Commit 882dcc87 authored by's avatar

Bug 73665 - migrate email preferences to their own table, and rearchitect email…

Bug 73665 - migrate email preferences to their own table, and rearchitect email internals. Patch by gerv; r=jake, a=justdave.
parent 13e55e5e
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
# Matthew Tuck <>
# Bradley Baetz <>
# J. Paul Reed <>
# Gervase Markham <>
use strict;
......@@ -35,22 +36,25 @@ use base qw(Exporter);
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT $datadir);
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Mail::Mailer;
use Mail::Header;
# This code is really ugly. It was a commandline interface, then it was moved
# There are package-global variables which we rely on ProcessOneBug to clean
# up each time, and other sorts of fun.
# We need these strings for the X-Bugzilla-Reasons header
# Note: this hash uses "," rather than "=>" to avoid auto-quoting of the LHS.
my %rel_names = (REL_ASSIGNEE , "AssignedTo",
REL_REPORTER , "Reporter",
REL_QA , "QAcontact",
REL_CC , "CC",
REL_VOTER , "Voter");
# This code is really ugly. It was a commandline interface, then it was moved.
# This really needs to be cleaned at some point.
my $nametoexclude = "";
my %nomail;
my $last_changed;
my @excludedAddresses = ();
my $sitespec = '@'.Param('urlbase');
$sitespec =~ s/:\/\//\./; # Make the protocol look like part of the domain
......@@ -59,11 +63,6 @@ if ($2) {
$sitespec = "-$2$sitespec"; # Put the port number back in, before the '@'
my %force;
my %seen;
my @sentlist;
# I got sick of adding &:: to everything.
# However, 'Yuck!'
# I can't require, cause that pulls it in only once, so it won't then be
......@@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ if (open(NOMAIL, '<', "$datadir/nomail")) {
sub FormatTriple {
my ($a, $b, $c) = (@_);
$^A = "";
......@@ -117,35 +115,19 @@ END
# roles when the email is sent.
# All the names are email addresses, not userids
# values are scalars, except for cc, which is a list
# This hash usually comes from the "mailrecipients" var in a template call.
sub Send($;$) {
my ($id, $recipients) = (@_);
my ($id, $forced) = (@_);
# This only works in a sub. Probably something to do with the
# require abuse we do.
# Make sure to clean up _all_ package vars here. Yuck...
$nametoexclude = $recipients->{'changer'} || "";
@{$force{'CClist'}} = (exists $recipients->{'cc'} &&
scalar($recipients->{'cc'}) > 0) ? map(trim($_),
@{$recipients->{'cc'}}) : ();
@{$force{'Owner'}} = $recipients->{'owner'} ?
(trim($recipients->{'owner'})) : ();
@{$force{'QAcontact'}} = $recipients->{'qacontact'} ?
(trim($recipients->{'qacontact'})) : ();
@{$force{'Reporter'}} = $recipients->{'reporter'} ?
(trim($recipients->{'reporter'})) : ();
@{$force{'Voter'}} = ();
%seen = ();
@excludedAddresses = ();
@sentlist = ();
return ProcessOneBug($id);
return ProcessOneBug($id, $forced);
sub ProcessOneBug($) {
my ($id) = (@_);
sub ProcessOneBug($$) {
my ($id, $forced) = (@_);
my @headerlist;
my %values;
......@@ -154,6 +136,8 @@ sub ProcessOneBug($) {
my $msg = "";
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
SendSQL("SELECT name, description, mailhead FROM fielddefs " .
"ORDER BY sortkey");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
......@@ -173,21 +157,33 @@ sub ProcessOneBug($) {
my ($start, $end) = (@row);
my $cc_ref = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
q{SELECT profiles.login_name FROM cc, profiles
WHERE bug_id = ?
AND cc.who = profiles.userid
ORDER BY profiles.login_name},
undef, $id);
$values{'cc'} = join(',', @$cc_ref);
# User IDs of people in various roles. More than one person can 'have' a
# role, if the person in that role has changed, or people are watching.
my $reporter = $values{'reporter'};
my @assignees = ($values{'assigned_to'});
my @qa_contacts = ($values{'qa_contact'});
my @ccs = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT who
FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id")};
# Include the people passed in as being in particular roles.
# This can include people who used to hold those roles.
# At this point, we don't care if there are duplicates in these arrays.
my $changer = $forced->{'changer'};
if ($forced->{'owner'}) {
push (@assignees, DBNameToIdAndCheck($forced->{'owner'}));
my @voterList;
SendSQL("SELECT profiles.login_name FROM votes, profiles " .
"WHERE votes.bug_id = $id AND profiles.userid = votes.who");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@voterList, FetchOneColumn());
if ($forced->{'qacontact'}) {
push (@qa_contacts, DBNameToIdAndCheck($forced->{'qacontact'}));
if ($forced->{'cc'}) {
foreach my $cc (@{$forced->{'cc'}}) {
push(@ccs, DBNameToIdAndCheck($cc));
# Convert to names, for later display
$values{'assigned_to'} = DBID_to_name($values{'assigned_to'});
$values{'reporter'} = DBID_to_name($values{'reporter'});
if ($values{'qa_contact'}) {
......@@ -266,7 +262,6 @@ sub ProcessOneBug($) {
push(@diffparts, $diffpart);
my $deptext = "";
SendSQL("SELECT bugs_activity.bug_id, bugs.short_desc,, " .
......@@ -326,425 +321,170 @@ sub ProcessOneBug($) {
my ($newcomments, $anyprivate) = GetLongDescriptionAsText($id, $start, $end);
# Start of email filtering code
my $count = 0;
# Get a list of the reasons a user might receive email about the bug.
my @currentEmailAttributes =
getEmailAttributes(\%values, \@diffs, $newcomments);
my (@assigned_toList,@reporterList,@qa_contactList,@ccList) = ();
#open(LOG, ">>/tmp/maillog");
#print LOG "\nBug ID: $id CurrentEmailAttributes:";
#print LOG join(',', @currentEmailAttributes) . "\n";
@excludedAddresses = (); # zero out global list
@assigned_toList = filterEmailGroup('Owner',
@reporterList = filterEmailGroup('Reporter',
if (Param('useqacontact') && $values{'qa_contact'}) {
@qa_contactList = filterEmailGroup('QAcontact',
} else {
@qa_contactList = ();
@ccList = filterEmailGroup('CClist', \@currentEmailAttributes,
@voterList = filterEmailGroup('Voter', \@currentEmailAttributes,
my @emailList = (@assigned_toList, @reporterList,
@qa_contactList, @ccList, @voterList);
# only need one entry per person
my @allEmail = ();
my %AlreadySeen = ();
my $checkperson = "";
foreach my $person (@emailList) {
# don't modify the original so it sends out with the right case
# based on who came first.
$checkperson = lc($person);
if ( !($AlreadySeen{$checkperson}) ) {
#print LOG "\nbug $id email sent: " . join(',', @allEmail) . "\n";
# A user_id => roles hash to keep track of people.
my %recipients;
# Now we work out all the people involved with this bug, and note all of
# the relationships in a hash. The keys are userids, the values are an
# array of role constants.
# Voters
my $voters =
$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT who FROM votes WHERE bug_id = $id");
@excludedAddresses = filterExcludeList(\@excludedAddresses,
# print LOG "excluded: " . join(',',@excludedAddresses) . "\n\n";
foreach my $person ( @allEmail ) {
my @reasons;
push(@reasons, 'AssignedTo') if lsearch(\@assigned_toList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'Reporter') if lsearch(\@reporterList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'QAcontact') if lsearch(\@qa_contactList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'CC') if lsearch(\@ccList, $person) != -1;
push(@reasons, 'Voter') if lsearch(\@voterList, $person) != -1;
if ( !defined(NewProcessOnePerson($person, $count, \@headerlist,
\@reasons, \%values,
\%fielddescription, \@diffparts,
$anyprivate, $start, $id,
# if a value is not returned, this means that the person
# was not sent mail. add them to the excludedAddresses list.
# it will be filtered later for dups.
push @excludedAddresses, $person;
push(@{$recipients{$_}}, REL_VOTER) foreach (@$voters);
# CCs
push(@{$recipients{$_}}, REL_CC) foreach (@ccs);
# Reporter (there's only ever one)
push(@{$recipients{$reporter}}, REL_REPORTER);
# QA Contact
if (Param('useqacontact')) {
foreach (@qa_contacts) {
# QA Contact can be blank; ignore it if so.
push(@{$recipients{$_}}, REL_QA) if $_;
# Assignee
push(@{$recipients{$_}}, REL_ASSIGNEE) foreach (@assignees);
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET lastdiffed = '$end' WHERE bug_id = $id");
# Filter the exclude list for dupes one last time
@excludedAddresses = filterExcludeList(\@excludedAddresses,
return { sent => \@sentlist, excluded => \@excludedAddresses };
# When one person is in different fields on one bug, they may be
# excluded from email because of one relationship to the bug (eg
# they're the QA contact) but included because of another (eg they
# also reported the bug). Inclusion takes precedence, so this
# function looks for and removes any users from the exclude list who
# are also on the include list. Additionally, it removes duplicate
# entries from the exclude list.
# Arguments are the exclude list and the include list; the cleaned up
# exclude list is returned.
sub filterExcludeList ($$) {
if ($#_ != 1) {
die ("filterExcludeList called with wrong number of args");
my ($refExcluded, $refAll) = @_;
my @excludedAddrs = @$refExcluded;
my @allEmail = @$refAll;
my @tmpList = @excludedAddrs;
my (@result,@uniqueResult) = ();
my %alreadySeen;
foreach my $excluded (@tmpList) {
push (@result,$excluded);
foreach my $included (@allEmail) {
# match found, so we remove the entry
if (lc($included) eq lc($excluded)) {
# The last relevant set of people are those who are being removed from
# their roles in this change. We get their names out of the diffs.
foreach my $ref (@diffs) {
my ($who, $what, $when, $old, $new) = (@$ref);
if ($old) {
# You can't stop being the reporter, and mail isn't sent if you
# remove your vote.
if ($what eq "CC") {
push(@{$recipients{DBNameToIdAndCheck($old)}}, REL_CC);
elsif ($what eq "QAContact") {
push(@{$recipients{DBNameToIdAndCheck($old)}}, REL_QA);
elsif ($what eq "AssignedTo") {
push(@{$recipients{DBNameToIdAndCheck($old)}}, REL_ASSIGNEE);
# only need one entry per person
my $checkperson = "";
foreach my $person (@result) {
$checkperson = lc($person);
if ( !($alreadySeen{$checkperson}) ) {
return @uniqueResult;
# if the Status was changed to Resolved or Verified
# set the Resolved flag
# else if Severity, Status, Target Milestone OR Priority fields have any change
# set the Status flag
# else if Keywords has changed
# set the Keywords flag
# else if CC has changed
# set the CC flag
# if the Comments field shows an attachment
# set the Attachment flag
# else if Comments exist
# set the Comments flag
# if no flags are set and there was some other field change
# set the Status flag
sub getEmailAttributes (\%\@$) {
my ($bug, $fieldDiffs, $commentField) = @_;
my (@flags,@uniqueFlags,%alreadySeen) = ();
# Add a flag if the status of the bug is "unconfirmed".
if ($bug->{'bug_status'} eq 'UNCONFIRMED') {
push (@flags, 'Unconfirmed')
foreach my $ref (@$fieldDiffs) {
my ($who, $fieldName, $when, $old, $new) = (@$ref);
#print qq{field: $fieldName $new<br>};
# the STATUS will be flagged for Severity, Status, Target Milestone and
# Priority changes
if ( $fieldName eq 'Status' && ($new eq 'RESOLVED' || $new eq 'VERIFIED')) {
push (@flags, 'Resolved');
elsif ( $fieldName eq 'Severity' || $fieldName eq 'Status' ||
$fieldName eq 'Priority' || $fieldName eq 'Target Milestone') {
push (@flags, 'Status');
} elsif ( $fieldName eq 'Keywords') {
push (@flags, 'Keywords');
} elsif ( $fieldName eq 'CC') {
push (@flags, 'CC');
# These next few lines find out who has been added
# to the Owner, QA, CC, etc. fields. They do not affect
# the @flags array at all, but are run here because they
# affect filtering later and we're already in the loop.
if ($fieldName eq 'AssignedTo') {
push (@{$force{'Owner'}}, $new);
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'QAcontact') {
push (@{$force{'QAcontact'}}, $new);
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'CC') {
my @added = split (/[ ,]/, $new);
push (@{$force{'CClist'}}, @added);
if ( $commentField =~ /Created an attachment \(/ ) {
push (@flags, 'Attachments');
elsif ( ($commentField ne '') && !(scalar(@flags) == 1 && $flags[0] eq 'Resolved')) {
push (@flags, 'Comments');
# default fallthrough for any unflagged change is 'Other'
if ( @flags == 0 && @$fieldDiffs != 0 ) {
push (@flags, 'Other');
# only need one flag per attribute type
foreach my $flag (@flags) {
if ( !($alreadySeen{$flag}) ) {
if (Param("supportwatchers")) {
# Find all those user-watching anyone on the current list, who is not
# on it already themselves.
my $involved = join(",", keys %recipients);
my $userwatchers =
$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT watcher, watched FROM watch
WHERE watched IN ($involved)
AND watcher NOT IN ($involved)");
# Mark these people as having the role of the person they are watching
foreach my $watch (@$userwatchers) {
$recipients{$watch->[0]} = $recipients{$watch->[1]};
#print "\nEmail Attributes: ", join(' ,',@uniqueFlags), "<br>\n";
# catch-all default, just in case the above logic is faulty
if ( @uniqueFlags == 0) {
push (@uniqueFlags, 'Comments');
return @uniqueFlags;
sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
# This function figures out who should receive email about the bug
# based on the user's role with respect to the bug (assignee, reporter,
# etc.), the changes that occurred (new comments, attachment added,
# status changed, etc.) and the user's email preferences.
# Returns a filtered list of those users who would receive email
# about these changes, and adds the names of those users who would
# not receive email about them to the global @excludedAddresses list.
my ($role, $reasons, $users) = @_;
# Make a list of users to filter.
my @users = split( /,/ , $users );
# Treat users who are in the process of being removed from this role
# as if they still have it.
push @users, @{$force{$role}};
# If this installation supports user watching, add to the list those
# users who are watching other users already on the list. By doing
# this here, we allow watchers to inherit the roles of the people
# they are watching while at the same time filtering email for watchers
# based on their own preferences.
if (Param("supportwatchers") && scalar(@users)) {
# Convert the unfiltered list of users into an SQL-quoted,
# comma-separated string suitable for use in an SQL query.
my $watched = join(",", map(SqlQuote($_), @users));
SendSQL("SELECT watchers.login_name
FROM watch, profiles AS watchers, profiles AS watched
WHERE watched.login_name IN ($watched)
AND watched.userid = watch.watched
AND watch.watcher = watchers.userid");
push (@users, FetchOneColumn()) while MoreSQLData();
# We now have a complete set of all the users, and their relationships to
# the bug in question. However, we are not necessarily going to mail them
# all - there are preferences, permissions checks and all sorts to do yet.
my @sent;
my @excluded;
# Initialize the list of recipients.
my @recipients = ();
foreach my $user_id (keys %recipients) {
my @rels_which_want;
my $sent_mail = 0;
USER: foreach my $user (@users) {
next unless $user;
# Get the user's unique ID, and if the user is not registered
# (no idea why unregistered users should even be on this list,
# but the code that was here before I re-wrote it allows this),
# then we do not have any preferences for them, so assume the
# default preference is to receive all mail.
my $userid = login_to_id($user);
if (!$userid) {
push(@recipients, $user);
# Get the user's email preferences from the database.
SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE userid = $userid");
my $prefs = FetchOneColumn();
# Write the user's preferences into a Perl record indexed by
# preference name. We pass the value "255" to the split function
# because otherwise split will trim trailing null fields, causing
# Perl to generate lots of warnings. Any suitably large number
# would do.
my %prefs = split(/~/, $prefs, 255);
# If this user is the one who made the change in the first place,
# and they prefer not to receive mail about their own changes,
# filter them from the list.
if (lc($user) eq lc($nametoexclude) && $prefs{'ExcludeSelf'} eq 'on') {
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
# If the user doesn't want to receive email about unconfirmed
# bugs, that setting overrides their other preferences, including
# the preference to receive email when they are added to or removed
# from a role, so remove them from the list before checking their
# other preferences.
if (grep(/Unconfirmed/, @$reasons)
&& exists($prefs{"email${role}Unconfirmed"})
&& $prefs{"email${role}Unconfirmed"} eq '')
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
my $user = new Bugzilla::User($user_id);
# If the user was added to or removed from this role, and they
# prefer to receive email when that happens, send them mail.
# Note: This was originally written to send email when users
# were removed from roles and was later enhanced for additions,
# but for simplicity's sake the name "Removeme" was retained.
if (grep($_ eq $user, @{$force{$role}})
&& $prefs{"email${role}Removeme"} eq 'on')
if ($user->can_see_bug($id))
push (@recipients, $user);
# Go through each role the user has and see if they want mail in
# that role.
foreach my $relationship (@{$recipients{$user_id}}) {
if ($user->wants_bug_mail($id,
push(@rels_which_want, $relationship);
# If the user prefers to be included in mail about this change,
# add them to the list of recipients.
foreach my $reason (@$reasons) {
my $pref = "email$role$reason";
if (!exists($prefs{$pref}) || $prefs{$pref} eq 'on') {
push(@recipients, $user);
next USER;
if (scalar(@rels_which_want)) {
# So the user exists, can see the bug, and wants mail in at least
# one role. But do we want to send it to them?
# If we are using insiders, and the comment is private, only send
# to insiders
my $insider_ok = 1;
$insider_ok = 0 if (Param("insidergroup") &&
($anyprivate != 0) &&
# We shouldn't send mail if this is a dependency mail (i.e. there
# is something in @depbugs), and any of the depending bugs are not
# visible to the user. This is to avoid leaking the summaries of
# confidential bugs.
my $dep_ok = 1;
foreach my $dep_id (@depbugs) {
if (!$user->can_see_bug($dep_id)) {
$dep_ok = 0;
# Make sure the user isn't in the nomail list, and the insider and
# dep checks passed.
if ((!$nomail{$user->login}) &&
$insider_ok &&
# OK, OK, if we must. Email the user.
$sent_mail = sendMail($user,
if ($sent_mail) {
push(@sent, $user->login);
else {
push(@excluded, $user->login);
# At this point there's no way the user wants to receive email
# about this change, so exclude them from the list of recipients.
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
} # for each user on the unfiltered list
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET lastdiffed = '$end' WHERE bug_id = $id");
return @recipients;
return {'sent' => \@sent, 'excluded' => \@excluded};
sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($person, $count, $hlRef, $reasonsRef, $valueRef, $dmhRef, $fdRef,
sub sendMail($$$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($user, $hlRef, $relRef, $valueRef, $dmhRef, $fdRef,
$diffRef, $newcomments, $anyprivate, $start,
$id, $depbugsRef) = @_;
$id) = @_;
my %values = %$valueRef;
my @headerlist = @$hlRef;
my @reasons = @$reasonsRef;
my %defmailhead = %$dmhRef;
my %mailhead = %$dmhRef;
my %fielddescription = %$fdRef;
my @diffparts = @$diffRef;
my @depbugs = @$depbugsRef;
if ($seen{$person}) {
if ($nomail{$person}) {
# This routine should really get passed a userid
# This rederives groups as a side effect
my $user = Bugzilla::User->new_from_login($person);
if (!$user) { # person doesn't exist, probably changed email
my $userid = $user->id;
$seen{$person} = 1;
# if this person doesn't have permission to see info on this bug,
# return.
# XXX - This currently means that if a bug is suddenly given
# more restrictive permissions, people without those permissions won't
# see the action of restricting the bug itself; the bug will just
# quietly disappear from their radar.
return unless $user->can_see_bug($id);
# Drop any non-insiders if the comment is private
return if (Param("insidergroup") &&
($anyprivate != 0) &&
# We shouldn't send changedmail if this is a dependency mail, and any of
# the depending bugs are not visible to the user.
foreach my $dep_id (@depbugs) {
my $save_id = $dep_id;
detaint_natural($dep_id) || warn("Unexpected Error: \@depbugs contains a non-numeric value: '$save_id'")
&& return;
return unless $user->can_see_bug($dep_id);
my %mailhead = %defmailhead;
my @diffparts = @$diffRef;
my $head = "";
foreach my $f (@headerlist) {
......@@ -801,28 +541,24 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
if ($difftext eq "" && $newcomments eq "") {
# Whoops, no differences!
return 0;
# XXX: This needs making localisable, probably by passing the role to
# the email template and letting it choose the text.
my $reasonsbody = "------- You are receiving this mail because: -------\n";
if (scalar(@reasons) == 0) {
$reasonsbody .= "Whoops! I have no idea!\n";
} else {
foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
if ($reason eq 'AssignedTo') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'Reporter') {
$reasonsbody .= "You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'QAcontact') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the QA contact for the bug, or are watching the QA contact.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'CC') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n";
} elsif ($reason eq 'Voter') {
$reasonsbody .= "You are a voter for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n";
} else {
$reasonsbody .= "Whoops! There is an unknown reason!\n";
foreach my $relationship (@$relRef) {
if ($relationship == REL_ASSIGNEE) {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.\n";
} elsif ($relationship == REL_REPORTER) {
$reasonsbody .= "You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.\n";
} elsif ($relationship == REL_QA) {
$reasonsbody .= "You are the QA contact for the bug, or are watching the QA contact.\n";
} elsif ($relationship == REL_CC) {
$reasonsbody .= "You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n";
} elsif ($relationship == REL_VOTER) {
$reasonsbody .= "You are a voter for the bug, or are watching someone who is.\n";
......@@ -841,14 +577,8 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
$newcomments =~ s/(Created an attachment \(id=([0-9]+)\))/$1\n --> \(${showattachurlbase}$2&action=view\)/g;
$person .= Param('emailsuffix');
# 09/13/2000
# If a bug is changed, don't put the word "Changed" in the subject mail
# since if the bug didn't change, you wouldn't be getting mail
# in the first place! see
# for details.
$substs{"neworchanged"} = $isnew ? ' New: ' : '';
$substs{"to"} = $person;
$substs{"to"} = $user->email;
$substs{"cc"} = '';
$substs{"bugid"} = $id;
if ($isnew) {
......@@ -859,13 +589,15 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
$substs{"product"} = $values{'product'};
$substs{"component"} = $values{'component'};
$substs{"summary"} = $values{'short_desc'};
$substs{"reasonsheader"} = join(" ", @reasons);
$substs{"reasonsheader"} = join(" ", map { $rel_names{$_} } @$relRef);
$substs{"reasonsbody"} = $reasonsbody;
$substs{"space"} = " ";
if ($isnew) {
$substs{'threadingmarker'} = "Message-ID: <bug-$id-$userid$sitespec>";
$substs{'threadingmarker'} = "Message-ID: <bug-$id-" .
$user->id . "$sitespec>";
} else {
$substs{'threadingmarker'} = "In-Reply-To: <bug-$id-$userid$sitespec>";
$substs{'threadingmarker'} = "In-Reply-To: <bug-$id-" .
$user->id . "$sitespec>";
my $template = Param("newchangedmail");
......@@ -874,7 +606,6 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {
push(@sentlist, $person);
return 1;
......@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ use base qw(Exporter);
......@@ -71,6 +68,20 @@ use base qw(Exporter);
@Bugzilla::Constants::EXPORT_OK = qw(contenttypes);
......@@ -136,72 +147,6 @@ use constant contenttypes =>
"ics" => "text/calendar" ,
"~FlagRequestee~on" .
# By default, almost all bugmail is turned on, with the exception
# of CC list additions for anyone except the Assignee/Owner.
# If you want to customize the default settings for new users at
# your own site, ensure that each of the lines ends with either
# "~on" or just "~" (for off).
"ExcludeSelf~on" .
"~FlagRequestee~on" .
"~FlagRequester~on" .
"~emailOwnerRemoveme~on" .
"~emailOwnerComments~on" .
"~emailOwnerAttachments~on" .
"~emailOwnerStatus~on" .
"~emailOwnerResolved~on" .
"~emailOwnerKeywords~on" .
"~emailOwnerCC~on" .
"~emailOwnerOther~on" .
"~emailOwnerUnconfirmed~on" .
"~emailReporterRemoveme~on" .
"~emailReporterComments~on" .
"~emailReporterAttachments~on" .
"~emailReporterStatus~on" .
"~emailReporterResolved~on" .
"~emailReporterKeywords~on" .
"~emailReporterCC~" .
"~emailReporterOther~on" .
"~emailReporterUnconfirmed~on" .
"~emailQAcontactRemoveme~on" .
"~emailQAcontactComments~on" .
"~emailQAcontactAttachments~on" .
"~emailQAcontactStatus~on" .
"~emailQAcontactResolved~on" .
"~emailQAcontactKeywords~on" .
"~emailQAcontactCC~" .
"~emailQAcontactOther~on" .
"~emailQAcontactUnconfirmed~on" .
"~emailCClistRemoveme~on" .
"~emailCClistComments~on" .
"~emailCClistAttachments~on" .
"~emailCClistStatus~on" .
"~emailCClistResolved~on" .
"~emailCClistKeywords~on" .
"~emailCClistCC~" .
"~emailCClistOther~on" .
"~emailCClistUnconfirmed~on" .
"~emailVoterRemoveme~on" .
"~emailVoterComments~" .
"~emailVoterAttachments~" .
"~emailVoterStatus~" .
"~emailVoterResolved~on" .
"~emailVoterKeywords~" .
"~emailVoterCC~" .
"~emailVoterOther~" .
use constant GRANT_DIRECT => 0;
use constant GRANT_DERIVED => 1;
use constant GRANT_REGEXP => 2;
......@@ -230,4 +175,50 @@ use constant COMMENT_COLS => 80;
# because of error
use constant UNLOCK_ABORT => 1;
use constant REL_ASSIGNEE => 0;
use constant REL_QA => 1;
use constant REL_REPORTER => 2;
use constant REL_CC => 3;
use constant REL_VOTER => 4;
# Used for global events like EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED
use constant REL_ANY => 100;
# There are two sorts of event - positive and negative. Positive events are
# those for which the user says "I want mail if this happens." Negative events
# are those for which the user says "I don't want mail if this happens."
# Exactly when each event fires is defined in wants_bug_mail() in; I'm
# not commenting them here in case the comments and the code get out of sync.
use constant EVT_OTHER => 0;
use constant EVT_ADDED_REMOVED => 1;
use constant EVT_COMMENT => 2;
use constant EVT_ATTACHMENT => 3;
use constant EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA => 4;
use constant EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT => 5;
use constant EVT_OPENED_CLOSED => 6;
use constant EVT_KEYWORD => 7;
use constant EVT_CC => 8;
use constant EVT_UNCONFIRMED => 50;
use constant EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME => 51;
# These are the "global" flags, which aren't tied to a particular relationship.
# and so use REL_ANY.
use constant EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED => 100; # Flag has been requested of me
use constant EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG => 101; # I have requested a flag
......@@ -584,7 +584,6 @@ use constant ABSTRACT_SCHEMA => {
disabledtext => {TYPE => 'MEDIUMTEXT', NOTNULL => 1},
mybugslink => {TYPE => 'BOOLEAN', NOTNULL => 1,
emailflags => {TYPE => 'MEDIUMTEXT'},
refreshed_when => {TYPE => 'DATETIME', NOTNULL => 1},
extern_id => {TYPE => 'varchar(64)'},
......@@ -610,6 +609,20 @@ use constant ABSTRACT_SCHEMA => {
email_setting => {
user_id => {TYPE => 'INT3', NOTNULL => 1},
relationship => {TYPE => 'INT1', NOTNULL => 1},
event => {TYPE => 'INT1', NOTNULL => 1},
email_settings_user_id_idx => ['user_id'],
email_settings_unique_idx =>
{FIELDS => [qw(user_id relationship event)],
watch => {
watcher => {TYPE => 'INT3', NOTNULL => 1},
......@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Attachment;
use Bugzilla::BugMail;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use constant TABLES_ALREADY_LOCKED => 1;
......@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ sub create {
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the flag creation.
if (($flag->{'requestee'}
&& $flag->{'requestee'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequestee'})
&& $flag->{'requestee'}->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED]))
|| $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'})
notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl");
......@@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ sub modify {
WHERE id = $flag->{'id'}");
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the fulfillment.
if ($flag->{'setter'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequester'}
if ($flag->{'setter'}->wants_mail([EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG])
|| $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'})
$flag->{'status'} = $status;
......@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ sub modify {
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the request.
if ($flag->{'requestee'}
&& ($flag->{'requestee'}->email_prefs->{'FlagRequestee'}
&& ($flag->{'requestee'}->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED])
|| $flag->{'type'}->{'cc_list'}))
notify($flag, "request/email.txt.tmpl");
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
# Byron Jones <>
# Shane H. W. Travis <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Gervase Markham <>
# Module Initialization
......@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::User::Setting;
use Bugzilla::Auth;
use Bugzilla::BugMail;
use base qw(Exporter);
@Bugzilla::User::EXPORT = qw(insert_new_user is_available_username
......@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ sub _create {
FROM profiles
FROM profiles
WHERE $cond},
......@@ -892,60 +894,146 @@ sub match_field {
sub email_prefs {
# Get or set (not implemented) the user's email notification preferences.
# Changes in some fields automatically trigger events. The 'field names' are
# from the fielddefs table. We really should be using proper field names
# throughout.
our %names_to_events = (
'Resolution' => EVT_OPENED_CLOSED,
'Keywords' => EVT_KEYWORD,
'CC' => EVT_CC,
'Target Milestone' => EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT,
'Attachment description' => EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA,
'Attachment mime type' => EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA,
'Attachment is patch' => EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA);
# Returns true if the user wants mail for a given bug change.
# Note: the "+" signs before the constants suppress bareword quoting.
sub wants_bug_mail {
my $self = shift;
return {} unless $self->id;
# If the calling code is setting the email preferences, update the object
# but don't do anything else. This needs to write email preferences back
# to the database.
if (@_) { $self->{email_prefs} = shift; return; }
# If we already got them from the database, return the existing values.
return $self->{email_prefs} if $self->{email_prefs};
my ($bug_id, $relationship, $fieldDiffs, $commentField, $changer) = @_;
# Don't send any mail, ever, if account is disabled
# XXX Temporary Compatibility Change 1 of 2:
# This code is disabled for the moment to make the behaviour like the old
# system, which sent bugmail to disabled accounts.
# return 0 if $self->{'disabledtext'};
# Retrieve the values from the database.
&::SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE userid = $self->{id}");
my ($flags) = &::FetchSQLData();
my @roles = qw(Owner Reporter QAcontact CClist Voter);
my @reasons = qw(Removeme Comments Attachments Status Resolved Keywords
CC Other Unconfirmed);
# Convert the prefs from the flags string from the database into
# a Perl record. The 255 param is here because split will trim
# any trailing null fields without a third param, which causes Perl
# to eject lots of warnings. Any suitably large number would do.
my $prefs = { split(/~/, $flags, 255) };
# Make a list of the events which have happened during this bug change,
# from the point of view of this user.
my %events;
foreach my $ref (@$fieldDiffs) {
my ($who, $fieldName, $when, $old, $new) = @$ref;
# A change to any of the above fields sets the corresponding event
if (defined($names_to_events{$fieldName})) {
$events{$names_to_events{$fieldName}} = 1;
else {
# Catch-all for any change not caught by a more specific event
# XXX: Temporary Compatibility Change 2 of 2:
# This code is disabled, and replaced with the code a few lines
# below, in order to make the behaviour more like the original,
# which only added this event if _all_ changes were of "other" type.
# $events{+EVT_OTHER} = 1;
# If the user is in a particular role and the value of that role
# changed, we need the ADDED_REMOVED event.
if (($fieldName eq "AssignedTo" && $relationship == REL_ASSIGNEE) ||
($fieldName eq "QAContact" && $relationship == REL_QA))
$events{+EVT_ADDED_REMOVED} = 1;
if ($fieldName eq "CC") {
my $login = $self->login;
my $inold = ($old =~ /^(.*,)?\Q$login\E(,.*)?$/);
my $innew = ($new =~ /^(.*,)?\Q$login\E(,.*)?$/);
if ($inold != $innew)
$events{+EVT_ADDED_REMOVED} = 1;
if ($commentField =~ /Created an attachment \(/) {
$events{+EVT_ATTACHMENT} = 1;
elsif ($commentField ne '') {
$events{+EVT_COMMENT} = 1;
# Determine the value of the "excludeself" global email preference.
# Note that the value of "excludeself" is assumed to be off if the
# preference does not exist in the user's list, unlike other
# preferences whose value is assumed to be on if they do not exist.
$prefs->{ExcludeSelf} =
exists($prefs->{ExcludeSelf}) && $prefs->{ExcludeSelf} eq "on";
my @event_list = keys %events;
# Determine the value of the global request preferences.
foreach my $pref (qw(FlagRequestee FlagRequester)) {
$prefs->{$pref} = !exists($prefs->{$pref}) || $prefs->{$pref} eq "on";
# XXX Temporary Compatibility Change 2 of 2:
# See above comment.
if (!scalar(@event_list)) {
@event_list = (EVT_OTHER);
# Determine the value of the rest of the preferences by looping over
# all roles and reasons and converting their values to Perl booleans.
foreach my $role (@roles) {
foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
my $key = "email$role$reason";
$prefs->{$key} = !exists($prefs->{$key}) || $prefs->{$key} eq "on";
my $wants_mail = $self->wants_mail(\@event_list, $relationship);
# The negative events are handled separately - they can't be incorporated
# into the first wants_mail call, because they are of the opposite sense.
# We do them separately because if _any_ of them are set, we don't want
# the mail.
if ($wants_mail && $changer && ($self->{'login'} eq $changer)) {
$wants_mail &= $self->wants_mail([EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME], $relationship);
if ($wants_mail) {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# We don't create a Bug object from the bug_id here because we only
# need one piece of information, and doing so (as of 2004-11-23) slows
# down bugmail sending by a factor of 2. If Bug creation was more
# lazy, this might not be so bad.
my $bug_status = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT bug_status
FROM bugs
WHERE bug_id = $bug_id");
if ($bug_status eq "UNCONFIRMED") {
$wants_mail &= $self->wants_mail([EVT_UNCONFIRMED], $relationship);
$self->{email_prefs} = $prefs;
return $self->{email_prefs};
return $wants_mail;
# Returns true if the user wants mail for a given set of events.
sub wants_mail {
my $self = shift;
my ($events, $relationship) = @_;
# Don't send any mail, ever, if account is disabled
# XXX Temporary Compatibility Change 1 of 2:
# This code is disabled for the moment to make the behaviour like the old
# system, which sent bugmail to disabled accounts.
# return 0 if $self->{'disabledtext'};
# No mail if there are no events
return 0 if !scalar(@$events);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# If a relationship isn't given, default to REL_ANY.
if (!defined($relationship)) {
$relationship = REL_ANY;
my $wants_mail =
$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT *
FROM email_setting
WHERE user_id = $self->{'id'}
AND relationship = $relationship
AND event IN (" . join(",", @$events) . ")
LIMIT 1");
sub get_userlist {
my $self = shift;
......@@ -1003,13 +1091,28 @@ sub insert_new_user ($$;$$) {
# Insert the new user record into the database.
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO profiles
(login_name, realname, cryptpassword, emailflags,
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(login_name, realname, cryptpassword, disabledtext)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
($username, $realname, $cryptpassword, DEFAULT_EMAIL_SETTINGS,
($username, $realname, $cryptpassword, $disabledtext));
# Turn on all email for the new user
my $userid = $dbh->bz_last_key('profiles', 'userid');
foreach my $rel (RELATIONSHIPS) {
foreach my $event (POS_EVENTS, NEG_EVENTS) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) " .
"VALUES ($userid, $rel, $event)");
foreach my $event (GLOBAL_EVENTS) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) " .
"VALUES ($userid, " . REL_ANY . ", $event)");
# Return the password to the calling code so it can be included
# in an email sent to the user.
return $password;
......@@ -1304,6 +1407,16 @@ will be set to the specified value.
C<get_flag> is called with a single key name, which returns the associated
=item C<wants_bug_mail>
Returns true if the user wants mail for a given bug change.
=item C<wants_mail>
Returns true if the user wants mail for a given set of events. This method is
more general than C<wants_bug_mail>, allowing you to check e.g. permissions
for flag mail.
......@@ -2485,7 +2485,8 @@ if (!($sth->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0])) {
# 2000-12-18. Added an 'emailflags' field for storing preferences about
# when email gets sent on a per-user basis.
if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('profiles', 'emailflags')) {
if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('profiles', 'emailflags') &&
!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('email_setting', 'user_id')) {
$dbh->bz_add_field('profiles', 'emailflags', 'mediumtext');
......@@ -3756,47 +3757,6 @@ if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def('bugs', 'short_desc')->[2]) { # if it allows nulls
$dbh->bz_change_field_type('bugs', 'short_desc', 'mediumtext not null');
# 2004-12-29 - Flag email code is broke somewhere, and doesn't treat a lack
# of FlagRequestee/er emailflags as 'on' like it's supposed to. Easiest way
# to fix this is to make sure that everyone has these set. (bug 275599).
# While we're at it, let's make sure everyone has some emailprefs set,
# whether or not they've ever visited userprefs.cgi (bug 108870). In fact,
# do this first so that the second check gets fewer hits.
my $emailflags_count = 0;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid FROM profiles " .
"WHERE emailflags LIKE '' " .
"OR emailflags IS NULL");
while (my ($userid) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET emailflags = " .
$dbh->quote(Bugzilla::Constants::DEFAULT_EMAIL_SETTINGS) .
"WHERE userid = $userid");
if ($emailflags_count) {
print "Added default email prefs to $emailflags_count users who had none.\n" unless $silent;
$emailflags_count = 0;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid, emailflags FROM profiles " .
"WHERE emailflags NOT LIKE '%Flagrequeste%' ");
while (my ($userid, $emailflags) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$emailflags .= Bugzilla::Constants::DEFAULT_FLAG_EMAIL_SETTINGS;
$emailflags = $dbh->quote($emailflags);
$dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET emailflags = $emailflags " .
"WHERE userid = $userid");
if ($emailflags_count) {
print "Added default Flagrequester/ee email prefs to $emailflags_count users who had none.\n" unless $silent;
$emailflags_count = 0;
# 2003-10-24 -, bug 224208
# Support classification level
$dbh->bz_add_field('products', 'classification_id', 'smallint DEFAULT 1');
......@@ -3882,8 +3842,113 @@ if (!$dbh->bz_get_field_def('bugs', 'qa_contact')->[2]) { # if it's NOT NULL
WHERE initialqacontact = 0");
# 2005-03-29 - - bug 73665.
# Migrate email preferences to new email prefs table.
if ($dbh->bz_get_field_def("profiles", "emailflags")) {
print "Migrating email preferences to new table ...\n" unless $silent;
# These are the "roles" and "reasons" from the original code, mapped to
# the new terminology of relationships and events.
my %relationships = ("Owner" => REL_ASSIGNEE,
"Reporter" => REL_REPORTER,
"QAcontact" => REL_QA,
"CClist" => REL_CC,
"Voter" => REL_VOTER);
my %events = ("Removeme" => EVT_ADDED_REMOVED,
"Comments" => EVT_COMMENT,
"Attachments" => EVT_ATTACHMENT,
"Resolved" => EVT_OPENED_CLOSED,
"Keywords" => EVT_KEYWORD,
"CC" => EVT_CC,
"Other" => EVT_OTHER,
"Unconfirmed" => EVT_UNCONFIRMED);
# Request preferences
my %requestprefs = ("FlagRequestee" => EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED,
"FlagRequester" => EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG);
# Select all emailflags flag strings
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT userid, emailflags FROM profiles");
while (my ($userid, $flagstring) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# If the user has never logged in since emailprefs arrived, and the
# temporary code to give them a default string never ran, then
# $flagstring will be null. In this case, they just get all mail.
$flagstring ||= "";
# The 255 param is here, because without a third param, split will
# trim any trailing null fields, which causes Perl to eject lots of
# warnings. Any suitably large number would do.
my %emailflags = split(/~/, $flagstring, 255); # Appease my editor: /
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) VALUES (" .
"$userid, ?, ?)");
foreach my $relationship (keys %relationships) {
foreach my $event (keys %events) {
my $key = "email$relationship$event";
if (!exists($emailflags{$key}) || $emailflags{$key} eq 'on') {
# Note that in the old system, the value of "excludeself" is assumed to
# be off if the preference does not exist in the user's list, unlike
# other preferences whose value is assumed to be on if they do not
# exist.
# This preference has changed from global to per-relationship.
if (!exists($emailflags{'ExcludeSelf'})
|| $emailflags{'ExcludeSelf'} ne 'on')
foreach my $relationship (keys %relationships) {
$dbh->do("INSERT into email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) VALUES (" .
$userid . ", " .
$relationships{$relationship}. ", " .
foreach my $key (keys %requestprefs) {
if (!exists($emailflags{$key}) || $emailflags{$key} eq 'on') {
$dbh->do("INSERT into email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) VALUES (" .
$userid . ", " . REL_ANY . ", " .
$requestprefs{$key} . ")");
# EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA should initially have identical settings to
$dbh->bz_drop_field("profiles", "emailflags");
sub CloneEmailEvent {
my ($source, $target) = @_;
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user_id, relationship FROM email_setting
WHERE event = $source");
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) VALUES (" .
"?, ?, $target)");
while (my ($userid, $relationship) = $sth1->fetchrow_array()) {
$sth2->execute($userid, $relationship);
# If you had to change the --TABLE-- definition in any way, then add your
# differential change code *** A B O V E *** this comment.
......@@ -4156,10 +4221,10 @@ if ($sth->rows == 0) {
q{INSERT INTO profiles (login_name, realname, cryptpassword,
emailflags, disabledtext, refreshed_when)
disabledtext, refreshed_when)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)},
undef, $login, $realname, $cryptedpassword,
Bugzilla::Constants::DEFAULT_EMAIL_SETTINGS, '', '1900-01-01 00:00:00');
'', '1900-01-01 00:00:00');
# Put the admin in each group if not already
......@@ -47,9 +47,22 @@ if (scalar(@list) > 0) {
my $start_time = time;
print "Sending mail for bug $bugid...\n";
my $outputref = Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bugid);
my ($sent, $excluded) = (scalar(@{$outputref->{sent}}),scalar(@{$outputref->{excluded}}));
print "$sent mails sent, $excluded people excluded.\n";
print "Took " . (time - $start_time) . " seconds.\n\n";
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "--report") {
print "Mail sent to:\n";
foreach (sort @{$outputref->{sent}}) {
print $_ . "\n";
print "Excluded:\n";
foreach (sort @{$outputref->{excluded}}) {
print $_ . "\n";
else {
my ($sent, $excluded) = (scalar(@{$outputref->{sent}}),scalar(@{$outputref->{excluded}}));
print "$sent mails sent, $excluded people excluded.\n";
print "Took " . (time - $start_time) . " seconds.\n\n";
print "Unsent mail has been sent.\n";
......@@ -486,14 +486,7 @@ if (UserInGroup("editbugs")) {
# Email everyone the details of the new bug
$vars->{'mailrecipients'} = { 'cc' => \@cc,
'owner' => DBID_to_name($::FORM{'assigned_to'}),
'reporter' => Bugzilla->user->login,
'changer' => Bugzilla->user->login };
if (defined $::FORM{'qa_contact'}) {
$vars->{'mailrecipients'}->{'qacontact'} = DBID_to_name($::FORM{'qa_contact'});
$vars->{'mailrecipients'} = {'changer' => Bugzilla->user->login};
$vars->{'id'} = $id;
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $::userid);
......@@ -40,56 +40,32 @@
[% useqacontact = Param('useqacontact') %]
[% usevotes = Param('usevotes') %]
[% IF Param('supportwatchers') %]
<td colspan="4">
<td colspan="4">
If you want to help cover for someone when they're on vacation, or if
you need to do the QA related to all of their [% terms.bugs %], you can tell
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %] to send mail related to their [% terms.bugs %] to you, too. List the
email addresses of any accounts you wish to watch here, separated by
If you don't like getting a notification for "trivial"
changes to [% terms.bugs %], you can use the settings below to
filter some or all notifications.
<th align="right">Users to watch:</th>
<input size="35" name="watchedusers"
value="[% watchedusers FILTER html %]">
<th align="right" valign="baseline">Users watching you:</th>
[% IF watchers.size %]
[% FOREACH watcher = watchers %]
[% watcher FILTER html %] <br>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
Nobody is currently watching your account.
[% END %]
[% END %]
<script type="text/javascript">
function SetCheckboxes(setting) {
for (var count = 0; count < document.userprefsform.elements.length; count++) {
var theinput = document.userprefsform.elements[count];
if (theinput.type == "checkbox") {
if ("neg")) {
theinput.checked = false;
else {
theinput.checked = setting;
<td colspan="2">
If you don't like getting a notification for "trivial"
changes to [% terms.bugs %], you can use the settings below to
filter some (or even all) notifications.
document.write('<input type="button" value="Enable All Mail" onclick="SetCheckboxes(true); return false;">\n');
document.write('<input type="button" value="Disable All Mail" onclick="SetCheckboxes(false); return false;">\n');
// -->
......@@ -103,129 +79,204 @@
<td width="150"></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="ExcludeSelf" id="ExcludeSelf" value="on"
[% " checked" IF excludeself %]>
<label for="ExcludeSelf">Only email me reports of changes made by other people</label>
<td width="150"></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="FlagRequestee" id="FlagRequestee" value="on"
[% " checked" IF FlagRequestee %]>
<label for="FlagRequestee">Email me when someone asks me to set a flag</label>
[% prefname = "email-$constants.REL_ANY-$constants.EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED" %]
<input type="checkbox" name="[% prefname %]" id="[% prefname %]"
[% " checked" IF
mail.${constants.REL_ANY}.${constants.EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED} %]>
<label for="[% prefname %]">Email me when someone asks me to set a flag</label>
<td width="150"></td>
<input type="checkbox" name="FlagRequester" id="FlagRequester" value="on"
[% " checked" IF FlagRequester %]>
<label for="FlagRequester">Email me when someone sets a flag I asked for</label>
[% prefname = "email-$constants.REL_ANY-$constants.EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG" %]
<input type="checkbox" name="[% prefname %]" id="[% prefname %]"
[% " checked" IF
mail.${constants.REL_ANY}.${constants.EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG} %]>
<label for="[% prefname %]">Email me when someone sets a flag I asked for</label>
<noscript>If you had Javascript active, you could toggle all of these with one click.<br></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SetCheckboxes(setting) {
for (var count = 0; count < document.userprefsform.elements.length; count++) {
var theinput = document.userprefsform.elements[count];
if (theinput.type == "checkbox") {
if ( == "ExcludeSelf") {
theinput.checked = false;
else {
theinput.checked = setting;
document.write('<input type="button" value="Enable All Mail" onclick="SetCheckboxes(true); return false;">\n');
document.write('<input type="button" value="Disable All Mail" onclick="SetCheckboxes(false); return false;">\n');
// -->
<b>Field/recipient specific options:</b>
[% events = [
{ id = constants.EVT_ADDED_REMOVED,
description = "I'm added to or removed from this capacity" },
{ id = constants.EVT_OPENED_CLOSED,
description = "The $terms.bug is resolved or reopened" },
{ id = constants.EVT_PROJ_MANAGEMENT,
description = "The priority, status, severity, or milestone changes" },
{ id = constants.EVT_COMMENT,
description = "New comments are added" },
{ id = constants.EVT_ATTACHMENT,
description = "New attachments are added" },
{ id = constants.EVT_ATTACHMENT_DATA,
description = "Some attachment data changes" },
{ id = constants.EVT_KEYWORD,
description = "The keywords field changes" },
{ id = constants.EVT_CC,
description = "The CC field changes" },
{ id = constants.EVT_OTHER,
description = "Any field not mentioned above changes" },
] %]
[% neg_events = [
{ id = constants.EVT_UNCONFIRMED,
description = "The $terms.bug is in the UNCONFIRMED state" },
{ id = constants.EVT_CHANGED_BY_ME,
description = "The change was made by me" },
] %]
[% relationships = [
{ id = constants.REL_ASSIGNEE,
description = "Assignee" },
{ id = constants.REL_QA,
description = "QA Contact" },
{ id = constants.REL_REPORTER,
description = "Reporter" },
{ id = constants.REL_CC,
description = "CCed" },
{ id = constants.REL_VOTER,
description = "Voter" },
] %]
<table width="100%" border="1">
<td colspan="[% (useqacontact AND usevotes) ? '5' : ((useqacontact OR usevotes) ? '4' : '3') %]" align="center" width="50%">
<td colspan="[% (useqacontact AND usevotes) ? '5' :
((useqacontact OR usevotes) ? '4' : '3') %]"
align="center" width="50%">
<b>When my relationship to this [% terms.bug %] is:</b>
<td rowspan="2" width="50%">
<td rowspan="2" width="40%">
<b>I want to receive mail when:</b>
<td align="center" width="10%">
<td align="center" width="10%">
[% IF useqacontact %]
<td align="center" width="10%">
<b>QA Contact</b>
[% FOREACH relationship = relationships %]
[% NEXT IF ( == constants.REL_QA AND NOT useqacontact) OR
( == constants.REL_VOTER AND NOT usevotes) %]
<th align="center" width="9%">
[% relationship.description FILTER html %]
[% END %]
<td align="center" width="10%">
[% IF usevotes %]
<td align="center" width="10%">
[% FOREACH event = events %]
[% FOREACH relationship = relationships %]
[% NEXT IF ( == constants.REL_QA AND NOT useqacontact) OR
( == constants.REL_VOTER AND NOT usevotes) %]
<td align="center">
<input type="checkbox"
name="email-[% %]-[% %]"
[%# The combinations don't always make sense; disable a couple %]
[% IF == constants.EVT_ADDED_REMOVED AND
( == constants.REL_REPORTER OR == constants.REL_VOTER) %]
[% ELSIF mail.${}.${} %]
[% END %]>
[% END %]
[% event.description FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<td colspan="[% (useqacontact AND usevotes) ? '5' :
((useqacontact OR usevotes) ? '4' : '3') %]"
align="center" width="50%">
<td width="40%">
<b>but not when (overrides above):</b>
[% bugLabelLower = BLOCK %]
[% terms.bug %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH reason = [
{ name = 'Removeme',
description = "I'm added to or removed from this capacity" },
{ name = 'Comments',
description = "New Comments are added" },
{ name = 'Attachments',
description = "New Attachments are added" },
{ name = 'Status',
description = "Priority, status, severity, and/or milestone changes" },
{ name = 'Resolved',
description = "The ${bugLabelLower} is resolved or verified" },
{ name = 'Keywords',
description = "Keywords field changes" },
{ name = 'CC',
description = "CC field changes" },
{ name = 'Other',
description = "Any field not mentioned above changes" },
{ name = 'Unconfirmed',
description = "The ${bugLabelLower} is in the unconfirmed state" },
] %]
[% FOREACH event = neg_events %]
[% FOREACH role = [ "Reporter", "Owner", "QAcontact", "CClist", "Voter" ]
[% NEXT IF role == "QAcontact" AND NOT useqacontact %]
[% NEXT IF role == "Voter" AND NOT usevotes %]
<td align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="email[% role %][% %]" value="on"
[% " checked" IF $role.${} %]>
[% FOREACH relationship = relationships %]
[% NEXT IF ( == constants.REL_QA AND NOT useqacontact) OR
( == constants.REL_VOTER AND NOT usevotes) %]
<td align="center"
<input type="checkbox"
name="neg-email-[% %]-[% %]"
[% " checked" IF NOT mail.${}.${} %]>
[% END %]
[% reason.description %]
[% event.description FILTER html %]
[% END %]
[%# Add hidden form fields for fields not used %]
[% FOREACH event = events %]
[% FOREACH relationship = relationships %]
[% IF ( == constants.REL_QA AND NOT useqacontact) OR
( == constants.REL_VOTER AND NOT usevotes) %]
<input type="hidden"
name="email-[% %]-[% %]"
value="[% mail.${}.${} ? "1" : "0" %]">
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH event = neg_events %]
[% FOREACH relationship = relationships %]
[% IF ( == constants.REL_QA AND NOT useqacontact) OR
( == constants.REL_VOTER AND NOT usevotes) %]
<input type="hidden"
name="neg-email-[% %]-[% %]"
value="[% mail.${}.${} ? "0" : "1" %]">
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF Param('supportwatchers') %]
<b>User Watching</b>
If you watch a user, it is as if you are standing in their shoes for the
purposes of getting email. Email is sent or not according to <u>your</u>
preferences for <u>their</u> relationship to the [% terms.bug %]
(e.g. Assignee). You are watching anyone on the following comma-separated list:
<p>Users to watch:
<input size="60" name="watchedusers"
value="[% watchedusers FILTER html %]">
<p>Users watching you:<br>
[% IF watchers.size %]
[% FOREACH watcher = watchers %]
[% watcher FILTER html %] <br>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
......@@ -645,9 +645,9 @@
'account/prefs/email.html.tmpl' => [
'account/prefs/permissions.html.tmpl' => [
......@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@
[% statuses = { '+' => "granted" , '-' => 'denied' , 'X' => "cancelled" ,
'?' => "asked" } %]
[% IF flag.status == '?' %]
[% to_email = IF flag.requestee.email_prefs.FlagRequestee %]
[% to_email =
IF flag.requestee.wants_mail(constants.EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED) %]
[% to_identity = flag.requestee.identity %]
[% subject_status = "requested" %]
[% ELSE %]
[% to_email = IF flag.setter.email_prefs.FlagRequester %]
[% to_email =
IF flag.setter.wants_mail(constants.EVT_REQUESTED_FLAG) %]
[% to_identity = flag.setter.identity _ "'s request" %]
[% subject_status = statuses.${flag.status} %]
[% END %]
......@@ -37,10 +37,6 @@ require "";
# Use global template variables.
use vars qw($template $vars $userid);
my @roles = ("Owner", "Reporter", "QAcontact", "CClist", "Voter");
my @reasons = ("Removeme", "Comments", "Attachments", "Status", "Resolved",
"Keywords", "CC", "Other", "Unconfirmed");
# Each panel has two functions - panel Foo has a DoFoo, to get the data
# necessary for displaying the panel, and a SaveFoo, to save the panel's
......@@ -175,7 +171,10 @@ sub SaveSettings {
sub DoEmail {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# User watching
if (Param("supportwatchers")) {
my $watched_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT profiles.login_name FROM watch, profiles"
......@@ -197,81 +196,74 @@ sub DoEmail {
$vars->{'watchers'} = \@watchers;
SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE userid = $userid");
my ($flagstring) = FetchSQLData();
# Role-based preferences
my $sth = Bugzilla->dbh->prepare("SELECT relationship, event " .
"FROM email_setting " .
"WHERE user_id = $userid");
my %mail;
while (my ($relationship, $event) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$mail{$relationship}{$event} = 1;
# The 255 param is here, because without a third param, split will
# trim any trailing null fields, which causes Perl to eject lots of
# warnings. Any suitably large number would do.
my %emailflags = split(/~/, $flagstring, 255);
$vars->{'mail'} = \%mail;
# Determine the value of the "excludeself" global email preference.
# Note that the value of "excludeself" is assumed to be off if the
# preference does not exist in the user's list, unlike other
# preferences whose value is assumed to be on if they do not exist.
if (exists($emailflags{'ExcludeSelf'})
&& $emailflags{'ExcludeSelf'} eq 'on')
$vars->{'excludeself'} = 1;
else {
$vars->{'excludeself'} = 0;
foreach my $flag (qw(FlagRequestee FlagRequester)) {
$vars->{$flag} =
!exists($emailflags{$flag}) || $emailflags{$flag} eq 'on';
sub SaveEmail {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
# Parse the info into a hash of hashes; the first hash keyed by role,
# the second by reason, and the value being 1 or 0 for (on or off).
# Preferences not existing in the user's list are assumed to be on.
foreach my $role (@roles) {
$vars->{$role} = {};
foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
my $key = "email$role$reason";
if (!exists($emailflags{$key}) || $emailflags{$key} eq 'on') {
$vars->{$role}{$reason} = 1;
# Role-based preferences
$dbh->bz_lock_tables("email_setting WRITE");
# Delete all the user's current preferences
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM email_setting WHERE user_id = $userid");
# Repopulate the table - first, with normal events in the
# relationship/event matrix.
# Note: the database holds only "off" email preferences, as can be implied
# from the name of the table - profiles_nomail.
foreach my $rel (RELATIONSHIPS) {
# Positive events: a ticked box means "send me mail."
foreach my $event (POS_EVENTS) {
if (1 == $cgi->param("email-$rel-$event")) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) " .
"VALUES ($userid, $rel, $event)");
else {
$vars->{$role}{$reason} = 0;
# Negative events: a ticked box means "don't send me mail."
foreach my $event (NEG_EVENTS) {
if (!defined($cgi->param("neg-email-$rel-$event")) ||
$cgi->param("neg-email-$rel-$event") != 1)
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) " .
"VALUES ($userid, $rel, $event)");
# Note: we no longer store "off" values in the database.
sub SaveEmail {
my $updateString = "";
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (defined $cgi->param('ExcludeSelf')) {
$updateString .= 'ExcludeSelf~on';
} else {
$updateString .= 'ExcludeSelf~';
foreach my $flag (qw(FlagRequestee FlagRequester)) {
$updateString .= "~$flag~" . (defined $cgi->param($flag) ? "on" : "");
foreach my $role (@roles) {
foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
# Add this preference to the list without giving it a value,
# which is the equivalent of setting the value to "off."
$updateString .= "~email$role$reason~";
# If the form field for this preference is defined, then we
# know the checkbox was checked, so set the value to "on".
$updateString .= "on" if defined $cgi->param("email$role$reason");
# Global positive events: a ticked box means "send me mail."
foreach my $event (GLOBAL_EVENTS) {
if (1 == $cgi->param("email-" . REL_ANY . "-$event")) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO email_setting " .
"(user_id, relationship, event) " .
"VALUES ($userid, " . REL_ANY . ", $event)");
SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET emailflags = " . SqlQuote($updateString) .
" WHERE userid = $userid");
# User watching
if (Param("supportwatchers") && defined $cgi->param('watchedusers')) {
# Just in case. Note that this much locking is actually overkill:
# we don't really care if anyone reads the watch table. So
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