diff --git a/template/en/default/global/field-descs.none.tmpl b/template/en/default/global/field-descs.none.tmpl
index 7b3014aa2eac61da370d2f302b243fad0fd52b49..08587a4624dc5cc01fe0dea086bd2b76220e5192 100644
--- a/template/en/default/global/field-descs.none.tmpl
+++ b/template/en/default/global/field-descs.none.tmpl
@@ -22,51 +22,68 @@
 [% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
-[% field_descs = { "[Bug creation]"       => "[$terms.Bug creation]",
-                   "actual_time"          => "Actual Hours"
-                   "alias"                => "Alias",
-                   "assigned_to"          => "Assignee",
-                   "blocked"              => "Blocks",
-                   "bug_file_loc"         => "URL",
-                   "bug_group"            => "Group",
-                   "bug_id"               => "$terms.Bug ID",
-                   "bug_severity"         => "Severity",
-                   "bug_status"           => "Status",
-                   "changeddate"          => "Changed",
-                   "cc"                   => "CC",
-                   "classification"       => "Classification",
-                   "cclist_accessible"    => "CC list accessible",
-                   "component_id"         => "Component ID",
-                   "component"            => "Component",
-                   "creation_ts"          => "Creation date",
-                   "deadline"             => "Deadline",
-                   "delta_ts"             => "Changed",
-                   "dependson"            => "Depends on",
-                   "dup_id"               => "Duplicate",
-                   "estimated_time"       => "Orig. Est.",
-                   "everconfirmed"        => "Ever confirmed",
-                   "keywords"             => "Keywords",
-                   "newcc"                => "CC",
-                   "op_sys"               => "OS",
-                   "opendate"             => "Opened",
-                   "percentage_complete"  => "%Complete",
-                   "priority"             => "Priority",
-                   "product_id"           => "Product ID",
-                   "product"              => "Product",
-                   "qa_contact"           => "QA Contact",
-                   "remaining_time"       => "Hours Left",
-                   "rep_platform"         => "Hardware",
-                   "reporter"             => "Reporter",
-                   "reporter_accessible"  => "Reporter accessible",
-                   "resolution"           => "Resolution",
-                   "setting"              => "Setting",
-                   "settings"             => "Settings",
-                   "short_desc"           => "Summary",
-                   "status_whiteboard"    => "Whiteboard",
-                   "target_milestone"     => "Target Milestone",
-                   "version"              => "Version",
-                   "votes"                => "Votes",
-                   "work_time"            => "Hours Worked"} %]
+[% field_descs = { "[Bug creation]"          => "[$terms.Bug creation]",
+                   "actual_time"             => "Actual Hours"
+                   "alias"                   => "Alias",
+                   "assigned_to"             => "Assignee",
+                   "attach_data.thedata"     => "Attachment data",
+                   "attachments.description" => "Attachment description",
+                   "attachments.filename"    => "Attachment filename",
+                   "attachments.mimetype"    => "Attachment mime type",
+                   "attachments.ispatch"     => "Attachment is patch",
+                   "attachments.isobsolete"  => "Attachment is obsolete",
+                   "attachments.isprivate"   => "Attachment is private",
+                   "attachments.isurl"       => "Attachment is a URL",
+                   "attachments.submitter"   => "Attachment creator",
+                   "blocked"                 => "Blocks",
+                   "bug_file_loc"            => "URL",
+                   "bug_group"               => "Group",
+                   "bug_id"                  => "$terms.Bug ID",
+                   "bug_severity"            => "Severity",
+                   "bug_status"              => "Status",
+                   "changeddate"             => "Changed",
+                   "cc"                      => "CC",
+                   "classification"          => "Classification",
+                   "cclist_accessible"       => "CC list accessible",
+                   "commenter"               => "Commenter",
+                   "component_id"            => "Component ID",
+                   "component"               => "Component",
+                   "content"                 => "Content",
+                   "creation_ts"             => "Creation date",
+                   "deadline"                => "Deadline",
+                   "delta_ts"                => "Changed",
+                   "dependson"               => "Depends on",
+                   "dup_id"                  => "Duplicate",
+                   "estimated_time"          => "Orig. Est.",
+                   "everconfirmed"           => "Ever confirmed",
+                   "flagtypes.name"          => "Flag",
+                   "keywords"                => "Keywords",
+                   "longdesc"                => "Comment",
+                   "longdescs.isprivate"     => "Comment is private",
+                   "newcc"                   => "CC",
+                   "op_sys"                  => "OS",
+                   "opendate"                => "Opened",
+                   "owner_idle_time"         => "Time Since Assignee Touched",
+                   "percentage_complete"     => "%Complete",
+                   "priority"                => "Priority",
+                   "product_id"              => "Product ID",
+                   "product"                 => "Product",
+                   "qa_contact"              => "QA Contact",
+                   "remaining_time"          => "Hours Left",
+                   "rep_platform"            => "Hardware",
+                   "reporter"                => "Reporter",
+                   "reporter_accessible"     => "Reporter accessible",
+                   "requestees.login_name"   => "Flag Requestee",
+                   "resolution"              => "Resolution",
+                   "setters.login_name"      => "Flag Setter",
+                   "setting"                 => "Setting",
+                   "settings"                => "Settings",
+                   "short_desc"              => "Summary",
+                   "status_whiteboard"       => "Whiteboard",
+                   "target_milestone"        => "Target Milestone",
+                   "version"                 => "Version",
+                   "votes"                   => "Votes",
+                   "work_time"               => "Hours Worked"} %]
 [%# Also include any custom fields or fields which don't have a
     Description here, by copying their Description from the