Commit b6d1cc32 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 595410: Make it faster to display a bug that has a lot of dependencies.

r=LpSolit, a=LpSolit
parent a1fa8d5f
......@@ -472,6 +472,26 @@ sub match {
return $class->SUPER::match(@_);
# Helps load up information for bugs for show_bug.cgi and other situations
# that will need to access info on lots of bugs.
sub preload {
my ($class, $bugs) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# It would be faster but MUCH more complicated to select all the
# deps for the entire list in one SQL statement. If we ever have
# a profile that proves that that's necessary, we can switch over
# to the more complex method.
my @all_dep_ids;
foreach my $bug (@$bugs) {
push(@all_dep_ids, @{ $bug->blocked }, @{ $bug->dependson });
@all_dep_ids = uniq @all_dep_ids;
# If we don't do this, can_see_bug will do one call per bug in
# the dependency lists, during get_bug_link in Bugzilla::Template.
sub possible_duplicates {
my ($class, $params) = @_;
my $short_desc = $params->{summary};
......@@ -2302,6 +2322,8 @@ sub set_dependencies {
detaint_natural($_) foreach (@$dependson, @$blocked);
$self->{'dependson'} = $dependson;
$self->{'blocked'} = $blocked;
delete $self->{depends_on_obj};
delete $self->{blocks_obj};
sub _clear_dup_id { $_[0]->{dup_id} = undef; }
sub set_dup_id {
......@@ -3003,6 +3025,12 @@ sub blocked {
return $self->{'blocked'};
sub blocks_obj {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{blocks_obj} ||= $self->_bugs_in_order($self->blocked);
return $self->{blocks_obj};
sub bug_group {
my ($self) = @_;
return join(', ', (map { $_->name } @{$self->groups_in}));
......@@ -3096,6 +3124,12 @@ sub dependson {
return $self->{'dependson'};
sub depends_on_obj {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{depends_on_obj} ||= $self->_bugs_in_order($self->dependson);
return $self->{depends_on_obj};
sub flag_types {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'flag_types'} if exists $self->{'flag_types'};
......@@ -3496,6 +3530,15 @@ sub EmitDependList {
return $list_ref;
# Creates a lot of bug objects in the same order as the input array.
sub _bugs_in_order {
my ($self, $bug_ids) = @_;
my $bugs = $self->new_from_list($bug_ids);
my %bug_map = map { $_->id => $_ } @$bugs;
my @result = map { $bug_map{$_} } @$bug_ids;
return \@result;
# Get the activity of a bug, starting from $starttime (if given).
# This routine assumes Bugzilla::Bug->check has been previously called.
sub GetBugActivity {
......@@ -317,51 +317,19 @@ sub get_attachment_link {
sub get_bug_link {
my ($bug, $link_text, $options) = @_;
$options ||= {};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
if (!$bug) {
return html_quote('<missing bug number>');
if (defined $bug) {
$bug = blessed($bug) ? $bug : new Bugzilla::Bug($bug);
return $link_text if $bug->{error};
# Initialize these variables to be "" so that we don't get warnings
# if we don't change them below (which is highly likely).
my ($pre, $title, $post) = ("", "", "");
my @css_classes = ("bz_bug_link");
$title = get_text('get_status', { status => $bug->bug_status });
push @css_classes, "bz_status_" . css_class_quote($bug->bug_status);
if ($bug->resolution) {
push @css_classes, "bz_closed";
$title .= ' ' . get_text('get_resolution',
{ resolution => $bug->resolution });
if (Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($bug)) {
$title .= " - " . $bug->short_desc;
if ($options->{use_alias} && $link_text =~ /^\d+$/ && $bug->alias) {
$link_text = $bug->alias;
# Prevent code injection in the title.
$title = html_quote(clean_text($title));
my $linkval = "show_bug.cgi?id=" . $bug->id;
if ($options->{full_url}) {
$linkval = correct_urlbase() . $linkval;
if (defined $options->{comment_num}) {
$linkval .= "#c" . $options->{comment_num};
$pre = '<span class="' . join(" ", @css_classes) . '">';
$post = '</span>';
return qq{$pre<a href="$linkval" title="$title">$link_text</a>$post};
my $template = Bugzilla->template_inner;
my $linkified;
{ bug => $bug, link_text => $link_text, %$options }, \$linkified);
return $linkified;
# We use this instead of format because format doesn't deal well with
......@@ -948,6 +916,9 @@ sub create {
# it only once per-language no matter how many times
# $template->process() is called.
'field_descs' => sub { return template_var('field_descs') },
# This way we don't have to load field-descs.none.tmpl in
# many templates.
'display_value' => \&Bugzilla::Util::display_value,
'install_string' => \&Bugzilla::Install::Util::install_string,
......@@ -639,6 +639,15 @@ sub template_var {
return $vars{$name};
sub display_value {
my ($field, $value) = @_;
my $value_descs = template_var('value_descs');
if (defined $value_descs->{$field}->{$value}) {
return $value_descs->{$field}->{$value};
return $value;
sub disable_utf8 {
if (Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) {
binmode STDOUT, ':bytes'; # Turn off UTF8 encoding.
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if (!$cgi->param('id') && $single) {
my $format = $template->get_format("bug/show", scalar $cgi->param('format'),
scalar $cgi->param('ctype'));
my @bugs = ();
my @bugs;
my %marks;
# If the user isn't logged in, we use data from the shadow DB. If he plans
......@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ if ($single) {
$vars->{'bugs'} = \@bugs;
$vars->{'marks'} = \%marks;
......@@ -620,13 +620,13 @@
[% BLOCK section_dependson_blocks %]
[% PROCESS dependencies
dep = { title => "Depends&nbsp;on", fieldname => "dependson" } %]
[% INCLUDE dependencies
field = bug_fields.dependson deps = bug.depends_on_obj %]
[% PROCESS dependencies accesskey = "b"
dep = { title => "<u>B</u>locks", fieldname => "blocked" } %]
[% INCLUDE dependencies
field = bug_fields.blocked deps = bug.blocks_obj %]
......@@ -936,38 +936,36 @@
[% BLOCK dependencies %]
<th class="field_label">
<label for="[% dep.fieldname %]"[% " accesskey=\"$accesskey\"" IF accesskey %]>
[% dep.title %]</label>:
[% INCLUDE "bug/field-label.html.tmpl" %]
<span id="[% dep.fieldname %]_input_area">
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field(dep.fieldname, 0, 1) %]
<input name="[% dep.fieldname %]" id="[% dep.fieldname %]"
value="[% bug.${dep.fieldname}.join(', ') %]">
<span id="[% FILTER html %]_input_area">
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field(, 0, 1) %]
<input name="[% FILTER html %]"
id="[% FILTER html %]" class="text_input"
value="[% bug.${}.join(', ') FILTER html %]">
[% END %]
[% FOREACH depbug = bug.${dep.fieldname} %]
[% depbug FILTER bug_link(depbug, use_alias => 1) FILTER none %][% " " %]
[% FOREACH dep_bug = deps %]
[% FILTER bug_link(dep_bug, use_alias => 1)
FILTER none %][% " " %]
[% END %]
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field(dep.fieldname, 0, 1) %]
<span id="[% dep.fieldname %]_edit_container" class="edit_me bz_default_hidden" >
(<a href="#" id="[% dep.fieldname %]_edit_action">edit</a>)
[% IF bug.check_can_change_field(, 0, 1) %]
<span id="[% FILTER html %]_edit_container"
class="edit_me bz_default_hidden">
(<a href="#" id="[% FILTER html %]_edit_action">edit</a>)
<script type="text/javascript">
hideEditableField('[% dep.fieldname %]_edit_container',
'[% dep.fieldname %]_input_area',
'[% dep.fieldname %]_edit_action',
'[% dep.fieldname %]',
"[% bug.${dep.fieldname}.join(', ') %]");
hideEditableField('[% FILTER js %]_edit_container',
'[% FILTER js %]_input_area',
'[% FILTER js %]_edit_action',
'[% FILTER js %]',
'[% bug.${}.join(', ') FILTER js %]');
[% END %]
[% accesskey = undef %]
[% END %]
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Everything Solved, Inc.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 the
# Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# bug: a Bugzilla::Bug object
# link_text: the text that we're highlighting.
# use_alias: boolean; If true, we display the bug's alias as the link
# text instead of link_text.
# comment_num: If defined, make this a link to that comment on the bug.
# full_url: boolean; If true, generate links that include the full
# urlbase. (This is for emails, mostly.)
[% IF !bug %]
[% RETURN %]
[% END %]
[%# We use "FILTER none" here because link_title is filtered down below. %]
[% link_title = BLOCK %]
[% display_value('bug_status', bug.bug_status) FILTER none %]
[%+ display_value('resolution', bug.resolution) FILTER none %]
[% END %]
[% IF user.can_see_bug(bug) %]
[% link_title = link_title _ ' - ' _ bug.short_desc %]
[% IF use_alias && bug.alias %]
[% link_text = bug.alias %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% SET anchor = '' %]
[% IF comment_num.defined %]
[% anchor = "#c$comment_num" %]
[% END %]
<a class="bz_bug_link
bz_status_[% bug.bug_status FILTER css_class_quote %]
[% ' bz_closed' IF !bug.isopened %]"
title="[% link_title FILTER collapse FILTER html %]"
href="[% urlbase FILTER html IF full_url %]show_bug.cgi?id=
[%~ FILTER uri %][% anchor FILTER html %]">
[%~ link_text FILTER html %]</a>
......@@ -258,11 +258,7 @@
'bug.${dep.fieldname}.join(\', \')',
'" accesskey=\"$accesskey\"" IF accesskey',
'" colspan=\"$colspan\"" IF colspan',
'" size=\"$size\"" IF size',
......@@ -61,11 +61,13 @@
${constants.FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID} => "$terms.Bug ID",
} %]
[%# You can use this hash to localize (translate) the values displayed
[% IF in_template_var %]
[%# You can use this hash to localize (translate) the values displayed
# for drop-down and multiple-select fields. Lines starting with "#"
# are comments.
[% value_descs = {
[% value_descs = {
"bug_status" => {
......@@ -76,20 +78,8 @@
} %]
[%# We use "FILTER none" here because only the caller can know how to
# filter the result appropriately.
[% MACRO display_value(field_name, value_name) BLOCK %][% FILTER trim %]
[% IF value_descs.${field_name}.${value_name}.defined %]
[% value_descs.${field_name}.${value_name} FILTER none %]
[% ELSE %]
[% value_name FILTER none %]
[% END %]
[% END %][% END %]
} %]
[% IF in_template_var %]
[% vars.terms = terms %]
[%# field_descs is loaded as a global template variable and cached
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