# $group_bit will only have a non-zero value if we're using
# bug groups and have one for this product.
# If $group_bit is 0, it won't match the current group, so compare
# it to the current bit instead of checking for non-zero.
<td colspan=5>
<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\" Commit \" ONCLICK=\"if (this.form.short_desc.value =='') { alert('Please enter a summary sentence for this bug.'); return false; }\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"reset\" VALUE=\"Reset\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=maketemplate VALUE=\"Remember values as bookmarkable template\">
<td colspan=3>
Some fields initialized from your user-agent,
<b>$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}</b>. If you think it got it wrong,
please tell ".Param('maintainer')." what it should have been.