#!/bin/bash # TODO: use epm from the sources fatal() { exit 1 } #set -e -x #set -o pipefail EPM=$(realpath $(dirname $0)/../bin/epm) ipfs='' kubo='' if [ "$1" == "--ipfs" ] ; then ipfs="--ipfs" kubo="kubo" shift fi if [ "$1" == "--hasher" ] ; then shift B='' if [ "$1" = "-b" ] ; then shift B="-b $1" shift fi APP="$1" if [ "$APP" == "all" ] ; then $EPM play --list-all --short | while read app ; do $0 $ipfs --hasher $B $app </dev/null || fatal done exit fi loginhsh -Y -i -t -p epm $B -r true curl iputils eepm-repack apt-repo $kubo loginhsh -Y -t -p epm $B -o HDIR=$(loginhsh -q -t -d -p epm $B) cp -afv ../* $HDIR/chroot/.in # install loginhsh -Y -t -p epm $B -o -r "bash -x /.in/tests/test_play.sh $ipfs --local $APP" || exit # login under root loginhsh -t -p epm $B -o # login under user loginhsh -Y -t -s -p epm $B # clean loginhsh -c -t -p epm $B exit fi if [ "$1" != "--local" ] ; then echo "Run with --hasher or --local to test all apps install" exit fi [ -n "$ipfs" ] && export EGET_IPFS_API=/ip4/ shift SILENT='' if [ "$1" == "--silent" ] ; then SILENT="$1" shift fi APP="$1" echo "Check Internet connection ..." cat /etc/resolv.conf ping -c 1 ya.ru ping -c 1 epm repo set sisyphus && epm repo change etersoft && epm update $EPM --version $EPM print info if [ -n "$SILENT" ] ; then $EPM play $ipfs --list-all --short | while read app ; do echo -n "Silent installing $app ... " $EPM --auto play $ipfs $app </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo -n "DONE" || { echo "ERROR" ; continue ; } echo -n " Removing $app ... " $EPM --auto play $ipfs --remove $app </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo -n "DONE" || { echo "ERROR" ; continue ; } done exit fi if [ -n "$APP" ] ; then app="$APP" echo echo "Installing $app ... " $EPM --auto play --verbose $ipfs $app </dev/null || exit #bash #echo " Removing $app ... " #$EPM --auto play $ipfs --remove $app </dev/null exit fi $EPM play --list-all --short | while read app ; do echo echo "Installing $app ... " $EPM --auto play --verbose $ipfs $app </dev/null || exit bash echo " Removing $app ... " $EPM --auto play $ipfs --remove $app </dev/null done exit