# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org> # Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org> # Jacob Steenhagen <jake@bugzilla.org> # Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@student.usyd.edu.au> # Christopher Aillon <christopher@aillon.com> # Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net> # Dave Lawrence <dkl@redhat.com> # Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> # Lance Larsh <lance.larsh@oracle.com> # Contains some global variables and routines used throughout bugzilla. use strict; use Bugzilla::DB qw(:DEFAULT :deprecated); use Bugzilla::Constants; use Bugzilla::Util; # Bring ChmodDataFile in until this is all moved to the module use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT ChmodDataFile $localconfig $datadir); use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Error; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". For some reason, # "use vars" chokes on me when I try it here. sub globals_pl_sillyness { my $zz; $zz = @main::enterable_products; $zz = %main::keywordsbyname; $zz = @main::legal_bug_status; $zz = @main::legal_components; $zz = @main::legal_keywords; $zz = @main::legal_opsys; $zz = @main::legal_platform; $zz = @main::legal_priority; $zz = @main::legal_product; $zz = @main::legal_severity; $zz = @main::legal_target_milestone; $zz = @main::milestoneurl; $zz = @main::prodmaxvotes; } # # Here are the --LOCAL-- variables defined in 'localconfig' that we'll use # here # # XXX - Move this to Bugzilla::Config once code which uses these has moved out # of globals.pl do $localconfig; use DBI; use Date::Format; # For time2str(). use Date::Parse; # For str2time(). # Use standard Perl libraries for cross-platform file/directory manipulation. use File::Spec; # Some environment variables are not taint safe delete @::ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; # Cwd.pm in perl 5.6.1 gives a warning if $::ENV{'PATH'} isn't defined # Set this to '' so that we don't get warnings cluttering the logs on every # system call $::ENV{'PATH'} = ''; # Ignore SIGTERM and SIGPIPE - this prevents DB corruption. If the user closes # their browser window while a script is running, the webserver sends these # signals, and we don't want to die half way through a write. $::SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; $::SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # The following subroutine is for debugging purposes only. # Uncommenting this sub and the $::SIG{__DIE__} trap underneath it will # cause any fatal errors to result in a call stack trace to help track # down weird errors. #sub die_with_dignity { # use Carp; # for confess() # my ($err_msg) = @_; # print $err_msg; # confess($err_msg); #} #$::SIG{__DIE__} = \&die_with_dignity; # XXXX - this needs to go away sub GenerateVersionTable { my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my (@line, %carray); SendSQL("SELECT components.name, products.name " . "FROM components, products " . "WHERE products.id = components.product_id " . "ORDER BY components.name"); while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($c,$p) = (@line); if (!defined $::components{$p}) { $::components{$p} = []; } my $ref = $::components{$p}; push @$ref, $c; $carray{$c} = 1; } SendSQL("SELECT products.name, classifications.name " . "FROM products, classifications " . "WHERE classifications.id = products.classification_id " . "ORDER BY classifications.name"); while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($p,$c) = (@line); if (!defined $::classifications{$c}) { $::classifications{$c} = []; } my $ref = $::classifications{$c}; push @$ref, $p; } my $dotargetmilestone = 1; # This used to check the param, but there's # enough code that wants to pretend we're using # target milestones, even if they don't get # shown to the user. So we cache all the data # about them anyway. my $mpart = $dotargetmilestone ? ", milestoneurl" : ""; SendSQL("SELECT name, votesperuser, disallownew$mpart " . "FROM products ORDER BY name"); while (@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($p, $votesperuser, $dis, $u) = (@line); if (!$dis && scalar($::components{$p})) { push @::enterable_products, $p; } if ($dotargetmilestone) { $::milestoneurl{$p} = $u; } $::prodmaxvotes{$p} = $votesperuser; } @::log_columns = $dbh->bz_table_columns('bugs'); foreach my $i ("bug_id", "creation_ts", "delta_ts", "lastdiffed") { my $w = lsearch(\@::log_columns, $i); if ($w >= 0) { splice(@::log_columns, $w, 1); } } @::log_columns = (sort(@::log_columns)); @::legal_priority = get_legal_field_values("priority"); @::legal_severity = get_legal_field_values("bug_severity"); @::legal_platform = get_legal_field_values("rep_platform"); @::legal_opsys = get_legal_field_values("op_sys"); @::legal_bug_status = get_legal_field_values("bug_status"); @::legal_resolution = get_legal_field_values("resolution"); # 'settable_resolution' is the list of resolutions that may be set # directly by hand in the bug form. Start with the list of legal # resolutions and remove 'MOVED' and 'DUPLICATE' because setting # bugs to those resolutions requires a special process. # @::settable_resolution = @::legal_resolution; my $w = lsearch(\@::settable_resolution, "DUPLICATE"); if ($w >= 0) { splice(@::settable_resolution, $w, 1); } my $z = lsearch(\@::settable_resolution, "MOVED"); if ($z >= 0) { splice(@::settable_resolution, $z, 1); } @::legal_product = map($_->name, Bugzilla::Product::get_all_products()); require File::Temp; my ($fh, $tmpname) = File::Temp::tempfile("versioncache.XXXXX", DIR => "$datadir"); print $fh "#\n"; print $fh "# DO NOT EDIT!\n"; print $fh "# This file is automatically generated at least once every\n"; print $fh "# hour by the GenerateVersionTable() sub in globals.pl.\n"; print $fh "# Any changes you make will be overwritten.\n"; print $fh "#\n"; require Data::Dumper; print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::log_columns], ['*::log_columns'])); foreach my $i (@::legal_product) { if (!defined $::components{$i}) { $::components{$i} = []; } } print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\%::components], ['*::components'])); @::legal_components = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%carray); print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::legal_components, \@::legal_product, \@::legal_priority, \@::legal_severity, \@::legal_platform, \@::legal_opsys, \@::legal_bug_status, \@::legal_resolution], ['*::legal_components', '*::legal_product', '*::legal_priority', '*::legal_severity', '*::legal_platform', '*::legal_opsys', '*::legal_bug_status', '*::legal_resolution'])); print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::settable_resolution, \%::classifications, \@::enterable_products, \%::prodmaxvotes], ['*::settable_resolution', '*::classifications', '*::enterable_products', '*::prodmaxvotes'])); if ($dotargetmilestone) { # reading target milestones in from the database - matthew@zeroknowledge.com SendSQL("SELECT milestones.value, products.name " . "FROM milestones, products " . "WHERE products.id = milestones.product_id " . "ORDER BY milestones.sortkey, milestones.value"); my @line; my %tmarray; @::legal_target_milestone = (); while(@line = FetchSQLData()) { my ($tm, $pr) = (@line); if (!defined $::target_milestone{$pr}) { $::target_milestone{$pr} = []; } push @{$::target_milestone{$pr}}, $tm; if (!exists $tmarray{$tm}) { $tmarray{$tm} = 1; push(@::legal_target_milestone, $tm); } } print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\%::target_milestone, \@::legal_target_milestone, \%::milestoneurl], ['*::target_milestone', '*::legal_target_milestone', '*::milestoneurl'])); } SendSQL("SELECT id, name FROM keyworddefs ORDER BY name"); while (MoreSQLData()) { my ($id, $name) = FetchSQLData(); push(@::legal_keywords, $name); $name = lc($name); $::keywordsbyname{$name} = $id; } print $fh (Data::Dumper->Dump([\@::legal_keywords, \%::keywordsbyname], ['*::legal_keywords', '*::keywordsbyname'])); print $fh "1;\n"; close $fh; rename ($tmpname, "$datadir/versioncache") || die "Can't rename $tmpname to versioncache"; ChmodDataFile("$datadir/versioncache", 0666); } sub GetKeywordIdFromName { my ($name) = (@_); $name = lc($name); return $::keywordsbyname{$name}; } $::VersionTableLoaded = 0; sub GetVersionTable { return if $::VersionTableLoaded; my $file_generated = 0; if (!-r "$datadir/versioncache") { GenerateVersionTable(); $file_generated = 1; } require "$datadir/versioncache"; $::VersionTableLoaded = 1; } # # This function checks if there are any entry groups defined. # If called with no arguments, it identifies # entry groups for all products. If called with a product # id argument, it checks for entry groups associated with # one particular product. sub AnyEntryGroups { my $product_id = shift; $product_id = 0 unless ($product_id); return $::CachedAnyEntryGroups{$product_id} if defined($::CachedAnyEntryGroups{$product_id}); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; PushGlobalSQLState(); my $query = "SELECT 1 FROM group_control_map WHERE entry != 0"; $query .= " AND product_id = $product_id" if ($product_id); $query .= " " . $dbh->sql_limit(1); SendSQL($query); if (MoreSQLData()) { $::CachedAnyEntryGroups{$product_id} = MoreSQLData(); FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $::CachedAnyEntryGroups{$product_id}; } else { return undef; } } # # This function checks if there are any default groups defined. # If so, then groups may have to be changed when bugs move from # one bug to another. sub AnyDefaultGroups { return $::CachedAnyDefaultGroups if defined($::CachedAnyDefaultGroups); my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT 1 FROM group_control_map, groups WHERE " . "groups.id = group_control_map.group_id " . "AND isactive != 0 AND " . "(membercontrol = " . CONTROLMAPDEFAULT . " OR othercontrol = " . CONTROLMAPDEFAULT . ") " . $dbh->sql_limit(1)); $::CachedAnyDefaultGroups = MoreSQLData(); FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $::CachedAnyDefaultGroups; } sub IsInClassification { my ($classification,$productname) = @_; if (! Param('useclassification')) { return 1; } else { my $query = "SELECT classifications.name " . "FROM products,classifications " . "WHERE products.classification_id=classifications.id "; $query .= "AND products.name = " . SqlQuote($productname); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL($query); my ($ret) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return ($ret eq $classification); } } sub ValidatePassword { # Determines whether or not a password is valid (i.e. meets Bugzilla's # requirements for length and content). # If a second password is passed in, this function also verifies that # the two passwords match. my ($password, $matchpassword) = @_; if (length($password) < 3) { ThrowUserError("password_too_short"); } elsif (length($password) > 16) { ThrowUserError("password_too_long"); } elsif ((defined $matchpassword) && ($password ne $matchpassword)) { ThrowUserError("passwords_dont_match"); } } sub DBID_to_name { my ($id) = (@_); return "__UNKNOWN__" if !defined $id; # $id should always be a positive integer if ($id =~ m/^([1-9][0-9]*)$/) { $id = $1; } else { $::cachedNameArray{$id} = "__UNKNOWN__"; } if (!defined $::cachedNameArray{$id}) { PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT login_name FROM profiles WHERE userid = $id"); my $r = FetchOneColumn(); PopGlobalSQLState(); if (!defined $r || $r eq "") { $r = "__UNKNOWN__"; } $::cachedNameArray{$id} = $r; } return $::cachedNameArray{$id}; } sub DBNameToIdAndCheck { my ($name) = (@_); my $result = login_to_id($name); if ($result > 0) { return $result; } ThrowUserError("invalid_username", { name => $name }); } sub get_product_id { my ($prod) = @_; PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT id FROM products WHERE name = " . SqlQuote($prod)); my ($prod_id) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $prod_id; } sub get_product_name { my ($prod_id) = @_; die "non-numeric prod_id '$prod_id' passed to get_product_name" unless ($prod_id =~ /^\d+$/); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT name FROM products WHERE id = $prod_id"); my ($prod) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $prod; } sub get_component_id { my ($prod_id, $comp) = @_; return undef unless ($prod_id && ($prod_id =~ /^\d+$/)); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT id FROM components " . "WHERE product_id = $prod_id AND name = " . SqlQuote($comp)); my ($comp_id) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $comp_id; } sub get_component_name { my ($comp_id) = @_; die "non-numeric comp_id '$comp_id' passed to get_component_name" unless ($comp_id =~ /^\d+$/); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT name FROM components WHERE id = $comp_id"); my ($comp) = FetchSQLData(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $comp; } # Returns a list of all the legal values for a field that has a # list of legal values, like rep_platform or resolution. sub get_legal_field_values { my ($field) = @_; my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh; my $result_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( "SELECT value FROM $field WHERE isactive = ? ORDER BY sortkey, value", undef, (1)); return @$result_ref; } sub GroupIdToName { my ($groupid) = (@_); PushGlobalSQLState(); SendSQL("SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id = $groupid"); my $name = FetchOneColumn(); PopGlobalSQLState(); return $name; } # Determines if the given bug_status string represents an "Opened" bug. This # routine ought to be parameterizable somehow, as people tend to introduce # new states into Bugzilla. sub IsOpenedState { my ($state) = (@_); if (grep($_ eq $state, OpenStates())) { return 1; } return 0; } # This sub will return an array containing any status that # is considered an open bug. sub OpenStates { return ('NEW', 'REOPENED', 'ASSIGNED', 'UNCONFIRMED'); } ############# Live code below here (that is, not subroutine defs) ############# use Bugzilla; 1;