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Fix for bug 84714 and bug 88797: You can now change bug groups from the "change…

Fix for bug 84714 and bug 88797: You can now change bug groups from the "change several bugs" form even if the bugs aren't all in the same groups. Also, the groups are no longer cleared when you make a change from the "change several bugs" form (unless you tell it to) Patch by Joe Robins <> and Dave Miller <> r= a=
parent 6d307a92
......@@ -394,36 +394,35 @@ if($::usergroupset ne '0') {
# unchecked, we want to revert to 0.
$::query .= "groupset = 0";
SendSQL("select bit from groups ".
"where bit & $::usergroupset != 0 ".
"and isbuggroup != 0 ".
"order by bit");
while(my $b = FetchSQLData()) {
if($::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
$::query .= " + $b"; # Carefully written so that the math is
# done by MySQL, which can handle 64-bit math,
# and not by Perl, which I *think* can not.
# If we're changing the groupset, then we want to check for any bits
# that may have been excluded because the user wasn't in that group, but
# that were set previously.
my $tmpbugid = 0;
if(defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
$tmpbugid = $::FORM{'id'};
my ($id) = (@idlist);
SELECT bit, bit & $::usergroupset != 0, bit & bugs.groupset != 0
FROM groups, bugs
WHERE isbuggroup != 0 AND bug_id = $id
while (my ($b, $userhasgroup, $bughasgroup) = FetchSQLData()) {
if (!$::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
# If we make it here, the item didn't exist on the form or the user
# said to clear it. The only time we add this group back in is if
# the bug already has this group on it and the user can't access it.
if ($bughasgroup && !$userhasgroup) {
$::query .= " + $b";
} elsif ($::FORM{"bit-$b"} == -1) {
# If we get here, the user came from the change several bugs form, and
# said not to change this group restriction. So we'll add this group
# back in only if the bug already has it.
if ($bughasgroup) {
$::query .= " + $b";
} else {
$tmpbugid = (grep(/^id_/, (keys %::FORM)))[0];
$tmpbugid =~ s/^id_//;
SendSQL("select sum(bit) from groups ".
"LEFT JOIN bugs ON bugs.groupset & bit != 0 ".
"where bugs.bug_id = $tmpbugid ".
"and bit & $::usergroupset = 0 ".
"and isbuggroup != 0");
if(MoreSQLData()) {
my ($bitsum) = FetchSQLData();
if($bitsum =~ /^\d+$/) {
$::query .= " + $bitsum";
# If we get here, the user said to set this group. If they don't have
# access to it, we'll use what's already on the bug, otherwise we'll
# add this one in.
if ($userhasgroup || $bughasgroup) {
$::query .= " + $b";
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