#!/bin/sh PKGNAME=portproton SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" VERSION="$2" DESCRIPTION='PortProton (from the repository if the package is there, or from the official site)' . $(dirname $0)/common.sh res=0 if ! epm install portproton ; then PKGURL="$(eget --list --latest https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortProton_dpkg/releases portproton_${VERSION}amd64.deb)" epm install $PKGURL res=$? fi # TODO: get from grep '^###Scripts version ' PortWINE/data_from_portwine/changelog_eng | head -n1 ###Scripts version 2172### #VERSION="$(epm tool eget -O- https://api.github.com/repos/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE/commits/HEAD | grep '"message": "Scripts version' | sed -e 's|.*Scripts version ||' -e 's|".*||' )" #epm pack --install $PKGNAME https://github.com/Castro-Fidel/PortWINE/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz $VERSION epm play i586-fix exit $res