#!/bin/sh -x # It will be run with two args: buildroot spec BUILDROOT="$1" SPEC="$2" PRODUCT=Snap4Arduino PRODUCTCUR=snap4arduino PRODUCTDIR=/opt/$PRODUCT . $(dirname $0)/common.sh subst "s|^Group:.*|Group: Development/Other|" $SPEC subst "s|^License: unknown$|License: AGPL-3.0|" $SPEC subst "s|^URL:.*|URL: http://snap4arduino.rocks/|" $SPEC subst "s|^Summary:.*|Summary: A modification of the Snap! visual programming language that lets you seamlessly interact with almost all versions of the Arduino board.|" $SPEC # move package to /opt ROOTDIR=$(basename $(find $BUILDROOT -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)) mkdir $BUILDROOT/opt mv $BUILDROOT/$ROOTDIR $BUILDROOT$PRODUCTDIR subst "s|\"/$ROOTDIR/|\"$PRODUCTDIR/|" $SPEC # add binary to the search path mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/ ln -s $PRODUCTDIR/run $BUILDROOT/usr/bin/$PRODUCTCUR subst "s|%files|%files\n/usr/bin/$PRODUCTUR|" $SPEC # create desktop file mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/usr/share/applications/ cat <<EOF >$BUILDROOT/usr/share/applications/$PRODUCT.desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Icon=$PRODUCTDIR/icons/128x128x32.png Exec=$PRODUCTDIR/run Name=Snap4Arduino Name[en]=Snap4Arduino GenericName[en]=Use Snap! to control Arduino boards. Arduino goes lambda! EOF subst "s|%files|%files\n/usr/share/applications/$PRODUCT.desktop|" $SPEC