# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> use diagnostics; use strict; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". For some reason, # "use vars" chokes on me when I try it here. sub bug_form_pl_sillyness { my $zz; $zz = %::FORM; $zz = %::components; $zz = %::prodmaxvotes; $zz = %::versions; $zz = @::legal_opsys; $zz = @::legal_platform; $zz = @::legal_product; $zz = @::legal_priority; $zz = @::legal_resolution_no_dup; $zz = @::legal_severity; $zz = @::keywordsbyname; } my %knownattachments; # This routine quoteUrls contains inspirations from the HTML::FromText CPAN # module by Gareth Rees <garethr@cre.canon.co.uk>. It has been heavily hacked, # all that is really recognizable from the original is bits of the regular # expressions. sub quoteUrls { my $text = shift; # Take a copy; don't modify in-place. return $text unless $text; my $base = Param('urlbase'); my $protocol = join '|', qw(afs cid ftp gopher http https mid news nntp prospero telnet wais); my %options = ( metachars => 1, @_ ); my $count = 0; # Now, quote any "#" characters so they won't confuse stuff later $text =~ s/#/%#/g; # Next, find anything that looks like a URL or an email address and # pull them out the the text, replacing them with a "##<digits>## # marker, and writing them into an array. All this confusion is # necessary so that we don't match on something we've already replaced, # which can happen if you do multiple s///g operations. my @things; while ($text =~ s%((mailto:)?([\w\.\-\+\=]+\@[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+)\b| (\b((?:$protocol):\S+[\w/])))%"##$count##"%exo) { my $item = $&; $item = value_quote($item); if ($item !~ m/^$protocol:/o && $item !~ /^mailto:/) { # We must have grabbed this one because it looks like an email # address. $item = qq{<A HREF="mailto:$item">$item</A>}; } else { $item = qq{<A HREF="$item">$item</A>}; } $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/\bbug(\s|%\#)*(\d+)/"##$count##"/ei) { my $item = $&; my $num = $2; $item = value_quote($item); # Not really necessary, since we know # there's no special chars in it. $item = qq{<A HREF="show_bug.cgi?id=$num">$item</A>}; $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/\*\*\* This bug has been marked as a duplicate of (\d+) \*\*\*/"##$count##"/ei) { my $item = $&; my $num = $1; $item =~ s@\d+@<A HREF="show_bug.cgi?id=$num">$num</A>@; $things[$count++] = $item; } while ($text =~ s/Created an attachment \(id=(\d+)\)/"##$count##"/e) { my $item = $&; my $num = $1; if (exists $knownattachments{$num}) { $item = qq{<A HREF="showattachment.cgi?attach_id=$num">$item</A>}; } $things[$count++] = $item; } $text = value_quote($text); $text =~ s/\
/\n/g; # Stuff everything back from the array. for (my $i=0 ; $i<$count ; $i++) { $text =~ s/##$i##/$things[$i]/e; } # And undo the quoting of "#" characters. $text =~ s/%#/#/g; return $text; } my $loginok = quietly_check_login(); my $id = $::FORM{'id'}; my $query = " select bugs.bug_id, product, version, rep_platform, op_sys, bug_status, resolution, priority, bug_severity, component, assigned_to, reporter, bug_file_loc, short_desc, target_milestone, qa_contact, status_whiteboard, date_format(creation_ts,'Y-m-d H:i'), groupset, delta_ts, sum(votes.count) from bugs left join votes using(bug_id) where bugs.bug_id = $id and bugs.groupset & $::usergroupset = bugs.groupset group by bugs.bug_id"; SendSQL($query); my %bug; my @row; if (@row = FetchSQLData()) { my $count = 0; foreach my $field ("bug_id", "product", "version", "rep_platform", "op_sys", "bug_status", "resolution", "priority", "bug_severity", "component", "assigned_to", "reporter", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc", "target_milestone", "qa_contact", "status_whiteboard", "creation_ts", "groupset", "delta_ts", "votes") { $bug{$field} = shift @row; if (!defined $bug{$field}) { $bug{$field} = ""; } $count++; } } else { SendSQL("select groupset from bugs where bug_id = $id"); if (@row = FetchSQLData()) { print "<H1>Permission denied.</H1>\n"; if ($loginok) { print "Sorry; you do not have the permissions necessary to see\n"; print "bug $id.\n"; } else { print "Sorry; bug $id can only be viewed when logged\n"; print "into an account with the appropriate permissions. To\n"; print "see this bug, you must first\n"; print "<a href=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$id&GoAheadAndLogIn=1\">"; print "log in</a>."; } } else { print "<H1>Bug not found</H1>\n"; print "There does not seem to be a bug numbered $id.\n"; } PutFooter(); exit; } $bug{'assigned_to'} = DBID_to_name($bug{'assigned_to'}); $bug{'reporter'} = DBID_to_name($bug{'reporter'}); $bug{'long_desc'} = GetLongDescription($id); my $longdesclength = length($bug{'long_desc'}); GetVersionTable(); # # These should be read from the database ... # my $resolution_popup = make_options(\@::legal_resolution_no_dup, $bug{'resolution'}); my $platform_popup = make_options(\@::legal_platform, $bug{'rep_platform'}); my $priority_popup = make_options(\@::legal_priority, $bug{'priority'}); my $sev_popup = make_options(\@::legal_severity, $bug{'bug_severity'}); my $component_popup = make_options($::components{$bug{'product'}}, $bug{'component'}); my $cc_element = '<INPUT NAME=cc SIZE=30 VALUE="' . ShowCcList($id) . '">'; my $URL = $bug{'bug_file_loc'}; if (defined $URL && $URL ne "none" && $URL ne "NULL" && $URL ne "") { $URL = "<B><A HREF=\"$URL\">URL:</A></B>"; } else { $URL = "<B>URL:</B>"; } print " <FORM NAME=changeform METHOD=POST ACTION=\"process_bug.cgi\"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"delta_ts\" VALUE=\"$bug{'delta_ts'}\"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"longdesclength\" VALUE=\"$longdesclength\"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"id\" VALUE=$id> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"was_assigned_to\" VALUE=\"$bug{'assigned_to'}\"> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0><TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Bug#:</B></TD><TD><A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bug{'bug_id'}\">$bug{'bug_id'}</A></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#rep_platform\">Platform:</A></B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=rep_platform>$platform_popup</SELECT></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Version:</B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=version>" . make_options($::versions{$bug{'product'}}, $bug{'version'}) . "</SELECT></TD> </TR><TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Product:</B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=product>" . make_options(\@::legal_product, $bug{'product'}) . "</SELECT></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>OS:</B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=op_sys>" . make_options(\@::legal_opsys, $bug{'op_sys'}) . "</SELECT><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Reporter:</B></TD><TD>$bug{'reporter'}</TD> </TR><TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html\">Status:</A></B></TD> <TD>$bug{'bug_status'}</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#priority\">Priority:</A></B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=priority>$priority_popup</SELECT></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Cc:</B></TD> <TD> $cc_element </TD> </TR><TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html\">Resolution:</A></B></TD> <TD>$bug{'resolution'}</TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#severity\">Severity:</A></B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=bug_severity>$sev_popup</SELECT></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"describecomponents.cgi?product=" . url_quote($bug{'product'}) . "\">Component:</A></B></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=component>$component_popup</SELECT></TD> </TR><TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#assigned_to\">Assigned To: </A></B></TD> <TD>$bug{'assigned_to'}</TD>"; if (Param("usetargetmilestone")) { my $url = ""; if (defined $::milestoneurl{$bug{'product'}}) { $url = $::milestoneurl{$bug{'product'}}; } if ($url eq "") { $url = "notargetmilestone.html"; } if ($bug{'target_milestone'} eq "") { $bug{'target_milestone'} = " "; } push(@::legal_target_milestone, " "); print " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><A href=\"$url\"><B>Target Milestone:</B></A></TD> <TD><SELECT NAME=target_milestone>" . make_options(\@::legal_target_milestone, $bug{'target_milestone'}) . "</SELECT></TD>"; } print " </TR>"; if (Param("useqacontact")) { my $name = $bug{'qa_contact'} > 0 ? DBID_to_name($bug{'qa_contact'}) : ""; print " <TR> <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\"><B>QA Contact:</B> <TD COLSPAN=6> <INPUT NAME=qa_contact VALUE=\"" . value_quote($name) . "\" SIZE=60></ </TR>"; } print " <TR> <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">$URL <TD COLSPAN=6> <INPUT NAME=bug_file_loc VALUE=\"$bug{'bug_file_loc'}\" SIZE=60></TD> </TR><TR> <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\"><B>Summary:</B> <TD COLSPAN=6> <INPUT NAME=short_desc VALUE=\"" . value_quote($bug{'short_desc'}) . "\" SIZE=60></TD> </TR>"; if (Param("usestatuswhiteboard")) { print " <TR> <TD ALIGN=\"RIGHT\"><B>Status Whiteboard:</B> <TD COLSPAN=6> <INPUT NAME=status_whiteboard VALUE=\"" . value_quote($bug{'status_whiteboard'}) . "\" SIZE=60></ </TR>"; } if (@::legal_keywords) { SendSQL("SELECT keyworddefs.name FROM keyworddefs, keywords WHERE keywords.bug_id = $id AND keyworddefs.id = keywords.keywordid ORDER BY keyworddefs.name"); my @list; while (MoreSQLData()) { push(@list, FetchOneColumn()); } my $value = value_quote(join(', ', @list)); print qq{ <TR> <TD ALIGN=right><B><A HREF="describekeywords.cgi">Keywords</A>:</B> <TD COLSPAN=6><INPUT NAME="keywords" VALUE="$value" SIZE=60></TD> </TR> }; } print "<tr><td align=right><B>Attachments:</b></td>\n"; SendSQL("select attach_id, creation_ts, description from attachments where bug_id = $id"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($attachid, $date, $desc) = (FetchSQLData()); if ($date =~ /^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) { $date = "$3/$4/$2 $5:$6"; } my $link = "showattachment.cgi?attach_id=$attachid"; $desc = value_quote($desc); print qq{<td><a href="$link">$date</a></td><td colspan=4>$desc</td></tr><tr><td></td>}; $knownattachments{$attachid} = 1; } print "<td colspan=6><a href=\"createattachment.cgi?id=$id\">Create a new attachment</a> (proposed patch, testcase, etc.)</td></tr></table>\n"; sub EmitDependList { my ($desc, $myfield, $targetfield) = (@_); print "<th align=right>$desc:</th><td>"; my @list; SendSQL("select dependencies.$targetfield, bugs.bug_status from dependencies, bugs where dependencies.$myfield = $id and bugs.bug_id = dependencies.$targetfield order by dependencies.$targetfield"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($i, $stat) = (FetchSQLData()); push(@list, $i); my $opened = ($stat eq "NEW" || $stat eq "ASSIGNED" || $stat eq "REOPENED"); if (!$opened) { print "<strike>"; } print qq{<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=$i">$i</a>}; if (!$opened) { print "</strike>"; } print " "; } print "</td><td><input name=$targetfield value=\"" . join(',', @list) . "\"></td>\n"; } if (Param("usedependencies")) { print "<table><tr>\n"; EmitDependList("Bugs that bug $id depends on", "blocked", "dependson"); print qq{ <td rowspan=2><a href="showdependencytree.cgi?id=$id">Show dependency tree</a> }; if (Param("webdotbase") ne "") { print qq{ <br><a href="showdependencygraph.cgi?id=$id">Show dependency graph</a> }; } print "</td></tr><tr>"; EmitDependList("Bugs depending on bug $id", "dependson", "blocked"); print "</tr></table>\n"; } if ($::prodmaxvotes{$bug{'product'}}) { print qq{ <table><tr> <th><a href="votehelp.html">Votes</a> for bug $id:</th><td> <a href="showvotes.cgi?bug_id=$id">$bug{'votes'}</a> <a href="showvotes.cgi?voteon=$id">Vote for this bug</a> </td></tr></table> }; } print " <br> <B>Additional Comments:</B> <BR> <TEXTAREA WRAP=HARD NAME=comment ROWS=5 COLS=80></TEXTAREA><BR>"; if ($::usergroupset ne '0') { SendSQL("select bit, description, (bit & $bug{'groupset'} != 0) from groups where bit & $::usergroupset != 0 and isbuggroup != 0 order by bit"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($bit, $description, $ison) = (FetchSQLData()); my $check0 = !$ison ? " SELECTED" : ""; my $check1 = $ison ? " SELECTED" : ""; print "<select name=bit-$bit><option value=0$check0>\n"; print "People not in the \"$description\" group can see this bug\n"; print "<option value=1$check1>\n"; print "Only people in the \"$description\" group can see this bug\n"; print "</select><br>\n"; } } print "<br> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=none CHECKED> Leave as <b>$bug{'bug_status'} $bug{'resolution'}</b><br>"; # knum is which knob number we're generating, in javascript terms. my $knum = 1; my $status = $bug{'bug_status'}; if ($status eq "NEW" || $status eq "ASSIGNED" || $status eq "REOPENED") { if ($status ne "ASSIGNED") { print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=accept>"; print "Accept bug (change status to <b>ASSIGNED</b>)<br>"; $knum++; } if ($bug{'resolution'} ne "") { print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=clearresolution>\n"; print "Clear the resolution (remove the current resolution of\n"; print "<b>$bug{'resolution'}</b>)<br>\n"; $knum++; } print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=resolve> Resolve bug, changing <A HREF=\"bug_status.html\">resolution</A> to <SELECT NAME=resolution ONCHANGE=\"document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true\"> $resolution_popup</SELECT><br>\n"; $knum++; print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=duplicate> Resolve bug, mark it as duplicate of bug # <INPUT NAME=dup_id SIZE=6 ONCHANGE=\"document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true\"><br>\n"; $knum++; my $assign_element = "<INPUT NAME=\"assigned_to\" SIZE=32 ONCHANGE=\"document.changeform.knob\[$knum\].checked=true\" VALUE=\"$bug{'assigned_to'}\">"; print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reassign> <A HREF=\"bug_status.html#assigned_to\">Reassign</A> bug to $assign_element <br>\n"; $knum++; print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reassignbycomponent> Reassign bug to owner of selected component<br>\n"; $knum++; } else { print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reopen> Reopen bug<br>\n"; $knum++; if ($status eq "RESOLVED") { print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=verify> Mark bug as <b>VERIFIED</b><br>\n"; $knum++; } if ($status ne "CLOSED") { print "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=close> Mark bug as <b>CLOSED</b><br>\n"; $knum++; } } print " <INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Commit\"> <INPUT TYPE=\"reset\" VALUE=\"Reset\"> <INPUT TYPE=hidden name=form_name VALUE=process_bug> <BR> <FONT size=\"+1\"><B> <A HREF=\"show_activity.cgi?id=$id\">View Bug Activity</A> <A HREF=\"long_list.cgi?buglist=$id\">Format For Printing</A> </B></FONT><BR> </FORM> <table><tr><td align=left><B>Description:</B></td> <td align=right width=100%>Opened: $bug{'creation_ts'}</td></tr></table> <HR> <PRE> "; print quoteUrls($bug{'long_desc'}, email=>1, urls=>1); print " </PRE> <HR>\n"; # To add back option of editing the long description, insert after the above # long_list.cgi line: # <A HREF=\"edit_desc.cgi?id=$id\">Edit Long Description</A> navigation_header(); PutFooter(); 1;