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Commit 5d47f29f authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 1253263 - (CVE-2016-2803) [SECURITY] XSS vulnerability in dependency graphs via bug summary

parent 3cbbb6a0
......@@ -52,13 +52,19 @@ sub CreateImagemap {
$default = qq{<area alt="" shape="default" href="$1">\n};
if ($line =~ /^rectangle \((.*),(.*)\) \((.*),(.*)\) (http[^ ]*) (\d+)(\\n.*)?$/) {
if ($line =~ /^rectangle \((\d+),(\d+)\) \((\d+),(\d+)\) (http[^ ]*) (\d+)(?:\\n.*)?$/) {
my ($leftx, $rightx, $topy, $bottomy, $url, $bugid) = ($1, $3, $2, $4, $5, $6);
# Pick up bugid from the mapdata label field. Getting the title from
# bugtitle hash instead of mapdata allows us to get the summary even
# when showsummary is off, and also gives us status and resolution.
# This text is safe; it has already been escaped.
my $bugtitle = $bugtitles{$bugid};
# The URL is supposed to be safe, because it's built manually.
# But in case someone manages to inject code, it's safer to escape it.
$url = html_quote($url);
$map .= qq{<area alt="bug $bugid" name="bug$bugid" shape="rect" } .
qq{title="$bugtitle" href="$url" } .
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