#!/bin/sh PKGNAME=assistant SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" DESCRIPTION="Assistant (Ассистент) from the official site" # Assistant reclaim their rpm package supports ALT repack="--scripts" if [ "$1" = "--remove" ] ; then epm remove $repack $PKGNAME exit fi . $(dirname $0)/common.sh arch="$($DISTRVENDOR -a)" pkg="$($DISTRVENDOR -p)" # parse vendor site tmpfile=$(mktemp) epm tool eget -q -O- "https://мойассистент.рф/скачать" | grep -A50 "Ассистент для LINUX" >$tmpfile url_by_order() { local order="$1" local pkg="$(cat $tmpfile | grep "/Download/" | $order -n1 | sed -e 's|.*href="||' -e 's|".*||')" [ -n "$pkg" ] || fatal "Can't get Download href" echo "https://мойассистент.рф$pkg" } case $arch-$pkg in x86_64-rpm) URL="$(url_by_order head)" ;; x86_64-deb) URL="$(url_by_order tail)" ;; *) fatal "$($DISTRVENDOR -e) is not supported (arch $arch, package type is $pkg)" ;; esac rm $tmpfile # after repack on ALT: # assistant: Требует: /lib/init/vars.sh но пакет не может быть установлен # Требует: libyuv.so()(64bit) но пакет не может быть установлен #repack='' #[ "$($DISTRVENDOR -p)" = "deb" ] || repack='--repack' [ "$($DISTRVENDOR -d)" = "ALTLinux" ] && epmi --skip-installed fontconfig-disable-type1-font-for-assistant LANG=ru_RU.UTF8 epm $repack install "$URL" || exit [ "$repack" = "--scripts" ] && echo "Warning! Privileged scripts from the vendor were running." # TODO: # after install: #/usr/share/assistantd/daemon.sh --install #/opt/assistant/scripts/fonts.sh --install