Bug 310400: Explain (Document) how permissions are handled on Bugzilla

Patch by Sam Folk-Williams <sam.folkwilliams@gmail.com>; r=me
parent 77ae3351
......@@ -699,6 +699,16 @@
By default, assignees, QA owners and users
with <emphasis>editbugs</emphasis> privileges can edit all fields of bugs,
except group restrictions (unless they are members of the groups they
are trying to change). Bug reporters also have the ability to edit some
fields, but in a more restrictive manner. Other users, without
<emphasis>editbugs</emphasis> privileges, can not edit
bugs, except to comment and add themselves to the CC list.
For maximum flexibility, customizing this means editing Bugzilla's Perl
code. This gives the administrator complete control over exactly who is
allowed to do what. The relevant method is called
......@@ -1300,10 +1300,181 @@
<section id="permissionsettings">
<para>This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
permissions on this installation of Bugzilla - what product groups you
are in, and whether you can edit bugs or perform various administration
This is a purely informative page which outlines your current
permissions on this installation of Bugzilla.
A complete list of permissions is below. Only users with
<emphasis>editusers</emphasis> privileges can change the permissions
of other users.
Indicates user is an Administrator.
Indicates user can configure whine reports for other users.
Indicates user can configure whine reports for self.
Indicates user can configure whine reports for self.
Indicates user can perform actions as other users.
Indicates user can not be impersonated by other users.
Indicates user can confirm a bug or mark it a duplicate.
Indicates user can create and destroy groups.
Indicates user can edit all bug fields.
Indicates user can create, destroy, and edit classifications.
Indicates user can create, destroy, and edit components.
Indicates user can create, destroy, and edit keywords.
Indicates user can edit or disable users.
Indicates user can change Parameters.
For more information on how permissions work in Bugzilla (i.e. who can
change what), see <xref linkend="cust-change-permissions"/>.
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