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Bug 346344: Move checksetup's localconfig-handling code into Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=justdave
parent 6010f040
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
package Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig;
# NOTE: This package may "use" any modules that it likes. However,
# all functions in this package should assume that:
# * The data/ directory does not exist.
# * Templates are not available.
# * Files do not have the correct permissions
# * The database is not up to date
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Data::Dumper;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_END);
use IO::File;
use Safe;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# We write this constant as a sub because it has to call other
# subroutines.
return (
name => 'create_htaccess',
default => 1,
desc => <<EOT
# If you are using Apache as your web server, Bugzilla can create .htaccess
# files for you that will instruct Apache not to serve files that shouldn't
# be accessed from the web (like your local configuration data and non-cgi
# executable files). For this to work, the directory your Bugzilla
# installation is in must be within the jurisdiction of a <Directory> block
# in the httpd.conf file that has 'AllowOverride Limit' in it. If it has
# 'AllowOverride All' or other options with Limit, that's fine.
# (Older Apache installations may use an access.conf file to store these
# <Directory> blocks.)
# If this is set to 1, Bugzilla will create these files if they don't exist.
# If this is set to 0, Bugzilla will not create these files.
name => 'webservergroup',
default => ON_WINDOWS ? '' : 'apache',
desc => q{# This is the group your web server runs as.
# If you have a Windows box, ignore this setting.
# If you do not have access to the group your web server runs under,
# set this to "". If you do set this to "", then your Bugzilla installation
# will be _VERY_ insecure, because some files will be world readable/writable,
# and so anyone who can get local access to your machine can do whatever they
# want. You should only have this set to "" if this is a testing installation
# and you cannot set this up any other way. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
# If you set this to anything other than "", you will need to run
# as} . ROOT_USER . qq{, or as a user who is a member of the specified group.\n}
name => 'db_driver',
default => 'mysql',
desc => <<EOT
# What SQL database to use. Default is mysql. List of supported databases
# can be obtained by listing Bugzilla/DB directory - every module corresponds
# to one supported database and the name corresponds to a driver name.
name => 'db_host',
default => 'localhost',
desc =>
"# The DNS name of the host that the database server runs on.\n"
name => 'db_name',
default => 'bugs',
desc => "# The name of the database\n"
name => 'db_user',
default => 'bugs',
desc => "# Who we connect to the database as.\n"
name => 'db_pass',
default => '',
desc => <<EOT
# Enter your database password here. It's normally advisable to specify
# a password for your bugzilla database user.
# If you use apostrophe (') or a backslash (\\) in your password, you'll
# need to escape it by preceding it with a '\\' character. (\\') or (\\)
# (Far simpler just not to use those characters.)
name => 'db_port',
default => 0,
desc => <<EOT
# Sometimes the database server is running on a non-standard port. If that's
# the case for your database server, set this to the port number that your
# database server is running on. Setting this to 0 means "use the default
# port for my database server."
name => 'db_sock',
default => '',
desc => <<EOT
# MySQL Only: Enter a path to the unix socket for MySQL. If this is
# blank, then MySQL's compiled-in default will be used. You probably
# want that.
name => 'db_check',
default => 1,
desc => <<EOT
# Should try to verify that your database setup is correct?
# (with some combinations of database servers/Perl modules/moonphase this
# doesn't work)
name => 'index_html',
default => 0,
desc => <<EOT
# With the introduction of a configurable index page using the
# template toolkit, Bugzilla's main index page is now index.cgi.
# Most web servers will allow you to use index.cgi as a directory
# index, and many come preconfigured that way, but if yours doesn't
# then you'll need an index.html file that provides redirection
# to index.cgi. Setting \$index_html to 1 below will allow
# to create one for you if it doesn't exist.
# NOTE: will not replace an existing file, so if you
# wish to have create one for you, you must
# make sure that index.html doesn't already exist
name => 'cvsbin',
default => &_get_default_cvsbin,
desc => <<EOT
# For some optional functions of Bugzilla (such as the pretty-print patch
# viewer), we need the cvs binary to access files and revisions.
# Because it's possible that this program is not in your path, you can specify
# its location here. Please specify the full path to the executable.
name => 'interdiffbin',
default => &_get_default_interdiffbin,
desc => <<EOT
# For some optional functions of Bugzilla (such as the pretty-print patch
# viewer), we need the interdiff binary to make diffs between two patches.
# Because it's possible that this program is not in your path, you can specify
# its location here. Please specify the full path to the executable.
name => 'diffpath',
default => &_get_default_diffpath,
desc => <<EOT
# The interdiff feature needs diff, so we have to have that path.
# Please specify the directory name only; do not use trailing slash.
use constant OLD_LOCALCONFIG_VARS => qw(
severities platforms opsys priorities
sub read_localconfig {
my ($include_deprecated) = @_;
my $filename = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
my %localconfig;
if (-e $filename) {
my $s = new Safe;
if ($@ || $!) {
my $err_msg = $@ ? $@ : $!;
die <<EOT;
An error has occurred while reading your 'localconfig' file. The text of
the error message is:
Please fix the error in your 'localconfig' file. Alternately, rename your
'localconfig' file, rerun, and re-enter your answers.
\$ mv -f localconfig localconfig.old
\$ ./
my @vars = map($_->{name}, LOCALCONFIG_VARS);
push(@vars, OLD_LOCALCONFIG_VARS) if $include_deprecated;
foreach my $var (@vars) {
my $glob = $s->varglob($var);
# We can't get the type of a variable out of a Safe automatically.
# We can only get the glob itself. So we figure out its type this
# way, by trying first a scalar, then an array, then a hash.
# The interesting thing is that this converts all deprecated
# array or hash vars into hashrefs or arrayrefs, but that's
# fine since as I write this all modern localconfig vars are
# actually scalars.
if (defined $$glob) {
$localconfig{$var} = $$glob;
elsif (defined @$glob) {
$localconfig{$var} = \@$glob;
elsif (defined %$glob) {
$localconfig{$var} = \%$glob;
return \%localconfig;
# This is quite tricky. But fun!
# First we read the file 'localconfig'. Then we check if the variables we
# need are defined. If not, we will append the new settings to
# localconfig, instruct the user to check them, and stop.
# Why do it this way?
# Assume we will enhance Bugzilla and eventually more local configuration
# stuff arises on the horizon.
# But the file 'localconfig' is not in the Bugzilla CVS or tarfile. You
# know, we never want to overwrite your own version of 'localconfig', so
# we can't put it into the CVS/tarfile, can we?
# Now, when we need a new variable, we simply add the necessary stuff to
# LOCALCONFIG_VARS. When the user gets the new version of Bugzilla from CVS and
# runs checksetup, it finds out "Oh, there is something new". Then it adds
# some default value to the user's local setup and informs the user to
# check that to see if it is what the user wants.
# Cute, ey?
sub update_localconfig {
my ($params) = @_;
my $output = $params->{output} || 0;
my $answer = $params->{answer} || {};
my $localconfig = read_localconfig('include deprecated');
my @new_vars;
foreach my $var (LOCALCONFIG_VARS) {
my $name = $var->{name};
if (!defined $localconfig->{$name}) {
push(@new_vars, $name);
$localconfig->{$name} = $answer->{$name} || $var->{default};
my @old_vars;
foreach my $name (OLD_LOCALCONFIG_VARS) {
push(@old_vars, $name) if defined $localconfig->{$name};
if (!$localconfig->{'interdiffbin'} && $output) {
print <<EOT
OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two
patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module
as well), you should install patchutils from:
my $filename = bz_locations->{'localconfig'};
if (scalar @old_vars) {
my $oldstuff = join(', ', @old_vars);
print <<EOT
The following variables are no longer used in $filename, and
should be removed: $oldstuff
if (scalar @new_vars) {
my $filename = bz_locations->{'localconfig'};
my $fh = new IO::File($filename, '>>') || die "$filename: $!";
$fh->seek(0, SEEK_END);
foreach my $var (LOCALCONFIG_VARS) {
if (grep($_ eq $var->{name}, @new_vars)) {
print $fh "\n", $var->{desc},
my $newstuff = join(', ', @new_vars);
print <<EOT;
This version of Bugzilla contains some variables that you may want to
change and adapt to your local settings. Please edit the file
$filename and rerun
The following variables are new to $filename since you last ran $newstuff
# Now we do some checks on localconfig values.
_check_web_server_group($localconfig->{'webservergroup'}) if $output;
return { old_vars => \@old_vars, new_vars => \@new_vars };
sub _get_default_cvsbin {
return '' if ON_WINDOWS;
my $cvs_executable = `which cvs`;
if ($cvs_executable =~ /no cvs/ || $cvs_executable eq '') {
# If which didn't find it, just set to blank
$cvs_executable = "";
} else {
chomp $cvs_executable;
return $cvs_executable;
sub _get_default_interdiffbin {
return '' if ON_WINDOWS;
my $interdiff = `which interdiff`;
if ($interdiff =~ /no interdiff/ || $interdiff eq '') {
# If which didn't find it, just set to blank
$interdiff = '';
} else {
chomp $interdiff;
return $interdiff;
sub _get_default_diffpath {
return '' if ON_WINDOWS;
my $diff_binaries;
$diff_binaries = `which diff`;
if ($diff_binaries =~ /no diff/ || $diff_binaries eq '') {
# If which didn't find it, set to blank
$diff_binaries = "";
} else {
$diff_binaries =~ s:/diff\n$::;
return $diff_binaries;
sub _check_web_server_group {
my ($group) = @_;
my $filename = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
# If we are on Windows, webservergroup does nothing
if (ON_WINDOWS && $group) {
print <<EOT
Warning: You have set webservergroup in $filename
Please understand that this does not bring you any security when
running under Windows.
Verify that the file permissions in your Bugzilla directory are
suitable for your system. Avoid unnecessary write access.
# If we're not on Windows, make sure that webservergroup isn't
# empty.
elsif (!ON_WINDOWS && !$group) {
print <<EOT;
********************************************************************************WARNING! You have not entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter
in localconfig. This means that certain files and directories which need
to be editable by both you and the webserver must be world writable, and
other files (including the localconfig file which stores your database
password) must be world readable. This means that _anyone_ who can obtain
local access to this machine can do whatever they want to your Bugzilla
installation, and is probably also able to run arbitrary Perl code as the
user that the webserver runs as.
You really, really, really need to change this setting.
# If we're not on Windows, make sure we are actually a member of
# the webservergroup.
elsif (!ON_WINDOWS && $group) {
# If on unix, see if we need to print a warning about a webservergroup
# that we can't chgrp to
my $webservergid = (getgrnam($group))[2]
or die("no such group: $group");
if ($< != 0 && !grep($_ eq $webservergid, split(" ", $)))) {
my $root = ROOT_USER;
print <<EOT;
Warning: you have entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter in
localconfig, but you are not either a) running this script as $root; or b) a
member of this group. This can cause permissions problems and decreased
security. If you experience problems running Bugzilla scripts, log in as
$root and re-run this script, become a member of the group, or remove the
value of the "webservergroup" parameter. Note that any warnings about
"uninitialized values" that you may see below are caused by this.
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig - Functions and variables dealing
with the manipulation and creation of the F<localconfig> file.
use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements qw(read_localconfig update_localconfig)
my $localconfig = read_localconfig();
update_localconfig({ output => 1, answer => \%answer });
This module is used primarily by L<> to create and
modify the localconfig file.
An array of hashrefs. These hashrefs contain three keys:
name - The name of the variable.
default - The default value for the variable. Should always be
something that can fit in a scalar.
desc - Additional text to put in localconfig before the variable
definition. Must end in a newline. Each line should start
with "#" unless you have some REALLY good reason not
to do that.
An array of names of variables. If C<update_localconfig> finds these
variables defined in localconfig, it will print out a warning.
=item C<read_localconfig($include_deprecated)>
Description: Reads the localconfig file and returns all valid
values in a hashref.
Params: C<$include_deprecated> - C<true> if you want the returned
hashref to also include variables listed in
C<OLD_LOCALCONFIG_VARS>, if they exist. Generally
this is only for use by C<update_localconfig>.
Returns: A hashref of the localconfig variables. If an array
is defined, it will be an arrayref in the returned hash. If a
hash is defined, it will be a hashref in the returned hash.
Only includes variables specified in C<LOCALCONFIG_VARS>
(and C<OLD_LOCALCONFIG_VARS> if C<$include_deprecated> is
=item C<update_localconfig({ output =E<gt> 1, answer =E<gt> \%answer })>
Description: Adds any new variables to localconfig that aren't
currently defined there. Also optionally prints out
a message about vars that *should* be there and aren't.
Exits the program if it adds any new vars.
Params: C<output> - C<true> if the function should display informational
output and warnings. It will always display errors or
any message which would cause program execution to halt.
Returns: A hashref, with C<old_vals> being an array of names of variables
that were removed, and C<new_vals> being an array of names
of variables that were added to localconfig.
......@@ -180,15 +180,14 @@ prompting the user or by editing localconfig.
The format of that file is as follows:
$answer{'db_host'} = q[
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_driver = 'mydbdriver';
$db_port = 3306;
$db_name = 'mydbname';
$db_user = 'mydbuser';
$answer{'db_host'} = 'localhost';
$answer{'db_driver'} = 'mydbdriver';
$answer{'db_port'} = 0;
$answer{'db_name'} = 'mydbname';
$answer{'db_user'} = 'mydbuser';
$answer{'db_pass'} = 'mydbpass';
$answer{'db_pass'} = q[$db_pass = 'mydbpass';];
(Any localconfig variable can be specified as above.)
$answer{'ADMIN_OK'} = 'Y';
$answer{'ADMIN_EMAIL'} = '';
......@@ -302,373 +301,21 @@ import Bugzilla::User qw(insert_new_user);
require Bugzilla::Bug;
import Bugzilla::Bug qw(is_open_state);
require Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig;
import Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig qw(read_localconfig update_localconfig);
# Check and update local configuration
# Check and update --LOCAL-- configuration
# This is quite tricky. But fun!
# First we read the file 'localconfig'. Then we check if the variables we
# need are defined. If not, we will append the new settings to
# localconfig, instruct the user to check them, and stop.
# Why do it this way?
# Assume we will enhance Bugzilla and eventually more local configuration
# stuff arises on the horizon.
# But the file 'localconfig' is not in the Bugzilla CVS or tarfile. You
# know, we never want to overwrite your own version of 'localconfig', so
# we can't put it into the CVS/tarfile, can we?
# Now, when we need a new variable, we simply add the necessary stuff to
# checksetup. When the user gets the new version of Bugzilla from CVS and
# runs checksetup, it finds out "Oh, there is something new". Then it adds
# some default value to the user's local setup and informs the user to
# check that to see if it is what the user wants.
# Cute, ey?
my $root = ROOT_USER;
print "Checking user setup ...\n" unless $silent;
$@ = undef;
my $localconfig = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
do $localconfig;
if ($@) { # capture errors in localconfig, bug 97290
print STDERR <<EOT;
An error has occurred while reading your
'localconfig' file. The text of the error message is:
Please fix the error in your 'localconfig' file.
Alternately rename your 'localconfig' file, rerun, and re-enter your answers.
\$ mv -f localconfig localconfig.old
\$ ./
print "Reading " . bz_locations()->{'localconfig'} . "...\n" unless $silent;
update_localconfig({ output => !$silent, answer => \%answer });
my $lc_hash = read_localconfig();
die "Syntax error in localconfig";
sub LocalVarExists
my ($name) = @_;
return $main::{$name}; # if localconfig declared it, we're done.
my $newstuff = "";
sub LocalVar
my ($name, $definition) = @_;
return if LocalVarExists($name); # if localconfig declared it, we're done.
$newstuff .= " " . $name;
open FILE, '>>', bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
print FILE ($answer{$name} or $definition), "\n\n";
close FILE;
# Set up the defaults for the --LOCAL-- variables below:
LocalVar('index_html', <<'END');
# With the introduction of a configurable index page using the
# template toolkit, Bugzilla's main index page is now index.cgi.
# Most web servers will allow you to use index.cgi as a directory
# index, and many come preconfigured that way, but if yours doesn't
# then you'll need an index.html file that provides redirection
# to index.cgi. Setting $index_html to 1 below will allow
# to create one for you if it doesn't exist.
# NOTE: will not replace an existing file, so if you
# wish to have create one for you, you must
# make sure that index.html doesn't already exist
$index_html = 0;
if (!LocalVarExists('cvsbin')) {
my $cvs_executable;
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
$cvs_executable = `which cvs`;
if ($cvs_executable =~ /no cvs/ || $cvs_executable eq '') {
# If which didn't find it, just set to blank
$cvs_executable = "";
} else {
chomp $cvs_executable;
} else {
$cvs_executable = "";
LocalVar('cvsbin', <<"END");
# For some optional functions of Bugzilla (such as the pretty-print patch
# viewer), we need the cvs binary to access files and revisions.
# Because it's possible that this program is not in your path, you can specify
# its location here. Please specify the full path to the executable.
\$cvsbin = "$cvs_executable";
if (!LocalVarExists('interdiffbin')) {
my $interdiff_executable;
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
$interdiff_executable = `which interdiff`;
if ($interdiff_executable =~ /no interdiff/ ||
$interdiff_executable eq '') {
if (!$silent) {
print "\nOPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to ";
print "use the\n 'difference between two patches' feature";
print "of Bugzilla (requires\n the PatchReader Perl module ";
print "as well), you should install\n patchutils from ";
print "\n\n";
# If which didn't find it, set to blank
$interdiff_executable = "";
} else {
chomp $interdiff_executable;
} else {
$interdiff_executable = "";
LocalVar('interdiffbin', <<"END");
# For some optional functions of Bugzilla (such as the pretty-print patch
# viewer), we need the interdiff binary to make diffs between two patches.
# Because it's possible that this program is not in your path, you can specify
# its location here. Please specify the full path to the executable.
\$interdiffbin = "$interdiff_executable";
if (!LocalVarExists('diffpath')) {
my $diff_binaries;
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
$diff_binaries = `which diff`;
if ($diff_binaries =~ /no diff/ || $diff_binaries eq '') {
# If which didn't find it, set to blank
$diff_binaries = "";
} else {
$diff_binaries =~ s:/diff\n$::;
} else {
$diff_binaries = "";
LocalVar('diffpath', <<"END");
# The interdiff feature needs diff, so we have to have that path.
# Please specify the directory name only; do not use trailing slash.
\$diffpath = "$diff_binaries";
LocalVar('create_htaccess', <<'END');
# If you are using Apache as your web server, Bugzilla can create .htaccess
# files for you that will instruct Apache not to serve files that shouldn't
# be accessed from the web (like your local configuration data and non-cgi
# executable files). For this to work, the directory your Bugzilla
# installation is in must be within the jurisdiction of a <Directory> block
# in the httpd.conf file that has 'AllowOverride Limit' in it. If it has
# 'AllowOverride All' or other options with Limit, that's fine.
# (Older Apache installations may use an access.conf file to store these
# <Directory> blocks.)
# If this is set to 1, Bugzilla will create these files if they don't exist.
# If this is set to 0, Bugzilla will not create these files.
$create_htaccess = 1;
my $webservergroup_default;
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
$webservergroup_default = 'apache';
} else {
$webservergroup_default = '';
LocalVar('webservergroup', <<"END");
# This is the group your web server runs as.
# If you have a windows box, ignore this setting.
# If you do not have access to the group your web server runs under,
# set this to "". If you do set this to "", then your Bugzilla installation
# will be _VERY_ insecure, because some files will be world readable/writable,
# and so anyone who can get local access to your machine can do whatever they
# want. You should only have this set to "" if this is a testing installation
# and you cannot set this up any other way. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
# If you set this to anything other than "", you will need to run
# as $root, or as a user who is a member of the specified group.
\$webservergroup = "$webservergroup_default";
LocalVar('db_driver', '
# What SQL database to use. Default is mysql. List of supported databases
# can be obtained by listing Bugzilla/DB directory - every module corresponds
# to one supported database and the name corresponds to a driver name.
$db_driver = "mysql";
LocalVar('db_host', q[
# How to access the SQL database:
$db_host = 'localhost'; # where is the database?
$db_name = 'bugs'; # name of the SQL database
$db_user = 'bugs'; # user to attach to the SQL database
# Sometimes the database server is running on a non-standard
# port. If that's the case for your database server, set this
# to the port number that your database server is running on.
# Setting this to 0 means "use the default port for my database
# server."
$db_port = 0;
LocalVar('db_pass', q[
# Enter your database password here. It's normally advisable to specify
# a password for your bugzilla database user.
# If you use apostrophe (') or a backslash (\) in your password, you'll
# need to escape it by preceding it with a '\' character. (\') or (\\)
# (Far simpler just not to use those characters.)
$db_pass = '';
LocalVar('db_sock', q[
# MySQL Only: Enter a path to the unix socket for MySQL. If this is
# blank, then MySQL's compiled-in default will be used. You probably
# want that.
$db_sock = '';
LocalVar('db_check', q[
# Should try to verify that your database setup is correct?
# (with some combinations of database servers/Perl modules/moonphase this
# doesn't work)
$db_check = 1;
my @deprecatedvars;
push(@deprecatedvars, '@severities') if (LocalVarExists('severities'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@priorities') if (LocalVarExists('priorities'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@opsys') if (LocalVarExists('opsys'));
push(@deprecatedvars, '@platforms') if (LocalVarExists('platforms'));
if (@deprecatedvars) {
print "\nThe following settings in your localconfig file",
" are no longer used:\n " . join(", ", @deprecatedvars) .
"\nThis data is now controlled through the Bugzilla",
" administrative interface.\nWe recommend you remove these",
" settings from localconfig after checksetup\nruns successfully.\n";
if (LocalVarExists('mysqlpath')) {
print "\nThe \$mysqlpath setting in your localconfig file ",
"is no longer required.\nWe recommend you remove it.\n";
if ($newstuff ne "") {
print "\nThis version of Bugzilla contains some variables that you may \n",
"want to change and adapt to your local settings. Please edit the\n",
"file " . bz_locations()->{'localconfig'} ." and rerun ",
"The following variables are new to localconfig since you last ran\n",
" $newstuff\n\n";
# 2000-Dec-18 - - see Bug 52921
# This is a hack to read in the values defined in localconfig without getting
# them defined at compile time if they're missing from localconfig.
# Ideas swiped from pp. 281-282, O'Reilly's "Programming Perl 2nd Edition"
# Note that we won't need to do this in Bugzilla::Config because
# Bugzilla::Config couldn't care less whether they were defined ahead
# of time or not.
my $my_db_check = ${*{$main::{'db_check'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_driver = ${*{$main::{'db_driver'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_db_name = ${*{$main::{'db_name'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_index_html = ${*{$main::{'index_html'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_create_htaccess = ${*{$main::{'create_htaccess'}}{SCALAR}};
my $my_webservergroup = ${*{$main::{'webservergroup'}}{SCALAR}};
if ($my_webservergroup && !$silent) {
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
# if on unix, see if we need to print a warning about a webservergroup
# that we can't chgrp to
my $webservergid = (getgrnam($my_webservergroup))[2]
or die("no such group: $my_webservergroup");
if ($< != 0 && !grep($_ eq $webservergid, split(" ", $)))) {
print <<EOF;
Warning: you have entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter in
localconfig, but you are not either a) running this script as $root; or b) a
member of this group. This can cause permissions problems and decreased
security. If you experience problems running Bugzilla scripts, log in as
$root and re-run this script, become a member of the group, or remove the
value of the "webservergroup" parameter. Note that any warnings about
"uninitialized values" that you may see below are caused by this.
else {
# if on Win32, print a reminder that setting this value adds no security
print <<EOF;
Warning: You have set webservergroup in your localconfig.
Please understand that this does not bring you any security when
running under Windows.
Verify that the file permissions in your Bugzilla directory are
suitable for your system.
Avoid unnecessary write access.
} else {
# There's no webservergroup, this is very very very very bad.
# However, if we're being run on windows, then this option doesn't
# really make sense. Doesn't make it any more secure either, though,
# but don't print the message, since they can't do anything about it.
if (($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) && !$silent) {
print <<EOF;
WARNING! You have not entered a value for the "webservergroup" parameter
in localconfig. This means that certain files and directories which need
to be editable by both you and the webserver must be world writable, and
other files (including the localconfig file which stores your database
password) must be world readable. This means that _anyone_ who can obtain
local access to this machine can do whatever they want to your Bugzilla
installation, and is probably also able to run arbitrary Perl code as the
user that the webserver runs as.
You really, really, really need to change this setting.
# XXX Eventually these two variables can be eliminated, but they are
# used more than once throughout checksetup right now.
my $my_db_driver = $lc_hash->{'db_driver'};
my $my_webservergroup = $lc_hash->{'webservergroup'};
# Check Database setup
......@@ -681,7 +328,7 @@ EOF
# everything we need to create the DB. We have to create it early,
# because some data required to populate data/params are stored in the DB.
if ($my_db_check) {
if ($lc_hash->{'db_check'}) {
# Only certain values are allowed for $db_driver.
if (!exists DB_MODULE->{lc($my_db_driver)}) {
die "$my_db_driver is not a valid choice for \$db_driver in",
......@@ -721,6 +368,7 @@ if ($my_db_check) {
if (!$conn_success) {
my $my_db_name = $lc_hash->{'db_name'};
print "Creating database $my_db_name ...\n";
# Try to create the DB, and if we fail print an error.
if (!eval { $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $my_db_name") }) {
......@@ -984,7 +632,7 @@ END
if ($my_create_htaccess) {
if ($lc_hash->{'create_htaccess'}) {
my $fileperm = 0644;
my $dirperm = 01777;
if ($my_webservergroup) {
......@@ -1105,7 +753,7 @@ END
if ($my_index_html) {
if ($lc_hash->{'index_html'}) {
if (!-e "index.html") {
print "Creating index.html...\n";
open HTML, '>', 'index.html';
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