# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> # Jouni Heikniemi <jouni@heikniemi.net> ################################################################################ # Module Initialization ################################################################################ # Make it harder for us to do dangerous things in Perl. use strict; # This module implements bug and attachment flags. package Bugzilla::Flag; use Bugzilla::FlagType; use Bugzilla::User; use Bugzilla::Config; use Bugzilla::Util; use Bugzilla::Error; use Bugzilla::Attachment; use constant TABLES_ALREADY_LOCKED => 1; # Note that this line doesn't actually import these variables for some reason, # so I have to use them as $::template and $::vars in the package code. use vars qw($template $vars); # Note! This module requires that its caller have said "require CGI.pl" # to import relevant functions from that script and its companion globals.pl. ################################################################################ # Global Variables ################################################################################ # basic sets of columns and tables for getting flags from the database my @base_columns = ("is_active", "id", "type_id", "bug_id", "attach_id", "requestee_id", "setter_id", "status"); # Note: when adding tables to @base_tables, make sure to include the separator # (i.e. a comma or words like "LEFT OUTER JOIN") before the table name, # since tables take multiple separators based on the join type, and therefore # it is not possible to join them later using a single known separator. my @base_tables = ("flags"); ################################################################################ # Searching/Retrieving Flags ################################################################################ # !!! Implement a cache for this function! sub get { # Retrieves and returns a flag from the database. my ($id) = @_; my $select_clause = "SELECT " . join(", ", @base_columns); my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @base_tables); # Execute the query, retrieve the result, and write it into a record. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("$select_clause $from_clause WHERE flags.id = $id"); my $flag = perlify_record(&::FetchSQLData()); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); return $flag; } sub match { # Queries the database for flags matching the given criteria # (specified as a hash of field names and their matching values) # and returns an array of matching records. my ($criteria) = @_; my $select_clause = "SELECT " . join(", ", @base_columns); my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @base_tables); my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria); my $where_clause = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", @criteria); # Execute the query, retrieve the results, and write them into records. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("$select_clause $from_clause $where_clause"); my @flags; while (&::MoreSQLData()) { my $flag = perlify_record(&::FetchSQLData()); push(@flags, $flag); } &::PopGlobalSQLState(); return \@flags; } sub count { # Queries the database for flags matching the given criteria # (specified as a hash of field names and their matching values) # and returns an array of matching records. my ($criteria) = @_; my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria); my $where_clause = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", @criteria); # Execute the query, retrieve the result, and write it into a record. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM flags $where_clause"); my $count = &::FetchOneColumn(); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); return $count; } ################################################################################ # Creating and Modifying ################################################################################ sub validate { # Validates fields containing flag modifications. my ($data, $bug_id) = @_; # Get a list of flags to validate. Uses the "map" function # to extract flag IDs from form field names by matching fields # whose name looks like "flag-nnn", where "nnn" is the ID, # and returning just the ID portion of matching field names. my @ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), keys %$data); foreach my $id (@ids) { my $status = $data->{"flag-$id"}; # Make sure the flag exists. my $flag = get($id); $flag || ThrowCodeError("flag_nonexistent", { id => $id }); # Note that the deletedness of the flag (is_active or not) is not # checked here; we do want to allow changes to deleted flags in # certain cases. Flag::modify() will revive the modified flags. # See bug 223878 for details. # Make sure the user chose a valid status. grep($status eq $_, qw(X + - ?)) || ThrowCodeError("flag_status_invalid", { id => $id, status => $status }); # Make sure the user didn't request the flag unless it's requestable. if ($status eq '?' && !$flag->{type}->{is_requestable}) { ThrowCodeError("flag_status_invalid", { id => $id, status => $status }); } # Make sure the requestee is authorized to access the bug. # (and attachment, if this installation is using the "insider group" # feature and the attachment is marked private). if ($status eq '?' && $flag->{type}->{is_requesteeble} && trim($data->{"requestee-$id"})) { my $requestee_email = trim($data->{"requestee-$id"}); if ($requestee_email ne $flag->{'requestee'}->{'email'}) { # We know the requestee exists because we ran # Bugzilla::User::match_field before getting here. my $requestee = Bugzilla::User->new_from_login($requestee_email); # Throw an error if the user can't see the bug. if (!$requestee->can_see_bug($bug_id)) { ThrowUserError("flag_requestee_unauthorized", { flag_type => $flag->{'type'}, requestee => $requestee, bug_id => $bug_id, attach_id => $flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id} }); } # Throw an error if the target is a private attachment and # the requestee isn't in the group of insiders who can see it. if ($flag->{target}->{attachment}->{exists} && $data->{'isprivate'} && Param("insidergroup") && !$requestee->in_group(Param("insidergroup"))) { ThrowUserError("flag_requestee_unauthorized_attachment", { flag_type => $flag->{'type'}, requestee => $requestee, bug_id => $bug_id, attach_id => $flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id} }); } } } } } sub process { # Processes changes to flags. # The target is the bug or attachment this flag is about, the timestamp # is the date/time the bug was last touched (so that changes to the flag # can be stamped with the same date/time), the data is the form data # with flag fields that the user submitted, the old bug is the bug record # before the user made changes to it, and the new bug is the bug record # after the user made changes to it. my ($target, $timestamp, $data, $oldbug, $newbug) = @_; # Use the date/time we were given if possible (allowing calling code # to synchronize the comment's timestamp with those of other records). $timestamp = ($timestamp ? &::SqlQuote($timestamp) : "NOW()"); # Take a snapshot of flags before any changes. my $flags = match({ 'bug_id' => $target->{'bug'}->{'id'} , 'attach_id' => $target->{'attachment'}->{'id'} , 'is_active' => 1 }); my @old_summaries; foreach my $flag (@$flags) { my $summary = $flag->{'type'}->{'name'} . $flag->{'status'}; $summary .= "(" . $flag->{'requestee'}->login . ")" if $flag->{'requestee'}; push(@old_summaries, $summary); } # Create new flags and update existing flags. my $new_flags = FormToNewFlags($target, $data); foreach my $flag (@$new_flags) { create($flag, $timestamp) } modify($data, $timestamp); # In case the bug's product/component has changed, clear flags that are # no longer valid. &::SendSQL(" SELECT flags.id FROM (flags INNER JOIN bugs ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN flaginclusions i ON (flags.type_id = i.type_id AND (bugs.product_id = i.product_id OR i.product_id IS NULL) AND (bugs.component_id = i.component_id OR i.component_id IS NULL)) WHERE bugs.bug_id = $target->{'bug'}->{'id'} AND flags.is_active = 1 AND i.type_id IS NULL "); clear(&::FetchOneColumn()) while &::MoreSQLData(); &::SendSQL(" SELECT flags.id FROM flags, bugs, flagexclusions e WHERE bugs.bug_id = $target->{'bug'}->{'id'} AND flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND flags.type_id = e.type_id AND flags.is_active = 1 AND (bugs.product_id = e.product_id OR e.product_id IS NULL) AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL) "); clear(&::FetchOneColumn()) while &::MoreSQLData(); # Take a snapshot of flags after changes. $flags = match({ 'bug_id' => $target->{'bug'}->{'id'} , 'attach_id' => $target->{'attachment'}->{'id'} , 'is_active' => 1 }); my @new_summaries; foreach my $flag (@$flags) { my $summary = $flag->{'type'}->{'name'} . $flag->{'status'}; $summary .= "(" . $flag->{'requestee'}->login . ")" if $flag->{'requestee'}; push(@new_summaries, $summary); } my $old_summaries = join(", ", @old_summaries); my $new_summaries = join(", ", @new_summaries); my ($removed, $added) = &::DiffStrings($old_summaries, $new_summaries); if ($removed ne $added) { my $sql_removed = &::SqlQuote($removed); my $sql_added = &::SqlQuote($added); my $field_id = &::GetFieldID('flagtypes.name'); my $attach_id = $target->{'attachment'}->{'id'} || 'NULL'; &::SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id, attach_id, who, " . "bug_when, fieldid, removed, added) VALUES " . "($target->{'bug'}->{'id'}, $attach_id, $::userid, " . "$timestamp, $field_id, $sql_removed, $sql_added)"); } } sub create { # Creates a flag record in the database. my ($flag, $timestamp) = @_; # Determine the ID for the flag record by retrieving the last ID used # and incrementing it. &::SendSQL("SELECT MAX(id) FROM flags"); $flag->{'id'} = (&::FetchOneColumn() || 0) + 1; # Insert a record for the flag into the flags table. my $attach_id = $flag->{'target'}->{'attachment'}->{'id'} || "NULL"; my $requestee_id = $flag->{'requestee'} ? $flag->{'requestee'}->id : "NULL"; &::SendSQL("INSERT INTO flags (id, type_id, bug_id, attach_id, requestee_id, setter_id, status, creation_date, modification_date) VALUES ($flag->{'id'}, $flag->{'type'}->{'id'}, $flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'id'}, $attach_id, $requestee_id, " . $flag->{'setter'}->id . ", '$flag->{'status'}', $timestamp, $timestamp)"); # Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the flag creation. if (($flag->{'requestee'} && $flag->{'requestee'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequestee'}) || $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'}) { notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl"); } } sub migrate { # Moves a flag from one attachment to another. Useful for migrating # a flag from an obsolete attachment to the attachment that obsoleted it. my ($old_attach_id, $new_attach_id) = @_; # Update the record in the flags table to point to the new attachment. &::SendSQL("UPDATE flags " . "SET attach_id = $new_attach_id , " . " modification_date = NOW() " . "WHERE attach_id = $old_attach_id"); } sub modify { # Modifies flags in the database when a user changes them. # Note that modified flags are always set active (is_active = 1) - # this will revive deleted flags that get changed through # attachment.cgi midairs. See bug 223878 for details. my ($data, $timestamp) = @_; # Use the date/time we were given if possible (allowing calling code # to synchronize the comment's timestamp with those of other records). $timestamp = ($timestamp ? &::SqlQuote($timestamp) : "NOW()"); # Extract a list of flags from the form data. my @ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), keys %$data); # Loop over flags and update their record in the database if necessary. # Two kinds of changes can happen to a flag: it can be set to a different # state, and someone else can be asked to set it. We take care of both # those changes. my @flags; foreach my $id (@ids) { my $flag = get($id); my $status = $data->{"flag-$id"}; my $requestee_email = trim($data->{"requestee-$id"}); # Ignore flags the user didn't change. There are two components here: # either the status changes (trivial) or the requestee changes. # Change of either field will cause full update of the flag. my $status_changed = ($status ne $flag->{'status'}); # Requestee is considered changed, if all of the following apply: # 1. Flag status is '?' (requested) # 2. Flag can have a requestee # 3. The requestee specified on the form is different from the # requestee specified in the db. my $old_requestee = $flag->{'requestee'} ? $flag->{'requestee'}->login : ''; my $requestee_changed = ($status eq "?" && $flag->{'type'}->{'is_requesteeble'} && $old_requestee ne $requestee_email); next unless ($status_changed || $requestee_changed); # Since the status is validated, we know it's safe, but it's still # tainted, so we have to detaint it before using it in a query. &::trick_taint($status); if ($status eq '+' || $status eq '-') { &::SendSQL("UPDATE flags SET setter_id = $::userid , requestee_id = NULL , status = '$status' , modification_date = $timestamp , is_active = 1 WHERE id = $flag->{'id'}"); # Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the fulfillment. if ($flag->{'setter'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequester'} || $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'}) { $flag->{'status'} = $status; notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl"); } } elsif ($status eq '?') { # Get the requestee, if any. my $requestee_id = "NULL"; if ($requestee_email) { $requestee_id = &::DBname_to_id($requestee_email); $flag->{'requestee'} = new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id); } # Update the database with the changes. &::SendSQL("UPDATE flags SET setter_id = $::userid , requestee_id = $requestee_id , status = '$status' , modification_date = $timestamp , is_active = 1 WHERE id = $flag->{'id'}"); # Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the request. if ($flag->{'requestee'} && ($flag->{'requestee'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequestee'} || $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'})) { notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl"); } } # The user unset the flag; set is_active = 0 elsif ($status eq 'X') { clear($flag->{'id'}); } push(@flags, $flag); } return \@flags; } sub clear { my ($id) = @_; my $flag = get($id); &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("UPDATE flags SET is_active = 0 WHERE id = $id"); &::PopGlobalSQLState(); $flag->{'exists'} = 0; # Set the flag's status to "cleared" so the email template # knows why email is being sent about the request. $flag->{'status'} = "X"; notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl") if $flag->{'requestee'}; } ################################################################################ # Utility Functions ################################################################################ sub FormToNewFlags { my ($target, $data) = @_; # Get information about the setter to add to each flag. # Uses a conditional to suppress Perl's "used only once" warnings. my $setter = new Bugzilla::User($::userid); # Extract a list of flag type IDs from field names. my @type_ids = map(/^flag_type-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), keys %$data); @type_ids = grep($data->{"flag_type-$_"} ne 'X', @type_ids); # Process the form data and create an array of flag objects. my @flags; foreach my $type_id (@type_ids) { my $status = $data->{"flag_type-$type_id"}; &::trick_taint($status); # Create the flag record and populate it with data from the form. my $flag = { type => Bugzilla::FlagType::get($type_id) , target => $target , setter => $setter , status => $status }; if ($status eq "?") { my $requestee = $data->{"requestee_type-$type_id"}; if ($requestee) { my $requestee_id = &::DBname_to_id($requestee); $flag->{'requestee'} = new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id); } } # Add the flag to the array of flags. push(@flags, $flag); } # Return the list of flags. return \@flags; } # Ideally, we'd use Bug.pm, but it's way too heavyweight, and it can't be # made lighter without totally rewriting it, so we'll use this function # until that one gets rewritten. sub GetBug { # Returns a hash of information about a target bug. my ($id) = @_; # Save the currently running query (if any) so we do not overwrite it. &::PushGlobalSQLState(); &::SendSQL("SELECT 1, short_desc, product_id, component_id, COUNT(bug_group_map.group_id) FROM bugs LEFT JOIN bug_group_map ON (bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id) WHERE bugs.bug_id = $id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id"); my $bug = { 'id' => $id }; ($bug->{'exists'}, $bug->{'summary'}, $bug->{'product_id'}, $bug->{'component_id'}, $bug->{'restricted'}) = &::FetchSQLData(); # Restore the previously running query (if any). &::PopGlobalSQLState(); return $bug; } sub GetTarget { my ($bug_id, $attach_id) = @_; # Create an object representing the target bug/attachment. my $target = { 'exists' => 0 }; if ($attach_id) { $target->{'attachment'} = new Bugzilla::Attachment($attach_id); if ($bug_id) { # Make sure the bug and attachment IDs correspond to each other # (i.e. this is the bug to which this attachment is attached). $bug_id == $target->{'attachment'}->{'bug_id'} || return { 'exists' => 0 }; } $target->{'bug'} = GetBug($target->{'attachment'}->{'bug_id'}); $target->{'exists'} = $target->{'attachment'}->{'exists'}; $target->{'type'} = "attachment"; } elsif ($bug_id) { $target->{'bug'} = GetBug($bug_id); $target->{'exists'} = $target->{'bug'}->{'exists'}; $target->{'type'} = "bug"; } return $target; } sub notify { # Sends an email notification about a flag being created or fulfilled. my ($flag, $template_file) = @_; # If the target bug is restricted to one or more groups, then we need # to make sure we don't send email about it to unauthorized users # on the request type's CC: list, so we have to trawl the list for users # not in those groups or email addresses that don't have an account. if ($flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'restricted'} || $flag->{'target'}->{'attachment'}->{'isprivate'}) { my @new_cc_list; foreach my $cc (split(/[, ]+/, $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'})) { my $ccuser = Bugzilla::User->new_from_login($cc, TABLES_ALREADY_LOCKED) || next; next if $flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'restricted'} && !$ccuser->can_see_bug($flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'id'}); next if $flag->{'target'}->{'attachment'}->{'isprivate'} && Param("insidergroup") && !$ccuser->in_group(Param("insidergroup")); push(@new_cc_list, $cc.Param('emailsuffix')); } $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'} = join(", ", @new_cc_list); } $flag->{'requestee'}->{'email'} .= Param('emailsuffix'); $flag->{'setter'}->{'email'} .= Param('emailsuffix'); $::vars->{'flag'} = $flag; my $message; my $rv = $::template->process($template_file, $::vars, \$message); if (!$rv) { Bugzilla->cgi->header(); ThrowTemplateError($::template->error()); } my $delivery_mode = Param("sendmailnow") ? "" : "-ODeliveryMode=deferred"; open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail $delivery_mode -t -i") || die "Can't open sendmail"; print SENDMAIL $message; close(SENDMAIL); } ################################################################################ # Private Functions ################################################################################ sub sqlify_criteria { # Converts a hash of criteria into a list of SQL criteria. # a reference to a hash containing the criteria (field => value) my ($criteria) = @_; # the generated list of SQL criteria; "1=1" is a clever way of making sure # there's something in the list so calling code doesn't have to check list # size before building a WHERE clause out of it my @criteria = ("1=1"); # If the caller specified only bug or attachment flags, # limit the query to those kinds of flags. if (defined($criteria->{'target_type'})) { if ($criteria->{'target_type'} eq 'bug') { push(@criteria, "attach_id IS NULL") } elsif ($criteria->{'target_type'} eq 'attachment') { push(@criteria, "attach_id IS NOT NULL") } } # Go through each criterion from the calling code and add it to the query. foreach my $field (keys %$criteria) { my $value = $criteria->{$field}; next unless defined($value); if ($field eq 'type_id') { push(@criteria, "type_id = $value") } elsif ($field eq 'bug_id') { push(@criteria, "bug_id = $value") } elsif ($field eq 'attach_id') { push(@criteria, "attach_id = $value") } elsif ($field eq 'requestee_id') { push(@criteria, "requestee_id = $value") } elsif ($field eq 'setter_id') { push(@criteria, "setter_id = $value") } elsif ($field eq 'status') { push(@criteria, "status = '$value'") } elsif ($field eq 'is_active') { push(@criteria, "is_active = $value") } } return @criteria; } sub perlify_record { # Converts a row from the database into a Perl record. my ($exists, $id, $type_id, $bug_id, $attach_id, $requestee_id, $setter_id, $status) = @_; return undef unless defined($exists); my $flag = { exists => $exists , id => $id , type => Bugzilla::FlagType::get($type_id) , target => GetTarget($bug_id, $attach_id) , requestee => $requestee_id ? new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id) : undef, setter => new Bugzilla::User($setter_id) , status => $status , }; return $flag; } 1;