Commit 5137b07b authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 490322: Fix every single keywords, multi_select, and see_also field/operator

combination in r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent c1dcf3b1
......@@ -282,18 +282,19 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
_non_changed => \&_dependson_nonchanged,
keywords => {
equals => \&_keywords_exact,
anyexact => \&_keywords_exact,
anyword => \&_keywords_exact,
allwords => \&_keywords_exact,
notequals => \&_multiselect_negative,
notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative,
notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowords => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative,
_non_changed => \&_keywords_nonchanged,
allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
_non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
'' => {
_default => \&_flagtypes_name,
......@@ -2560,58 +2561,6 @@ sub _classification_nonchanged {
"", "classifications", $term);
sub _keywords_exact {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins value operator)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @keyword_ids;
foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) {
next if $word eq '';
my $keyword = Bugzilla::Keyword->check($word);
push(@keyword_ids, $keyword->id);
# XXX We probably should instead throw an error here if there were
# just commas in the field.
if (!@keyword_ids) {
$args->{term} = '';
# This is an optimization for anywords and anyexact, since we already know
# the keyword id from having checked it above.
if ($operator eq 'anywords' or $operator eq 'anyexact') {
my $table = "keywords_$chart_id";
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in("$table.keywordid", \@keyword_ids);
push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $table });
sub _keywords_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $k_table = "keywords_$chart_id";
my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $k_table });
my $defs_join = {
table => 'keyworddefs',
as => $kd_table,
from => "$k_table.keywordid",
to => 'id',
push(@$joins, $defs_join);
$args->{full_field} = "$";
# XXX This should be combined with blocked_nonchanged.
sub _dependson_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
......@@ -2700,16 +2649,7 @@ sub _multiselect_negative {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $operator) = @$args{qw(field operator)};
my $table;
if ($field eq 'keywords') {
$table = "keywords LEFT JOIN keyworddefs"
. " ON keywords.keywordid =";
$args->{full_field} = "";
else {
$table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
my $table = $self->_multiselect_table($args);
$args->{operator} = $self->_reverse_operator($operator);
my $term = $args->{term};
......@@ -2723,19 +2663,21 @@ sub _multiselect_multiple {
= @$args{qw(chart_id field operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
# We want things like "cf_multi_select=two+words" to still be
# considered a search for two separate words, unless we're using
# anyexact. (_all_values would consider that to be one "word" with a
# space in it, because it's not in the Boolean Charts).
my @words = $operator eq 'anyexact' ? $self->_all_values($args)
: split(/[\s,]+/, $value);
my @terms;
foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $value)) {
foreach my $word (@words) {
$args->{value} = $word;
$args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($value);
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@terms, "bugs.bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)");
$args->{quoted} = $dbh->quote($word);
push(@terms, $self->_multiselect_term($args));
if ($operator eq 'anyexact') {
if ($operator =~ /^any/) {
$args->{term} = join(" OR ", @terms);
else {
......@@ -2743,14 +2685,32 @@ sub _multiselect_multiple {
sub _multiselect_table {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $chart_id) = @$args{qw(field chart_id)};
if ($field eq 'keywords') {
$args->{full_field} = '';
return "keywords INNER JOIN keyworddefs".
" ON keywords.keywordid =";
my $table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "bug_$field.value";
return $table;
sub _multiselect_term {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $table = $self->_multiselect_table($args);
my $term = $args->{term};
return "bugs.bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $term)";
sub _multiselect_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator) =
@$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator)};
my $table = "${field}_$chart_id";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
push(@$joins, { table => "bug_$field", as => $table });
$args->{term} = $self->_multiselect_term($args);
......@@ -253,9 +253,7 @@ use constant NEGATIVE_BROKEN => (
use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
cc => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1] },
# allwords and allwordssubstr have these broken tests in common.
......@@ -266,7 +264,6 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
cc => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -468,13 +465,10 @@ use constant COMMON_BROKEN_NOT => (
"bug_file_loc" => { contains => [5] },
"deadline" => { contains => [5] },
"" => { contains => [5] },
"keywords" => { contains => [5] },
"longdescs.isprivate" => { contains => [1] },
"see_also" => { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1, 5] },
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { contains => [5] },
......@@ -494,10 +488,10 @@ use constant CHANGED_FROM_TO_BROKEN_NOT => (
'longdescs.count' => { search => 1 },
"bug_group" => { contains => [1] },
"cc" => { contains => [1] },
"cf_multi_select" => { contains => [1] },
"estimated_time" => { contains => [1] },
"" => { contains => [1] },
"keywords" => { contains => [1] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1] },
# Common broken tests for the "not" or "no" operators.
......@@ -515,17 +509,13 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
cc => { contains => [1] },
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
"" => { contains => [1,5] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
'see_also' => { },
'allwords-<1> <2>' => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [5] },
bug_group => { },
cc => { },
'' => { contains => [5] },
'keywords' => { contains => [5] },
'longdesc' => { },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { },
......@@ -533,19 +523,13 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
cc => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
see_also => { },
'allwordssubstr-<1>,<2>' => {
bug_group => { },
cc => { },
keywords => { contains => [5] },
"longdesc" => { },
"longdescs.isprivate" => { },
"see_also" => { },
anyexact => {
......@@ -554,13 +538,9 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
'anyexact-<1>, <2>' => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
see_also => { },
anywords => {
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [5] },
'anywords-<1> <2>' => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [5] },
......@@ -568,21 +548,14 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
anywordssubstr => {
'anywordssubstr-<1> <2>' => {
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [5] },
casesubstring => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1,5] },
'casesubstring-<1>-lc' => {
bug_group => { },
keywords => { contains => [5] },
longdesc => { },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [5] },
changedafter => {
"attach_data.thedata" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
......@@ -593,7 +566,7 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
"requestees.login_name" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
"setters.login_name" => { contains => [2, 3, 4] },
changedbefore=> {
changedbefore => {
changedby => {
......@@ -622,19 +595,16 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
"" => { contains => [1, 5] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
greaterthan => {
cc => { contains => [1] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [5] },
greaterthaneq => {
cc => { contains => [1] },
"" => { contains => [2, 5] },
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [5] },
lessthan => {
......@@ -643,12 +613,10 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
'lessthan-2' => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
lessthaneq => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { },
......@@ -668,7 +636,6 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
"" => { contains => [1,5] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
'regexp-^1-' => {
......@@ -677,7 +644,6 @@ use constant BROKEN_NOT => {
substring => {
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
keywords => { contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -735,6 +701,8 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
bug_status => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
component => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
commenter => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
# keywords matches if *any* keyword matches
keywords => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
op_sys => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
priority => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
product => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
......@@ -748,6 +716,8 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT, { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
# Override SINGLE_SELECT for resolution.
resolution => { contains => [2,3,4] },
# MULTI_SELECTs match if *any* value matches
FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT, { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
# For all positive multi-value types.
......@@ -1169,14 +1139,6 @@ use constant INJECTION_BROKEN_FIELD => {
nowordssubstr regexp substring anywords
notequals nowords equals anyexact)],
keywords => {
search => 1,
operator_ok => [qw(allwordssubstr anywordssubstr casesubstring
changedfrom changedto greaterthan greaterthaneq
lessthan lessthaneq notregexp notsubstring
nowordssubstr regexp substring anywords
notequals nowords)]
# Operators that do not behave as we expect, for InjectionTest.
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ sub search_params {
my $operator = $self->operator;
my $value = $self->translated_value;
if ($operator eq 'anyexact') {
$value = [split(',', $value)];
$value = [split ',', $value];
if (my $ch_param = CH_OPERATOR->{$operator}) {
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