Commit 7f0ba708 authored by's avatar

Bug 313122: Implement Product->create, $product->update and…

Bug 313122: Implement Product->create, $product->update and $product->remove_from_db, and make editproducts.cgi use them - Patch by Fré©ric Buclin <> r=mkanat a=LpSolit
parent 4fc0f4b9
......@@ -3088,7 +3088,7 @@ sub RemoveVotes {
undef, ($votes, $id));
# Now return the array containing emails to be sent.
return \@messages;
return @messages;
# If a user votes for a bug, or the number of votes required to
......@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ use File::Basename;
......@@ -413,6 +414,9 @@ use constant MAX_SMALLINT => 32767;
# The longest that a saved search name can be.
use constant MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME => 64;
# The longest product name allowed.
use constant MAX_PRODUCT_SIZE => 64;
# The longest milestone name allowed.
use constant MAX_MILESTONE_SIZE => 20;
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ package Bugzilla::Series;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::User;
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
......@@ -540,13 +540,13 @@ foreach my $bug (@bug_objects) {
# an error later.
delete $changed_deps{''};
# $msgs will store emails which have to be sent to voters, if any.
my $msgs;
# @msgs will store emails which have to be sent to voters, if any.
my @msgs;
if ($changes->{'product'}) {
# If some votes have been removed, RemoveVotes() returns
# a list of messages to send to voters.
# We delay the sending of these messages till tables are unlocked.
$msgs = RemoveVotes($bug->id, 0, 'votes_bug_moved');
# We delay the sending of these messages till changes are committed.
@msgs = RemoveVotes($bug->id, 0, 'votes_bug_moved');
CheckIfVotedConfirmed($bug->id, Bugzilla->user->id);
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ foreach my $bug (@bug_objects) {
# Now is a good time to send email to voters.
foreach my $msg (@$msgs) {
foreach my $msg (@msgs) {
......@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@
style_urls = ['skins/standard/admin.css']
[% IF classification %]
[% classification_url_part = BLOCK %]&amp;classification=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% classification_url_part = "" %]
[% END %]
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#6666FF">
<th valign="top" align="left">Field</th>
......@@ -66,8 +58,7 @@
<td valign="top">Product:</td>
<td valign="top">
<a href="editproducts.cgi?product=[% FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part %]">
<a href="editproducts.cgi?product=[% FILTER url_quote %]">
[% FILTER html %]
......@@ -113,8 +104,7 @@
[% IF product.components.size > 0 %]
<a href="editcomponents.cgi?product=[% FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part %]"
<a href="editcomponents.cgi?product=[% FILTER url_quote %]"
title="Edit components for product '[% FILTER html %]'">
......@@ -148,8 +138,7 @@
[% IF product.versions.size > 0 %]
<a href="editversions.cgi?product=[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part %]">
<a href="editversions.cgi?product=[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -172,8 +161,7 @@
<td valign="top">
[% IF product.milestones.size > 0 %]
<a href="editmilestones.cgi?product=[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part -%]">
<a href="editmilestones.cgi?product=[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -196,10 +184,8 @@
<td>[% terms.Bugs %]:</td>
[% IF product.bug_count %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?product=[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part %]"
title="List of [% terms.bugs %] for product '
[%- FILTER html %]'">
<a href="buglist.cgi?product=[% FILTER url_quote %]"
title="List of [% terms.bugs %] for product '[% FILTER html %]'">
[% product.bug_count FILTER html %]
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -264,8 +250,6 @@
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete">
<input type="hidden" name="product" value="[% FILTER html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% token FILTER html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="classification"
value="[% FILTER html %]">
[% END %]
......@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@
<input type="submit" value="Add">
<input type="hidden" name="subcategory" value="-All-">
<input type="hidden" name="open_name" value="All Open">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="new">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% token FILTER html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="classification"
......@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ versions:</a>
<th align="right" valign="top">
<a href="editproducts.cgi?action=editgroupcontrols&product=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]&classification=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
Edit Group Access Controls:
......@@ -139,8 +138,6 @@ versions:</a>
value="[% FILTER html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% token FILTER html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="classification"
value="[% FILTER html %]">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes">
......@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@
Edit product <a
title="Edit Product '[% FILTER html %]'
[%- classification_text %]"
[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part %]">
href="editproducts.cgi?action=edit&amp;product=[% FILTER url_quote %]">
'[% FILTER html %]'</a>.
[% END %]
......@@ -39,14 +39,13 @@
[% edit_contentlink = BLOCK %]
[%- classification_url_part %]
[% END %]
[% delete_contentlink = BLOCK %]
[%- classification_url_part %]
[% END %]
[% bug_count_contentlink = BLOCK %]buglist.cgi?product=%%name%%
[%- classification_url_part %][% END %]
[% bug_count_contentlink = BLOCK %]
[% END %]
[% columns = [
......@@ -16,37 +16,17 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Gavin Shelley <>
# Frédéric Buclin <>
# old_product : Bugzilla::Product Object; old product.
# product : Bugzilla::Product Object; new product.
# classification: Bugzilla::Classification Object; The product classification (may be empty or missing)
# checkvotes: boolean; is true if vote related fields have changed. If so,
# then the following parameters will be specified:
# toomanyvotes: list of hashes, each one with an 'id' and a 'name' hash key
# detailing the bug id and the username of users who had too
# many votes for a bug
# toomanytotalvotes: list of hashes, each one with an 'id' and a 'name' hash key
# detailing the bug id and the username of users who had
# too many total votes
# confirmedbugs: list of bug ids, which were confirmed by votes
# changer: string; login of the user making the changes, used for mailing
# bug changes if necessary
# changes: hashref with all changes made to the product. Each key is an edited field,
# and its value is an arrayref of the form [old values, new values].
[% IF classification %]
[% classification_url_part = BLOCK %]&amp;classification=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[% END %]
[% classification_text = BLOCK %]
of classification '[% FILTER html %]'
[% END %]
......@@ -58,28 +38,24 @@
title = title
style_urls = ['skins/standard/admin.css']
[% updated = 0 %]
[% IF != %]
[% IF %]
Updated product name from '[% FILTER html %]' to
<a href="editproducts.cgi?action=edit&amp;product=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part FILTER none %]">[% FILTER html %]</a>.
Updated product name from '[% FILTER html %]' to
'<a href="editproducts.cgi?action=edit&amp;product=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]">[% FILTER html %]</a>'.
[% updated = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.description != old_product.description %]
[% IF changes.description.defined %]
Updated description to:
<p style="margin: 1em 3em 1em 3em">[% product.description FILTER html_light %]</p>
[% updated = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.disallow_new != old_product.disallow_new %]
[% IF changes.disallownew.defined %]
Product is now
[% IF product.disallow_new %]
......@@ -89,15 +65,14 @@
[% END %]
new [% terms.bugs %].
[% updated = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.milestone_url != old_product.milestone_url %]
[% IF changes.milestoneurl.defined %]
Updated milestone URL
[% IF old_product.milestone_url != '' %]
from<br> <a href="[%- old_product.milestone_url FILTER html %]">
[%- old_product.milestone_url FILTER html %]</a>
[% IF changes.milestoneurl.0 != '' %]
from<br> <a href="[%- changes.milestoneurl.0 FILTER html %]">
[%- changes.milestoneurl.0 FILTER html %]</a>
[% END %]
[% IF product.milestone_url != '' %]
......@@ -107,45 +82,43 @@
be empty.
[% END %]
[% updated = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.default_milestone != old_product.default_milestone %]
[% IF changes.defaultmilestone.defined %]
Updated default milestone from '[% old_product.default_milestone FILTER html %]' to
Updated default milestone from '[% changes.defaultmilestone.0 FILTER html %]' to
'[% product.default_milestone FILTER html %]'.
[% updated = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.votes_per_user != old_product.votes_per_user %]
[% IF changes.votesperuser.defined %]
Updated votes per user from
[%+ old_product.votes_per_user FILTER html %] to
[%+ changes.votesperuser.0 FILTER html %] to
[%+ product.votes_per_user FILTER html %].
[% updated = 1 %]
[% checkvotes = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.max_votes_per_bug != old_product.max_votes_per_bug %]
[% IF changes.maxvotesperbug.defined %]
Updated maximum votes per [% terms.bug %] from
[%+ old_product.max_votes_per_bug FILTER html %] to
[%+ changes.maxvotesperbug.0 FILTER html %] to
[%+ product.max_votes_per_bug FILTER html %].
[% updated = 1 %]
[% checkvotes = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF product.votes_to_confirm != old_product.votes_to_confirm %]
[% IF changes.votestoconfirm.defined %]
Updated number of votes needed to confirm a [% terms.bug %] from
[%+ old_product.votes_to_confirm FILTER html %] to
[%+ changes.votestoconfirm.0 FILTER html %] to
[%+ product.votes_to_confirm FILTER html %].
[% updated = 1 %]
[% checkvotes = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% UNLESS updated %]
[% IF !changes.keys.size %]
<p>Nothing changed for product '[% FILTER html %]'.</p>
[% END %]
......@@ -159,8 +132,8 @@
<p>Checking existing votes in this product for anybody who now
has too many votes for [% terms.abug %]...<br>
[% IF toomanyvotes.size > 0 %]
[% FOREACH detail = toomanyvotes %]
[% IF changes.too_many_votes.size %]
[% FOREACH detail = changes.too_many_votes %]
&rarr;removed votes for [% terms.bug %] <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
[%- FILTER html %]</a> from [% FILTER html %]<br>
......@@ -172,8 +145,8 @@
<p>Checking existing votes in this product for anybody
who now has too many total votes...<br>
[% IF toomanytotalvotes.size > 0 %]
[% FOREACH detail = toomanytotalvotes %]
[% IF changes.too_many_total_votes.size %]
[% FOREACH detail = changes.too_many_total_votes %]
&rarr;removed votes for [% terms.bug %] <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=
[%- FILTER url_quote %]">
[%- FILTER html %]</a> from [% FILTER html %]<br>
......@@ -185,14 +158,14 @@
<p>Checking unconfirmed [% terms.bugs %] in this product for any which now have
sufficient votes...<br>
[% IF confirmedbugs.size > 0 %]
[% FOREACH id = confirmedbugs %]
[% IF changes.confirmed_bugs.size %]
[% FOREACH id = changes.confirmed_bugs %]
[%# This is INCLUDED instead of PROCESSED to avoid variables getting
overwritten, which happens otherwise %]
[% INCLUDE bug/process/results.html.tmpl
type = 'votes'
mailrecipients = { 'changer' => changer }
mailrecipients = { 'changer' => user.login }
header_done = 1
id = id
......@@ -474,10 +474,6 @@
'admin/products/confirm-delete.html.tmpl' => [
'admin/products/footer.html.tmpl' => [
......@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
[% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_has_duplicate" %]
*** [% terms.Bug %] [%+ dupe FILTER html %] has been marked as a duplicate of this [% terms.bug %]. ***
[% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_group_description" %]
Access to [% terms.bugs %] in the [% FILTER html %] product
[% ELSIF message_tag == "bug_moved_to" %]
<p>[% terms.Bug %] moved to [% Param("move-to-url") FILTER html %].</p>
<p>If the move succeeded, [% login FILTER html %] will receive a mail
......@@ -706,6 +709,9 @@
[% ELSIF message_tag == "series_all_closed" %]
All Closed
[% ELSIF message_tag == "series_subcategory" %]
[% ELSIF message_tag == "sudo_started" %]
[% title = "Sudo session started" %]
The sudo session has been started. For the next 6 hours, or until you
......@@ -273,11 +273,6 @@
[% title = "Classification Does Not Exist" %]
The classification '[% name FILTER html %]' does not exist.
[% ELSIF error == "classification_doesnt_exist_for_product" %]
[% title = "Classification Does Not Exist For Product" %]
The classification '[% classification FILTER html %]' does not exist
for product '[% product FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "classification_invalid_sortkey" %]
[% title = "Invalid Sortkey for Classification" %]
The sortkey <em>[% sortkey FILTER html %]</em> for the '[% name FILTER html %]'
......@@ -313,8 +308,8 @@
[% ELSIF error == "component_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Component Name Is Too Long" %]
The name of a component is limited to 64 characters.
'[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
The name of a component is limited to [% constants.MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "component_need_initialowner" %]
[% title = "Component Requires Default Assignee" %]
......@@ -952,8 +947,8 @@
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Milestone Name Is Too Long" %]
The name of a milestone is limited to 20 characters.
'[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
The name of a milestone is limited to [% constants.MAX_MILESTONE_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "milestone_required" %]
[% title = "Milestone Required" %]
......@@ -1241,37 +1236,19 @@
[% title = "Specified Product Does Not Exist" %]
The product '[% product FILTER html %]' does not exist.
[% ELSIF error == "product_votes_per_bug_must_be_nonnegative" %]
[% title = "Maximum Votes Must Be Non-negative" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'voting.html' => 'Setting up the voting feature'} %]
'[% maxvotesperbug FILTER html %]' is an invalid value for the
<em>'Maximum Votes Per [% terms.Bug %]'</em> field, which should
contain a non-negative number.
[% ELSIF error == "product_votes_per_user_must_be_nonnegative" %]
[% title = "Votes Per User Must Be Non-negative" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'voting.html' => 'Setting up the voting feature'} %]
'[% votesperuser FILTER html %]' is an invalid value for the
<em>'Votes Per User'</em> field, which should contain a
non-negative number.
[% ELSIF error == "product_votes_to_confirm_must_be_nonnegative" %]
[% title = "Votes To Confirm Must Be Non-negative" %]
[% ELSIF error == "product_illegal_votes" %]
[% title = "Votes Must Be Non-negative" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'voting.html' => 'Setting up the voting feature'} %]
'[% votestoconfirm FILTER html %]' is an invalid value for the
<em>'Votes To Confirm'</em> field, which should contain a
non-negative number.
[% ELSIF error == "product_cant_delete_description" %]
[% title = "Cannot delete product description" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products'} %]
Cannot delete the description for product
'[% product FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "product_cant_delete_name" %]
[% title = "Cannot delete product name" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products'} %]
Cannot delete the product name for product '[% product FILTER html %]'.
'[% votes FILTER html %]' is an invalid value for the
[% IF field == "votesperuser" %]
Votes Per User
[% ELSIF field == "maxvotesperbug" %]
Maximum Votes Per [% terms.Bug %]
[% ELSIF field == "votestoconfirm" %]
Votes To Confirm
[% END %]
</em> field, which should contain a non-negative number.
[% ELSIF error == "product_name_already_in_use" %]
[% title = "Product name already in use" %]
......@@ -1284,19 +1261,17 @@
The product name '[% product FILTER html %]' differs from existing
product '[% existing_product FILTER html %]' only in case.
[% ELSIF error == "product_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Product name too long" %]
The name of a product is limited to [% constants.MAX_PRODUCT_SIZE FILTER html %]
characters. '[% name FILTER html %]' is too long ([% name.length %] characters).
[% ELSIF error == "product_must_define_defaultmilestone" %]
[% title = "Must define new default milestone" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products',
'milestones.html' => 'About Milestones'} %]
[% IF classification %]
[% classification_url_part = BLOCK %]&amp;classification=
[%- classification FILTER url_quote %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
You must <a href="editmilestones.cgi?action=add&amp;product=
[%- product FILTER url_quote %]
[%- classification_url_part FILTER none %]">
create the milestone '[% defaultmilestone FILTER html %]'</a> before
You must <a href="editmilestones.cgi?action=add&amp;product=[% product FILTER url_quote %]">
create the milestone '[% milestone FILTER html %]'</a> before
it can be made the default milestone for product '[% product FILTER html %]'.
[% ELSIF error == "product_admin_denied" %]
......@@ -1306,7 +1281,7 @@
[% ELSIF error == "product_blank_name" %]
[% title = "Blank Product Name Not Allowed" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products'} %]
You must enter a name for the new product.
You must enter a name for the product.
[% ELSIF error == "product_disabled" %]
[% title = BLOCK %]Product closed for [% terms.Bug %] Entry[% END %]
......@@ -1331,13 +1306,13 @@
[% ELSIF error == "product_must_have_description" %]
[% title = "Product needs Description" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products'} %]
You must enter a description for product '[% product FILTER html %]'.
You must enter a description for this product.
[% ELSIF error == "product_must_have_version" %]
[% title = "Product needs Version" %]
[% admindocslinks = {'products.html' => 'Administering products',
'versions.html' => 'Administering versions'} %]
You must enter a version for product '[% product FILTER html %]'.
You must enter a valid version to create a new product.
[% ELSIF error == "product_not_specified" %]
[% title = "No Product Specified" %]
......@@ -1363,7 +1338,8 @@
[% ELSIF error == "query_name_too_long" %]
[% title = "Query Name Too Long" %]
The name of the query must be less than 64 characters long.
The name of the query must be less than [% constants.MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME FILTER html %]
characters long.
[% ELSIF error == "quicksearch_unknown_field" %]
[% title = "Unknown QuickSearch Field" %]
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