[-z"$force"]&& __check_stoplist $(echo$alpkg | sed-e"s|_.*||")&& fatal "Please use official package instead of $alpkg repacking (It is not recommended to use --force to skip this checking."
[-z"$force"]&& __check_stoplist $pkgname&& fatal "Please use official package instead of $alpkg repacking (It is not recommended to use --force to skip this checking."
[-n"$description"]&& subst "s|^\((Converted from a\)\(.*\)\(package.*\)|$description\n(Repacked from $upstream_file with $(epm --short--version))\n\1\2\3|"$SPEC
[-n"$description"]&& subst "s|^\((Converted from a\)\(.*\)\(package.*\)|$description\n(Repacked from $upstream_file with EPM $(epm --short--version))\n\1\2\3|"$SPEC
subst "s|^\((Converted from a\)\(.*\)\(package.*\)|(Repacked from binary \2 package with $(epm --short--version))\n\1\2\3|"$SPEC
subst "s|^\((Converted from a\)\(.*\)\(package.*\)|(Repacked from binary \2 package with EPM $(epm --short--version))\n\1\2\3|"$SPEC