Commit cc69d134 authored by's avatar

Bug 348057: Move the checks for bug visibility out of Bugzilla::Bug->new

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=myk
parent b7358c82
......@@ -65,36 +65,18 @@ use constant MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH => 65535;
# create a new empty bug
sub new {
my $type = shift();
my %bug;
# create a ref to an empty hash and bless it
my $self = {%bug};
bless $self, $type;
# construct from a hash containing a bug's info
if ($#_ == 1) {
} else {
confess("invalid number of arguments \($#_\)($_)");
# bless as a Bug
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# dump info about bug into hash unless user doesn't have permission
# user_id 0 is used when person is not logged in.
sub initBug {
sub _init {
my $self = shift();
my ($bug_id, $user_id) = (@_);
my ($bug_id) = (@_);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$bug_id = trim($bug_id || 0);
......@@ -104,18 +86,6 @@ sub initBug {
# If the bug ID isn't numeric, it might be an alias, so try to convert it.
$bug_id = bug_alias_to_id($bug_id) if $bug_id !~ /^0*[1-9][0-9]*$/;
# If the user is not logged in, sets $user_id to 0.
# Else gets $user_id from the user login name if this
# argument is not numeric.
my $stored_user_id = $user_id;
if (!defined $user_id) {
$user_id = 0;
} elsif (!detaint_natural($user_id)) {
$user_id = login_to_id($stored_user_id);
$self->{'who'} = new Bugzilla::User($user_id);
unless ($bug_id && detaint_natural($bug_id)) {
# no bug number given or the alias didn't match a bug
$self->{'bug_id'} = $old_bug_id;
......@@ -166,8 +136,7 @@ sub initBug {
my @row;
if ((@row = $bug_sth->fetchrow_array())
&& $self->{'who'}->can_see_bug($bug_id)) {
if (@row = $bug_sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $count = 0;
my %fields;
foreach my $field ("bug_id", "alias", "classification_id", "classification",
......@@ -188,10 +157,6 @@ sub initBug {
} elsif (@row) {
$self->{'bug_id'} = $bug_id;
$self->{'error'} = "NotPermitted";
return $self;
} else {
$self->{'bug_id'} = $bug_id;
$self->{'error'} = "NotFound";
......@@ -1186,7 +1151,7 @@ sub CheckIfVotedConfirmed {
sub check_can_change_field {
my $self = shift;
my ($field, $oldvalue, $newvalue, $PrivilegesRequired, $data) = (@_);
my $user = $self->{'who'};
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
$oldvalue = defined($oldvalue) ? $oldvalue : '';
$newvalue = defined($newvalue) ? $newvalue : '';
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ sub insert
ValidateComment(scalar $cgi->param('comment'));
my ($timestamp) = Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT NOW()");
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bugid, $user->id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bugid);
my $attachid =
Bugzilla::Attachment->insert_attachment_for_bug(THROW_ERROR, $bug, $user,
$timestamp, \$vars);
......@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ sub update
Bugzilla::Flag::validate($cgi, $bugid, $attach_id);
Bugzilla::FlagType::validate($cgi, $bugid, $attach_id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bugid, $userid);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bugid);
# Lock database tables in preparation for updating the attachment.
$dbh->bz_lock_tables('attachments WRITE', 'flags WRITE' ,
'flagtypes READ', 'fielddefs READ', 'bugs_activity WRITE',
......@@ -252,7 +252,9 @@ if ($action eq 'delete') {
if ($component->bug_count) {
if (Bugzilla->params->{"allowbugdeletion"}) {
foreach my $bug_id (@{$component->bug_ids}) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id, $whoid);
# Note: We allow admins to delete bugs even if they can't
# see them, as long as they can see the product.
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
} else {
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ sub update {
undef, $id);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my ($flag_id, $bug_id, $attach_id) = @$flag;
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id, $user->id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
my $attachment = $attach_id ? Bugzilla::Attachment->get($attach_id) : undef;
Bugzilla::Flag::clear($flag_id, $bug, $attachment);
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ sub update {
undef, $id);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
my ($flag_id, $bug_id, $attach_id) = @$flag;
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id, $user->id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
my $attachment = $attach_id ? Bugzilla::Attachment->get($attach_id) : undef;
Bugzilla::Flag::clear($flag_id, $bug, $attachment);
......@@ -373,7 +373,9 @@ if ($action eq 'delete') {
if ($product->bug_count) {
if (Bugzilla->params->{"allowbugdeletion"}) {
foreach my $bug_id (@{$product->bug_ids}) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id, $whoid);
# Note that we allow the user to delete bugs he can't see,
# which is okay, because he's deleting the whole Product.
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ $cloned_bug_id = $cgi->param('cloned_bug_id');
if ($cloned_bug_id) {
$cloned_bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($cloned_bug_id, $user->id);
$cloned_bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($cloned_bug_id);
if (scalar(@{$product->components}) == 1) {
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ sub flag_handler {
} );
else {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug( $bugid, $exporterid );
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bugid);
$flag_types = $bug->flag_types;
unless ($flag_types){
......@@ -537,7 +537,10 @@ $dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET creation_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?",
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $user->id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
# We don't have to check if the user can see the bug, because a user filing
# a bug can always see it. You can't change reporter_accessible until
# after the bug is filed.
# Add an attachment if requested.
if (defined($cgi->upload('data')) || $cgi->param('attachurl')) {
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ scalar(@idlist) || ThrowUserError("no_bugs_chosen");
# Build a bug object using $cgi->param('id') as ID.
# If there are more than one bug changed at once, the bug object will be
# empty, which doesn't matter.
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug(scalar $cgi->param('id'), $whoid);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug(scalar $cgi->param('id'));
# Make sure form param 'dontchange' is defined so it can be compared to easily.
$cgi->param('dontchange','') unless defined $cgi->param('dontchange');
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ foreach my $field ("dependson", "blocked") {
# throw an error if any of the changed bugs are not visible.
if (Bugzilla->params->{"strict_isolation"}) {
my $deltabug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $user->id);
my $deltabug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
if (!$user->can_edit_product($deltabug->{'product_id'})) {
$vars->{'field'} = $field;
ThrowUserError("illegal_change_deps", $vars);
......@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ if ($action eq Bugzilla->params->{'move-button-text'}) {
my @bugs;
# First update all moved bugs.
foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $whoid);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
push(@bugs, $bug);
$sth->execute($timestamp, $id);
......@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@ if ($prod_changed && Bugzilla->params->{"strict_isolation"}) {
foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my $query = $basequery;
my @bug_values = @values;
my $old_bug_obj = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $whoid);
my $old_bug_obj = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
if ($cgi->param('knob') eq 'reassignbycomponent') {
# We have to check whether the bug is moved to another product
......@@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ foreach my $id (@idlist) {
# and then generate any necessary bug activity entries by seeing
# what has changed since before we wrote out the new values.
my $new_bug_obj = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $whoid);
my $new_bug_obj = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
my @newvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
my %newhash;
$i = 0;
......@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ if ($action eq 'next_bug') {
if ($next_bug) {
if (detaint_natural($next_bug) && Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($next_bug)) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($next_bug, $whoid);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($next_bug);
ThrowCodeError("bug_error", { bug => $bug }) if $bug->error;
$vars->{'bugs'} = [$bug];
......@@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ if ($action eq 'next_bug') {
} elsif ($action eq 'same_bug') {
if (Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($cgi->param('id'))) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($cgi->param('id'), $whoid);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($cgi->param('id'));
ThrowCodeError("bug_error", { bug => $bug }) if $bug->error;
$vars->{'bugs'} = [$bug];
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
my $vars = {};
my $user = Bugzilla->login();
# Editable, 'single' HTML bugs are treated slightly specially in a few places
my $single = !$cgi->param('format')
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if ($single) {
# Its a bit silly to do the validation twice - that functionality should
# probably move into at some point
push @bugs, new Bugzilla::Bug($id, Bugzilla->user->id);
push @bugs, new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
if (defined $cgi->param('mark')) {
foreach my $range (split ',', $cgi->param('mark')) {
if ($range =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
......@@ -77,7 +77,13 @@ if ($single) {
# Be kind enough and accept URLs of the form: id=1,2,3.
my @ids = split(/,/, $id);
foreach (@ids) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($_, Bugzilla->user->id);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($_);
# This is basically a backwards-compatibility hack from when
# Bugzilla::Bug->new used to set 'NotPermitted' if you couldn't
# see the bug.
if (!$bug->{error} && !$user->can_see_bug($bug->bug_id)) {
$bug->{error} = 'NotPermitted';
push(@bugs, $bug);
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db();
# bug that the user is authorized to access.
my $id = $cgi->param('id');
my $current_bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id, $user->id);
my $current_bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($id);
my $hide_resolved = $cgi->param('hide_resolved') ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ sub GenerateTree {
# its sub-tree if we haven't already done so (which happens
# when bugs appear in dependency trees multiple times).
if (!$bugs->{$dep_id}) {
$bugs->{$dep_id} = new Bugzilla::Bug($dep_id, $user->id);
$bugs->{$dep_id} = new Bugzilla::Bug($dep_id);
GenerateTree($dep_id, $relationship, $depth+1, $bugs, $ids);
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ sub GenerateTree {
# wants the tree to go, and if the dependency isn't resolved
# (if we're ignoring resolved dependencies).
if (!$bugs->{$dep_id}->{'error'}
&& Bugzilla->user->can_see_bug($dep_id)
&& (!$maxdepth || $depth <= $maxdepth)
&& ($bugs->{$dep_id}->{'isopened'} || !$hide_resolved))
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
[% terms.Bug %]
<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=[% bug.bug_id %]">[% bug.bug_id %]</a>
[% IF Param("usebugaliases") AND bug.alias %]
[% IF Param("usebugaliases") AND bug.alias AND NOT bug.error %]
([% bug.alias FILTER html %])
[% END %]
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ sub record_votes {
my %products;
# XXX - We really need a $bug->product() method.
foreach my $bug_id (@buglist) {
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id, $who);
my $bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($bug_id);
my $prod = $bug->{'product'};
$products{$prod} ||= new Bugzilla::Product({name => $prod});
$prodcount{$prod} ||= 0;
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