#!/bin/sh -x # It will be run with two args: buildroot spec BUILDROOT="$1" SPEC="$2" PRODUCT=eagle PRODUCTDIR=/opt/$PRODUCT . $(dirname $0)/common.sh subst "s|^License: unknown$|License: Freeware|" $SPEC subst "s|^Summary:.*|Summary: EAGLE is electronic design automation (EDA) software that lets printed circuit board (PCB)|" $SPEC # move package to /opt ROOTDIR=$(basename $(find $BUILDROOT -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)) mkdir $BUILDROOT/opt mv $BUILDROOT/$ROOTDIR $BUILDROOT/opt/$PRODUCT subst "s|\"/$ROOTDIR/|\"/opt/$PRODUCT/|" $SPEC add_bin_link_command cat <<EOF | create_file /usr/share/applications/$PRODUCT.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Name=EAGLE Comment=PCB design: schematic capture, board layout, and autorouter # paths need to be absolute, no ~ allowed within this file Exec=$PRODUCT Icon=$PRODUCT # meta data Categories=Engineering;Electronics; Keywords=eagle;pcb;schematics;electronics; MimeType=application/x-eagle-schematic;application/x-eagle-board;application/x-eagle-project; # used to group all windows under the same launcher icon StartupWMClass=eagle EOF install_file /opt/eagle/bin/eagle-logo.png /usr/share/pixmaps/$PRODUCT.png # https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/44898 remove_file /opt/eagle/lib/libxcb-dri2.so.0 remove_file /opt/eagle/lib/libxcb-dri3.so.0 add_libs_requires