#!/bin/sh PKGNAME=r7-office SKIPREPACK=1 SUPPORTEDARCHES="x86_64" DESCRIPTION="R7 Office for Linux from the official site" URL="https://r7-office.ru/" . $(dirname $0)/common.sh URLBASE="https://r7-office.ru/download_editor" #[ "$VERSION" = "*" ] # $ eget -U --list "https://r7-office.ru/download_editor" "*.rpm" # $ eget -U --list "https://r7-office.ru/download_editor" "*.deb" case $(epm print info -e) in AstraLinux*|Debian/*) mask="astra/*.deb" ;; Ubuntu/*) mask="ubuntu/*.deb" ;; RedOS/*|AlterOS/*) mask="centos/*.rpm" ;; ROSA/7.9) mask="rosa/cobalt/$PKGNAME-*.rpm" ;; ROSA/*) mask="rosa/$PKGNAME-*.rpm" ;; ALTLinux/*) mask="altlinux/*.rpm" ;; *) fatal "Unsupported distro $(epm print info -e). Ask application vendor for a support." ;; esac PKGURL="$(eget --list --latest -U "$URLBASE" "$mask")" # install with scripts (need for install icons and associations) # see /etc/eepm/pkgallowscripts.list # TODO: pack it into the package epm install "$PKGURL"