# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package Bugzilla::DB::Sqlite;

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(Bugzilla::DB);

use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(install_string);

use DateTime;
use POSIX ();

# SQLite only supports the SERIALIZABLE and READ UNCOMMITTED isolation
# levels. SERIALIZABLE is used by default and SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION
# LEVEL is not implemented.
use constant ISOLATION_LEVEL => undef;

# Since we're literally using Perl's regexes, we can use something
# simpler and more efficient than what Bugzilla::DB uses.
use constant WORD_START => '(?:^|\W)';
use constant WORD_END   => '(?:$|\W)';

# For some reason, dropping the related FKs causes the index to
# disappear early, which causes all sorts of problems.

# Functions Added To SQLite Itself #

# A case-insensitive, Unicode collation for SQLite. This allows us to
# make all comparisons and sorts case-insensitive (though unfortunately
# not accent-insensitive).
sub _sqlite_collate_ci { lc($_[0]) cmp lc($_[1]) }

sub _sqlite_mod { $_[0] % $_[1] }

sub _sqlite_now {
  my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => Bugzilla->local_timezone);
  return $now->ymd . ' ' . $now->hms;

# SQL's POSITION starts its values from 1 instead of 0 (so we add 1).
sub _sqlite_position {
  my ($text, $fragment) = @_;
  if (!defined $text or !defined $fragment) {
    return undef;
  my $pos = index $text, $fragment;
  return $pos + 1;

sub _sqlite_position_ci {
  my ($text, $fragment) = @_;
  return _sqlite_position(lc($text), lc($fragment));

# Constructor #

sub new {
  my ($class, $params) = @_;
  my $db_name = $params->{db_name};

  # Let people specify paths intead of data/ for the DB.
  if ($db_name and $db_name !~ m{[\\/]}) {

    # When the DB is first created, there's a chance that the
    # data directory doesn't exist at all, because the Install::Filesystem
    # code happens after DB creation. So we create the directory ourselves
    # if it doesn't exist.
    my $datadir = bz_locations()->{datadir};
    if (!-d $datadir) {
      mkdir $datadir or warn "$datadir: $!";
    if (!-d "$datadir/db/") {
      mkdir "$datadir/db/" or warn "$datadir/db: $!";
    $db_name = bz_locations()->{datadir} . "/db/$db_name";

  # construct the DSN from the parameters we got
  my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_name";

  my $attrs = {

    # XXX Should we just enforce this to be always on?
    sqlite_unicode => Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'},

  my $self
    = $class->db_new({dsn => $dsn, user => '', pass => '', attrs => $attrs});

  # Needed by TheSchwartz
  $self->{private_bz_dsn} = $dsn;

  my %pragmas = (

    # Make sure that the sqlite file doesn't grow without bound.
    auto_vacuum  => 1,
    encoding     => "'UTF-8'",
    foreign_keys => 'ON',

    # We want the latest file format.
    legacy_file_format => 'OFF',

    # This guarantees that we get column names like "foo"
    # instead of "table.foo" in selectrow_hashref.
    short_column_names => 'ON',

    # The write-ahead log mode in SQLite 3.7 gets us better concurrency,
    # but breaks backwards-compatibility with older versions of
    # SQLite. (Which is important because people may also want to use
    # command-line clients to access and back up their DB.) If you need
    # better concurrency and don't need 3.6 compatibility, then you can
    # uncomment this line.
    #journal_mode => "'WAL'",

  while (my ($name, $value) = each %pragmas) {
    $self->do("PRAGMA $name = $value");

  $self->sqlite_create_collation('bugzilla', \&_sqlite_collate_ci);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('position',  2, \&_sqlite_position);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('iposition', 2, \&_sqlite_position_ci);

  # SQLite has a "substr" function, but other DBs call it "SUBSTRING"
  # so that's what we use, and I don't know of any way in SQLite to
  # alias the SQL "substr" function to be called "SUBSTRING".
  $self->sqlite_create_function('substring',      3, \&CORE::substr);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('char_length',    1, sub { length($_[0]) });
  $self->sqlite_create_function('mod',            2, \&_sqlite_mod);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('now',            0, \&_sqlite_now);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('localtimestamp', 1, \&_sqlite_now);
  $self->sqlite_create_function('floor',          1, \&POSIX::floor);

  bless($self, $class);
  return $self;

# SQL Methods #

sub sql_position {
  my ($self, $fragment, $text) = @_;
  return "POSITION($text, $fragment)";

sub sql_iposition {
  my ($self, $fragment, $text) = @_;
  return "IPOSITION($text, $fragment)";

# SQLite does not have to GROUP BY the optional columns.
sub sql_group_by {
  my ($self, $needed_columns, $optional_columns) = @_;
  my $expression = "GROUP BY $needed_columns";
  return $expression;

# XXX SQLite does not support sorting a GROUP_CONCAT, so $sort is unimplemented.
sub sql_group_concat {
  my ($self, $column, $separator, $sort) = @_;
  $separator = $self->quote(', ') if !defined $separator;

  # In SQLite, a GROUP_CONCAT call with a DISTINCT argument can't
  # specify its separator, and has to accept the default of ",".
  if ($column =~ /^DISTINCT/) {
    return "GROUP_CONCAT($column)";
  return "GROUP_CONCAT($column, $separator)";

sub sql_istring {
  my ($self, $string) = @_;
  return $string;

sub sql_regexp {
  my ($self, $expr, $pattern, $nocheck, $real_pattern) = @_;
  $real_pattern ||= $pattern;

  $self->bz_check_regexp($real_pattern) if !$nocheck;

  return "$expr REGEXP $pattern";

sub sql_not_regexp {
  my $self          = shift;
  my $re_expression = $self->sql_regexp(@_);
  return "NOT($re_expression)";

sub sql_limit {
  my ($self, $limit, $offset) = @_;

  if (defined($offset)) {
    return "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset";
  else {
    return "LIMIT $limit";

sub sql_from_days {
  my ($self, $days) = @_;
  return "DATETIME($days)";

sub sql_to_days {
  my ($self, $date) = @_;
  return "JULIANDAY($date)";

sub sql_date_format {
  my ($self, $date, $format) = @_;
  $format = "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S" if !$format;
  $format =~ s/\%i/\%M/g;
  $format =~ s/\%s/\%S/g;
  return "STRFTIME(" . $self->quote($format) . ", $date)";

sub sql_date_math {
  my ($self, $date, $operator, $interval, $units) = @_;

  # We do the || thing (concatenation) so that placeholders work properly.
  return "DATETIME($date, '$operator' || $interval || ' $units')";

# bz_ methods #

sub bz_setup_database {
  my $self = shift;

  # If we created TheSchwartz tables with COLLATE bugzilla (during the
  # 4.1.x development series) re-create them without it.
  my @tables = $self->bz_table_list();
  my @ts_tables = grep {/^ts_/} @tables;
  my $drop_ok;
  foreach my $table (@ts_tables) {
    my $create_table = $self->_bz_real_schema->_sqlite_create_table($table);
    if ($create_table =~ /COLLATE bugzilla/) {
      if (!$drop_ok) {
        $drop_ok = 1;

sub _sqlite_jobqueue_drop_message {

  # This is not translated because this situation will only happen if
  # you are updating from a 4.1.x development version of Bugzilla using
  # SQLite, and we don't want to maintain this string in strings.txt.pl
  # forever for just this one uncommon circumstance.
  print <<END;
WARNING: We have to re-create all the database tables used by jobqueue.pl.
If there are any pending jobs in the database (that is, emails that
haven't been sent), they will be deleted.

  unless (Bugzilla->installation_answers->{NO_PAUSE}) {
    print install_string('enter_or_ctrl_c');

# XXX This needs to be implemented.
sub bz_explain { }

sub bz_table_list_real {
  my $self   = shift;
  my @tables = $self->SUPER::bz_table_list_real(@_);

  # SQLite includes a sqlite_sequence table in every database that isn't
  # one of our real tables. We exclude any table that starts with sqlite_,
  # just to be safe.
  @tables = grep { $_ !~ /^sqlite_/ } @tables;
  return @tables;



=head1 NAME

Bugzilla::DB::Sqlite - Bugzilla database compatibility layer for SQLite


This module overrides methods of the Bugzilla::DB module with a
SQLite-specific implementation. It is instantiated by the Bugzilla::DB module
and should never be used directly.

For interface details see L<Bugzilla::DB> and L<DBI>.

=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>


=item sql_date_format

=item bz_explain

=item sql_position

=item sql_iposition

=item sql_group_by

=item sql_not_regexp

=item sql_limit

=item sql_date_math

=item sql_to_days

=item sql_from_days

=item bz_table_list_real

=item sql_regexp

=item sql_group_concat

=item sql_istring

=item bz_setup_database
