Commit c409d069 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 95747 - CC List validation (for additions) wasn't happening until…

Fix for bug 95747 - CC List validation (for additions) wasn't happening until after the bug's changes were in the process of being commited. This caused problems if a typo was made in the e-mail address. r=
parent 9839ebfe
......@@ -556,9 +556,50 @@ if ( $::FORM{'id'} ) {
my $removedCcString = "";
my $duplicate = 0;
# We need to check the addresses involved in a CC change before we touch any bugs.
# What we'll do here is formulate the CC data into two hashes of ID's involved
# in this CC change. Then those hashes can be used later on for the actual change.
my (%cc_add, %cc_remove);
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# If masscc is defined, then we came from buglist and need to either add or
# remove cc's... otherwise, we came from bugform and may need to do both.
my ($cc_add, $cc_remove) = "";
if (defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
if ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'add') {
$cc_add = $::FORM{masscc};
} elsif ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'remove') {
$cc_remove = $::FORM{masscc};
} else {
$cc_add = $::FORM{newcc};
# We came from bug_form which uses a select box to determine what cc's
# need to be removed...
if (defined $::FORM{removecc}) {
$cc_remove = join (",", @{$::MFORM{cc}});
if ($cc_add) {
foreach my $person (split(/[ ,]/, $cc_add)) {
# Ignore blanks
next unless $person;
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_add{$pid} = $person;
if ($cc_remove) {
foreach my $person (split(/[ ,]/, $cc_remove)) {
# Ignore blanks
next unless $person;
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_remove{$pid} = $person;
if ( Param('strictvaluechecks') ) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'knob');
......@@ -980,6 +1021,7 @@ The changes made were:
AppendComment($id, $::FORM{'who'}, $::FORM{'comment'});
my $removedCcString = "";
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# Get the current CC list for this bug
my %oncc;
......@@ -988,49 +1030,26 @@ The changes made were:
$oncc{FetchOneColumn()} = 1;
# If masscc is defined, then we came from buglist and need to either add or
# remove cc's... otherwise, we came from bugform and may need to do both.
my ($cc_add, $cc_remove) = "";
if (defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
if ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'add') {
$cc_add = $::FORM{masscc};
} elsif ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'remove') {
$cc_remove = $::FORM{masscc};
} else {
$cc_add = $::FORM{newcc};
# We came from bug_form which uses a select box to determine what cc's
# need to be removed...
if (defined $::FORM{removecc}) {
$cc_remove = join (",", @{$::MFORM{cc}});
my (@added, @removed) = ();
if ($cc_add) {
my @new = split(/[ ,]/, $cc_add);
foreach my $person (@new) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_add) {
# If this person isn't already on the cc list, add them
if (! $oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES ($id, $pid)");
push (@added, $person);
push (@added, $cc_add{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 1;
if ($cc_remove) {
my @old = split (/[ ,]/, $cc_remove);
foreach my $person (@old) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_remove) {
# If the person is on the cc list, remove them
if ($oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id AND who = $pid");
push (@removed, $person);
push (@removed, $cc_remove{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 0;
# Save off the removedCcString so it can be fed to processmail
$removedCcString = join (",", @removed);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar(@removed) || scalar(@added)) {
my $col = GetFieldID('cc');
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