# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Erik Stambaugh <not_erik@dasbistro.com> ################################################################################ # Module Initialization ################################################################################ # Make it harder for us to do dangerous things in Perl. use strict; # This module implements utilities for dealing with Bugzilla users. package Bugzilla::User; ################################################################################ # Functions ################################################################################ my $user_cache = {}; sub new { # Returns a hash of information about a particular user. my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $exists = 1; my ($id, $name, $email) = @_; return undef if !$id; return $user_cache->{$id} if exists($user_cache->{$id}); my $self = { 'id' => $id }; bless($self, $class); if (!$name && !$email) { &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("SELECT 1, realname, login_name FROM profiles WHERE userid = $id"); ($exists, $name, $email) = &::FetchSQLData(); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); } $self->{'name'} = $name; $self->{'email'} = $email; $self->{'exists'} = $exists; # Generate a string to identify the user by name + email if the user # has a name or by email only if she doesn't. $self->{'identity'} = $name ? "$name <$email>" : $email; # Generate a user "nickname" -- i.e. a shorter, not-necessarily-unique name # by which to identify the user. Currently the part of the user's email # address before the at sign (@), but that could change, especially if we # implement usernames not dependent on email address. my @email_components = split("@", $email); $self->{'nick'} = $email_components[0]; $user_cache->{$id} = $self; return $self; } sub match { # Generates a list of users whose login name (email address) or real name # matches a substring or wildcard. # $str contains the string to match, while $limit contains the # maximum number of records to retrieve. my ($str, $limit, $exclude_disabled) = @_; my @users = (); return \@users if $str =~ /^\s*$/; # The search order is wildcards, then exact match, then substring search. # Wildcard matching is skipped if there is no '*', and exact matches will # not (?) have a '*' in them. If any search comes up with something, the # ones following it will not execute. # first try wildcards my $wildstr = $str; if ($wildstr =~ s/\*/\%/g) { # don't do wildcards if no '*' in the string # Build the query. my $sqlstr = &::SqlQuote($wildstr); my $query = "SELECT userid, realname, login_name " . "FROM profiles " . "WHERE (login_name LIKE $sqlstr " . "OR realname LIKE $sqlstr) "; $query .= "AND disabledtext = '' " if $exclude_disabled; $query .= "ORDER BY length(login_name) "; $query .= "LIMIT $limit " if $limit; # Execute the query, retrieve the results, and make them into # User objects. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL($query); push(@users, new Bugzilla::User(&::FetchSQLData())) while &::MoreSQLData(); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); } else { # try an exact match my $sqlstr = &::SqlQuote($str); my $query = "SELECT userid, realname, login_name " . "FROM profiles " . "WHERE login_name = $sqlstr "; # Exact matches don't care if a user is disabled. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL($query); push(@users, new Bugzilla::User(&::FetchSQLData())) if &::MoreSQLData(); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); } # then try substring search if ((scalar(@users) == 0) && (&::Param('usermatchmode') eq 'search') && (length($str) >= 3)) { my $sqlstr = &::SqlQuote(uc($str)); my $query = "SELECT userid, realname, login_name " . "FROM profiles " . "WHERE (INSTR(UPPER(login_name), $sqlstr) " . "OR INSTR(UPPER(realname), $sqlstr)) "; $query .= "AND disabledtext = '' " if $exclude_disabled; $query .= "ORDER BY length(login_name) "; $query .= "LIMIT $limit " if $limit; &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL($query); push(@users, new Bugzilla::User(&::FetchSQLData())) while &::MoreSQLData(); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); } # order @users by alpha @users = sort { uc($a->{'email'}) cmp uc($b->{'email'}) } @users; return \@users; } # match_field() is a CGI wrapper for the match() function. # # Here's what it does: # # 1. Accepts a list of fields along with whether they may take multiple values # 2. Takes the values of those fields from $::FORM and passes them to match() # 3. Checks the results of the match and displays confirmation or failure # messages as appropriate. # # The confirmation screen functions the same way as verify-new-product and # confirm-duplicate, by rolling all of the state information into a # form which is passed back, but in this case the searched fields are # replaced with the search results. # # The act of displaying the confirmation or failure messages means it must # throw a template and terminate. When confirmation is sent, all of the # searchable fields have been replaced by exact fields and the calling script # is executed as normal. # # match_field must be called early in a script, before anything external is # done with the form data. # # In order to do a simple match without dealing with templates, confirmation, # or globals, simply calling Bugzilla::User::match instead will be # sufficient. # How to call it: # # Bugzilla::User::match_field ({ # 'field_name' => { 'type' => fieldtype }, # 'field_name2' => { 'type' => fieldtype }, # [...] # }); # # fieldtype can be either 'single' or 'multi'. # sub match_field { my $fields = shift; # arguments as a hash my $matches = {}; # the values sent to the template my $matchsuccess = 1; # did the match fail? my $need_confirm = 0; # whether to display confirmation screen # prepare default form values my $vars = $::vars; $vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM; $vars->{'mform'} = \%::MFORM; # What does a "--do_not_change--" field look like (if any)? my $dontchange = $vars->{'form'}->{'dontchange'}; # Fields can be regular expressions matching multiple form fields # (f.e. "requestee-(\d+)"), so expand each non-literal field # into the list of form fields it matches. my $expanded_fields = {}; foreach my $field_pattern (keys %{$fields}) { # Check if the field has any non-word characters. Only those fields # can be regular expressions, so don't expand the field if it doesn't # have any of those characters. if ($field_pattern =~ /^\w+$/) { $expanded_fields->{$field_pattern} = $fields->{$field_pattern}; } else { my @field_names = grep(/$field_pattern/, keys %{$vars->{'form'}}); foreach my $field_name (@field_names) { $expanded_fields->{$field_name} = { type => $fields->{$field_pattern}->{'type'} }; # The field is a requestee field; in order for its name to show # up correctly on the confirmation page, we need to find out # the name of its flag type. if ($field_name =~ /^requestee-(\d+)$/) { $expanded_fields->{$field_name}->{'flag_type'} = Bugzilla::FlagType::get($1); } } } } $fields = $expanded_fields; # Skip all of this if the option has been turned off return 1 if (&::Param('usermatchmode') eq 'off'); for my $field (keys %{$fields}) { # Tolerate fields that do not exist. # # This is so that fields like qa_contact can be specified in the code # and it won't break if $::MFORM does not define them. # # It has the side-effect that if a bad field name is passed it will be # quietly ignored rather than raising a code error. next if !defined($vars->{'mform'}->{$field}); # Skip it if this is a --do_not_change-- field next if $dontchange eq $vars->{'form'}->{$field}; # We need to move the query to $raw_field, where it will be split up, # modified by the search, and put back into $::FORM and $::MFORM # incrementally. my $raw_field = join(" ", @{$vars->{'mform'}->{$field}}); $vars->{'form'}->{$field} = ''; $vars->{'mform'}->{$field} = []; my @queries = (); # Now we either split $raw_field by spaces/commas and put the list # into @queries, or in the case of fields which only accept single # entries, we simply use the verbatim text. $raw_field =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//sg; # trim leading/trailing space # single field if ($fields->{$field}->{'type'} eq 'single') { @queries = ($raw_field) unless $raw_field =~ /^\s*$/; # multi-field } elsif ($fields->{$field}->{'type'} eq 'multi') { @queries = split(/[\s,]+/, $raw_field); } else { # bad argument $vars->{'argument'} = $fields->{$field}->{'type'}; $vars->{'function'} = 'Bugzilla::User::match_field'; &::ThrowCodeError('bad_arg'); } for my $query (@queries) { my $users = match( $query, # match string (&::Param('maxusermatches') || 0) + 1, # match limit 1 # exclude_disabled ); # skip confirmation for exact matches if ((scalar(@{$users}) == 1) && (@{$users}[0]->{'email'} eq $query)) { $vars->{'form'}->{$field} .= @{$users}[0]->{'email'} . " "; push @{$vars->{'mform'}->{$field}}, @{$users}[0]->{'email'} . " "; next; } $matches->{$field}->{$query}->{'users'} = $users; $matches->{$field}->{$query}->{'status'} = 'success'; # here is where it checks for multiple matches if (scalar(@{$users}) == 1) { # exactly one match $vars->{'form'}->{$field} .= @{$users}[0]->{'email'} . " "; push @{$vars->{'mform'}->{$field}}, @{$users}[0]->{'email'} . " "; $need_confirm = 1 if &::Param('confirmuniqueusermatch'); } elsif ((scalar(@{$users}) > 1) && (&::Param('maxusermatches') != 1)) { $need_confirm = 1; if ((&::Param('maxusermatches')) && (scalar(@{$users}) > &::Param('maxusermatches'))) { $matches->{$field}->{$query}->{'status'} = 'trunc'; pop @{$users}; # take the last one out } } else { # everything else fails $matchsuccess = 0; # fail $matches->{$field}->{$query}->{'status'} = 'fail'; $need_confirm = 1; # confirmation screen shows failures } } } return 1 unless $need_confirm; # skip confirmation if not needed. $vars->{'script'} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; # for self-referencing URLs $vars->{'fields'} = $fields; # fields being matched $vars->{'matches'} = $matches; # matches that were made $vars->{'matchsuccess'} = $matchsuccess; # continue or fail print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $::template->process("global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl", $vars) || &::ThrowTemplateError($::template->error()); exit; } sub email_prefs { # Get or set (not implemented) the user's email notification preferences. my $self = shift; # If the calling code is setting the email preferences, update the object # but don't do anything else. This needs to write email preferences back # to the database. if (@_) { $self->{email_prefs} = shift; return; } # If we already got them from the database, return the existing values. return $self->{email_prefs} if $self->{email_prefs}; # Retrieve the values from the database. &::SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE userid = $self->{id}"); my ($flags) = &::FetchSQLData(); my @roles = qw(Owner Reporter QAcontact CClist Voter); my @reasons = qw(Removeme Comments Attachments Status Resolved Keywords CC Other Unconfirmed); # If the prefs are empty, this user hasn't visited the email pane # of userprefs.cgi since before the change to use the "emailflags" # column, so initialize that field with the default prefs. if (!$flags) { # Create a default prefs string that causes the user to get all email. $flags = "ExcludeSelf~on~FlagRequestee~on~FlagRequester~on~"; foreach my $role (@roles) { foreach my $reason (@reasons) { $flags .= "email$role$reason~on~"; } } chop $flags; } # Convert the prefs from the flags string from the database into # a Perl record. The 255 param is here because split will trim # any trailing null fields without a third param, which causes Perl # to eject lots of warnings. Any suitably large number would do. my $prefs = { split(/~/, $flags, 255) }; # Determine the value of the "excludeself" global email preference. # Note that the value of "excludeself" is assumed to be off if the # preference does not exist in the user's list, unlike other # preferences whose value is assumed to be on if they do not exist. $prefs->{ExcludeSelf} = exists($prefs->{ExcludeSelf}) && $prefs->{ExcludeSelf} eq "on"; # Determine the value of the global request preferences. foreach my $pref (qw(FlagRequestee FlagRequester)) { $prefs->{$pref} = !exists($prefs->{$pref}) || $prefs->{$pref} eq "on"; } # Determine the value of the rest of the preferences by looping over # all roles and reasons and converting their values to Perl booleans. foreach my $role (@roles) { foreach my $reason (@reasons) { my $key = "email$role$reason"; $prefs->{$key} = !exists($prefs->{$key}) || $prefs->{$key} eq "on"; } } $self->{email_prefs} = $prefs; return $self->{email_prefs}; } 1;