Commit 183bff7e authored by Byron Jones's avatar Byron Jones

Bug 917370: large dependency trees are very slow to load

r=dkl, a=simon
parent c91a0fda
......@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check(scalar $cgi->param('id'));
my $id = $bug->id;
local our $hide_resolved = $cgi->param('hide_resolved') ? 1 : 0;
local our $maxdepth = $cgi->param('maxdepth') || 0;
if ($maxdepth !~ /^\d+$/) { $maxdepth = 0 };
if ($maxdepth !~ /^\d+$/) {
$maxdepth = 0;
# Main Section #
......@@ -62,9 +63,8 @@ GenerateTree($id, "blocked", 1, $blocked_tree, $blocked_ids);
$vars->{'blocked_tree'} = $blocked_tree;
$vars->{'blocked_ids'} = [keys(%$blocked_ids)];
$vars->{'realdepth'} = $realdepth;
$vars->{'bugid'} = $id;
$vars->{'realdepth'} = $realdepth;
$vars->{'maxdepth'} = $maxdepth;
$vars->{'hide_resolved'} = $hide_resolved;
......@@ -72,52 +72,75 @@ print $cgi->header();
$template->process("bug/dependency-tree.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Recursive Tree Generation Function #
# Tree Generation Functions
sub GenerateTree {
# Generates a dependency tree for a given bug. Calls itself recursively
# to generate sub-trees for the bug's dependencies.
my ($bug_id, $relationship, $depth, $bugs, $ids) = @_;
my @dependencies;
if ($relationship eq 'dependson') {
@dependencies = @{$bugs->{$bug_id}->dependson};
# determine just the list of bug ids
_generate_bug_ids($bug_id, $relationship, $depth, $ids);
my $bug_ids = [ keys %$ids ];
return unless @$bug_ids;
# load all the bugs at once
foreach my $bug (@{ Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list($bug_ids) }) {
if (!$bug->{error}) {
$bugs->{$bug->id} = $bug;
else {
@dependencies = @{$bugs->{$bug_id}->blocked};
# Don't do anything if this bug doesn't have any dependencies.
return unless scalar(@dependencies);
# preload bug visibility
# and generate the tree
_generate_tree($bug_id, $relationship, $depth, $bugs, $ids);
sub _generate_bug_ids {
my ($bug_id, $relationship, $depth, $ids) = @_;
# Record this depth in the global $realdepth variable if it's farther
# than we've gone before.
$realdepth = max($realdepth, $depth);
foreach my $dep_id (@dependencies) {
# Get this dependency's record from the database and generate
# its sub-tree if we haven't already done so (which happens
# when bugs appear in dependency trees multiple times).
if (!$bugs->{$dep_id}) {
$bugs->{$dep_id} = new Bugzilla::Bug($dep_id);
GenerateTree($dep_id, $relationship, $depth+1, $bugs, $ids);
my $dependencies = _get_dependencies($bug_id, $relationship);
foreach my $dep_id (@$dependencies) {
if (!$maxdepth || $depth <= $maxdepth) {
$ids->{$dep_id} = 1;
_generate_bug_ids($dep_id, $relationship, $depth + 1, $ids);
sub _generate_tree {
my ($bug_id, $relationship, $depth, $bugs, $ids) = @_;
my $dependencies = _get_dependencies($bug_id, $relationship);
foreach my $dep_id (@$dependencies) {
# recurse
if (!$maxdepth || $depth < $maxdepth) {
_generate_tree($dep_id, $relationship, $depth + 1, $bugs, $ids);
# Add this dependency to the list of this bug's dependencies
# if it exists, if we haven't exceeded the maximum depth the user
# wants the tree to go, and if the dependency isn't resolved
# (if we're ignoring resolved dependencies).
if (!$bugs->{$dep_id}->{'error'}
&& Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($dep_id)
&& (!$maxdepth || $depth <= $maxdepth)
&& ($bugs->{$dep_id}->isopened || !$hide_resolved))
# remove bugs according to visiblity and filters
if (!Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($dep_id)
|| ($hide_resolved && !$bugs->{$dep_id}->isopened))
# Due to AUTOLOAD in, we cannot add 'dependencies'
# as a bug object attribute from here.
push(@{$bugs->{'dependencies'}->{$bug_id}}, $dep_id);
$ids->{$dep_id} = 1;
delete $ids->{$dep_id};
elsif (!grep { $_ == $dep_id } @{ $bugs->{dependencies}->{$bug_id} }) {
push @{ $bugs->{dependencies}->{$bug_id} }, $dep_id;
sub _get_dependencies {
my ($bug_id, $relationship) = @_;
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache->{dependency_cache} ||= {};
return $cache->{$bug_id}->{$relationship} ||=
$relationship eq 'dependson'
? Bugzilla::Bug::EmitDependList('blocked', 'dependson', $bug_id)
: Bugzilla::Bug::EmitDependList('dependson', 'blocked', $bug_id);
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