Re-fix for bug 29820: remove "Changed" from email subject line. Based on patch…

Re-fix for bug 29820: remove "Changed" from email subject line. Based on patch submitted by Stephan Niemz [faniz] <>, r= jake, cyeh UPGRADE NOTES: when you install this update, you will need to change the subject line in your 'changedmail' and 'newchangedmail' params from the web by running editparams.cgi. The subject line needs to be changed from: Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary% to Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary% Or whatever is appropriate for the subject you are using on your system. Note the removal of the " - " in the middle.
parent 15bbeca6
......@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ separated by a comma (with duplication removed, if they're the same
person). %cc% gets replaced by the list of people on the CC list,
separated by commas. %bugid% gets replaced by the bug number.
%diffs% gets replaced by the diff text from the old version to the new
version of this bug. %neworchanged% is either "New" or "Changed",
depending on whether this mail is reporting a new bug or changes made
version of this bug. %neworchanged% is "New: " if this mail is
reporting a new bug or empty if changes were made
to an existing one. %summary% gets replaced by the summary of this
bug. %<i>anythingelse</i>% gets replaced by the definition of that
parameter (as defined on this page).},
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ parameter (as defined on this page).},
"From: bugzilla-daemon
To: %to%
Cc: %cc%
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary%
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ q{The same as 'changedmail', but used for the newemailtech stuff.},
"From: bugzilla-daemon
To: %to%
Cc: %cc%
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary%
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%
......@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$) {
# since if the bug didn't change, you wouldn't be getting mail
# in the first place! see
# for details.
$substs{"neworchanged"} = $isnew ? "New" : "";
$substs{"neworchanged"} = $isnew ? 'New: ' : '';
$substs{"to"} = $person;
$substs{"cc"} = '';
$substs{"bugid"} = $id;
......@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
$substs{"diffs"} .= $_;
close DIFFS;
$substs{"neworchanged"} = $verb;
$substs{"neworchanged"} = ($verb eq "New") ? "New: " : "";
$substs{"summary"} = $::bug{'short_desc'};
my $msg = PerformSubsts(Param("changedmail"), \%substs);
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