#!/bin/sh -x # It will run with two args: buildroot spec BUILDROOT="$1" SPEC="$2" ORIGINPACKAGE="$4" PRODUCT=trueconf PRODUCTDIR=/opt/trueconf/client . $(dirname $0)/common.sh # follow original requires reqs="$(epm requires "$ORIGINPACKAGE")" [ -n "$reqs" ] && add_requires "$(echo $reqs | sed -e 's|pulseaudio||g' )" # for old trueconf (before [ -d .$PRODUCTDIR ] || PRODUCTDIR=/opt/$PRODUCT add_bin_link_command chmod a+x .$PRODUCTDIR/trueconf chmod a+x .$PRODUCTDIR/trueconf-autostart if [ -e .$PRODUCTDIR/QtWebEngineProcess ]; then chmod a+x .$PRODUCTDIR/QtWebEngineProcess fi # TODO: report the bug: # libhwloc.so.5 => not found (we have only libhwloc.so.15) #remove_file $PRODUCTDIR/lib/libtbbbind.so #remove_file $PRODUCTDIR/lib/libtbbbind.so.2 # or #filter_from_requires libhwloc.so.5 # (requires is disabled by default now)