/* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
  * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
  * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
  * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
  * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
  * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
  * rights and limitations under the License.
  * The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
  * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
  * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
  * Rights Reserved.
  * Contributor(s): Byron Jones <bugzilla@glob.com.au>
  *                 Christian Reis <kiko@async.com.br>
  *                 Vitaly Harisov <vitaly@rathedg.com>
  *                 Svetlana Harisova <light@rathedg.com>

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