Commit faf2e2dc authored by's avatar

Bug 199635 - templatise duplicates.cgi. Patch by gerv, r=myk, bbaetz.

parent 02ab1dd9
...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
use diagnostics; use diagnostics;
use strict; use strict;
use CGI "param";
use AnyDBM_File; use AnyDBM_File;
use lib qw(.); use lib qw(.);
...@@ -33,260 +33,156 @@ use lib qw(.); ...@@ -33,260 +33,156 @@ use lib qw(.);
require ""; require "";
require ""; require "";
# Use global templatisation variables.
use vars qw($template $vars);
ConnectToDatabase(1); ConnectToDatabase(1);
GetVersionTable(); GetVersionTable();
quietly_check_login(); quietly_check_login();
# Silly used-once warnings use vars qw (%FORM $userid $usergroupset @legal_product);
$::userid = $::userid;
$::usergroupset = $::usergroupset;
my %dbmcount; my %dbmcount;
my %count; my %count;
my $dobefore = 0;
my $before = "";
my %before; my %before;
# Get params from URL # Get params from URL
sub formvalue {
my $changedsince = 7; # default one week my ($name, $default) = (@_);
my $maxrows = 100; # arbitrary limit on max number of rows return $FORM{$name} || $default || "";
my $sortby = "dup_count"; # default to sorting by dup count
if (defined(param("sortby")))
$sortby = param("sortby");
# Check for changedsince param, and see if it's a positive integer
if (defined(param("changedsince")) && param("changedsince") =~ /^\d{1,4}$/)
$changedsince = param("changedsince");
} }
# check for max rows param, and see if it's a positive integer my $sortby = formvalue("sortby");
if (defined(param("maxrows")) && param("maxrows") =~ /^\d{1,4}$/) my $changedsince = formvalue("changedsince", 7);
{ my $maxrows = formvalue("maxrows", 100);
$maxrows = param("maxrows"); my $openonly = formvalue("openonly");
} my $reverse = formvalue("reverse");
my $product = formvalue("product");
my $sortvisible = formvalue("sortvisible");
my @buglist = (split(/[:,]/, formvalue("bug_id")));
# Start the page # Small backwards-compatibility hack, dated 2002-04-10.
print "Content-type: text/html\n"; $sortby = "count" if $sortby eq "dup_count";
print "\n";
PutHeader("Most Frequently Reported Bugs");
# Open today's record of dupes # Open today's record of dupes
my $today = &days_ago(0); my $today = days_ago(0);
my $yesterday = days_ago(1);
if (<data/duplicates/dupes$today*>) if (<data/duplicates/dupes$today*>) {
{ dbmopen(%dbmcount, "data/duplicates/dupes$today", 0644)
dbmopen(%dbmcount, "data/duplicates/dupes$today", 0644) || || DisplayError("Can't open today ($today)'s dupes file: $!")
&die_politely("Can't open today's dupes file: $!"); && exit;
elsif (<data/duplicates/dupes$yesterday*>) {
dbmopen(%dbmcount, "data/duplicates/dupes$yesterday", 0644)
|| DisplayError("Can't open yesterday ($yesterday)'s dupes file: $!")
&& exit;
} }
else else {
{ DisplayError("There are no duplicate statistics for today ($today) or
# Try yesterday's, then (in case today's hasn't been created yet) yesterday.");
$today = &days_ago(1); exit;
if (<data/duplicates/dupes$today*>)
dbmopen(%dbmcount, "data/duplicates/dupes$today", 0644) ||
&die_politely("Can't open yesterday's dupes file: $!");
&die_politely("There are no duplicate statistics for today ($today) or yesterday.");
} }
# Copy hash (so we don't mess up the on-disk file when we remove entries) # Copy hash (so we don't mess up the on-disk file when we remove entries)
%count = %dbmcount; %count = %dbmcount;
my $key;
my $value; # Remove all those dupes under the threshold parameter.
# We do this, before the sorting, for performance reasons.
my $threshold = Param("mostfreqthreshold"); my $threshold = Param("mostfreqthreshold");
# Remove all those dupes under the threshold (for performance reasons) while (my ($key, $value) = each %count) {
while (($key, $value) = each %count) delete $count{$key} if ($value < $threshold);
if ($value < $threshold)
delete $count{$key};
} }
# Try and open the database from "changedsince" days ago # Try and open the database from "changedsince" days ago
$before = &days_ago($changedsince); my $dobefore = 0;
if (<data/duplicates/dupes$before*>)
dbmopen(%before, "data/duplicates/dupes$before", 0644) && ($dobefore = 1);
print Param("mostfreqhtml");
my %delta; my %delta;
my $whenever = days_ago($changedsince);
if ($dobefore)
{ if (<data/duplicates/dupes$whenever*>) {
# Calculate the deltas if we are doing a "before" dbmopen(%before, "data/duplicates/dupes$whenever", 0644)
foreach (keys(%count)) || DisplayError("Can't open $changedsince days ago ($whenever)'s " .
{ "dupes file: $!");
$delta{$_} = $count{$_} - $before{$_};
} # Calculate the deltas
} ($delta{$_} = $count{$_} - $before{$_}) foreach (keys(%count));
# Sort, if required $dobefore = 1;
my @sortedcount; }
if ($sortby eq "delta") # Don't add CLOSED, and don't add VERIFIED unless they are INVALID or
{ # WONTFIX. We want to see VERIFIED INVALID and WONTFIX because common
@sortedcount = sort by_delta keys(%count); # "bugs" which aren't bugs end up in this state.
} my $generic_query = "
elsif ($sortby eq "bug_no") SELECT component, bug_severity, op_sys, target_milestone,
{ short_desc, bug_status, resolution
@sortedcount = reverse sort by_bug_no keys(%count); FROM bugs
} WHERE (bug_status != 'CLOSED')
elsif ($sortby eq "dup_count") AND ((bug_status = 'VERIFIED' AND resolution IN ('INVALID', 'WONTFIX'))
{ OR (bug_status != 'VERIFIED'))
@sortedcount = sort by_dup_count keys(%count); AND ";
# Limit to a single product if requested
my $i = 0; $generic_query .= (" product = " . SqlQuote($product) . " AND ") if $product;
# Produce a string of bug numbers for a Bugzilla buglist. my @bugs;
my $commabugs = ""; my @bug_ids;
foreach (@sortedcount) my $loop = 0;
last if ($i == $maxrows); foreach my $id (keys(%count)) {
# Maximum row count is dealt with in the template.
$commabugs .= ($_ . ","); # If there's a buglist, restrict the bugs to that list.
$i++; next if $sortvisible && $buglist[0] && (lsearch(\@buglist, $id) == -1);
SendSQL(SelectVisible("$generic_query bugs.bug_id = $id",
# Avoid having a comma at the end - Bad Things happen. $userid,
chop $commabugs; $usergroupset));
print qq| next unless MoreSQLData();
my ($component, $bug_severity, $op_sys, $target_milestone,
<form method="POST" action="buglist.cgi"> $short_desc, $bug_status, $resolution) = FetchSQLData();
<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="$commabugs">
<input type="hidden" name="order" value="Reuse same sort as last time"> # Limit to open bugs only if requested
Give this to me as a <input type="submit" value="Bug List">. (Note: the order may not be the same.) next if $openonly && ($resolution ne "");
push (@bugs, { id => $id,
<table BORDER> count => $count{$id},
<tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> delta => $delta{$id},
component => $component,
<td><center><b> bug_severity => $bug_severity,
<a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=bug_no&maxrows=$maxrows&changedsince=$changedsince">Bug #</a> op_sys => $op_sys,
</b></center></td> target_milestone => $target_milestone,
<td><center><b> short_desc => $short_desc,
<a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=dup_count&maxrows=$maxrows&changedsince=$changedsince">Dupe<br>Count</a> bug_status => $bug_status,
</b></center></td>\n|; resolution => $resolution });
push (@bug_ids, $id);
if ($dobefore) $loop++;
{ }
print "<td><center><b>
<a href=\"duplicates.cgi?sortby=delta&maxrows=$maxrows&changedsince=$changedsince\">Change in $vars->{'bugs'} = \@bugs;
last<br>$changedsince day(s)</a></b></center></td>"; $vars->{'bug_ids'} = \@bug_ids;
$vars->{'dobefore'} = $dobefore;
print " $vars->{'sortby'} = $sortby;
<td><center><b>Component</b></center></td> $vars->{'sortvisible'} = $sortvisible;
<td><center><b>Severity</b></center></td> $vars->{'changedsince'} = $changedsince;
<td><center><b>Op Sys</b></center></td> $vars->{'maxrows'} = $maxrows;
<td><center><b>Target<br>Milestone</b></center></td> $vars->{'openonly'} = $openonly;
<td><center><b>Summary</b></center></td> $vars->{'reverse'} = $reverse;
</tr>\n\n"; $vars->{'product'} = $product;
$vars->{'products'} = \@::legal_product;
$i = 0;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
foreach (@sortedcount)
{ # Generate and return the UI (HTML page) from the appropriate template.
my $id = $_; $template->process("report/duplicates.html.tmpl", $vars)
SendSQL(SelectVisible("SELECT component, bug_severity, op_sys, target_milestone, short_desc, bug_status, resolution" . || DisplayError("Template process failed: " . $template->error())
" FROM bugs WHERE bugs.bug_id = $id", $::userid, $::usergroupset)); && exit;
next unless MoreSQLData();
my ($component, $severity, $op_sys, $milestone, $summary, $bug_status, $resolution) = FetchSQLData();
$summary = html_quote($summary); sub days_ago {
my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time - ($_[0]*24*60*60)))[3, 4, 5];
# Show all bugs except those CLOSED _OR_ VERIFIED but not INVALID or WONTFIX. return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom;
# We want to see VERIFIED INVALID and WONTFIX because common "bugs" which aren't
# bugs end up in this state.
unless ( ($bug_status eq "CLOSED") || ( ($bug_status eq "VERIFIED") &&
! ( ($resolution eq "INVALID") || ($resolution eq "WONTFIX") ) ) ) {
print "<tr>";
print '<td><center>';
if ( ($bug_status eq "RESOLVED") || ($bug_status eq "VERIFIED") ) {
print "<strike>";
print "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=" . $id . "\">";
print $id . "</A>";
if ( ($bug_status eq "RESOLVED") || ($bug_status eq "VERIFIED") ) {
print "</strike>";
print "</center></td>";
print "<td><center>$count{$id}</center></td>";
if ($dobefore)
print "<td><center>$delta{$id}</center></td>";
print "<td>$component</td>\n ";
print "<td><center>$severity</center></td>";
print "<td><center>$op_sys</center></td>";
print "<td><center>$milestone</center></td>";
print "<td>$summary</td>";
print "</tr>\n";
if ($i == $maxrows)
print "</table><br><br>";
sub by_bug_no
return ($a <=> $b);
sub by_dup_count
return -($count{$a} <=> $count{$b});
sub by_delta
return -($delta{$a} <=> $delta{$b});
sub days_ago
my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time - ($_[0]*24*60*60)))[3, 4, 5];
return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom;
sub die_politely {
my $msg = shift;
print <<FIN;
<table border=1 cellpadding=10>
<td align=center>
<font color=blue>$msg</font>
} }
[%# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <>
# bugs: list of hashes. May be empty. Each hash has nine members:
# id: integer. The bug number
# count: integer. The number of dupes
# delta: integer. The change in count in the last $changedsince days
# component: string. The bug's component
# bug_severity: string. The bug's severity.
# op_sys: string. The bug's reported OS.
# target_milestone: string. The bug's TM.
# short_desc: string. The bug's summary.
# bug_status: string. The bug's status.
# bug_ids: list of integers. May be empty. The IDs of the bugs in $bugs.
# products: list of strings. The products this user can see.
# sortby: string. the column on which we are sorting the buglist.
# reverse: boolean. True if we are reversing the current sort.
# maxrows: integer. Max number of rows to display.
# changedsince: integer. The number of days ago for the changedsince column.
# openonly: boolean. True if we are only showing open bugs.
# product: string. Restrict to this product only.
[% IF product %]
[% title = "Most Frequently Reported Bugs for $product" %]
[% ELSE %]
[% title = "Most Frequently Reported Bugs" %]
[% END%]
[% INCLUDE global/header %]
<a href="#explanation">What is this data?</a>
<a href="#params">Change parameters</a>
[%# *** Column Headers *** %]
<table border>
[% FOREACH column = [ { name => "id", description => "Bug #" },
{ name => "count", description => "Dupe<br>Count" },
{ name => "delta",
description => "Change in last<br>$changedsince day(s)" },
{ name => "component", description => "Component" },
{ name => "bug_severity", description => "Severity" },
{ name => "op_sys", description => "Op Sys" },
{ name => "target_milestone",
description => "Target<br>Milestone" },
{ name => "short_desc", description => "Summary" } ]
[%# Small hack to keep delta column out if we don't need it %]
[% NEXT IF == "delta" AND NOT dobefore %]
[% bug_ids_string = bug_ids.join(',') %]
<a href="duplicates.cgi?sortby=[% %]
[% "&reverse=1" IF NOT reverse AND sortby == %]
[% "&maxrows=$maxrows" IF maxrows %]
[% "&changedsince=$changedsince" IF changedsince %]
[% "&openonly=1" IF openonly %]
[% "&product=$product" IF product %]
[% "&bug_id=$bug_ids_string&sortvisible=1" IF sortvisible %]">
[% column.description %]</a>
[% END %]
[% IF NOT sortby %]
[% sortby = "count"; reverse = "1" %]
[% END %]
[% IF sortby == "id" OR sortby == "count" OR sortby == "delta" %]
[%# Numeric sort %]
[% sortedbugs = bugs.nsort(sortby) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% sortedbugs = bugs.sort(sortby) %]
[% END %]
[% IF reverse %]
[% bugs = sortedbugs.reverse %]
[% ELSE %]
[% bugs = sortedbugs %]
[% END %]
[%# *** Buglist *** %]
[%# We need to keep track of the bug IDs we are actually displaying, because
# if the user decides to sort the visible list, we need to know what that
# list actually is. %]
[% vis_bug_ids = [] %]
[% FOREACH bug = bugs %]
[% LAST IF loop.index() >= maxrows %]
[% vis_bug_ids.push( %]
[% "<strike>" IF bug.resolution != "" %]
<A HREF="show_bug.cgi?id=[% %]">[% %]</a>
[% "</strike>" IF bug.resolution != "" %]
[% bug.count %]
[% IF dobefore %]
<td><center>[% %]</center></td>
[% END %]
<td>[% bug.component %]</td>
<td><center>[% bug.bug_severity %]</center></td>
<td><center>[% bug.op_sys %]</center></td>
<td><center>[% bug.target_milestone %]</center></td>
<td>[% bug.short_desc FILTER html %]</td>
[% END %]
[%# *** Parameters *** %]
[% bug_ids_string = vis_bug_ids.join(',') %]
<h3><a name="params">Change Parameters</a></h3>
<form method="get" action="duplicates.cgi">
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="[% sortby %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="reverse" value="[% reverse %]" />
<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="[% bug_ids_string %]">
<td>When sorting or restricting,
work with:</td>
<input type="radio" name="sortvisible" id="entirelist" value="0"
[% "checked" IF NOT sortvisible %] />
<label for="entirelist">
entire list
<br />
<input type="radio" name="sortvisible" id="visiblelist" value="1"
[% "checked" IF sortvisible %] />
<label for="visiblelist">
currently visible list
<td rowspan="4" valign="top">Restrict to products:</td>
<td rowspan="4" valign="top">
<select name="product" size="5" multiple>
[% FOREACH p = products %]
<option name="[% p %]"
[% " selected" IF product == p %]>[% p %]</option>
[% END %]
<td>Max rows:</td>
<input size="4" name="maxrows" value="[% maxrows %]" />
<td>Change column is change in the last:</td>
<input size="4" name="changedsince" value="[% changedsince %]" /> days
<label for="openonly">
Open bugs only:
<input type="checkbox" name="openonly" id="openonly" value="1"
[% "checked" IF openonly %] />
<input type="submit" value="Change" />
<form method="post" action="buglist.cgi">
<input type="hidden" name="bug_id" value="[% bug_ids_string %]">
<input type="hidden" name="order" value="Reuse same sort as last time">
Or just give this to me as a <input type="submit" value="bug list">.
(Note: the order may not be the same.)
<hr />
<a name="explanation">What are "Most Frequently Reported Bugs"?</a>
The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which
are reported most frequently in recent builds of Mozilla. It is
automatically generated from the Bugzilla database every 24 hours, by
counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs.
This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing
the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla which in turn cuts down
on development time.
<b>How do I use this list?</b>
<li>Review the most frequent bugs list.</li>
<li>If problem is listed:</li>
<li>Click on Bug # link to confirm that you have found the same bug and
comment if you have additional information. Or move on with your testing
of the product.
<li>If problem not listed:</li>
<li>Go to the <a href="query.cgi">Bugzilla Search</a>
page to try and locate a similar bug that has already been written.</li>
<li>If you find your bug in Bugzilla, feel free to comment with any new or
additional data you may have.</li>
<li>If you cannot find your problem already documented in Bugzilla, go to
<a href="">Bugzilla
and post a new bug.</li>
[% INCLUDE global/footer %]
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