event hashref consists of:
#   eventid - ID of the event
#   author  - user object for the event's creator
#   users   - array of user objects for recipients
#   subject - Subject line for the email
#   body    - the text inserted above the bug lists
#   mailifnobugs - send message even if there are no query or query results

sub get_next_event {
  my $event = {};

  # Loop until there's something to return
  until (scalar keys %{$event}) {


    # Get the event ID for the first pending schedule
    my $fetched = $sth_next_scheduled_event->fetch;
    return undef unless $fetched;
    my ($eventid, $owner_id, $subject, $body, $mailifnobugs) = @{$fetched};

    my $owner = Bugzilla::User->new($owner_id);

    my $whineatothers = $owner->in_group('bz_canusewhineatothers');

    my %user_objects;    # Used for keeping track of who has been added

    # Get all schedules that match that event ID and are pending

    # Add the users from those schedules to the list
    while (my $row = $sth_schedules_by_event->fetch) {
      my ($sid, $mailto_type, $mailto) = @{$row};

      # Only bother doing any work if this user has whine permission
      if ($owner->in_group('bz_canusewhines')) {

        if ($mailto_type == MAILTO_USER) {
          if (not defined $user_objects{$mailto}) {
            if ($mailto == $owner_id) {
              $user_objects{$mailto} = $owner;
            elsif ($whineatothers) {
              $user_objects{$mailto} = Bugzilla::User->new($mailto);
        elsif ($mailto_type == MAILTO_GROUP) {
          my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM `groups` " . "WHERE id=?");
          my $groupname = $sth->fetch->[0];
          my $group_id  = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName($groupname, $owner);
          if ($group_id) {
            my $glist = join(',', @{Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group_id)});
            $sth = $dbh->prepare(
              "SELECT user_id FROM " . "user_group_map " . "WHERE group_id IN ($glist)");
            for my $row (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
              if (not defined $user_objects{$row->[0]}) {
                $user_objects{$row->[0]} = Bugzilla::User->new($row->[0]);




    # Only set $event if the user is allowed to do whining
    if ($owner->in_group('bz_canusewhines')) {
      my @users = values %user_objects;
      $event = {
        'eventid'      => $eventid,
        'author'       => $owner,
        'mailto'       => \@users,
        'subject'      => $subject,
        'body'         => $body,
        'mailifnobugs' => $mailifnobugs,
  return $event;

# Run the queries for each event
# $event:
#   eventid (the database ID for this event)
#   author  (user object for who created the event)
#   mailto  (array of user objects for mail targets)
#   subject (subject line for message)
#   body    (text blurb at top of message)
#   mailifnobugs (send message even if there are no query or query results)
while (my $event = get_next_event) {

  my $eventid = $event->{'eventid'};

  # We loop for each target user because some of the queries will be using
  # subjective pronouns
  $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db();
  for my $target (@{$event->{'mailto'}}) {
    my $args = {
      'subject'   => $event->{'subject'},
      'body'      => $event->{'body'},
      'eventid'   => $event->{'eventid'},
      'author'    => $event->{'author'},
      'recipient' => $target,
      'from'      => $fromaddress,

    # run the queries for this schedule
    my $queries = run_queries($args);

    # If mailifnobugs is false, make sure there is something to output
    if (!$event->{'mailifnobugs'}) {
      my $there_are_bugs = 0;
      for my $query (@{$queries}) {
        $there_are_bugs = 1 if scalar @{$query->{'bugs'}};
      next unless $there_are_bugs;

    $args->{'queries'} = $queries;

  $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_main_db();

# Functions

# The mail and run_queries functions use an anonymous hash ($args) for their
# arguments, which are then passed to the templates.
# When run_queries is run, $args contains the following fields:
#  - body           Message body defined in event
#  - from           Bugzilla system email address
#  - queries        array of hashes containing:
#          - bugs:  array of hashes mapping fieldnames to values for this bug
#          - title: text title given to this query in the whine event
#          - columnlist: array of fieldnames to display in the mail
#          - name:  text name of this query
#  - schedule_id    integer id of the schedule being run
#  - subject        Subject line for the message
#  - recipient      user object for the recipient
#  - author         user object of the person who created the whine event
sub mail {
  my $args = shift;

  # Don't send mail to someone whose bugmail notification is disabled.
  return if $args->{recipient}->email_disabled;

  $args->{to_user} = $args->{recipient};
      header => 'whine/header.txt.tmpl',
      text   => 'whine/mail.txt.tmpl',
      html   => 'whine/mail.html.tmpl',

# run_queries runs all of the queries associated with a schedule ID, adding
# the results to $args or mailing off the template if a query wants individual
# messages for each bug
sub run_queries {
  my $args = shift;

  my $return_queries = [];

  my @queries = ();
  for (@{$sth_run_queries->fetchall_arrayref}) {
        'name'          => $_->[0],
        'title'         => $_->[1],
        'onemailperbug' => $_->[2],
        'columnlist'    => [],
        'bugs'          => [],

  foreach my $thisquery (@queries) {
    next unless $thisquery->{'name'};    # named query is blank

    my $savedquery = get_query($thisquery->{'name'}, $args->{'author'});
    next unless $savedquery;             # silently ignore missing queries

    # Execute the saved query
    my @searchfields = ('bug_id', DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIST);

    # A new Bugzilla::CGI object needs to be created to allow
    # Bugzilla::Search to execute a saved query.  It's exceedingly weird,
    # but that's how it works.
    my $searchparams = new Bugzilla::CGI($savedquery);

    # Use the columnlist for the saved query, if it exists, and make
    # sure bug_id is always in the list.
    if (my $columnlist = $searchparams->param('columnlist')) {
      @searchfields = split(/[\s,]+/, $columnlist);
      unshift(@searchfields, 'bug_id') unless grep { $_ eq 'bug_id' } @searchfields;
    push @{$thisquery->{'columnlist'}}, @searchfields;

    my @orderstrings = split(/,\s*/, $searchparams->param('order') || '');
    my $search       = new Bugzilla::Search(
      'fields' => \@searchfields,
      'params' => scalar $searchparams->Vars,
      'user'   => $args->{'recipient'},         # the search runs as the recipient
      'order'  => \@orderstrings

    # If a query fails for whatever reason, it shouldn't kill the script.
    my $data = eval { $search->data };
    if ($@) {
      print STDERR get_text('whine_query_failed',
        {query_name => $thisquery->{'name'}, author => $args->{'author'}, reason => $@})
        . "\n";

    foreach my $row (@$data) {
      my $bug = {};
      for my $field (@searchfields) {
        my $fieldname = $field;
        $fieldname =~ s/^bugs\.//;    # No need for bugs.whatever
        $bug->{$fieldname} = shift @$row;

      if ($thisquery->{'onemailperbug'}) {
        $args->{'queries'} = [
            'name'       => $thisquery->{'name'},
            'title'      => $thisquery->{'title'},
            'columnlist' => $thisquery->{'columnlist'},
            'bugs'       => [$bug],
        delete $args->{'queries'};
      else {    # It belongs in one message with any other lists
        push @{$thisquery->{'bugs'}}, $bug;
    if (!$thisquery->{'onemailperbug'} && @{$thisquery->{'bugs'}}) {
      push @{$return_queries}, $thisquery;

  return $return_queries;

# get_query gets the namedquery.  It's similar to LookupNamedQuery (in
# buglist.cgi), but doesn't care if a query name really exists or not, since
# individual named queries might go away without the whine_queries that point
# to them being removed.
sub get_query {
  my ($name, $user) = @_;
  my $qname = $name;
  $sth_get_query->execute($user->id, $qname);
  my $fetched = $sth_get_query->fetch;
  return $fetched ? $fetched->[0] : '';

# check_today gets a run day from the schedule and sees if it matches today
# a run day value can contain any of:
#   - a three-letter day of the week
#   - a number for a day of the month
#   - 'last' for the last day of the month
#   - 'All' for every day
#   - 'MF' for every weekday

sub check_today {
  my $run_day = shift;

  if (($run_day eq 'MF') && ($now_weekday > 0) && ($now_weekday < 6)) {
    return 1;
  elsif (length($run_day) == 3
    && index("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat", $run_day) / 3 == $now_weekday)
    return 1;
  elsif (($run_day eq 'All')
    || (($run_day eq 'last') && ($now_day == $daysinmonth[$now_month]))
    || ($run_day eq $now_day))
    return 1;
  return 0;

# reset_timer sets the next time a whine is supposed to run, assuming it just
# ran moments ago.  Its only parameter is a schedule ID.
# reset_timer does not lock the whine_schedules table.  Anything that calls it
# should do that itself.
sub reset_timer {
  my $schedule_id = shift;

  # Schedules may not be executed more than once for each invocation of
  # whine.pl -- there are legitimate circumstances that can cause this, like
  # a set of whines that take a very long time to execute, so it's done
  # quietly.
  if (grep($_ == $schedule_id, @seen_schedules)) {
  push @seen_schedules, $schedule_id;

  $sth = $dbh->prepare(
    "SELECT run_day, run_time FROM whine_schedules " . "WHERE id=?");
  my ($run_day, $run_time) = $sth->fetchrow_array;

  # It may happen that the run_time field is NULL or blank due to
  # a bug in editwhines.cgi when this field was initially 0.
  $run_time ||= 0;

  my $run_today     = 0;
  my $minute_offset = 0;

  # If the schedule is to run today, and it runs many times per day,
  # it shall be set to run immediately.
  $run_today = &check_today($run_day);
  if (($run_today) && ($run_time !~ /^\d+$/)) {

    # The default of 60 catches any bad value
    my $minute_interval = 60;
    if ($run_time =~ /^(\d+)min$/i) {
      $minute_interval = $1;

    # set the minute offset to the next interval point
    $minute_offset = $minute_interval - ($now_minute % $minute_interval);
  elsif (($run_today) && ($run_time > $now_hour)) {

    # timed event for later today
    # (This should only happen if, for example, an 11pm scheduled event
    #  didn't happen until after midnight)
    $minute_offset = (60 * ($run_time - $now_hour)) - $now_minute;
  else {
    # it's not something that runs later today.
    $minute_offset = 0;

    # Set the target time if it's a specific hour
    my $target_time = ($run_time =~ /^\d+$/) ? $run_time : 0;

    my $nextdate = &get_next_date($run_day);
    my $run_next
      = $dbh->sql_date_math(
      '(' . $dbh->sql_date_math('CURRENT_DATE', '+', '?', 'DAY') . ')',
      '+', '?', 'HOUR');
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
      "UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next = $run_next
                               WHERE id = ?"
    $sth->execute($nextdate, $target_time, $schedule_id);

  if ($minute_offset > 0) {

    # Scheduling is done in terms of whole minutes.

    my $next_run
      = $dbh->selectrow_array(
      'SELECT ' . $dbh->sql_date_math('NOW()', '+', '?', 'MINUTE'),
      undef, $minute_offset);
    $next_run = format_time($next_run, "%Y-%m-%d %R");

      = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next = ? WHERE id = ?");
    $sth->execute($next_run, $schedule_id);
  else {
    # The minute offset is zero or less, which is not supposed to happen.
    # complain to STDERR
    print STDERR "Error: bad minute_offset for schedule ID $schedule_id\n";

# null_schedule is used to safeguard against infinite loops.  Schedules with
# run_next set to NULL will not be available to get_next_event until they are
# rescheduled, which only happens when whine.pl starts.
sub null_schedule {
  my $schedule_id = shift;
  $sth = $dbh->prepare(
    "UPDATE whine_schedules " . "SET run_next = NULL " . "WHERE id=?");

# get_next_date determines the difference in days between now and the next
# time a schedule should run, excluding today
# It takes a run_day argument (see check_today, above, for an explanation),
# and returns an integer, representing a number of days.
sub get_next_date {
  my $day = shift;

  my $add_days = 0;

  if ($day eq 'All') {
    $add_days = 1;
  elsif ($day eq 'last') {

    # next_date should contain the last day of this month, or next month
    # if it's today
    if ($daysinmonth[$now_month] == $now_day) {
      my $month = $now_month + 1;
      $month    = 1 if $month > 12;
      $add_days = $daysinmonth[$month] + 1;
    else {
      $add_days = $daysinmonth[$now_month] - $now_day;
  elsif ($day eq 'MF') {    # any day Monday through Friday
    if ($now_weekday < 5) {    # Sun-Thurs
      $add_days = 1;
    elsif ($now_weekday == 5) {    # Friday
      $add_days = 3;
    else {                         # it's 6, Saturday
      $add_days = 2;
  elsif ($day !~ /^\d+$/) {        # A specific day of the week
        # The default is used if there is a bad value in the database, in
        # which case we mark it to a less-popular day (Sunday)
    my $day_num = 0;

    if (length($day) == 3) {
      $day_num = (index("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat", $day) / 3) or 0;

    $add_days = $day_num - $now_weekday;
    if ($add_days <= 0) {    # it's next week
      $add_days += 7;
  else {                     # it's a number, so we set it for that calendar day
    $add_days = $day - $now_day;

    # If it's already beyond that day this month, set it to the next one
    if ($add_days <= 0) {
      $add_days += $daysinmonth[$now_month];
  return $add_days;