Bug 97729 - uploaders need to be able to obsolete their own attachments

r=jake, justdave
parent aa8bcb0d
......@@ -51,17 +51,21 @@ sub list
my ($bugid) = @_;
my $in_editbugs = &::UserInGroup("editbugs");
# Retrieve a list of attachments for this bug and write them into an array
# of hashes in which each hash represents a single attachment.
SELECT attach_id, creation_ts, mimetype, description, ispatch, isobsolete
SELECT attach_id, creation_ts, mimetype, description, ispatch,
isobsolete, submitter_id
FROM attachments WHERE bug_id = $bugid ORDER BY attach_id
my @attachments = ();
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my %a;
($a{'attachid'}, $a{'date'}, $a{'contenttype'}, $a{'description'}, $a{'ispatch'}, $a{'isobsolete'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
my $submitter_id;
($a{'attachid'}, $a{'date'}, $a{'contenttype'}, $a{'description'},
$a{'ispatch'}, $a{'isobsolete'}, $submitter_id) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Format the attachment's creation/modification date into a standard
# format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
......@@ -86,6 +90,12 @@ sub list
$a{'statuses'} = \@statuses;
# We will display the edit link if the user can edit the attachment;
# ie the are the submitter, or they have canedit.
# Also show the link if the user is not logged in - in that cae,
# They'll be prompted later
$a{'canedit'} = ($::userid == 0 || $submitter_id == $::userid ||
push @attachments, \%a;
......@@ -51,17 +51,21 @@ sub list
my ($bugid) = @_;
my $in_editbugs = &::UserInGroup("editbugs");
# Retrieve a list of attachments for this bug and write them into an array
# of hashes in which each hash represents a single attachment.
SELECT attach_id, creation_ts, mimetype, description, ispatch, isobsolete
SELECT attach_id, creation_ts, mimetype, description, ispatch,
isobsolete, submitter_id
FROM attachments WHERE bug_id = $bugid ORDER BY attach_id
my @attachments = ();
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my %a;
($a{'attachid'}, $a{'date'}, $a{'contenttype'}, $a{'description'}, $a{'ispatch'}, $a{'isobsolete'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
my $submitter_id;
($a{'attachid'}, $a{'date'}, $a{'contenttype'}, $a{'description'},
$a{'ispatch'}, $a{'isobsolete'}, $submitter_id) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Format the attachment's creation/modification date into a standard
# format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
......@@ -86,6 +90,12 @@ sub list
$a{'statuses'} = \@statuses;
# We will display the edit link if the user can edit the attachment;
# ie the are the submitter, or they have canedit.
# Also show the link if the user is not logged in - in that cae,
# They'll be prompted later
$a{'canedit'} = ($::userid == 0 || $submitter_id == $::userid ||
push @attachments, \%a;
......@@ -87,16 +87,16 @@ elsif ($action eq "insert")
elsif ($action eq "edit")
elsif ($action eq "update")
|| DisplayError("You are not authorized to edit attachments.")
&& exit;
validateContentType() unless $::FORM{'ispatch'};
......@@ -135,6 +135,28 @@ sub validateID
sub validateCanEdit
my ($attach_id) = (@_);
# If the user is not logged in, claim that they can edit. This allows
# the edit scrren to be displayed to people who aren't logged in.
# People not logged in can't actually commit changes, because that code
# calls confirm_login, not quietly_check_login, before calling this sub
return if $::userid == 0;
# People in editbugs can edit all attachments
return if UserInGroup("editbugs");
# Bug 97729 - the submitter can edit their attachments
SendSQL("SELECT attach_id FROM attachments WHERE " .
"attach_id = $attach_id AND submitter_id = $::userid");
|| DisplayError("You are not authorised to edit attachment #$attach_id")
&& exit;
sub validateDescription
......@@ -278,15 +300,6 @@ sub validateFilename
sub validateObsolete
# When a user creates an attachment, they can request that one or more
# existing attachments be made obsolete. This function makes sure they
# are authorized to make changes to attachments and that the IDs of the
# attachments they selected for obsoletion are all valid.
|| DisplayError("You must be authorized to make changes to attachments
to make attachments obsolete when creating a new attachment.")
&& exit;
# Make sure the attachment id is valid and the user has permissions to view
# the bug to which it is attached.
foreach my $attachid (@{$::MFORM{'obsolete'}}) {
......@@ -305,9 +318,6 @@ sub validateObsolete
my ($bugid, $isobsolete, $description) = FetchSQLData();
# Make sure the user is authorized to access this attachment's bug.
if ($bugid != $::FORM{'bugid'})
$description = html_quote($description);
......@@ -323,6 +333,9 @@ sub validateObsolete
DisplayError("Attachment #$attachid ($description) is already obsolete.");
# Check that the user can modify this attachment
......@@ -411,12 +424,16 @@ sub enter
# Display a form for entering a new attachment.
# Retrieve the attachments from the database and write them into an array
# of hashes where each hash represents one attachment.
# Retrieve the attachments the user can edit from the database and write
# them into an array of hashes where each hash represents one attachment.
my $canEdit = "";
if (!UserInGroup("editbugs")) {
$canEdit = "AND submitter_id = $::userid";
SendSQL("SELECT attach_id, description
FROM attachments
WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'bugid'}
AND isobsolete = 0
AND isobsolete = 0 $canEdit
ORDER BY attach_id");
my @attachments; # the attachments array
while ( MoreSQLData() ) {
......@@ -516,9 +533,10 @@ sub insert
sub edit
# Edit an attachment record. Users with "editbugs" privileges can edit the
# attachment's description, content type, ispatch and isobsolete flags, and
# statuses, and they can also submit a comment that appears in the bug.
# Edit an attachment record. Users with "editbugs" privileges, (or the
# original attachment's submitter) can edit the attachment's description,
# content type, ispatch and isobsolete flags, and statuses, and they can
# also submit a comment that appears in the bug.
# Users cannot edit the content of the attachment itself.
# Retrieve the attachment from the database.
......@@ -61,7 +61,11 @@
<td valign="top">
[% IF attachment.canedit %]
<a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachment.attachid %]&action=edit">Edit</a>
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
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