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Commit 86d6af69 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 616341: Make "tag" a valid search field in, for the new

tagging system r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent fbeb99db
......@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ use constant DEFAULT_FIELDS => (
{name => "owner_idle_time", desc => "Time Since Assignee Touched"},
{name => 'see_also', desc => "See Also",
{name => 'tag', desc => 'Tags'},
......@@ -220,6 +220,22 @@ use constant NON_NUMERIC_OPERATORS => qw(
use constant MULTI_SELECT_OVERRIDE => {
notequals => \&_multiselect_negative,
notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative,
notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowords => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative,
allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
_non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
# User fields
'attachments.submitter' => {
......@@ -281,21 +297,7 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
dependson => {
_non_changed => \&_dependson_nonchanged,
keywords => {
notequals => \&_multiselect_negative,
notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative,
notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowords => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative,
allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anywordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
_non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
'' => {
_default => \&_flagtypes_name,
......@@ -323,25 +325,13 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
lessthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
_default => \&_invalid_combination,
product => {
_non_changed => \&_product_nonchanged,
# Custom multi-select fields
_multi_select => {
notequals => \&_multiselect_negative,
notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative,
notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowords => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative,
allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple,
_non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
_multi_select => MULTI_SELECT_OVERRIDE,
# Timetracking Fields
percentage_complete => {
......@@ -2693,6 +2683,11 @@ sub _multiselect_table {
return "keywords INNER JOIN keyworddefs".
" ON keywords.keywordid =";
elsif ($field eq 'tag') {
$args->{full_field} = '';
return "bug_tag INNER JOIN tags ON bug_tag.tag_id ="
. " AND user_id = " . $self->_user->id;
my $table = "bug_$field";
$args->{full_field} = "bug_$field.value";
return $table;
......@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"settings" => "Settings",
"short_desc" => "Summary",
"status_whiteboard" => "Whiteboard",
"" => "Tags",
"target_milestone" => "Target Milestone",
"version" => "Version",
"work_time" => "Hours Worked",
......@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ sub _create_field_values {
$values{$field} = $value;
$values{'tag'} = ["$number-tag-" . random()];
my @date_fields = grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME } $self->all_fields;
foreach my $field (@date_fields) {
......@@ -481,6 +482,7 @@ sub _create_field_values {
my $name = $field->name;
$values{$name} = [$values{$name}, $new_value->name];
push(@{ $values{'tag'} }, "6-tag-" . random());
# On bug 5, any field that *can* be left empty, *is* left empty.
......@@ -607,7 +609,7 @@ sub _create_one_bug {
# There are some things in bug_create_values that shouldn't go into
# create().
delete @params{qw(attachment set_flags)};
delete @params{qw(attachment set_flags tag)};
my ($status, $resolution, $see_also) =
delete @params{qw(bug_status resolution see_also)};
......@@ -662,6 +664,15 @@ sub _create_one_bug {
undef, $bug->id, $see_also, 'Bugzilla::BugUrl::Bugzilla');
$extra_values->{see_also} = $bug->see_also;
# All the tags must be created as the admin user, so that the
# admin user can find them, later.
my $original_user = Bugzilla->user;
my $tags = $self->bug_create_value($number, 'tag');
$bug->add_tag($_) foreach @$tags;
$extra_values->{tags} = $tags;
if ($number == 1) {
# Bug 1 needs to start off with reporter_accessible and
# cclist_accessible being 0, so that when we change them to 1,
......@@ -669,12 +680,9 @@ sub _create_one_bug {
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET reporter_accessible = 0,
cclist_accessible = 0 WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $bug->id);
# Bug 1 gets three comments, so that longdescs.count matches it
# uniquely. The third comment is added in the middle, so that the
# last comment contains all of the important data, like work_time.
if ($number == 1) {
$bug->add_comment("1-comment-" . random(100));
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
# allwordssubstr on longdescs fields matches against a single comment,
# instead of matching against all comments on a bug. Same is true
# for cc, keywords, and bug_group.
# for cc and bug_group.
use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
bug_group => { contains => [1] },
cc => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -710,6 +710,7 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
rep_platform => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
short_desc => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
version => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
tag => { contains => [1,2,3,4] },
target_milestone => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
# Bug 2 is the only bug besides 1 that has a Requestee set.
'requestees.login_name' => { contains => [2] },
......@@ -757,6 +758,7 @@ use constant CHANGED_OVERRIDE => (
'attachments.submitter' => { contains => [] },
bug_id => { contains => [] },
reporter => { contains => [] },
tag => { contains => [] },
......@@ -350,6 +350,9 @@ sub _field_values_for_bug {
elsif ($field eq 'see_also') {
@values = $self->_values_for($number, 'see_also', 'name');
elsif ($field eq 'tag') {
@values = $self->_values_for($number, 'tags');
# Bugzilla::Bug truncates creation_ts, but we need the full value
# from the database. This has no special value for changedfrom,
# because it never changes.
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