Commit 0197f073 authored by's avatar

Bug 181182 - Reporting fix pack 2. Fixes bug 179198 (Don't print labels for pie…

Bug 181182 - Reporting fix pack 2. Fixes bug 179198 (Don't print labels for pie chart wedges when smaller than a certain size), bug 180255 (Tabular report CSV downloads should suggest csv filename), and bug 180967 (csv reports swap rows/columns). Patch by gerv; r=joel, a=justdave.
parent 34d0206a
......@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ $columns{''} = "42217354";
# Validate the values in the axis fields or throw an error.
|| ($columns{$row_field} && trick_taint($row_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", { fld=>"x", val=>$row_field });
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "x", val => $row_field});
|| ($columns{$col_field} && trick_taint($col_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", { fld=>"y", val=>$col_field });
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "y", val => $col_field});
|| ($columns{$tbl_field} && trick_taint($tbl_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", { fld=>"z", val=>$tbl_field });
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "z", val => $tbl_field});
my @axis_fields = ($row_field, $col_field, $tbl_field);
......@@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ my $format = GetFormat("reports/report", $formatparam, $cgi->param('ctype'));
# set debug=1 to always get an HTML content-type, and view the error.
$format->{'ctype'} = "text/html" if $::FORM{'debug'};
my @time = localtime(time());
my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$time[5],$time[4]+1,$time[3];
my $filename = "report-$date.$format->{extension}";
print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$filename\n";
print "Content-Type: $format->{'ctype'}\n\n";
# Problems with this CGI are often due to malformed data. Setting debug=1
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
graph.set(title => col_field_disp,
pie_height => 20,
suppress_angle => 2,
start_angle => 180);
graph.plot(data.0).png | stdout(1);
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
[% other_format.description %]
[% "</a>" UNLESS == format %] |
[% END %]
<a href="[% formaturl %]&amp;ctype=csv">CSV</a>
<a href="[% formaturl %]&amp;ctype=csv&amp;format=table">CSV</a>
[% IF format != "table" %]
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