Commit 7aede7bc authored by's avatar

Bug 168191 - Checksetup needs to force template recompilation. Patch by bbaetz;…

Bug 168191 - Checksetup needs to force template recompilation. Patch by bbaetz; r=gerv. Should fix tindebox bustage.
parent dad29731
......@@ -920,8 +920,6 @@ END
my $lastTemplateParamChange = str2time("2002-04-27", "UTC");
if (-e 'data/template') {
unless (-d 'data/template' && -e 'data/template/.lastRebuild' &&
(stat('data/template/.lastRebuild'))[9] >= $lastTemplateParamChange) {
print "Removing existing compiled templates ...\n";
# If File::Path::rmtree reported errors, then I'd use that
......@@ -936,18 +934,14 @@ END
finddepth(\&remove, 'data/template');
# Precompile stuff. This speeds up initial access (so the template isn't
# compiled multiple times simulataneously by different servers), and helps
# to get the permissions right.
eval("use Template");
my $redir = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) ? "NUL" : "/dev/null";
my $template = Template->new(
my $provider = Template::Provider->new(
# Output to /dev/null here
OUTPUT => $redir,
# Colon-separated list of directories containing templates.
INCLUDE_PATH => "template/en/custom:template/en/default",
......@@ -965,7 +959,8 @@ END
url_quote => sub { return $_; },
csv => sub { return $_; },
}) || die ("Could not create Template: " . Template->error() . "\n");
}) || die ("Could not create Template Provider: "
. Template::Provider->error() . "\n");
sub compile {
# no_chdir doesn't work on perl 5.005
......@@ -980,8 +975,9 @@ END
$template->process($name, {})
|| die "Could not compile $name:" . $template->error() . "\n";
# Do this to avoid actually processing the templates
my ($data, $err) = $provider->fetch($name);
die "Could not compile $name: " . $data . "\n" if $err;
......@@ -1012,10 +1008,6 @@ END
find(\&compile, "template/en/default");
# update the time on the stamp file
open FILE, '>data/template/.lastRebuild'; close FILE;
utime $lastTemplateParamChange, $lastTemplateParamChange, ('data/template/.lastRebuild');
# Just to be sure ...
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ foreach my $file(@Support::Templates::referenced_files) {
# Processes all the templates to make sure they have good syntax
my $template = Template->new(
my $provider = Template::Provider->new(
INCLUDE_PATH => $include_path ,
# Need to define filters used in the codebase, they don't
......@@ -86,29 +86,23 @@ my $template = Template->new(
open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT"; # stash the original output stream
open STDOUT, "> /dev/null"; # discard all output
open STDERR, "> /dev/null";
foreach my $file(@Support::Templates::actual_files) {
my $path = File::Spec->catfile($include_path, $file);
if (-e $path) {
if ($template->process($file)) {
my ($data, $err) = $provider->fetch($file);
if (!$err) {
ok(1, "$file syntax ok");
else {
ok(0, "$file has bad syntax --ERROR");
print $fh $template->error() . "\n";
print $fh $data . "\n";
else {
ok(1, "$path doesn't exist, skipping test");
open STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"; # redirect back to original stream
close SAVEOUT;
close SAVEERR;
# check to see that all templates have a version string:
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