Commit 3364b15f authored by Simon Green's avatar Simon Green Committed by Byron Jones

Bug 879055: Add parenthesis to prevent anywordssubstr search from returning incorrect results.

r=glob, a=LpSolit
parent c14dd8f5
......@@ -2659,7 +2659,7 @@ sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
"$ld_table.who IS NULL AND $act_table.who IS NULL";
} else {
$args->{term} =
"$ld_table.who IS NOT NULL OR $act_table.who IS NOT NULL";
"($ld_table.who IS NOT NULL OR $act_table.who IS NOT NULL)";
......@@ -2903,14 +2903,14 @@ sub _anywordsubstr {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my @terms = $self->_substring_terms($args);
$args->{term} = join("\n\tOR ", @terms);
$args->{term} = '(' . join("\n\tOR ", @terms) . ')';
sub _allwordssubstr {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my @terms = $self->_substring_terms($args);
$args->{term} = join("\n\tAND ", @terms);
$args->{term} = '(' . join("\n\tAND ", @terms) . ')';
sub _nowordssubstr {
......@@ -2927,14 +2927,14 @@ sub _anywords {
# Because _word_terms uses AND, we need to parenthesize its terms
# if there are more than one.
@terms = map("($_)", @terms) if scalar(@terms) > 1;
$args->{term} = join("\n\tOR ", @terms);
$args->{term} = '(' . join("\n\tOR ", @terms) . ')';
sub _allwords {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my @terms = $self->_word_terms($args);
$args->{term} = join("\n\tAND ", @terms);
$args->{term} = '(' . join("\n\tAND ", @terms) . ')';
sub _nowords {
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